Warhammer 40k:HBO TV show

HBO will want to do something SIFI once West World ends, as well as Game of Thrones.
Would a Series about a campaign far far away from major story areas about Guardsmen, some Space Marines, Commissars, and the Inquisition vs a Chaos Insertions with a Corrupt Inquisitioners and Corrupted Space Marines that believe that have Chaos under their control and are not their puppets.
> TL;DR a T.V show that shows that war is hell in the future
> No side is right, No side is truly wrong,
> Everything is Grim Dark, but the posters on the hive walls are parodies of what the gaurds really like\ the hive as a whole
> Eldar can be in it, but make them out for themselves but they kinda aren't wrong
> Before the Universe Stops and Girlyman Returns, but within 10 years of 41,999.9999999 Millennium

Fuck THAT noise, where's my Horus Heresy bishonen animu

>hbo does 40k
Well you would finally get female space marines, i guarantee that

> Well you would finally get female space marines, i guarantee that
Nah lesbian sister of battle no one On \tg will say shit

> where's my Horus Heresy bishonen animu
you know exactly where, in the basement buried under 50 /tg approved body pillows

Twins they were

Needs WAY more Admech. You want War Is Hell, toss some Skittles in there and enjoy the grimdark. Rangers, Kastys, Electro-priests and Tech-priests only, of course, Vanguard, Dunecrawlers, Sicarians and Ironstriders are possibly a little TOO far the other way for a TV show.

I would also ask for no Space Marines, or only see them very briefly or from afar/hearsay. Their plot armour levels are too damned high to get good TV out of them, especially since a TV show will have to introduce the boring vanilla chapters and do the whole "angels of death" spiel. The odd CSM,.maybe, but not Loyalists.

> Needs WAY more Admech. You want War Is Hell, toss some Skittles in there and enjoy the grimdark. Rangers, Kastys, Electro-priests and Tech-priests only, of course, Vanguard, Dunecrawlers, Sicarians and Ironstriders are possibly a little TOO far the other way for a TV show.
with no CGI they could do it but make up and costuming would be hell so maybe in 1 one battle on a forge world. For space marines they could do non-canon chapters, and make space marine Armor so know CGI

>More Admech
Yes. But focus on the liaisons that still appear human and leak in the stuff about how far the Admech have drifted from humanity. HBO eats that shit up.

>Space Marines
They are the Deus ex Machina. Like the Dragons in GoT, they're kind of there...until they show up and go sickhouse in a major battle, gory chainsaws, explosive bolts, lost limbs and all. They're such a strong part of the brand that they need to be there, but have them make an impact and dont let the audience get numb to what they are.

Maybe the guard have a Captain in audience to their commander. He's the only marine the audience sees for 3/4 of the show before the commander gives in and admits that he can't do it alone.

I really like the idea of the Eldar being right the whole time while being such assholes about it that no one wants to listen.

Chaos. War for the soul of humanity, etc.

>HBO will want to do something SIFI once West World ends, as well as Game of Thrones.
You do realize that HBO has already licensed The Foundation series, right?

I kind of want necrons and tyranids to be enemys but more on the "what the fuck was that" style. A platoon move out only for them to be dog fucked by a shimmering skeletion but one guy and the rest of the serious he keeps seeing things close to what he fought. You know a world he's sent to for heretic cleaning but after following a group underground he finds a pile of ash and hears the sound of the gun from before. Like that level horror that is in the back of your mind but you are to business to even give the thought form.

Why no CGI? Seems an odd requirement, and it's not like a Skittle costume would be much more expensive than a suit of Marine armour. Use the "six billoo different types of Skitarii" thing in the Skittle Codex to change the legs to a shape that can actually fit an actor's legs inside and it's just a full-body armour suit with a red robe/rubber coat.

Yeah, the Marines are season climax material. RE: Skitarii, I would suggest bringing in an Executor Fetial from a War Cohort or Tlegion, they look relatively human and are used for Admech/fleshbag relations, but for all that and their politeness they are still augmented to fuck under the skin, have Princeps-grade data processing augments and are armed and trained for combat.
He could be one of the command staff most of the time, or some kind of Field VIP for the soldiers to protect, but when the shooting starts he wraps an extra mechadendrite around his axe, draws his "ceremonial antique pistol" (Phosphor Blast Pistol, probably) and starts slicing his way through along with the Commissar and/or the SM Cap, since a Magos with Hyperaction Protocols fully engaged is a melee monstrosity even if he can't really do anything else but exult in violence for a while there.
Alternatively, have him step up and start commanding a battle seamlessly after the death of the previous officers.

You know, generally have him minor in asskicking in addition to being a diplomat.

Do you people want normies to ruin our hobby or something? Let 40k stay a niche thing please. RPG are already getting more shit and thats just with twitch.

then it will die, once we die

I like this. I can already see an episode ending with a scene of him opening his face to make adjustments. Eventually seeing a princeps in full amniotic chamber and plugged in would be nice too.

>using the term normies
This is why it gets set somewhere in the galaxy off the beaten path. Everything else can stay the same, but I'm willing to give up one fucking star in the entire galaxy so that I can see WWI in space become even more horrifying when the heroes show up.

Go gatekeep somewhere else.

I want Squats. Is Tony still alive?

idk maybe, again up to HBO they could do it

That is a horrifically ironic reaction image, given that Malcador DID canonically advocate for female primarchs.

Cinemax would be a better fit than HBO

>tfw would love to see HBO try to do a 40K (or Warhammer Fantasy) TV show

>This is why it gets set somewhere in the galaxy off the beaten path.
>Everything else can stay the same, but I'm willing to give up one fucking star in the entire galaxy so that I can see WWI in space become even more horrifying when the heroes show up.
Honestly, some of the best 40K material ignores the shit that's going on at the galactic level and focuses on a few planets or systems.

Final Liberation, with its great quotes cannot be denied!

>tfw noone's interested in watching CIAPHAS CAIN: HERO OF THE IMPERIUM ...

That would be wonderful. Fund it.

This I would enjoy immensely, but only if they can actually get the tone and the lead actor correct.

how so

In fact, this is probably the only 40k that would have a shot at cable tv, besides perhaps the Eisenhorn novels.

The lead actor being Brendan Frazier, right?

Grotvis and Boss-hed

>Oi Boss-hed, heh heh hehehe, check dis out, it's one of dem Killa-Kans
>Uh huh huh huh. Y'said "Kans".
>Uh huh huh huh huh
>Hehehehe hehehehehe
>*smack* Settle down, Grotvis

Peter Dinklieg, Kit Harriton as Ciaphus Cain,

if we go off the beaten path, i want Kitt Hairington as an Inquisitional Authority that is trying to save as many people as he can but will in the end when its to costly he will exterminatious, Peter Dinklieg as a Commissar as a hard ass that cares about his men , Bronn actor as general, they all but heads but will team up together to pull the head out of ass of corrupt lords and corrupt palentary governors

what about for the sound track i was thinking 2 steps from hell, sabton, drop kicking murphy

Nah, just get Ramin to come back but collaborate with someone like Mick Kenney for a bit of metal in the battle scenes.

This, Eisenhorn, and Ravenor can all work from established lore. But that also comes with the chance of fucking it all up.

Less prestige, more schlock, and Warhammer is schlock

>episode series
>not doing an anthology series that focuses on a different story every time, each detailing a different facet of life in the galaxy
This would be the best way to do it. Each episode has an entirely different tone and style, depending on the writers and directors. An episode about an imperial commander being interrogated by Tau while flashing back to how he ended up in that situation could have a sleek, clean aesthetic with creepy Orwellian undertones. An episode about guardsmen dying to a man could have a triumphant, last stand feel where you think the characters accomplished something in dying, only to get kicked in the balls at the end when it turns out their mission was just some cannon fodder excercise to exploit an enemy tactical weakness and a much larger and better equips army of guardsmen rolls in immediately after. Lots of concepts could be played with without getting sucked too far into one aspect and not really seeing the rest of the galaxy.

One jinn is really love to see in an episode would be the fall of marvolo, that scene where the guardsmen watch helplessly as the space marines sent to save them get slaughtered in minutes was absolutely gut wrenching

What i am thinking is you have a unit of gruadsmen ragtagged from across a sector,
> a criminal 23, that robbed and had armed assault on his record by age 10, forced into the gaurd so his family wouldnt get in trouble.
> a rich hiver 21, lived in luxorary his entire life, a snobish, wants to be leader, boot licker. Joined the graud to protect the people after his father left 30000 miners to die in a small cult incursion.
> religious zealot 24, beilieve in humanity, always tries to see the good in everything.
> lower hive 22, joined to get the hell out of the slums. A bitch to everyone, but will take a bolt in order to save some one.
> Graudsmen 27, lost his squad to everything. Seen everything and killed it. Knows tatics and what the squad will be facing.
> Agri worlder 19, joined to see the world. Naive fish out of water, tough as nails when scrap really starts.
> forge worlder 20, some tech on him, squad go to tech man. Spends time with tech priests, has the best you think your life is hard stories i literaly ate vaute people and work 24 hour shifts since i was 3 but thinks its normal. Guy that explain tech to us, that also fights for the squad.
> solider boy, 18, knows about the gaurd, tries to help his squad. Shows the horror that is war in the imperium but also how its needed.
> surivor of an eldar raid 19, intense xenophobe, shows us that the imperium maybe bad but with out them you all be fucked.
> Comissar Tyrion lanister, Though ass nails hard ass, cares for his men, and will galdly BLAM a corrupt poltician trying to use the gaurds as cannon foder for his own gains. Political movement
> IQ, Kit harrington. Because we have to love him even though we hate him.
Tries to save humanity even if it cost billions of lifes, but tries to help the gaurd and the people of the Imperium. Political mastermind
> Night Wolves, chapter of space marines that are nightlord successor but loyal with out a fault, but are getting fuck over.

I don't want HBO or any other show/filmmaker to put his dirty paws on my grimdark setting to fuck it up so it can be palatable to normies, no thanks.

>all the muh srs bussines ideas
>when warhammer is by design shlock and camp
Just hire Paul Verhoven and have him make dark satire, RoboCop style.

>shot of the dark interior of an admech ship right before deployment, with lights on the masks of the skitarii slowly turning on and revealing their gear
>Moment showing the intense tension that anyone feels next to an inquisitor even when they are innocent. The most solid of commanders shaking in his boots
>Some nutcase with apparently severe mental problems and a ghastly appearance is avoided by the guard, that the character we follow doesn't understand. His alien might is revealed as he learns on the battlefield that he is an Imperial psyker, and ends up executed after peril of the warp as a true "bolt magnet".
>Single 3-minutes sequence of marines wrecking the shit of whatever ennemies the guard was fighting. Several characters thought they didn't exist, are showed amazed and terrified. The sound of the bolters is deafening on screen, it truly explodes in the victim as supposed. They walk off shots from weapons that have shredded multiple guardsmen, occasionally lose an arm or a leg to a heavy weapon, don't stop fighting. However, they appear once, maybe twice in a season.
>If CSM, exactly the same effect while adding screaming blades and bolters, and gaping mouths on the armor. Aura of corruption that kills plants around the feet of the marine.

>No Inquisitor Kimberly as mai waifu.

you should all just kys, tbqh.

>HBO will want to do something SIFI once West World ends, as well as Game of Thrones.
Mmmhmm, okay...
>Would a Series....
Would a series what? You never conclude your thought, you just do some numale faux 'nerd' salad speak bullshit.

And no, it would be an awful idea, because 40k is an incredibly shallow, unbelievable setting which no one can possibly take seriously.

>40k:HBO TV show

Gotta be Eisenhorn. Probably the easiest accessible storyline in 40k that can be enjoyed by none 40k people.

>numale faux 'nerd' salad speak bullshit got some constructive thing to say
>you have absolutely nothing but shit to present in return.
So? How does it feel to be overshadowed by a faggot?
I bet your momma's proud.

>40k is an incredibly shallow, unbelievable setting which no one can possibly take seriously.
Which is precisely the whole fucking point of the whole shebang.
Good job figuring it out, Captain Obvious.
Here's your sign.

What the fuck are you even on about?

Oh, nuthin' ... just handing out just desserts ... how's that reading shtick workin' out for ya?

>mfw the last seasons finale will end in a giant battle with marines and dreadnoughts dropping in all over the planet only for someone to call in an exterminatus on the hopelessly lost battle, killing all the main characters in a grimderp ending

Guards units are made of people coming from the same world

Good idea - but let's leave it for the absolutely LAST episode of the show, huh?
Unless, of course, we're trying to capitalize on the Game of Thrones' someone-good-needs-to-die shtick, with gratuitous explosions and massive slaughter thrown in just for shits'n'giggles ...

Yeah. The Admech would start out with just Enginseers around, plus the outwardly quite handsome Executor, but as the show goes on slowly start showing them more and more inhuman. Executor pistols down a whole group of badguys River Tam style, "non-combat Dominus" walks calmly into the middle of a massive bloodbath at Warzone Command when the rest of the senior staff is GTFOing and the Space Marine Captain is the only other one fighting, Princeps being comm chatter until we finally see him in his tank, etcetera.

I propose that Ruststalkers be the only actual Skitarii present until one of the Bog Badass Battle Sequences, because they're probably the freakiest and you wouldn't have to show much of them given how bullshit fast they are. The main character Guardsmen and their Enginseer would be slowly realising quite how deep the Admech rabbit hole goes, since some random Enginseer is lowranking as all hell.

Not if its an Ooh fuck we need bodies to be thrown at this. THE BEAST WAAAAGHH had a shit ton of mix gruads