Bronze age art thread
Bronze age art thread
>Phrygian helmet on the ground
That aint bronze age nigga
same for those two also
I guessed OP just meant an antiquity thread.
It was the closest thing I had user believe it or not most people are aware a mag and a clip are different but sometimes they just don't care
Assuming that the elvish leadersgip lived during that era, what should be their behaivour and culture?
>believe it or not most people are aware a mag and a clip are different but sometimes they just don't care
Orders of magnitude worse than ignorance. Kill yourself, you lazy cunt.
Dispelling myths: good bronze (copper+tin) surpasses iron and it's easier to work with. The best bronze alloys can penetrate some steels:
>Greek Fantasy Tips and Resources
This deserves at least one bump.
That shield is fucking huge.
Is this based on an actual temple?
I'm not certain since I'm no history buff, but if I were to guess I'd say yeah. Here's a similar image. It's all very historical looking.
Temple of Zeus at Olympia.
I'd honestly be posting more but I don't know how to differentiate between late bronze and early iron and I'd sooner not flood the thread with badwrong art.
>it: it is the year 1000 ad
Ooga booga rocks of the coast
Does Bronze Age or Greek character art even exist? I want to play a Hoplite in my Pathfinder campaign but the art just isn't there.
They're all interpretations of the Great Statue of Zeus at Olympia. I say interpretations because neither the temple nor the statue survived. We can only guess what it looked like based on excavation and literary references.
okay autist
>with an ass' jaw I've made asses of them
>with an ass' jaw I've killed one thousand men
Fucking baller.
>My spear and magic helmet!
Semi-related bump.
Not Veeky Forums, but reminder that they're making a remastered version of Age of Empires. As my first video game, I'm pretty hyped.
Enjoying the thread friends.
Where did infantry-based armies of these times encounter horse archers and how did they deal with them?
I've asked /k/ how anyone countered horse archers and the only answer I got (repeatedly) was "guns."
/k/ has threads about ancient warfare so I guess they didn't know either.
The only people fielding horse archers as opposed to chariots were the steppe peoples, and they fought the Chinese who either lost to them or just overwhelmed them with sheer numbers of infantry.
When the Romans weren't being dumb they countered horse archers with fortifications. You just hide your soldiers behind a palisade and force the horsemen to go around you or just flee the field. The one thing cavalry-based armies like this are notoriously bad at is siege warfare. The mongols were so bad they just started forcing the Chinese do it for them whenever they came to a settlement.
/k/ only has one answer, and it is not going to help someone who do not have a handy supply of Sulfur, Potassium nitrate, and charcoal,,,
Bronze Age, not modern politicians.
>leather armlets
this triggers me
India apparently successfully held back horsefuckers for centuries by using massed archer-infantry. Turns out cavalry meant for quick (ie; unarmored) movement isn't very arrow-resistant themselves.
What game do these come from?
That was always my experience in Medieval 2.
Camel archers would repeatedly run around in their circle formation shooting arrows at the walls of Jerusalem before being crushed by a mangonel or slowly peppered to death by arrows and bolts
But its not like CA makes bad AI or anything
Google points here:
I gotchu
Guide to Glorantha for Runequest/Heroquest
Underrated post
>The Colossus has been completed in a far away land.
>*sad trumpet noise*
Fucking Huang.
Post pics of OPs mom.
>"bronze" age
Oh great it's one of those faggots. There is no such thing and never was.
Nah, just fuckin around. Think this is the closest I have though.
Fuck I didn't know the Roman Legions were actually led by total war ai
Last I got
Please elaborate?
Am I seeing this? Did that motherfucker have the tip of his dick posthumously capped with gold?
Yep. Afterlife bitches dig gold
In addition Brass is fairly easy to produce. The limiting factor for ancient civilizations was the difficulty in acquiring zinc as the largest deposits tended to be outside of most copper trade routes.
How is this even considered trolling? It's just really bad "pretending to be a retard"
That shield is smiling
Spear throwers?