So what do the Tau think about the Imperiums approach to technology?
So what do the Tau think about the Imperiums approach to technology?
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I dispatched a Culexus to ask but he's not back yet.
Backwards and laughable, I'm sure. But the Tau likely know very well that the Imperium's lost more knowledge than they've(the Tau) ever known.
They laugh and scorn at the gargoyles and holy scripture, until they realize protection against evil spirits is actually a mandatory feature.
Recent novel had them recover a missile with some crippled servitor like thing groaning inside
Needless to say they get to play the straightman to IoM barbarism
average Tau equipment is leagues above what average imperial gets
for example take a guardsman vs a fire warrior. Ain't even a contest.
However, when you get to high tier stuff, Tau can't even begin to comprehend the level that some human tech is on. Take warp travel. Tau STILL dont know how to navigate the warp, let alone understand some of the really crazy bionics, age rejuvenation, virus weapons, computer viruses, titans, voidcraft, and countless other weapons the Imperium has access to. Granted it's not a fair comparison since the Imperium doesn't really know how they work either, but it still counts.
It's honestly probably like how we view orks. Most of their stuff is laughably bad, but then some asshole mek with a personal forcefield projector and a gun that rips holes is the fabric of space and time to warp snotlings (or himself) into you shows up and all your last thought is is "how the fuck do these morons have access to this?"
Play fire warrior, they sort of just think the Imperium are a semi-primitive numberless hoard and work with what they get from the few heated diplomatic meetings they have. The Interex should've survived and joined them already, they'd be so relevant at that point.
>It's honestly probably like how we view orks.
That's a good comparison
I wonder how they view the Admech? So far in a straight fight the Skitarii have completely taken the Tau apart in Mont'ka, but they're so different in look and usually mission than the normal Guard and Marines I wonder if they think they're some kind of allied race who have better tech rather than just different humans.
Well really the Tau castes are closely related subspecies... they probably think the AdMech are a different "caste" of human.