Name my magic team, Veeky Forums
Name my magic team, Veeky Forums
Battlefield earth.
One bull plan
If any of you are playing Temur, the GRU-Tan Clan
Otherwise "The Breakfast Brigade"
Geordi and The LaForges
Mesquite Smoke and the boiled potatoes.
It is broken, make it go.
Three watchwolf bloodmoon
That's the best I got I'm sorry
The Censer Slip
Team "oh wow, is that a black guy?"
How do people that fat and ugly go out in public? I legit feel sorry for the black guy needing to set next to those two.
Dark Chocolate and the Marshmallows
Dark Roast, Extra Cream.
Team Magic or
You guys are on to something
Black Rose and Two Cream Puffins ?
Uh-oh oreo
reverse oreo
MC Ride and the Death Grips
The S'mores.
Black Ice and the Snowmen
Beach party oath
>The Fab Flab
>Hefty Honchos
>Big Trouble
>Pound Town
>Weight Wreckers
>Really Big Guys (4 u)
>Hey hey hey
>Chomp Chums
>Fat Joke
Have yer pick.
Fat Joke is my favorite.
The Brotherhood of the Traveling Stacks
Or 'Snacks' for your obligatory Fat Joke
>Fat Joke
surely that should be Fat Racist Joke
Lumpy, Dumpy, and Stumpy.
Brotherhood of the Travelling Packs
The Farting Pig-Dogs.
Oh shit
Dr. Walrus and the Mermen
"Dirty Mike and the Trikes"
"Armpit, Cheeto, and Fart"
"Paint-peeling Stench"
"Slippery Rick and 2 Tons of Tricks"
"The Brunch Bunch"
One Killer, Two Fillers
You just had to make it racist, didn't you
inb4 thejoke.txt
Slobby Unwashed Corpulent Cunts
aka SUCC
Herbert and the Buffalo-Wings