Is Alexander Anderson a good example of a paladin?
Is Alexander Anderson a good example of a paladin?
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Perfect example of a well-intended Lawful Evil Paladin
is Nathaniel Durand (I) a good example of a paladin?
is Oberstein a good example of a paladin?
>no armor
>no shields
>no swords
What's he do that lands him as lawful evil?
IIRC he was only terrible to Alucard and Alucard is kin of a demon (granted, I haven't touched Hellsing in years and I should have been asleep six hours ago).
He broke an ancient agreement between England and the Vatican when he killed two Hellsing agents for no reason other than to get a shot at fighting Alucard. During that hunt for a North-Irish vampire.
>no armour
> no shield
>no swords
His body is his armour. His faith is his sheild. And he carries unlimited fuck huge bayonets. Them's his swords.
He would also have no issue murdering protestants indiscrimonently for being heretics in his view
>He broke an ancient agreement
That doesn't sound very lawful to me.
He's LE because D&D's objective alignment good and evil is highly PC when it wants to be. This is the same series that let's Garl Glittergold get away with genocide, and another deity get away from teaching one of his followers a lesson by turning him into an ettin that represents his bad side as it kills 3 or five people even though what he did was minor in comparison to what his deity forced on him.
I mean, have you read the Guide to the Vistani or Kingdoms of Kalamar's Villian design handbook? Shit's fucked something fierce.
>FUCKING GOLD DRAGON DICTATOR THAT HAS SUCCESSFULLY MADE A KINGDOM UTOPIA guiding a kingdom that kindly pays it tribute for it's help, protection and guidance
>Is evil because it is interfering in human affairs and performing the oh-so unforgivable act of cultural appropriation
Not even joking, this is the only reason they could make this GOLD DRAGON out as a bad guy is because it's interfering
It also has !not king Pelinal in it, who is grade A hilarious.
A reminder that D&D is the same system that gives alignments to animals, and knows little to jack about animal ecology, often defaulting on stereotypes of said animal I.E Sharks of any kind, introduces slews of creatures that they don't figure out how to fit into ecosystems at all or just how much shit in a person's everyday life can get them killed, smited by a god, or attracting some sort of quick horrific end.
It's also the same game setting where logical independent choice, somehow have you turn into a soul-eating elder evil that no deity likes, and all deities get the last say in everything.
I've always seen it as it's presented, a world where everyone is controlled by an invisible culumative force that influences all behaviour and action under stereotype, with paragons that represent each of these forces, thus making uncreative stereotypes justifiable in context, and all because it keeps what is morrally grey or ammoral out, as a conceptual force.
>IIRC he was only terrible to Alucard and Alucard is kin of a demon
Also the ending of Hellsing strongly implies that vampires are not inherently monstrous or demonic because monsters don't cry, and Alucard cries three times, once in a dream (which made it easy to ignore), once when Anderson chose to become a monster instead of fighting Alucard as a man, and finally when he saw the sun and remembered his final moments as a human.
Which goes perfectly along with Seras' journey to remain the goody-two-shoes person she was as a human and accept her existence as a vampire.
There is nothing monstrous about being a vampire. All that matters is who you were, are and will become as a person.
Oberstein is Nietzsche's ubermensch.
God's Law supercedes mortal law.
This series is nonsensical garbage and you should feel bad for ever having enjoyed it
The Vatican did nothing wrong, burn the prods, holy war now
He might have been, but he threw it all way by becoming a monster.
On a different subject... just WHAT THE FUCK kind of alchemy do they have in the Hellsing universe?
Goddamn Alexander Anderson is a completely normal being, just doped up on mysterious Vatican alchemy. Alucard was bound and improved with alchemy. Seriously, what the fuck?
The Pope is God's deputy on Earth. Any agreement he enters is an agreement endorsed by God.
>Tfw playing an enlightened paladin
Your Armor is your body, your shield is your faith, your swords are your hands
Wait, Alucard saw the sun? Is this in the manga? How'd that end?
Aquaman is best paladin!
so he's a monk really.
well he is a priest after all. different side of the same coin
But they are
A monk?
He's a good example of a LE Paladin who gleefully and wrathfully fulfilled the letter of missions, indiscriminately killing those repellent to him and his faith. He falls at the last moment when he betrayed his morals and faith and gave up his humanity by using the nail.
Alucard implies that Anderson would have won if he hadn't done that.
Alucard can walk in sunlight (like during his Brazil trip), it just depowers him.
Nothing happened. Integra had lifted all of Alucard's seals, and thanks to all the alchemical upgrades put on Alucard, the Sun can't harm him anymore when all his seals are undone.
Anderson would still have died. Seras is pretty much Alucard's final FUCK YOU to anyone that would truly kill him.
Since she's a vampire that has never been a monster, she's truly unkillable.
I think a hero with the right tools could still defeat Alucard, he'd just be back.
Well, following Alucard fusing with Schrodinger there is absolutely NOTHING that can kill Alucard now.
Probably wouldn't need to kill him to defeat him. And catboy powers don't make him completely invincible from what I recall, just very complicated.
it makes him the walking embodiment of schrodingers cat. the only way he can die is if he wills himself out of existance.
Fusing with Schrodinger makes him completely invincible. He's everywhere and nowhere.
Zealot Barbarian
Yes, and no.
He's invincible to conventional means of death. However, Alucard had to forgo the millions of souls in order to exist in reality again. So if he fought a person, and or creature that could steal souls then Alucard would be screwed.
he mentions that he has now only one other person within him, which is Schrödinger. I think that implies that if he takes in another person, or a few too many, he'll have to take time to "take them out", in which I'd assume he could be vulnerable.
According to Alucard himself, the sun doesn't kill him, he just hates it.
>no issue murdering protestants indiscrimonently for being heretics
That makes him a hero, not a villain.
Abridged or unabridged?
That only assumes he's dumb enough to do that.
I love the old "Vampires shed weaknesses as they age" thing. Although Seras getting to skip that whole process because magic Drac blood feels like cheating. Or maybe the sun isn't deadly to vampires at all in Hellsing. Didn't the Valentine bros. walk around during the day no problem?
They were weird pseudo vampires to start with, so its hard to tell if they were actually affectable by it to start with.
The only outright vamps in hellsing, at least ultimate, are seras and alucard. The others are all weird psuedo-vampires.
Why is the Scorpion such a good example of a Lawful Good paladin?
>Although Seras getting to skip that whole process because magic Drac blood feels like cheating
She actually did not, she just had accelerated growth, I think there's a canon bit where Seras had her eyes burnt out by the sun, it's just a bit later on she outgrew that weakness
The frog was gay and alt-right.
Are you implying the Catholic church is Lawful Good? Because I've got some fucking news for you.
Then force feed him.
>He would also have no issue murdering protestants indiscrimonently for being heretics in his view
His break with the cardinal came from the cardinal indiscriminately killing protestants.
>I love the old "Vampires shed weaknesses as they age" thing.
Dracula has always been able to walk in sunlight. Read the fucking book by Bram Stoker.
Catholic Church IS lawful good tho
>it's a Veeky Forums reaches to the moon for a reason to sperg out during a good thread episode
Not quite true, the priest who wants to eat/rape Seras in the very beginning is also a true-vampire.
To be fair to them, they do plenty of good.
Yeah they let no boy pussy go virgin.
If anyone wanted to fuck some boipucci, they can go to another nation & pay to stay at someone's house or just become a step parent. The "wife's son" is suddenly an unfunny joke when uncle or step parent molestation enters the room. Really though, family molestation can be quite hidden.
>Playing an edition that has gameplay mechanics around alignment
He's a good example of a paladin, but not an example of a good paladin.
They were more cyborg than vampire though.
God also said that we shouldn't just ignore our laws for his sake
Anderson had no problem killing protestants while on a mission. He just had a problem with killing protestants when there were monsters to be killed instead. Remember, Anderson FIRST killed the North-Irish vampire, then killed the SAS soldiers under Hellsing command, assaulted Integra and tried to fight Alucard and Seras. In that order.
Maxwell spend more effort killing protestants than killing vampires, betraying the principles of Judas Iscariot.
Well I'm not sure if the capability to walk in the light of day has to do with Alucard's age or is the product of the scientific and magical upgrades the Hellsing House gave to him. I would assume that most of his nonsense power is from the latter... he isn't really a "vampire" anymore in the way they are understood. As seen by Anderson being so sure he'd killed him in their first encounter.
>or just how much shit in a person's everyday life can get them killed
Lvl 1 commoners can't farm for shit, yes. If a cat catches them in a thorny bush, they're fucking dead. It's no wonder that the first lvl quests are all about animal extermination.
Kaizoningen pls.
Michael Carpenter is a far superior paladin.
Who turned the priest?
I thought it was implied that he was another microchip-vampire.
>e, then killed the SAS soldiers under Hellsing command, assaulted Integra and tried to fight Alucard and Seras.
Hellsing are a pack of heathens for having a pair of fucking vampires in their organization. That's more than just 'being protestant'.
Lawful in the context of alignment doesn't have anything to do with the laws of the land or an organization, unless the characters own code is to uphold those laws.
Lawful in an alignment context is generally to maintain a personal code of rules/behavior/ethics
Yeah but only because everything else in that world is double chaotic and he's sort of comic relief lawful/awesome.
Same. I don't think there's ANY other true vampires other than Alucard/Seras because they're based off that thing that isn't him.
Only the Fae are double chaotic. The Denarians are chaotic evil, White Council is Lawful Evil or Neutral.
Most of the characters are associated hard with Fae courts by that point, or the crime lord guy, or general humans being human-chaotic. Even discounting denarians being denarians everything's pretty batshit by the time michael gets involved.
The white council's barely even a thing in practical terms, their job is to not get involved directly.
You mean Mina Harker. His love. It's a bit vague what happened to her, because she never became a true vampire, because she never drank any blood.
Microchip vampires wouldn't need to rape her to make her a ghoul. He was a true one who was unrelated to anything. Microchip vamps turn everything into ghouls including virgins.
Funny enough ALucard flat out said at one point that as far as spawn goes Seras was piss weak. Which makes me wonder just how much his older spawn developed compared to her.
>This is how I Paladin.
Seras was weak because:
1) her morality hindered her martial strength
2) she refused to drink blood, keeping her vampiric strength down
As soon as Seras drank Pip's blood, she gained true vampiric strength, and holding onto her human morality for all that time has truly made her the strongest vampire to ever exist...
Alucard is invincible because he fused with Schrodinger, and exists and does not exist simultaneously.
Seras is invincible because she's human - with the strength of a monster.
>White council in charge of not getting involved
Only where Dresden is concerned, because they neither like more trust him. They fight wars, they are not a neutral state (not like, say, the Archive) and they execute magical criminals.
The first anime had an handful, including a creepy little girl.
>I love the old "Vampires shed weaknesses as they age" thing.
I don't, I largely prefer the opposite: vampires gaining strength AND weaknesses as they grow older. The oldest vampires being terrifying freaks that have to follow weird and abstruse rules.
Well yes, if we just pull people from literally all of fiction I'm sure we'll eventually find someone who can kill Alucard, but functionally in universe, nothing can kill him.
Nobody in Hellsing is a good example of anything. You are absolutely not meant to use Hellsing as anything but a kicking rad way to see some hot anime violence. I know three people I've played with who take Hellsing as an inspiration for their characters, and every one of them have been awful players who get mad when they don't get their way.
This is actually how it works in Canon. A vampire ages and get's either a Salient Weakness or ability as it ages, ranging from extremely good, to beneficial, and even more of these if they're a baron or landowner of a small populace by a certain stage.
The worst cases are Salient weaknesses involving uncontrollable bloodlust, but if they play their cards right and make it to age 1000, becoming a Vampire Patriarch, they're roughly on footing with Demigods and possibly what comes after that stage on the Divine rank table, you're effectively, past Strahd's age, the D&D equivalent of a Dead Apostle Ancestor.
By 3.5's standards, doubling this up with the choice of vampirism, the Master Vampire and Lifedrinker Prestige classes, you've a vampire whose spawn are deployable epic-level threats, harder to turn, have innate spells, and more ability scores than normal, which can be bolstered even further with the available resources, next to the fact that you can make VTMB Ghouls and start an actual family bloodline to boot.
>Local "man"
Germans aren't human.
Kike detected
More importantly, Anderson killed ARMED people. He never in any point in the manga killed anyone that was completely defenseless.
I like the Legacy of Kain idea of vampires where they start mutating if they live long enough, to the point where some mutate adaptations to weakness, but they stop even resembling vampires anymore.
>Be a shitty organized religion
>Get called out for it
The Catholic Church was a mistake
I've always liked vampires as being kind of strange creatures personally. I've never really liked the weakness to sunlight being a major deal for all of them due to the original Dracula novel.
But I do like the idea of vampries growing stronger due to generation and age along with Legacy of kain style mutations over time. I've always tended to run them with all the above. Strange undead creatures that each have varying weaknesses depending on how old they are. How close they are to the first vampire, And how much they've overtime altered themselves using magic and mutations from living.
By what canon?
The Major could become a vampire himself if he would want to, but he refused.
Elite of Major's forces other than The Captain (a werewolf) and Schrodinger(' cat) could be vampires with less chip-based mean of turning, but it's really hard to tell.
The only thing that never made sense for me is that kain himself never actually evolved in all those millenia, just Raziel's brothers. Maybe it's because he obtained all his enhancements in BO1 through magic, plus I don't think he was ever weak to sunlight.
From Mutant Chronicles? Heck yes, Fucker is the light of mankind.
I was going to rebut this, but it's pretty much the truth. Awesome as some of the stuff is in HS, I don't think it's very good material to emulate in other settings.
I know its just a joke but ffs. Luther did not think the pope was wrong when he wrote up his thesies, he was not thumbing his nose at the papacy by dedicating the document to the pope. He thought the pope was mislead by others and would see the light of reason.
His brother Alexander is also a typical firebrand smite-at-any-cost type paladin.
They are the one true church mang. They had a couple of hundred years of schisms and religious wars to prove it.
The chips were just transmitters in the manga, they didn't turn people (that was made up for the TV show).
He's a rogue with the Holy Slayer kit user.