Look guys. What with the UltraPortaPotties getting their Primarch back, I feel we gotta find a space marine chapter in blue that we can be proud of. The only logical is of course the Rainbow Warriors.
Hear me out. These guys are one of the oldest chapters, going all the way back to Rogue Trader. They have the classic blue armor, and most importantly, they have a gayer name than "Ultramarines". So let's create a movement to force GW to make them important somehow out of pure spite.
Make Rainbow Warriors Great Again
These guys are the manliest of all the space marine chapters. These guys call themselves the Rainbow Warriors. They don't give a shit about stroking their own ego they just care about killing xenos scum. Also how terrifying would it be to see some marines charge down wearing fucking rainbows on their shoulder. Fuck their blue scheme embrace the colors. Some one in 40k has to. Why not these murder machines?
Also they can literally fuck the Ultramarines
Also they can literally fuck the Ultrasmurfs in the ass. We all want that to happen and these guys would be perfect for it. Their homeworld is fucking prism for emprah sake
What is this heresy?
Whats so gay about it?
This could be great though, I want to see Matt Ward's face when Rainbow Warrior on Ultramarine rule 34 comes out
Rainbow Warriors last seen near The Rock
The Dark Angels are the Rainbow Warriors? Rainbow Warriors are a founding chapter that we don't know much about. They could have joined them
Looks like the UltraSmurfs beat them to it
I Found their Chapter Master
This is their Landraider
This thread is almost as gay as OP
This is gayer than the fucking Tau and Eldar put together
I'm from the Rainbow Warriors ask me anything
C'mon Veeky Forums you guys are gonna like my post or I'm gonna get my mommy to call the cyber police.
Is that your Chapter's Mutation?
What's their mutation?
If you mean are gift then yes
Are you gay?
What makes you better than the chapter of our Spiritual Liege?
Being Fabulous and Drinking Cosmos. Also a skin condition that turns their skin rainbow color. Also large dicks.
We are gay for the Emperor not a Ward's wetdream
A true Ultramarine's weapon of choice
Or this
Fuck you Ultramarine are better
The first Rainbow Warrior
Do you like the Crimson Fists? For you know fisting
No, Rainbow Dash fights for the Greater Good.
Tau Scum
The Emperor demands it brothers
Begone Heretics you have sullied the Emperors name with this filth
The Guard will come to the chapter's aid
All I see is Rainbow
>The double rainbow is one of the chapter's rarer instances of iconography, and many chroniclers can only guess at its meaning.
It means someone just Jacked off to the Emperor
Send in the Right Wing Death Squads to purge these fag- I mean heretics!
Whatever happened to the Rainbow Warriors?
Rainbow Warriors Bonding time
This thread has been infiltrated by the Alpha Legion, just like every other thread.
Obscured by GW in favor of other chapters.
40k can't be gay guys. How else can I protect my masculinity.
The good Alpha Legion or the bad Alpha Legion?
Fucking Matt Ward can't stop sucking Ultramarines dick.
Are The Rainbow Warriors black? and if so do they have aids?
Thicken your paints!
He left, right?
Because the Ultramarines are getting better, and not just cock-sucking wise but actually smart.
They're simply exchanging long protein strands. If you know of a simpler method I'd like to hear it.
Maybe they let Matt out of the dungeon and he got some air to clear out the heresy
The Rainbow Warriors are the Alpha Legion. That
is why everyone forgets them
what are you a fucking toddler
Nah I'm a preteen loli
Do you fucking like the UltraFaggots or something?
Please stop its too much rainbow
umm, user
they're objectively the best
KYS user, you ultrasmurf lover.
Bitch, you can't handle our swag.
Have they ever looked this fabulous though? Cato is probably moping that he cant be this great
Why would you bother making up a gay anal sex chapter of the space marines when yuri lesbians for the emperor already exist?
What the Ultramarines deserve to get from Mars instead of the Chadmarines
Those are Pretty Marines.
What's the matter user, you not comfortable with your sexuality?
Chapter jetbike
Nope, the rainbow warriors may not be as fabulous, but they kick more ass than the panise marines and look half as good. the 1.5X the fabulous without .5X the ass kicking
here comes the cavalry
Cuz girls are icky and they're dicks are too small to satisfy Guilliman's little boys
the ultra faggots need somthing to fill them
(other than xeno seed)
Brainstorming for legion names
(9999.M41 colorized)
Guys this isn't gay. We are being serious here. These guys deserve their time in the limelight
There is so much that can be done with them because we know jack shit about them
I bet they died of space aids
t. guy with a greasy homebrew chapter
>cringy backstory
>models standing on giant rocks
>horrible paint job
These guys are an original legion. They got fucked by GW. These guys deserve to get more story
Both God Emperors approve!!