>Not buying the next OMG

Alright degenerates, listen closely. Want to make a quick 25-30x? There is a man named Vitalik Buterin. He created a little project called "ETHEREUM" you may have heard of it. It was my first ICO.

Since then - he's advised three projects -

OmiseGo (Market Cap - $1,521,852,413)
Kyber Network (Market Cap $350,975,639 USD)
WeTrust Platform (Market Cap - $53,008,402 USD)

WeTrust currently trades at .50 cents / 3980 satoshis. The coin supply is the same as OmiseGo, so it's very likely once their new marketing team starts in January (they already have a working product - public beta released december 15th) that the hype will be priced to OmiseGo levels (about 15 bucks - that's a 30x)

They have made some amazing progress building financial platforms for the developing world - there's rumours of a parternship with the gates foundation, too (Pic of george li - bill gates)

Do what you want with this info, my bags are LOADED.

PoV (Proof of Vitalik)


Other urls found in this thread:



Should I out €50k into it?

What is wetrust

A decentralised platform for financial products. Working with gates foundation. they literally build products for pajeets.


>he doesnt want to take a cut of pajeets streetshit money

mmmm wet rust

>tfw no software engineer qt gf

OP dropped his bags haha

hello Jacob.


both posted half an hour ago, keeeeek

Haha OP eternally butrekt


Vitalik didn't create shit. It was Chen who wrote the code and is now working on skycoin.

OP is a confirmed facebook pajeet

You shilling faggot.

Dude this is not a rumour. Gates foundation is connected to wetrust. You can see it at their whitepaper.

skycoin anygood? getting out of my price range

read the whitepaper PAJEETS


l0l op has gone quiet hahaahhaah


still here, facebook is fake name + private so not an issue.


>this damage control

oh deary me what have you done OP rofl

Priced doesn't mean shit man. Market cap

I beg to differ, Jacob.

which damage is there to control? what's the different between posting here or on Facebook?

must be new

Fuck you look gross.

lmao. OP is on steroids btw. tsk tsk, getting your daily deca + tren OP? : )

this is fucking disgusting

it looks like the average member of the crypto australia jewbook page. fuckin normies everywhere. it was never the /pol/tards or the stinky pajeets that ruined this board, it was these cunts

god damnit Jacob

Awww snowflake show me where he triggered u

Op just tell me what exchange this coin is on, and it better not only be on ED only because fuck using that shit amymore

>OP is a manlet, and an ugly manlet at that, KYS op, this isn't a place for basic bitch-tier normie faggots like yourself.

you look like you scream at your gf in public op

also, never forget leg day

LOLLLL romano gonna hack OP sorrry boysssss

I won't even call you a newfag, the newfags have been here for 10 years now. You're just normie trash, get out of our sekrit club reeeee

look at this fucking degenerate, you look disgusting op

I @lmao at your life

OP may be an ugly trollface lookin motherfucker with short as fuck T-Rex arms but

checked, but pardon, triggered? the fuck are you on about you retard. No one triggered here you little cuck. Get off your mobile Jacob, we know you're just doing it to hide your ID.

I also love how you've angled your faggy self at the most flattering angle where the light exaggerates your form, i bet you took 30+ photos before selecting that one. You may as well be a dog-filter posting woman, it's essentially the same thing. Faggot.

manlets btfo, how will they ever recover?


>we plan to
>partnering with..will
That is there hope doofus, they aren’t partnered with the gates foundation. They don’t have a partnership or they wouldn’t be speaking in the future tense like the deal hasn’t happen.

Top 40 kek

well this backfired

in time will see, don't expect trst to explode overnight .This is a project that needs time,so look at other direction you fucking moonboys.

Is it even possible to look that shitty when on roids

Was wondering this morning why the coin was mooning so hard. Wish you fucking retards would kindly fuck off and die. You fags give crypto a bad name trying to just make a quick buck.

This project is literally taking on the banksters worldwide. This shit is going to be bigger than Ethereum.

Will Jacob ever recover?

Holy shit you’re a crul bro. No late and no legs. I’m showing Veeky Forums

Seriously consider kys

My sister looks taller thank you and she’s 15

Yuan Tu
Software Engineer

"Yuan is a software engineer who specializes in full-stack web development. She pays close attention to performance and optimization. She loves playing around with various technologies and frameworks. Yuan holds a master degree in Computer Engineering from UC Irvine."

Nigger, just tell me if I can throw my mining rig to this shitcoin.

WE don't TRUST you!

>No delts
>no forearms
>just fatceps
>child bearing hips

you guys are savage
but lesson learned OP dont shit where you eat, in fact should probably just delete facebook along with all mirror selfies

i feel bad for OP, all he wanted to do was shill a shitty coin

He deserves it for having a Facebook.