One of my players is an independent droid in my star wars campaign...

One of my players is an independent droid in my star wars campaign. Last game he was destroyed and the other players are trying to repair him. He's supposed to be an extremely advanced and alien droid so I thought it would be fun to give him a few quirks as though the players were unable to repair him perfectly.

What would be some fun, character building, but not necessarily game ending quirks i could give my recently revived player?

He starts to leak oil out of where the asshole would roughly be on a human.

Occasionally when speaking, his vocab unit malfunctions. Roll a save to avoid saying "Sparkimus prime demands a hydraulic penis"

oh and for clarification's sake he is a bipedal droid that was originally intended to be a replicant android but he has no 'skin' so he just looks like a strange robot man that happens to wear clothes a lot out of instinct/habit.

Give him a stutter he gets stuck in and have the other players smack him out of it
It's kinda cliche but it would probably be fun for them

these are funny. He would want to kill me for doing this to him. His character is the most 'straight-man' of any in the group.

How would I determine when he starts stuttering? any time he speaks make him roll?

Well, you probably want it to be a fun roleplaying quirk rather than a mechanical penalty. In theory he should (with some initial prompting) be triggering it himself.

... Though you could also tell him the stuttering is mandatory and/or more severe when he fails a social test.

His body was designed to be able to change size/shape to accommodate different personas/skins that would be laid atop his frame. This feature is malfunctioning and he is rarely his preferred size. His clothes are usually either too large or too small now.


Every time he tries to diplomancy make him roll a D10. If he rolls a 1 he has to say what he was going to say backwards. Limit it to his first sentence or something. (wordwise only or it will take fucking forever)

If he tries to get out of it by only saying 2-3 word sentences, make him start doing the whole fucking thing backwards.

I wouldn't force shit on my players... point out it's a decent RP opportunity if he wanted to come up with his own quirks though.

Usually if my players are "killed" I give them some sort of lasting scar if they decide to keep the character. In saga edition, players can use "force points" any time they die to stay alive. I still want death to have impact so I usually lop off a limb or damage a vital organ.

This is no different.

Hm; sort of assumed you were playing FFG. Still think it sucks, but it's not my campaign either. What about a phobia? How did the droid die?

Swarm of giant beetles tore him apart. Phobia is a really good idea actually...

Yeah, I think for a droid a programming glitch is way more permanent; everything else you could conceivably repair away.

Probably right. I was thinking that due to being particularly unique with a manufacturer considerably out of reach having physical malfunctions would be okay.

Scared of bugs sounds cliche. Newfound Dread of death? Constant worry of insects creeping about in his body?

He occasionally rolls a d20 to make sure his joints don't being spasming.

Yeah, delusional parasitosis. There are beetles crawling around in his chassis RIGHT NOW, his sensors can detect them!

Are they trying to graft whole new parts onto him or just cobble together the wreck? The difference is very important.

Cobble together c3po style

Verbal tic: refers to every organic as "meatbag;" expresses disgust by the sloshing sounds of their organs and fluids, their tendency to intermittently expel gas, their ridiculous practice of smooshing their meatflaps together to show affection, etc.

In my maintenance slot?