What would be the worst Traitor Legion to be a slave under?
What would be the worst Traitor Legion to be a slave under?
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I'm an extreme germaphobe, so Death Guard.
All traitors are equally disgusting having betrayed the Imperium and rejecting the light of the emperor, I don't know how you could find anything else remotely close to as anything as horrible.
Iron warriors
Alpha legion would be the best, as they treat civilians better than 95% of loyalist traitor legions
The AL also needs regular humans to properly pull of infiltration, so they're probably the best option for being a slave under as you likely aren't viewed as disposable and are needed to be healthy.
Slaanesh, they're going to rape you, then defile your corpse, then snort your remains as they use your soul for who knows what until Slaanesh claims you and your soul knows eternal suffering in ecstasy as a thousand demons rip you apart for all eternity.
Khornates would just kill you, Nurgle would be sick until your sick too and at that point nothing matters. Tzeentchians would probably use you to summon demons, so eternal suffering.
Out of the non-cult legions the Iron Warriors would be the worst, Night Lords would be not too bad until they decided to kill you and Alpha Legion would be the best as they at least give you the choice of becoming an operative.
>Tzeentchians would probably use you to summon demons, so eternal suffering
Except the Thousands Sons run the most progressive and liberal society in the eye of terror. You can rise to through the ranks, even apprentice yourself to be a sorcerer proper.
Yeah it's gonna be pretty bad, you're gonna like it tho.
I don't know guys, it depends. You could get a duelist obsessed with perfection.
There is a chance of variation with slaanesh, it won't be pleasant but there is a chance.
The others don't have variation, Khorne probably won't kill you because his warriors care about fighting honorable opponents, tzeentch you have no idea what will happen to you.
Nurgle is just nurgle
>Khorne probably won't kill you because his warriors care about fighting honorable opponents
That's factually wrong.
Khorne won't kill you IMMEDIATELY because his warriors care about fighting honourable opponents for as long there are honourable opponents. When Khornate warriors run out of honourable opponents, they start killing the women, children and elderly. When those are all dead, the Khornate warriors turn on their allies. As in their Chaos slaves.
Let's take a look (Slave to the Darkness)
Black Legion: The origin of the Lost and the Damned, I can imagine living under the banner would be similiar to live like the warriors of chaos/monoglian horde. Life is brutal and short, but there is this chance of immortality. 4/10
Night Warrior: Have fun playing Jason Todd to their Batman 4/10
Alpha Legion: They DO train their human opertaives, but they also will brainwash you 8/10
Word Bearers: THE Chaos Legion attracts many cults, and I guess the physical needs are secondary to the spirituals 6/10
Iron Warriors: You are only flesh to them. 2/10
Emperor's Children: Not that bad surprisingly, if you take look at House Glaw, you can see that the can act civilized. Still, Slaanesh and Fabius Bile... 5/10
World Eaters: If you are good at killing you can rise the ranks otherwise you die. 3/10
Death Guard: Zombies, Zombies everywhere 1/10
Thousand Sons: A bunch of mutants and crazed sorcerers. 5/10
But Khorne is the god of honor, he actually cares about where the blood comes from.
If you surrender, and don't do so to a beserking berserker you probably will be safe because you aren't fighting.
Khorne isn't about mindless slaughter, the only instances of this are beserkers, who can't stop fighting when they are in the zone
Emperor's Children. Remember that they always were interested into tormenting/skullfucking the civilians.
Hell, the fucked themselves because they run of out slaves and preyed on the other traitor legions slaves.
It goes like this-
Any Nurgle (Space AIDS and human experiment fodder
Any Slaanesh (Hedonist fodder, and human experimentation, torture, rape, and teasing)
Undivided (Forced to praise all of chaos to the point of being whipped into mad praising frenzy just ot make the pain stop, bullied around, used as driving cattle, the works, effectively, being a slave under extreme theocratical tyranny with worser fates in mind if you're unluckier than you already are, with a chance at any other given fate._
Khorne, (used as blood sacrifice)
Tzeentch (Become a OHGODWTFBBQ of mutation, experimentation, and eternal soul torment and sufferring, lost of individuality through mutations and magic)
Khorne and Tzeentch are the least horrible.
Malal - Eaten Alive my a marine as they shitpost about fucking normies
Honestly it's not like imperial citizens aren't brainwashed.
The best fate for an imperial citizen is being enlisted by the AL
With Brainwashing I mean Brain Surgery. Yadda Yadda
I'd rather have brain surgery than be corrupted by chaos any day.
And being an operative means you have the strongest space marine legion behind you
Khorne cares about skulls and blood being shed. His whole deal is that anything else is just an excuse.
He does not give two shits. Blood of newborn is just as good as the blood of honorable warriors.
Read the overview section. You will find it enlightening
[Needs Citation]
Ironic as this sounds, it would be Iron Warriors. The fact that you have a Chaos legion that isn't dedicated to any god or worship, and use it more as a tool, you have these CSM treat their slaves worse than the cult legions do, simply out of what is most effective and efficient. You will be broken and mangled in horrific machines, burned in a mass sacrifice to keep their Forge running, have a melta bomb surgically implanted in you for a suicide charge, etc etc. Easily the most evil of the Chaos legions simply for their scientific mastering of War.
>Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows.
Why the fuck do you think Kharne "the Betrayer", is the ultimate mortal servant of Khorne?
Khorne is the god of strife, if the battle is completely one sided it doesn't do him much good.
If a bunch of Khorne worshippers killed a bunch of pacifist monks, well then they didn't garner much favor at all.
He would be displeased with them if there where people who would fight and his warriors choose he monks instead.
He accepts all blood, but the blood of a warrior is his favorite.
Word Bearers are pretty bad, you're burned through to build a monument, used as a sacrifice or just thrown into the first wave to shield the real marines.
Too bad that's all been rewritten in favor of HUR DUR SMASH AND KILL EVRYTHING FOR BLOOD AND SKULLS
We could have a cool faction of warriors that are like Klingons from Star Trek. Evil guys who thrive in bloodshed, but don't constantly kill everything to the point of stupidity and ridiculousness
they all pale!
"I joined Slambo's legion, and he only cut off seven of my limbs. 11/10. Would serve again" - Jimmy the heretic
This hasn't been so since the early 00's. Now he is nothing but "hurrdurr skullsbloodskullsblood".
>Too bad that's all been rewritten in favor of
Are you really trying to say that random slaughter hasn't been Khorne's main purview for his entire fucking publication history? Kharn has been a team killing jackass AND Khorne's favored son since at least third edition when I started playing.
what a guy
Warhammer Khorne was valued honor and shit in the early days. 40k was full bloodskull on the onset.
>Khorne's followers may feel they can justify their life of slaughter in any number of ways through honour, bravery or martial pride. However, the most fanatical of Khorne's worshippers know that he desires only wild slaughter in his name and that all else is meaningless artifice.
Well he is a beserker, they have a hard time stopping.
He is so minmaxed by mutation that he is almost always beserking
I find it stupid that Khorne has no upside, slaanesh strives towards perefection, tzeentch has hope, nurgle is a blast. But khorne has no upside, he's edger then reaper. I think he has to be a somewhat honorable war god, because then he has an upside
The upside is that he's not asking you for anything other than killing. There's no trick or deal, there's not even any particularly unpleasant mutation. You kill, you get favored. You don't kill, you don't get favored.
Khorne is simple and to the point and he won't dick you over out of nowhere.
Nurgle isn't going to betray you, slaanesh is about as likely to betray you as a person.
Tzeentch is the betrayer if you joined his side you are asking for it
Slaanesh is always going to ramp up the requirements until you turn your own arm into cocaine.
Nurgle is a betrayal from the start. You have to be depressed and despairing in the extreme to worship him and it's in his best interest to keep you that way.
That said, I'd say it would be worst to be a slave under the iron warriors.
Yea but nurgle basically thinks that becomeing one with everything is the key to happiness, he's kind of trying to make you happy.
Slaanesh wants you to reach perfection, and you know what they say about good things.
An excess of violence has left Khorne worshippers unable to live peacefully. The other chaos worshippers can kind of "retire"
As bad as the other gods are Khorne is the worst.
But what can I say I like the c'tan
>Yea but nurgle basically thinks that becomeing one with everything is the key to happiness, he's kind of trying to make you happy.
No, he's really not. Nurgle is the god of despair. He's not trying to make you happy. He's trying to make you think you can never be happy so you give into despair.
Does anyone know the name of the story about a slaaneshi champion that had a brother and sister as his slaves. He blinded one and cut out the tongue of the other so they could never communicate.
I thought that summed up how messed up the emperors children really are.
All of nurgles followers are happy because they accept despair, they have lowered their expectations to a degree that nothing bothers them anymore.
It's a bad happiness, but a happiness.
Khornates can find happiness and joy in battle, receiving greater bliss the more hectic the battle is. If there's one thing that is always freely available it's war. Khorne is the easiest god to find happiness with. And his rewards help you fight better and better battles. Imagine getting to ascend to darmonhood, fighting the greatest battles for all eternity. An amazing fate compared to Nurgle's self pity, Slaanesh's never good enough indulgence or Tzeentch's insane and pointless scheming that awaits other followers.
>Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption, and Grandfather Nurgle sows the seeds of that entropy with carefully brewed infections and epidemics. Yet despite this grim work he is not a morose or dolorous god. Life begets death, and in turn death gives birth to new life, in the form of pallid, wriggling things that crawl free from mouldering corpses. Thus, the Plague God sees himself as a benevolent fellow, and goes about his business with laughter and honest joy. He sees mortal souls not as things to be dominated and destroyed, but naïve children to be plied with flesh-rotting gifts, and thus enlightened as to the true wonder of disease and decay.
>There was precious little malice in the workings of Nurgle. Cruelty, yes, as life was cruel. Rapaciousness, even. But the horror of Nurgle was one of cosmic consideration. Khorne cared not from whence the blood flowed, but Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
-8th ED Nurgle lore
Read this. Does this make Nurgle seem like an evil being to you? I don't think so. He cares for us all. He really, genuinely cares for us and loves us truly. Unconditional love and tenderness fort all living things.
He's an abusive husband and your his bitch. Of course he wants to seem like he's doing good.
You've never been, or seen someone else, emotionally abused have you?
>Unconditional love and tenderness fort all living things.
And space AIDS, lots and lots of space AIDS.
Seriously, I don't understand how people argue thet siding with Nurgle is not getting the smelly end of the poop stick. Nurgles "love" is like the love of a psycho that abducts you, amputates your limbs, deafens you and rips out your tongue and keeps you in his hidden little basement horrordungeon. To "protect you from the outside world". Now imagine this little dungeon is cramped with every kind of living beeings, stuffed in there suffering the same fate as you. And all you have left are your eyes to see this. That is Nurgle
for the khorne and blood stuff, come on guys this has been done a thousand times, he has been the god of kill everything that moves since realm of chaos at least. As for OP question, i can't quote, but i feel like i read from an official source that world eaters were the worst, something like a guy hating on them because they treat them even worse then the others, but i am not sure.
Makes you cry
wouldn't Tzeentch be /pol/?
The Khorne is honorable meme needs to die already. IIRC it was mentioned once in a fucking Epic book. It wasn't even in slaves to darkness.
Weep manly tears for Slambo's ass. It is all things tight and hench. What bloodthirster could hope to wear the chain-mail yoga pants of the everchosen? None! But Slambo can
Those are just Slanesshi. Khornates feel nothing but rage and fury.
>A Khornate's Motivation
When you're pissed off nothing is more satisfying than letting out your frustration on something else. It isn't a healthy behavior, but Khorne enables. There's overlap with Slaanesh but I'd say the thrill of battle for battles sake and the satisfaction of momentarily sating your boundless fury by tearing into an enemy are squarely in Khorne's realm.
Fpbp.EC captured the most slaves,and still were running out faster than the others.
Night Lords. Most of them are shit but the Night Lords are literally batshit insane in the membrane. Because of Curze their all obsessed with flaying people alive, skinning their underlings of their flesh and wearing it in flail-flesh coats, and shit like that.
Alpha Legion would be pretty cool though.
Also thinking about it, has anyone else read Zou's Blood Gorgons? These guys are pretty decent with their serfs and slaves comparatively speaking by Chaos standards.
Maybe /bant/ because random
IW maybe. Or Plague Marines.
This. If you are an Alpha Legion operative they have actually fought to free them before. Or they may just kill you to silence you but at least it would be quick and clean.
What? They implant you with flesh worms that eat you if you get to far away and if your marine master dies they kill you.
Khorne and Slaanesh, as opposites, are inextricably linked. In trying to define themselves they will always define the other as well. This is why Khorne is so angry. He is hard gay for Slaanesh but is literally incapable of love.
It really depends on the Warband when it comes to the night lords. The band in the book wasn't actually that bad all things considered. It was no walk in the park, but they needed slaves because slaves were useful. A dead slave is a worthless slave.
>Khorne isn't about mindless slaughter
>Heretics actually believe this
Emperor's Children, because rape is terrible
>Best, in the short-term
Alpha Legion. They likely let you live a good mortal life... arguably one of the best available to humans in the 40k galaxy.
>Best, in the long term
Death Guard. If you're not the sort of exceptional one-in-a-billion who stands a decent chance of becoming a Daemon-Prince, there is nothing but quick soul-devouring followed by oblivion... except with Pappa Nurgle. Nurgle is the ONLY god in all of 40k to grant every single one of his followers a place in his daemonic court as an immortal plaguebearer.... and nurgle daemons are the only ones with a sense of humor so bonus points. No matter what you are special to Pappa Nurgle, whether you're great planetary governor, or a tiny microbe, or anything in-between: he's basically Mr Rogers but ugly.
>One in a billion
Big numbers are hard to conceptualize, but that would mean there 7 princes on this planet in this year alone. In 40k, 1 in a billion really isn't that rare.
So is he the Chaos equivalent of Sly Marbo? I hope they make a 40k version. Sly needs an arch-enemy.
You can be a traitor without having to fall to Chaos, I'd bet they're less insane than Chaos aligned ones
I dont under the idea that becoming a slave for the Alpha Legion would be anyway a nice experience. They go through painstaking lengths to remain secretive. If they don't immediately silence you, you would be locked in part of a ship doing labor until you can't work and are killed.
Sounds like being an imperial citizen.
Plus you have the added benefit of having upward mobility. If you show that you are worth keeping around they will make you an operative, they are too smart to not.