I friend of mine can't help but like edgy things, and at the table always acts edgy, making rogues 24/7 and unironically liking Linkin Park.
Is there a way a-la-tg to cure him from edginess, like, in game?
Edginess, is there a way to cure it?
You are gonna need to show so more evidence of what you are talking about.
Rogues are cool and Linkin Park is a perfectly fine band.
"Hey man, I'd like to play the rogue for a session. Want to try being a bard?"
Do you play with Mark Millar?
Son, have you heard of Oathbreaker and Tyranny "Paladins"?
Rogue's aren't edgy. [Spoiler]They're usually jackasses though.
>Linkin Park
that's not edgy. like at all.
>Is there a way a-la-tg to cure him from edginess, like, in game?
1. Seek preacher who claims he can cure homosexuality.
2. Lay out your problems.
3. ???
4. Profit!
Be abrasive to smooth the edges
OP here
>Multiple options to interact with merchants, prisoners and common people
>Always threatening and showing off his blades
Speaking of blades
>Always, always dual wields weapons, be it swords or daggers
I'm the DM, that's why it's bothering me, he has been using the rogue for so long in his way that wherever he is and whatever he does he acts always the same way. It's becoming comical.
And he is too dumb stubborn to accept other possibilities like a bard.
Fortunately for me, he is not a jackass.
Unfortunately for me, the player is a raving atheist too and fedora tipping one at that.
>Whenever I make them meet for questgiving, quest rewards, or even simply talk to female npcs he goes full "m'lady".
>He even tips irl the bloody fedora he always has with him
Being a raging fedora kinda falls more into the "jackass" camp than the "edgelord" camp. Just sayin'.
Don't be an asshat and fucking tell him.
Your complaining is making me Numb, I might just Faint. It's time to start Breaking The Habit of unironicly shitposting about a guy who only plays his niche. Just let him play a Rogue and Leave Out All The Rest and there will be No More Sorrow. In The End, you might find that his attitude will improve with coaching and patience. With You helping him, he'll come One Step Closer to being a functioning individual that you will approve of because he'll lose all will and bow to your Points of Authority.
Hmm... play a couple one-offs of Ryuutama/Golden Sky Stories?
You use Call of Cthulhu or Tomb Of Horrors to fix Powergamers and Mary Sues by showing them some mortality rates. It stands to reason that a good light, happy, fluffy rpg would help them out of the edge mode... like giving Animal Crossing to a Try-Hard vidya-player.
Expose him to media that is very good but not edgy at all in an attempt to skew his tastes.
Threads complaining about "muh players are having fun wrong" are just crawling in my skin.
It's simple, without talking about the damage caused to your fun by him, these wounds, they will not heal.
OP here
>Multiple options to interact with merchants, prisoners and common people
>Always threatening and showing off his blades
Speaking of blades
>Always, always dual wields weapons, be it swords or daggers
I'm the DM, that's why it's bothering me, he has been using the rogue for so long in his way that wherever he is and whatever he does he acts always the same way. It's becoming comical.
And he is too dumb stubborn to accept other possibilities like a bard.
Fortunately for me, he is not a jackass.
Unfortunately for me, the player is a raving atheist too and fedora tipping one at that.
>Whenever I make them meet for questgiving, quest rewards, or even simply talk to female npcs he goes full "m'lady".
>He even tips irl the bloody fedora he always has with him
A fit punishment for my complaining, these puns are
>>Always threatening and showing off his blades
Do you normally give him what he wants when the threatens someone ?
How often do his threats make things worse ?
I'd suggest that you have him run into a few NPCs who aren't scared of him. NPCs who respond to his threats by being amused, telling him to fuck off, threatening him back or merchants who double the price every time he threatens them.
Or have word get around and NPCs who are scared of him go out of their way to avoid him.
I'm playing a paladin and I WANT to make her fall
Is that edgy
Punish him. Constantly. Those guys he threatened? Part of the gilded guild. Merchants blacklist the party, sends mercenaries after them if they continue to be a pest / deal with smugglers.
If they deal with smugglers, the law is going to be on their tail.
If he threatens smugglers they will hire assassins.
Some people like playing the same archetype every time. I don't really get it, but I have dealt with 2 players like this. One was always a burly man connected to nature (2 druids and a feral barbarian). The other only does fire magic. I dunno, just live and let live. Don't let it always be the correct answer every encounter, though.
Have you tried not playing D&D?
I'm playing a divine necromancer who wants to raise a daughter to make into a slaymate. Is that edgy?
Anyone got that picture of "everyone is sitting in a corner of the room alone"
Reminds me of the losers in this.
I'm the DM, that's why it's bothering me, he has been using the rogue for so long in his way that wherever he is and whatever he does he acts always the same way. It's becoming comical.
And he is too dumb stubborn to accept other possibilities like a bard.
Maybe he just doesn't like role-playing. I usually spam rouge-ish characters too because they are versatile skillmonkeys. Your guy just probably doesn't know how to role-play and why to role-play. Try playing something different from what you usually play, let this guy find the actual joy of playing different roles.
Whoops... forgot the green arrow.
>Unfortunately for me, the player is a raving atheist too and fedora tipping one at that.
>>Whenever I make them meet for questgiving, quest rewards, or even simply talk to female npcs he goes full "m'lady".
>>He even tips irl the bloody fedora he always has with him
This sounds more like someone who's just That Guy. I dunno how much you can change that just by trying to introduce him to new settings.
Play a couple sessions of a mini-campaign in a silly setting. (different ruleset may be required).
A few sessions of cheesy superheroes or Everyone is John might get the idea pot stirring.
Give him time. We all used to be edgy kids once, you grow out of it.
>Multiple options to interact with merchants, prisoners and common people
>Always threatening and showing off his blades
This may be indicative of his need to feel in control. It might be a power fantasy. Or he just might not know how to talk to people, it's completely possi...
>Whenever I make them meet for questgiving, quest rewards, or even simply talk to female npcs he goes full "m'lady".
>He even tips irl the bloody fedora he always has with him
Fuck, I fell for made up bullshit.
The only cure is time and opportunities to grow in real life. Figure out a way to shove him in the deep end of the social pool and let him sink or swim, and then watch as he either retreats from society or becomes a functional human being. If the first occurs then ditch him, he's proven he's a worthless waste of flesh.
>Always threatening and showing off his blades
Well, if he's only got points in intimidate and none in persuasion, he can be forgiven for approaching social situations by using the skill he's trained in. But if he's trying to intimidate even when it's pointless (brandishing a knife at a random peasant when asking for directions to the inn when there's no indication that the peasant won't just tell you) or inappropriate (brandishing a knife at the King's guard when you're refused an audience) then that's just dumb. It's still not edgy, though, unless he starts giving monologues about how the weak should perish, uses words like "sanguine" or any other purple prose while describing the color of blood, or casually talks about killing people for minor infractions.
God I used to have a player like that when I DM,d.
>finally arrive at secluded village during a snowstorm
>get invited into a house by a dwarf
>edgelord "I am going to stay outside because I have trust issues"
>climbs on top of roof
>passes climbing check with disadvantage (hope he'd fall and crack his head)
>gets ass blasted when he fails a CON check and gains a level of exahaustion
> you are literally sitting on top of a house in a blizzard in the dead of winter in the far north of or campaign world you faggot!
had a whole emo as fuck backstory for his tiefling. Eventually he toned down the wanton npc killing and edging once he'd found his place in the party and the mets group. Talking directly to the player yields infinitely better results than meta in game punishment (although teaching harsh sharp lessons that way does have its place.)
The picture I'm talking about must be based on that thanks.
Found it!
My god. That is good. Creasing myself here over here.
no, linkin park bad and u should feel bad.
Your'e asking if there's a cure for Autism.
There isn't.
If you're playing 5E dual wielding is the optimal melee option for rogues
Nothing can heal the scars of shame.
>If you're playing 5E dual wielding is the optimal melee option for rogues
No it's not. It's booming blade + disengage.
this it's just gold