Tax is literally welfare for the government because governments cannot run a profitable business.
tax and inflation are a good way of ensuring your labour force does not retire until they are no longer useful
no shit, government is the ultimate social program not a business
You could argue that even if people are allowed to accumulate large sums of money well before retirement age, most will not sit idly by and simply consume their money, becoming investors and contributing to early stage startups and research programs. They could also provide even more work for new laborers by creating businesses like construction companies and such.
I dunno
When I said welfre for the government, I didnt mean it literally pays for people's welfare dumbass.
i meant tax is literally like the government creating welfare for itself because it cannot survive otherwise. How ironic that they look down upon the unemployed who collect welfare, when their system collects their own.
Yeah... i got that. Im saying the government is the biggest social welfare program of them all. None of this should be a surprise to you. I'm not saying they arent hipocrites.
Oh okay, I misunderstood. I am australian so forgive me for my average national IQ levels being dropped because of the petrol sniffing aboriginees.
Well yeah. If they were good at whatever they do they wouldn't have to threaten to murder you in order to get your money.
Fuck the government.
Governments survive through monopolization (of security, justice and money production)
Monopolization causes ineffective management and resource squandering
In the free market the state would lose. We will see this happen in the future when crypto beats fiat and the state stops being able to tax and inflate.
They "protect" you with armies/police/health care in exchange for taxes, so more like a racket
It's not, it's just a modern version of raiding/looting.
Governments can create money from nothing - taxation isn't actually used anymore to fund things, it's literal sole purpose is to control the money supply I.e. Inflation.
This is what libetardians believe. Be happy your govt don’t charge you 28 fucking percent for cashing out your gains like they do here to fund wellfar for niggers
But don’t get me wrong. I wholeheartedly agree that lower and middle class people deserve a huge tax cut wherever one are in the world. Corporate tax should also stay low. Thing is, I’d happily pay 30% income tax if my personal income was $2-5 million, as what am I supposed to spend that on either way? CEOs don’t use their personal income to upgrade and expand their assets.
I’ve seen what happens when countries don’t spend tax money. 90’s and 2010-2016 Philippines is a prime example.
In my opinion, tax money should only be spent on infra, defense, quality education and subsidized healthcare for certain people. Social wellfare should be heavily cut down as it contributes to an unproductive society
Taxation is theft on threat of force for non-compliance.
Tax is fine if it is used for essential emergency services such as the police, fire and ambulances. Also, if it is used to protect the state via the millitary.
All other uses of tax should be abolished. They are the job of charities and industry to provide for. Welfare should be a charity so you know the neighbour you are giving/getting it from and road maintenance provided by car sellers for instance.
exceptions for welfare should be veterans etc but not pensions for state employees. the disabled by accident or from birth should be helped but not the sick nesseceraly. also, the disabled should be sterilised in some cases if is it passed on genetically. for the good of humanity.
stupid people should get no help especially people who have children they cant afford. contraception is cheap.
Mandatory sterilisation from birth wouldn't be a bad idea and you have to pay or contribute to society in some way to have yourself made fertile again but that would probably cause complications. hopefully, someday it will be a reality.
Basically, dont pay tax except to the military or ES and donate to charity if you want to help the individual. the government is there to protect the state and the collective not the individual. The state helps the individual by leaving them alone to live their lives while taking as little as possible from them. Women ruined this because they want to help everybody (politics is for protection not helping individuals!) and the greed and power hungry nature of men also ruined it.
>ITT: People who have never even read Republic yet.
you're all retards, if I dont have the freedom to make billion dollar trades while offloading the risk on taxpayers then what freedoms do I have??
What americans seem to forget is that not everyone is born with equal opportunity. Taxes should be low enough to incentivize hard work while also providing equal opportunity. You don't have an even playing field whatsoever; if you are born in a ghetto or get cancer without insurance your life is irrevokably fucked.
No welfare = shitty social mobility = crime/poverty
>taxation is theft
naive - you're genuinely an idiot if you unironically think no taxes would be a good thing.
governments CAN run profitable businesses, theres nothing stopping them.
tax has nothing to do with welfare directly
Nice double dubs but I mean tax privdes welfare for the government.
Like literally the government collects welfare for itself, to sustain itself, because they have no idea how to turn a profit to fund anything.
What's your point? Even if there's no difference between tax and welfare your conclusion doesn't lead to anything worthwhile. The state will still take your money and use it for whatever (be it positive or negative)
Tax could easily be created through monetary inflation without taxing the individual. Without it though how would you control the population's behavior and crush your enemies?
>If you think no taxes is good you are an idiot
Nice argument cool
>Hehe these guys didnt even read this book that I did read
>They're so stupid hehe
>Theft is fine as long as its only a little theft and as long as the thief buys you something with some of your stolen money that you want
How do you guys cope with these levels of intellectual inconsistency?
>if my personal income was $2-5 million, as what am I supposed to spend that on either way?
Holy cuck.
>If you think no taxes is good you are an idiot
law and order
now pitch me a realistic alternative to taxes - privatizing everything is not an answer I'll accept, because that's the reason so many of your citizens are already beyond fucked (lol at your health and education system)
Taxes are a way to make societies function; calling it theft is so fucking short sighted and idiotic, because 0 taxes would hurt 99% of the population
Who pay to scientifics groups in universities to do long term studies? Your mother? Coca-cola? You fucking cunt. The problem is not about the existence of taxs but more about how high they should be.