What is your favorite basic land art?

What is your favorite basic land art?

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>in b4 THAT mountain

>a desert is a plains

It's going to be whatever John Avon did for Unstable... I can already tell.

In a world full of robots that don't need to grow food and can control the weather? It basically is. Just a nice orderly sandbox at a nice temperature.

How is that a plain?

That one, no joke. I snatch them up every time I see them.
Alara had some really great basics.

These. The fact that they exist almost makes me want to buy them for sheer cringe factor when I play them... there's also a Jace the Mind Sculptor like this.

Strap yourself in boys, and find me something cringeworthy... there's also good stuff too, like Altered Full-Arts:

I always really liked the Ravnica lands. Something about the combination of colors and architecture really appeals to me.

>"In geography, a plain is a flat, sweeping landmass that generally does not change much in elevation.

Jesus Christ. I can't imagine the mindset that somebody would have to get themself into, which would allow them to sleeve these and bring them to a LGS.

Really beautiful. Anybody got the island that just looks like Lady Fingers/Lost/Lord of the Flies/Castaway island?

I love running these in my Teysa deck. The ravnica lands are almost all great.

The foil version of this looks absurdly good.

Love me some Avon.

Has that art been spoiled yet?

>Lady Fingers

Outside of full-art lands this one. It's referenced in the art for the blue Leyline of Anticipation.

I'd like this in full-art, or better yet the old land frames. I'm not much for most old borders, but the pre-modern land frames and text boxes just work for me, especially when foiled.

Lorwyn megablock lands in general are pretty great, but the forest in the top right is probably my favorite.

I love this island. So wonderfully... odd.


>art direction will never be as good as it was lorwyn and before

Just kill me now. I'm so tired of everything looking like a shitty fantasy paperback.

Onslaught and Odyssey basics are perfect. Best frame, best art.

>Jesus Christ. I can't imagine the mindset that somebody would have to get themself into, which would allow them to sleeve these and bring them to a LGS.
The kind of neckbeard who just doesn't give a shit anymore. They have a body pillow and a sex toy modeled after their waifu.

They're the 'that guy' in all those threads.

my nikka

What mountain?

No, apparently there's some big surprise behind it, something they were going to do in Unhinged, but chickened out on, then decided to do it this time around.

Speculating on what that is...

1) We know they're going to be Full Art Lands done by John Avon, they're definitely going to take advantage of his level of detail and realism.

2) Something that they didn't consider back in 2004, but are definitely doing now.

My speculation, in all honesty? Tasteful, Panoramic, Landscape Nudes/pinups, like Pic-related, but full body.


As somewhat of a newfag what are some nice looking swamps?

I want them to have that feeling of death or decay without just being a gray blob or building with the brightness turned down.
Pic related.

Unhinged and Unglued Swamps are nice. I had a friend who was buying unwanted boxes of Unhinged for £30 each (because they're largely unplayable). The guy made a tidy profit just re-selling the lands.

didn't they do something similar in scars of mirrodin?

I remember Unhinged boxes being as low as $20 at one point. There was a big online retailer that was giving them away with large enough orders.

>Uncle Istvan isn't legendary
>somewhere out there is a forest full of crazy uncles with hatchets
also for a hermit he can really keep his hair and beard in good shape

First foil land I ever got, so it has a special place in my heart. Personally though, I find most of the lands to be awesome.

Zendikar 1s edition > innistrad 1s edition > Lorwyn > Alara > other

Pink mountains. Bought them because a complete set was super cheap on Ebay and matched the pink sleeves I got on clearance at my FLGS.

He olde basics are the best.

my oldest mtg card is an island so old, the tap symbol is still T


Urza lands are gorgeous.

These are also top-tier.

I still have a fat stack of these sitting in my land box. They're pretty neat.

Zendikar and I think Kamigawa too.

I probably could've chose a better forest, but I really wanted to include time spiral because I love its overall look so much.

That Swamp is my favorite Swamp.

best mountain coming through

I'm really not a fan of the time spiral lands. They're all too dark and come across as really same-y. They're not nice to look at, and their aesthetic is flat and lifeless (kind of the point, but still).

Real best mountain, stopping by

I agree with you my fedora friend

The entire Kamigawa cycle of lands is excellent. I have a set of foil Kamigawa mountains that I treasure.

>Mfw female sjw in my lgs is always complaining
10/10 buying right now

I also really dig the Amonkhet full arts.

>The cards don't even appear them
you are self publishing yourself in the wrong way

These were great. I've always had a soft spot for the flower and lilypad swamps.

Why don't they do shit like this anymore.

Look at the time spiral block.

Because they stopped commissioning good artists or putting effort into art direction when they realized they could get away with low-effort generic digital artwork.

I don't play magic, but this is neat.

Rebecca Guay Plains.

God I hope the lands for the next commander set look this nice.

If I use basic lands in constructed decks I always use Odyssey lands. The plains is my favourite though I think, it almost looks like a watercolor.

Mah nigga of impeccable taste. Shout out to all the Alara lands though, they're great flavor.

Its a John Avon but not a full art. The razor grass from original Mirrodin.

Kaladesh basic lands were preety good though. Much better than the average recent.

>korra is black mana
somehow that's the bit that offends me

Invasion forest 347

That would look really painful to move around in.

This is an image board you know. You could have easily posted the image instead of looking up the number.

It's okay if you're a robot.

The dark and lifeless look can work well for setting the theme of certain decks. Especially if you were splashing the color into a zombie deck or something. It's the same deal with Innistrad lands (which are pretty great IMO).

>We heard that you guys wanted us to reprint wasteland, so here are some waste lands.
>you can tap them to make anus mana.

I really liked the Innistrad lands, and I think they capture that dark, moody feel. I even like Urza swamps for the same effect.
Something about the Time Spiral lands just doesn't click.[/opinion]

pic related






What set is top row second from left from?

what swamp is that 3rd row down at the very end?
the one with the animal skeleton in it.

Ayacyn Restored
Portal Second Age.

>bottom right mountain
My dick.

I just want to curl up and go to sleep under the cliff face there.

That doesn't sound like an SJW man, that sounds like a normal person with modern sensibilities towards human decency.

i only use lands from this era
>old border
>great art
>giant mana symbol

my favorite land art of all time is this forest by alan pollack

If you think my tasteless nude r34 land alters are tacky then you are the enemy.

I wanted to get foil of these but they're nowhere. Made me sad.

Do the real cards have the pussies on the pussies, or is just for etsy?

Completely uncensored. Even on Etsy you can view the full art.

Show me the link, i don't find em

the artist is sakimichan i'm 99% sure. maybe search for her? no idea how etsy works though, just recognize the work.