Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

What the fuck is a wheat edition

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Abaddon's work)

First for the emporah

Can someone post the procedure user used to convert the epubs to pdfs? I forgot to save it.

I can't find the Redeye font anywhere and the epubs mangle them and make them unusable.


Would Guard players mind looking over my 750 point list? I'm new to list building.

Commissar Yarrick (130 points)
Company Commander w/ Boltgun (31 points)
Conscripts x50 (150 points)
Infantry Squad w/ Lascannon, Plasmagun, and Boltgun on Sgt. (68 points)
Command Squad w/ 4xMeltagun (72 points)
[Heavy Supports]
Cyclops Demolition Vehicle x3 (120 points)
Valkyrie w/ 2x Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, 2x Rocket Pods ( 177 points)

Can't choose my army.
dubs choose for me

GK chaplain maybe ?

My little pony marines

Death Guard

What do the words on the cards say? Just curious

Welcome to the fold Archon!

Dark eldar are in a weird place. Like, 10 kabalites with rifles are more effective per point than 10 with 8 rifles and a cannon and shredder.

>Every note is the exact same shape.

Nurgle 7 is blessed.


There is only one choice

I'm playing Blood Angels. I want a stormraven, with a dreadnought inside. Should I take a Death Company dreadnought, or a redemptor chadnought ?

The first is 232 pts, more fragile, but stronger up close.

The second is 202 pts, sturdier and shootier.

The blood blood crusade.

It rekt a bunch of shit, except for two occasions, one of which was noted to be at Octarius. What do you think the other occasion was and when will it be revealed?

Apparently Tomb Worlds, Forge Worlds, and Imperial Worlds fell, so it fucked up admech/necrons/Imperial fodder. Didn't mention Eldar at all and there are no relevant SM worlds likely invaded unless Baal got fucked again, hm...

The army you like the models of the most.

I hate how that guy draws faces. The same soulless "pretty" girl.

Reposting from last thread: Southern Vermonter here, anyone in the Albany, NY or Western MA area up for a game this weekend? It would be my first time playing 8th, and would be pretty small.

Download calibre
Select ebook
convert to pdf or whatever you want

Rogue Trader with DE allies.

Yea. It was just the first one I had. The rest of the art is good, but the face is very "not actually a hardened warrior fanatic"

Sigmar scenery probably

Farsight Enclaves

Deathwatch, to purge the xeno scum

Don't lose hope. There are some fascist subhumans infesting the community, but they are a minority.

I'm a part of an LGS here in Wisconsin and I know of at least 3 others apart from mine that have kicked out several alt-right neckbeards over the last 5 years.

Most people don't care about politics, but we don't tolerate scum who think America should be an ethnostate or other poisonous ideologies.

Just come in and have fun. 40k community is much more civil and friendly than say, the Magic the Gathering.

Fucked if I know, I don't read moonrunes

Reposting from last thread: Southern Vermonter here, anyone in the Albany, NY or Western MA area up for a game this weekend? It would be my first time playing since 5th, and would be pretty small.


Wow, so simple. It's not like I haven't tried that 8 times and calibre crashes every time! /s

How south are you in Wisconsin?

Space sharks are for you. Your welcome.

Reposting from last thread: Southern Vermonter here, anyone in the Albany, NY or Western MA area up for a game this weekend? It would be my first time playing since 5th, and would be pretty small.

>Black Templar Castellan/Lieutenant with a 9" aura of rerolling 1s to wound

Fuck yeah, I love this edition.




Does this count ? It is thirty six twice.


Is there a way to make the chin turret of the storm talon less derpy looking?

>tyberos helmet on a random intercessor
fucking why

Alright champ'

How good is he on the battlefield ?

Thanks for the response. What's the standard size for pickup games there? And what's the meta like? Uber-competive, narrative focused or what?




plenty of people responded to you last night

Winner winner chicken dinner

Keep us updated on the build! Raven guard tactics are best for them until codex changes their custom one in. Also your gonna need som termies lots of termies.


GW has updated some of their stock, the shit I want is STILL out of stock, been waiting for a month to get a cryptech.

So psykers can use as many of their powers as they want per pschyic phase but only once.
So all my buff plaguecasters can also cast smite, it's just about risking perils eh
Well he's a lord of war

Welcome to the void, brother!

eBay scalpers may have gouged ya.

Implying pretty women have souls

>All Dark Angels are Gay

I know the Lionel Johnson poet thing, but what other inside jokes are there about this?

Also, is there *ANY* lore mention of them being gay? Just curious

Basilisks have been sold out for fucking months.

Well duh, it's how the STC printer churns them out.

People buy the resin cryptek? I always assumed everyone converted them out of lychguard with a deathmark head.

Did you set it so they'll email you when it comes out, that makes them cast more

Your image answers it all user.

Repostan from ded thred
>Autistic orks btfo

Lore mentions
>excessive use of oil for blessing the body
>dedicated showers and not turbo vats of cleansing
>dark angels took .1 minute longer to deploy drop pods once in range of targets
Speaks for itself really

I have a spare Rhino, I will begin whit it ! After that, I have to buy stuff.
Thx for the tip btw

no they can only attempt to cast as many powers as written on their profile

a plaguecaster knows 2 powers from the death guard discipline and smite
he can only attempt to cast 2 powers each turn however

>why are they still using A4 in the same format along with RH1N0 formating

he is a fucking beast but expensive as fuck.

In my last game he took alone a predator in one turn.

isnt the rock named after a gayclub ?

If we're gonna call a single die a "dice", can we then start calling multiple dice "dices"?

Fuck off back to /pol/, there's nothing wrong with being gay. Space Marines aren't even allowed to father children or marry women, so it's likely that a lot of them have turned gay.

Makes sense with all the brotherhoods around. That Power Fist has to be used regularly between deployments to keep it in working order.

That's just someone being retarded. Of course it literally means a single die.

Good evening, someone has the 8th SM codex?

Space marines don't have any emotions or desires beyond fighting in the name of the Emperor against the Chaos and Xenos threats. Marines don't fuck women or men, it's pretty clear in the lore.

If the primarch was gay that's really irrelevant to the chapter as a whole currently. They cleansed that shit

So when my airbrush comes in I'm going to paint a manlets or two for practice, but then start my second force of new meme marines.
Should I pick obscure X-founding chapter with cool color scheme and little to no lore?
Some semi obscure chapter that has a book or story or two and are probably the author's self insert unbeatable badass marines?
Or is it patrician enough to come up with my own name/scheme so no one can fuck them up but me?
Are there any examples of marines that roll around and do scouting expeditions of deathworld/feralworlds before anyone else shows up to terraform+build cathedrals?

That's literally the image user

>nothing wrong
>become gay
>not pol
>flesh testers didn't rape civilians
Clearly a falseflag who knows less than Jon snow


SW don't seem to have any trouble.

So what's the best Baneblade variant at the moment? I love the look of the Stormlord but its stats seem pretty meh.

>you will see vostoryan plastics in your lifetime

Post plx

Good, they're still metal.

shadowsword is legit, otherwise macharius vulcan

yeah and obviously i didnt bother to read it since i am to busy/stupid to do that

Thank god, they would ruin them

Uh Raptors (reasonable marines)?

stormlord's pretty good if you got something worthwile inside of it
if you just want it's gun get a macharius
shadowsword's pretty great at killing big stuff to
other than that nothing really jumps out
they really suffer from not ignoring heavy
wouldn't count on it , they didn't even get any of their oop models back during the IG made to order week

Fantastic! Happy modeling friendo.

Battle janitors, space bugs, or mindfuck daemons? Dubs decides.

Battle janitors
Don't know what that is though

Mind fuck daemons

Khorne daemons. Hordes of bloodletters and Bloodthirsters

Dick daemons errytime

Tzeentch has spoken.


How should I kit my carnifex?

My nigga, would've already gone for raptors if my marines weren't doing battle against deathworld forest Necrons. (As played by my cat)
I figure their schemes would be too similar and not look as good on the table.
I guess that's a good question, what would be a good contrast to the olive drab, so that they'd stand out against their enemies?

What's great about the macharius, if you don't mind me asking?

battle janitors
whatever those may be

Dub dubs confirms