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What did your character want to be when they leveled up?
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What did your character want to be when they leveled up?
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more swole, and of fluffier tail
Dead, hopefully.
>What did your character want to be when they leveled up?
Still playing.
A singer! Her cha oid trash, though. So she became a punchgirl.
Weeaboos killed Paizo.
I want to be a nosferatu wizard presiding over a necropolis and amassing an army of the dead
So I am thinking about my character. It's very difficult to function as a martial and be anything beyond middle aged. I was considering being a 64 year old cavalier knight.
Unfortunately that puts my stats at:
Where as when I am middle aged I hit:
One of these is clearly better. I'm having a tough time here.
>want to embark on adventures with lewd on the side
>only three possible lewdventures up
>two are blatant bamboozlings
>one isn't starting for a month
Why would you want to be an old fart?
If your DM forces age penalties on you for trying to flesh out a character concept, then he's a fucking shitter
Personally I'm fine with penalties since it makes sense, but I'd prefer it if it was an even -1 +1 to the relevant stats as opposed to the uptick in penalties physical stats get while mentals only go up by 1 every time.
I may or may not start Intrigue up earlier. Why not app and see what happens?
I'm considering it. Do you have an idea of the nonlewd/lewd ratio of it? Are you planning to run the game longterm, maybe into other adventures? Is House Karvane gonna be an author self-insert thing? Not taking the piss, just asking assuming you're Karvane.
A God Wizard. Ended up a ferret instead.
I mean, this campaign is the reason for my account name, not the other way around, and as far as I am aware House Karvane does not contain any big ulfen bards that I could possibly self-insert as, so no.
The game definitely is planned as long-term, and I have other adventures planned that connect to House Karvane itself and the plotline of Intrigue.
The lewd ratio is tricky, because it depends entirely on the preferences of the party. Some parts have a lewd bent at their base, of course, but those are the minority - and are usually fairly easy to skip over one way or another if undesired. While I'm not going to let things descend into constant blatant ERP territory (dangling futa penises in the middle of session etc), if players want to use seduction to curry favor with and win over male or female NPCs, well, I'm not gonna stop them, and I'm not gonna let them blueball anyone without consequences either :^)
Assuming a low lewd party, I would rate it as somewhere around minimum 2-3 Alexanders (out of 10). Assuming a high lewd party, we could peak at 7 or even 8 Alexanders, depending on how well the players use their talents for such things.
TL;DR - play for lewd, and lewd you shall receive.
>I mean, this campaign is the reason for my account name, not the other way around
Gonna be honest. I plan on playing a homosexual knight in his 50s in a marriage where it became obvious he enjoyed the company of men more than his wife some three decades prior. Warfare, wine, and soft nubile young boys, truly the chelaxian way.
You have two options: be middle aged or find a way to get a mental stat to hit and/or damage. Easiest option would be Divine Fighting Technique -> Way of the Shooting Star for Cha to HIt and Damage with a Starknife. You're locked into worshiping Desna though, so I suggest Daring Commando or Luring Cavalier.
That said though, regardless o how many Alexanders we PEAK at, I don't like lewd to be a constant thing. If it's an occasional or contextually fitting thing that comes up when such things fit into the situation, then I have no qualms at all about it - but if you walk around constantly reminding everyone of how lewd your outfit looks, or making eyes at every wench you see, then it gets tiring not just for me but for other people too. If there is no contrast to the norm, then there's nothing fun with it. It's a LOT more fun when it's the stoic and quiet paladin who tries to seduce the NPC, than when the loudmouthed Swashbuckler who always looks for a brothel first thing when he gets into town and who's already tried seducing 3 random NPCs does so again.
I have ran House Karvane-related things in the past, for my own group.
Hmm okay that explains the fourth letter of your nickname.
How about the first 3?
What class, race, stats, alignment and traits would have Cao Cao?
All of this sounds really good actually, exactly what I wanted, and the scale is nice too.
Lewd goings-on, lewd allowed, but not constant blatant ERP with futa elves running around all session is exactly the way to go imho. Lewds get boring if all you do is lewd.
Plus beyond lewds the campaign itself sounds intriguing :^) and I like Cheliax a lot and wish more stuff was done in it, and I like the houserules and chargen setup.
I very well may apply. If I can make a suggestion though try to keep in touch with applicants who've posted a while ago. Bamboozle games can be extremely disappointing and even if it's just been a week and someone hasn't heard back on their application they may figure it a jape and just quit.
That, my friend, would be telling :^)
Who knows, maybe we'll see a mysterious reviewanon pop up in the thread at some point :^)
>If there is no contrast to the norm, then there's nothing fun with it.
This is a big reason I don't like F-List and where most "mature themes and lewd activity but totally not always ERP guys!!!!1" game ideas fuck up at.
What's the WORST fighting style in 1pp right now?
and what's your BEST BUILD for it?
Or maybe you'll just end up as ignored as essentia
What do you want reviewed exactly?
Everybody's a critic.
Fabulously wealthy and feared by all
If I have the time for it, I may or may not do some reviews for Essentia myself!
I mean I wouldn't push for reviews on the Intrigue apps right now, seeing as many of them are still lazing aboutWIP for many of their parts. But anyone's welcome to help out! As for what parts I want to focus on, good question, but tone and motivations are just as important as style and length.
Something something Swashbuckler something something
>want to apply for intrigue
>"lewd as you make it" this is good
>but worry that ill either make a character too lewd and no one else goes with lewd
>or make a character too unlewd and everyone else goes with lewd
The best bet is to make a character who has potential for lewd/unlewd, but isn't crippled by either extreme too much. Take it as a challenge :^)
>tfw smol girls are not for lewd
>smol girls are not for lewd
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. Ever hear of shortstacks?
But what if a short is without the stack?
>HEIGHT/WEIGHT: Flower Nymphs are generally between 4'6" and 5'6" in height, and weigh between 110 and 170 pounds.
i'll just leave this here
Hey guys, I need your thoughts on a rule quibble I ran into trying to make a character.
So, I've been looking at the Occultist Panopolies from Psychic Anthology, specifically the Trappings of a Warrior. Now, for it's abilities it requires you to be wielding an Abjuration Implement that's a shield, however something has hitched in my mind. Now, one of the other items an Occultist can grab as an Abjuration Implement is a Cloak. There also exists the feat Dueling Cape Deed, which allows me to use and treat a wielded cloak as a buckler. So, would it be legal to use a Cloak Abjuration Implement, and gain access to the Panoply benefits with it by using this feat? Or does the Implement have to be a shield?
Then you're deliciously petite!
There's a mantle to ignore negative age penalties. You're not immortal, but you won't lose strength an you keep the mental stat boosts.
You know, I'm 6'0" and been described as average a few times, despite weighing 150 pounds. I can only imagine that sort of weight on a girl under five feet.
>deliciously petite
That is true enough at 27lbs and 2'10".
smol is not short though
you have to be at least dorf-sized to not be smol
>tfw literally anyone can pick me up and carry me around
Being smol is suffering.
>Frequency Played: Every Other Week
Are you set on this for Intrigue?
What's the livespan of an elf?
Assuming that's over hundreds or even thousands of years, what are the chances that they will get killed by accidents, murder, disease, poison, suicide, war, starvation etc long before their luck runs out. Everything that can happen eventually happens. Considering that, what would be the average life expectancy of an elf? How old would be most elves? How different would be the culture and ideas of the Old Ones who against all odds have lived the full lifespan?
It seems to be practically infinite with good enough healthcare.
Starfinder will canonically have lots of millenia-old elves who are so old they remember the world before the Gap.
Crossbows. You're down 5 levels into a fucking do-nothing class to get off the ground and perform at roughly the minimum level another style of weapon would place you, except that you also needed Rapid Reload in addition to the usual PBS and Precise Shot taxes, to enable taking other feats and for basically just attacking during any normal combat, respectively. It's so bad people think Bolt Ace is "problem solved" for the fighting style.
Strictly a GM call on that one. The reasoning is sound, however and offers some roleplay addition as well; but you would defintiely not be able to use the cloak as an implement shield type unless you were actually using the dueling cloak property of it - i.e. had it wrapped about your arm in buckler fashion.
Do that concept when you can afford the vest that lets you avoid penalties.
What would be the culture of a race whose members almost never dies of natural causes?
You're underweight by quite a bit..
I am thinking of using Starfinder rules to play normal fantasy Pathfinder
Depends. Elan life culture is literally based on being an adventurer forever, with the "I want to see, do, taste, experience everything I can eventually" being the quality they most look for in any potential Elan.
Lots of different funerary rites would be one aspect - different rituals for different kinds of deaths. They would revere older members of the race as incredibly wise and powerful, just because they've somehow survived so long, so 'wisdom of the elders' is a very potent cultural fixture.
True. I keep wanting to say one-handers because there's literally no gain over two-handing until you spend feats, but at least it fucking works before that point, just being slightly worse.
I am sure even if you can survive infinitely, you cannot remember infinitely
So the longer you live, more holes start showing up between important memories
Eventually they will be like ghosts because nothing makes sense to them anymore, they remember too much of the past to be natural in the present
They reserve their memories to only things they care about
So the wizard who only cares about magic will eventually become really powerful because he knows like 10000 years of wizardry, but has regressed to the point where he no longer knows anything else
Just 10000 years of magic filling his head
I personally think one-handers are underrated. I mean, they're certainly not good, but it's not really that bad to take a longsword and have the option to one-hand it over a greatsword. Just having a free hand sometimes is nice for preparing an alchemical before battle or being able to grab something without spending a move to stash it.
The fuck
You can hold a two-handed weapon in one hand, just not use it.
I am set on _no less_ than every other week. I may well throw in extra sessions - especially during Stage 1/Prologue - if spirits are high and I'm well prepared, assuming everyone is good schedulewise. I don't want to burn myself out, though.
If you're not attacking you can take one hand off of a two-hander. You can also do the same with a longsword - it's a free action to switch to two-handing that longsword as soon as you're done doing whatever.
Longswords in particular have one thing going and that's the fact that they actually have a trait (Sword Scion) that gives +1 on attack and on combat maneuvers with them. It's minor, but that is something traits really just don't do except for this one case. So if you want to be extra-accurate, longswords do that. Dueling swords too but fuck them.
Anyway that's a benefit of using a weapon from the one-handed category, that you're still able to and would prefer to two-hand.
I guess he'd have wanted to be a hero. Sword, armor, looking handsome and daring, all that jazz. If his wish were granted, he'd scale a tower, rescue some fair lady, and slay the beast keeping her captive.
But he's learned good and well that that's all impossible. The stars can't be changed.
A wizard. Like every Magus did.
Which book is that?
How much money/salary does the typical party needs per person? How much should they paid for job? How much money would you need for daily expenses?
>not being a wizard-in-training who only wanted to be a humble fighter the whole time
>I don't want to burn myself out, though.
Especially if the game has lewds you don't want too much of a good thing.
>i made this mistake when i tried to play 4 sessions straight of a nonlewd game with a friend when we picked up a new system
>we got tired of it by the third and agreed it was a burnout
>What did your character want to be when they leveled up?
Someone who knows what it's like to be loved
Except everything is extravagantly spacious from your perspective
I blame it on the depression.
Is it all but confirmed that CC and IG are bamboozles?
Just eat a pound of ground beef each day. Or use it to make some tacos or something.
Man, now I'm.hungry for some dank budget tacos. Like the one time I took some ground venison, put it in some tortillas, and just slaps some slices of provolone on that shit and threw it in the microwave. Man that was good
>When min-maxing is the only honorable thing to do for once
The book of SSDK Materials, my friend.
When does Intrigue start?
Anyone here like to play in the nude?
>tfw you're trying to Frankenstein a build, and suddenly the inspiration starts flowing
>tfw it's both crazy and flavorful as fuck
I don't care if it sucks, I'm having fun now! Just gotta decide how much I wanna invest in either it's combat or magical side. Leaning on combat though.
In a related note, are there any Cavalier Orders that work best for a character who is seeking penance for some care or failing? It's only a 1-2 level dip, so I don't need anything fancy
>crossbow fighter
>not Bolt Ace slinger
but why? do you enjoy suffering?
The app is a good start, but I'd implore you to expand more on the parts you're glossing over. Also, consider looking into the Knight Errant campaign trait if you want to start in a Martial faction.
>I'd implore you to expand more on the parts you're glossing over
And hey, crossbows can be very good! D-don't laugh at me!
might as well be a water balloon fighter
App close right now is 20 Aug, but I am expecting to cut that down by at least one week. The only main issue is that I need enough good apps to make a party out of - I have the material for most of the first Stage already. So get to work! :^) And of course, if you've already applied don't hesitate to throw me a PM if you're wondering about anything or want a personal review done. I'm not gonna hold your hands, but I can at least point you in the right direction. And there's no time like the present to start working on WIP backstories!
Uh... Order of the Penitent?
Crossbows can be good, yes, and Bolt Ace gunslinger is a very good way to make them good. You should honestly consider it if it even remotely fits your style.
And I'm talking about stuff like this passage:
>All of this cynicism and grim martial bravado covers up what could potentially be personal weakness and socially awkward mannerisms, maybe even a fragile ego, but that's only speculation. She of course wouldn't show such vulnerabilities, if they're true, which they're not, perhaps.
A bit too vague in all ways.
Nah, it honestly sucks, and is built far more like "Order of the Batman/cop"
I'm looking for something a bit more...edgier? For lack of a better term. Something for a character that in order to redeem themselves has become a vicious and inhuman machine of retribution.
I'm taking Nameless One as a feat, of that helps
>Crossbows can be good if you set 5 levels on fire for them!
Stop pretending this is okay. Crossbows can break even with a featureless full BAB warrior in this way. You don't compare to other classes who actually did things other than reach a pre-existing minimum with their levels and their many feats over you.
As a bolt ace, you get sweet, sweet 19-20x3, which is the best crit range in the game.
You also get deeds which are pretty neat.
laughing falcata.png
Yes, but falcatas don't hit touch AC at 100 range, do they?
I'm not saying it's exclusive to bolt aces. It's just pretty fucking rad.
Nothing like some good D&D&D
They also don't require you to throw away class levels and feats aside from EWP if you're dumb enough to not get it from another source.
I would literally rather take up throwing falcatas and lose a bunch of feats than start tossing unreasonable amount of levels out like cash at a strip club. Crossbows are not nearly sexy enough to justify it.
Crossbows are pretty swag with autoloaders from steelforge (which is, as far as I'm aware, legal in Intrigue), though.