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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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You know, sex is actually a good cure for headaches.
Actually in my personal experience I've found that the release of endorphins of sex works very briefly, but post-coital it's worse because your pulse and blood pressure are up. Fucking migraines, man. Works wonders for a tension headache though.
Can confirm
Is that guy in the back Slendermans cooler cousin or something?
Are you saying that you and Crux tested it together?
I wonder if it would be possible to give a Symbiote (from the jump of the same name) to a ship for the purpose of allowing it to upgrade itself. Perhaps give them one while they are in a shipgirl form?
Anyone have any better ideas for giving a ship a symbiote or other method for self upgrade capabilities?
well played,
fuck you, but well played
Meh, I have Sajuuk crewed by LMDs running on Uru-powered arc reactors for the right balance of tech, magic, and stupid. So they're constantly following my blueprints and upgrading it.
Sonic Roboticizer or Duel Monsters - Shadow Realm Metalmorph.
Turn the symobiote into a machine to interface with other machines.
oh good, so its not just me.
But I thought our love was eternal!!
Is Sonic done? Can you post it if it's finished?
>fuck you
Considering the topic...
We have two sonic jumps already and another coming down the pipeline.
I meant Digger's sonic jump.
Yes...and No.
He made Sonic Classic
Archie Sonic (I believe that's what he is working on) is not done.
Thanks to NieR Automata, there's a perk for that
All the MtG talk some threads ago has me wondering, what's a great setting for an MtG Jump. Can anyone think of a non broken one?
Jump # 175 Showa Kamen Rider pt 2
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Background: Dummy Black (100)
*Ride like the wind (0)
*Fist of Fury (100, Discount)
*Child of the sun (300, Discount)
*Cyborg soldier level 3 (400)
*Danger Instinct (200, Discount)
*Light in the Darkness (200)
*Connected Continuity (+ 0)
*Priority Target (+ 300)
Somehow I was not surprised to find myself back on a motorcycle fighting for justice as a bug themed super hero. It was comforting in a way.
This time Golgom had found out about me and decided I would be the eternal king of their empire just as soon as they captured me and wiped out my memory.
I must admit I was shocked by their ruthlessness in doing so. They didn’t come after me. They didn’t even bother with people I knew. They had figured out a weakness of mine (as well as a berserk button) and took innocent bystanders hostage.
Despite my absurd power I couldn’t let innocent people be hurt because of me. They actually forced me to surrender. As much As I despise them they actually did something no one else had done.
My companions of course were under no such restraint as they freed me from Golgom. I had already taken apart Shocker my last time here and had plenty of friends who I had freed from them. So we gathered together and with all my resources we started going on the offensive tearing Golgom apart. I freed the “Shadow Moon” Kamen Rider with the help of his brother and we tore Golgom to pieces.
After that well I got to truly do what Kamen Rider was meant to do. I fought evil of all sorts and made the world a better place to live.
Thank you much, friend.
How can one mate by holding hands?
I need to be the bishie-est guy around. Where do I get perks for that?
I am sure there are better perks but Ouran High school actually has Bishi sparkles as a perk which should help.
Which perk?
Which Pokemon are you, /jc/? Did you pick a different species in Magical Pokemon Journey and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, or were you the same in each one?
Chimchar in PMD, and Arcanine in Magical Journey.
Same types, so I guess not much actually changed in reality.
I actually haven't gone through one of those yet, but it's definitely going to be a ghost pokemon.
I'm sorry, but I'm now assuming very knotty things given the lewd details another user's posted about their Arcanine and Jumper.
In PMD I chose Golurk because Golurk.
I mean, I don't even play or watch pokemon but it's a ghost golem that can learn flight. What's not to love?
I think there's a perk for that in Greek Myth.
Kill Your Heart
First off. Nice trips.
Secondly, absolutely no details are being disclosed henceforth. GOOD DAY.
Golurk is the best
Wow awesome, once again very nice work. Thank you.
Pidgey in PMD, since I have a bird theme going on. Not sure why Pidgey and not one of the other birds, but whatever.
Haven't gone to the other thing yet. Might go Spearow to double down on skyrat, if that's a thing. Haven't looked at the PDF desu
I used to do recolors like these in threads long past. Now I'm tempted by the idea of constantly making sure there is a suitable picture available for every build posted.
What would Xalatath look like as a human?
can you give me a yandere chan with black hair and red eyes?
I thought you were talking about having someone love you forever. Not having an easier time killing someone because of your relationship with them.
Speaking of Automata. If I'm going for more a Samurai/Ronin type. Who'd be best android waifu from Automata? My origin is an attack mode android.
I've fluffed it so that I was in a separate unit than A2, but like her I was only survivor of Pearl Harbour. While A2 & me are aware of one another, we tend not to comingle.
Other than Mage: the Awakening, where can I go to make my magic unaffected by anti-magic?
Which non-Valeria jumps are you most looking forward to?
Grand order. It's Nerofest right now.
>implying those are jumps worth looking forward to.
The Ar Nosurge Jump from Annette, though she's doing another jump apparently, I can wait!
Oh, and the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid jump I guess.
Well, I'm waiting for me to hurry up and finish lego videogames.
SWTOR and that recently announced Battlefront Jump by KOTOR.
Also the Clone Wars and KOTOR updates.
...Uh. I googled her and - Yandere Simulator, right? Most of her art seems to already depict her as this.
How do you use for the recolors?
I curious about what you use because of how fast you manage to do them.
I think her hair is supposed to be pink, but yeah that is pretty dark.
Make the shirt black?
if you can think of a way to exchange long protein strings, I should like to hear it!
Well, from my brief exposure to a digital photography class back in High School, Photoshop should have a tool for this, so logically GIMP would as well
When I go through those jumps imma be a motherfucking Spinda.
I don't even care if I spend the entire jump drunk off my ass, I wanna be one of these cute little guys.
Dark Souls, I am a huge fan of the series and I love it when new content like that comes out.
Night in the woods.
Hey look a Batman Beyond jump! That definitely wasn't posted last thread disguised as something else.
--Fixed a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes.
--Added an import option to the Personal Weapon.
--Removed the non-magical and non-biological costume import restrictions.
Are there any options in the chain that allows two or more existing starships to be merged together?
Photoshop 7.0
There is a tool literally called "Replace Color."
Now, the real trick is getting just the colors I want to change. For that I usually cut out all extras except for what I want. Then make a layer copy of that and edit the colors, while either keeping the original layer unchanged or I desaturate it. Then I edit the modified layer's...type? It doesn't have a name for it listed, but basically it adjusts the colors of the layers underneath it through this edit. I do this to help keep the detail.
Then I just merge it all together and save it as with a semi witty title.
You mean the Dark Souls 1 update by Nubee? Yep I'm looking forward to that too.
Did any of you other Ricks do the right thing and bring your Beth with you?
I think Arpeggio of Blue Steel has a perk that let's you merge ships together.
>acquiescing to shitposters
Play the game, her hair is black or at best dark purple.
Black Crusade, Generic ASMR, and (perpetually) 40k Orks.
Oh this is fantastic, I was expecting to need some import shenanigans but I can just combine my heavily imported battleship with the Asgerd reward from Dahak with one simple perk!
>Asgerd reward from Dahak
Literally just did that jump. What do you even use something like that for? Besides blowing up suns, I guess.
40K Tau when?
Rescue the Princess, Fate/Grand Order, Black Crusade.
>Black Crusade
I agree with Night in the Woods.
Night in the Woods, Black Crusade, the split Dark Souls.
Is there a perk that'll let me ditch the sunlight weakness from JJBA vampirism? Other than the Jorge Joestar perk.
No Sell from Tsukihime.
I think there is a daywalker perk in the Blade jump.
I think Blade has one? No Sell from Tsukihimay is the golden standard I've been working with though.
Fucking with nerds. That's no moon indeed.
A base for a mobile civilization and a massive fortress of "fuck anyone who tries to attack me". It would also be an overwhelming force in a spacefaring war, imagine a Black Crusade in 40K being greeted by a fucking Asgerd as they exit the eye of terror.
See? If this isn't proof the thread would rather Val leave, then what is?
Fuck off cunt. The more jump makers making quality jumps the better.
A reminder, the Asgerd class ships don't have anything to prevent them fucking up planets they end up orbiting. A sized-up Asgerd will disrupt planetary orbits and cause mass extinction events in a best-case scenario. A REALLY sized up Asgerd? It'll disrupt nearby stars.
Have fun with your ships!
I don't know if you need to account for gravitational effects when you have a structure that would tear itself apart just by existing.
This is why jumper class vessels should stay out of solar systems, or even do their work from other dimensions if necessary. Launching fighters and parasite battleships through portals into the the enemy's native dimension.
Still a really effective mobile base of operations. Also, are you 100% sure? I'm pretty sure someone mentioned that in canon, they have "gravitic compensators" or somesuch which allow them to pass by planets without fucking them up.
Question about making jumps, what does an origin need to have for it to cost 100/200cp would that price be fine if the origin had a few more perks than the other origins? Sorry if my question sparks more shitposting
Actually, no, the Imperium uses gravitics for sublight propulsion.
This includes screening gravity. In the book it is mentioned that having sabotague kill the power plants shut off the artificial gravity, which didn't mean NO gravity because of the size. Normally working gravitics does mean you have control of your gravity to keep from fucking stuff up.
So Dahak was just a lazy ass when he facilitated Earth's tides, then. Figures.
Eh, maybe. Usually they're priced differently because the origin alone provides tangible benefits, like a nifty alt-form or solid job. When it has more perks than the others the go-to solution is usually to just limit the discounts they receive to be in-line with the other origins.
The more emphasis you put into forced balancing and adding in random costs the more you end up screwing up the jump itself.
Orrrrr I can completely fail at reading comprehension. RIGHT.
We still love you bby.
Man, who would've thought there's so much good and interesting shit in Heaven's Lost Property? Like, goddamn, building for this is agonizing.
He was impersonating the Moon.
When he left for Birhat Earth actually had no moon for a while, just a gravitic drone keeping the tides going.
I'm pretty sure I've seen it be done like that somewhere, but I've also seem the background cost the same but only give you more potential discounts since only purchases up to however many perks other backgrounds get are discounted.
Usually backgrounds cost more if they have a tangible benefit by itself- being a politician or rich motherfucker in a dystopian setting when the other backgrounds are street trash and disposable muscle, or being a superpowered alien while everyone else is a regular human, to give an idea.
No, he was replacing earth's original moon which he threw into the sun. Once he left they had to build local gravity machines to keep everything stable.
*there'd be
Good job, Heavens.
You're welcome!
Protect this smile.
I don't suppose one could ask a favor-trade in having pic related modified to look more like a particular lady vampire.
I-if that isn't too much trouble.
Thanks. Also, question, if you don't mind:
>These Gates create permanent portals connecting between two locations you can access normally
By "access normally", do you mean that if you could get there without the gates, then you can build portals? Like, if I could travel between alternate worlds and such on my own power, I could build portals to allow others to?
Now I'm imagining a robot moon sneaking up on the moon, shanking it, and throwing it's body at the sun.
Basically. You just have to make the initial trip, then you can make a permanent portal network via the Gates. Might need some tinkering for dimension-hopping, but I doubt it's outside the realm of possibility for Synapse clarketech bullshit with some Jumper equations.