So how would you stat this guy who's "/tv/'s guy?"
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Preferred Enemy: Women
I can only hope he continues to wrap up as many plot lines as possible before he gets killed off in some fashion.
Hope he does more over the top video game style entrances too.
Types: Elite (x2)
Powers: Futile & Knowing Laugh
Qualities: Sadist & Pirate
Roots: Ambition
Athletics 6
Affection 1
Cunning 8
Skill 4
Luck 4
Will 7
I assume this is a greyjoy?
Euron Greyjoy, who saved us from shitty lesbian sex scenes.
Plot device
Evil Overlord Pirate Ninja Wizard.
People still watches this shit? is as bad as the walking dead, is just shock value the show, with no regard to the plot and full of plotarmor characters, plot contrivances, plot holes. Naruto and Bleach are a master pieces compared
If the actor's to be believed, the Euron ride's not stopping here
The only character that has made this season watchable so far.
>a fucking whip
I want to die
Don't worry user, Euron saved us from sand shitters.
In the books all that piracy thing is just the firs layer. He has worked with the darkest of magic, obsesses over the Doom of Valyria, and collected ancient and forbidden artefacts of doom.
He will destroy Westeros in alliance with the White Walkers.
He likes to cut people's tongue off. The entire crew of his ship (The Silence) is made of mutes.
I always loved the utter stupidity of this retarded edgelord idea. Good luck fucking running a ship with a crew who can't call out or communicate loudly. I figure Martin's sole martime experience consists of pushing a rubber ducky in his bath,
No! This can't be happening!
Dany's supposed to be in charge here!
A Corvus being used. god damn. Someones been reading on cool ways to board ship.
Well they don't need tongues, he's a telepath.
>implying the fat man would fit in a bathtub
"I don't want the Drowned God. I AM the Drowned God."
>tfw the dragon will be killed by a fucking crossbow and not tamed by the magic horn
>not reading the leaks
What are you,a normie?
>lifting a fully grown and armoured woman that easy
What the fuck is this bullshit?
She's pretty short and only wearing leather chest piece
He's not a telepath, he doesn't need to be. His crew is a hivemind.
It's literally the plot of Hobbit
She's only wearing leather, user.
You could probably do it too, if you got Veeky Forums.
How much does she weigh you reckon?
lol do you even lift?
50-60 kg? Doable
There are three dragons user.
>Captain Misogyny curbstomps Raging Feminists
>Emasculated Male Ally runs away in fear
Dude's like /pol/'s wer dream
I know. I stopped watching Game of Cucks a while ago but when I saw this scene I was erect.
Well, Euron's a bigs guy.
No shit. It's implicit that dark magic is at work.
It is a little annoying that all the main characters are women, and that the guys keep getting fucked up. All the men are dickless, dwarves, maimed, or bastards... My only hope is that Jon Snow is secretly a Targyrian. And I mean that his daddy made an honest woman of Neds lil sis .
And while Euron is a massive psycho, it was satisfying as fuck watching those little bitchs get ganked, goddamn they're annoying. I didn't mind them so much but when they killed the King in the wheelchair and the two kids, that was just fucked up.
>My only hope is that Jon Snow is secretly a Targyrian. And I mean that his daddy made an honest woman of Neds lil sis .
>he hasn't read the leaks
No I've actually been watching the show. Plus can you trust leaks for this? I've been burned before... I started reading the books but its hard to find the time.
I mean, the books make it pretty obvious he's a Targaryen and Lyanna's son. The show makes it even more obvious.
I know he is, I'm asking if he's still a bastard though. Or do Tararyens, not give a fuck?
It doesn't matter if he is or not. He's already a king. Aegon the Conqueror could have been a bastard and it wouldn't have changed a damn thing.
If you really care, they might have had a secret wedding before he was born or something.
Fuck off showfag.
>they might have had a secret wedding before he was born or something.
Rhaegar was already married and polygamy was not legal. Maybe they'll have Daenerys legitimise Jon when she's Yass Queen Slay, but I doubt the show gives a single fuck about law or reason anymore and figure Jon being Rhaegar's son is good enough, despite the subject of bastards and their legal status being of huge importance in the early seasons.
I wouldn't really care about the show's deperatures from the plot of the books. What I take issue with is the show's own degeneration of its internal consistency, and the tendency to write out actors that carry the series in favour of inexperienced and quite frankly garbage actors like Emilia Clarke.
>polygamy was not legal
I dunno why the targaryens were allowed to keep incest but denied polygamy.
The law only matters when people care if it matters. Like Varys says, "power lies where men think it lies". He's already the KitN and will probably be in the books too without being legitimized.
Claims are claims, regardless of what the justification is.
Because monogamy was one of the cornerstones of Westerosi society. Incest doesn't really mess with social structure in the same way. Besides, I'm pretty sure the rest of Westeros was fine with marrying your cousins. Shit, we were kind of okay with it in Europe for the longest time; Ferdinand I of Austria's (reigned in the mid 1800s) parents were no less than DOUBLE first-cousins.
I miss the eyepatch.
I miss the Valaryan Steel Armor and his bigger collection of magic items.
I mainly just miss him being an evil wizard with quiet menace and huge ambitions. The guy in the show is too much like the show version of Ramsay. Just the same cocky but psychotically violent asshole.
>All the men are dickless, dwarves, maimed, or bastards
Similar to how war works in that world/real life, all the able fighting men go off and die, look whos left... then they die
Problem is time. They are bulding him up. First the pirate facade. But he has already shown hint of evil magic at work.
I'm going to post Euron memes
>Euron "if the cunt has a while hang her from the ship" Greyjoy
>Euron "if she don't like dick put her head on a stick" Greyjoy
>Euron "if she says 'yaas queen' take out her spleen" Greyjoy
>Euron "if it's got a womb put it in a tomb" Greyjoy
>Euron "Dykes on Pikes" Greyjoy
Hey, remember the DOOM OF VALYRIA?
Remember how the show has gone from "shit's cursed about a hundred times over" to "oh no it's totally fine, that's just where the Stone Men live?"
Why did DnD do this?
It was her turn!
I was so hyped for Euron.
The Dark Lord to rival Night King on Edginess. FUll plate Valyrian armor. Eyepatch. A silent flagship. Magical artifacts. Ties to summon Cthulhu. Instead he is a fat retarded biker/rocker who nearly drowned during crowning ceremony.
You could have taken captain harlock and made him evil.
Same. I wanted the fucking dark Lord of the deep, not Ramsay 2: Dead man's chest
this one is gold
That's the price we pay for Daario not dying his beard blue
Fuck, is GoT worth it again?
No. Every once in a while they'll shock you with something, but it's a pure dumpster fire
Oh thank God.
-10 HPs
legendary item:BIG COCK