>8th edition sucks
>aos is a failure
>games workshop is going to die any day now, right guys?
>8th edition sucks
>aos is a failure
>games workshop is going to die any day now, right guys?
>inb4 "durr they only stay afloat cuz vidya"
8th sucking doesn't mean people aren't buying it, AoS is irrelevant cancer.
sure, keep telling yourself that, kid
>I need sales to validate my hobbies
/v/, is that you?
8th is good in that it's a huge improvement over the older editions and the nu-marines, as much as it pains me to say it, must be selling well. I still think AoS has bombed though, it's been out 3 years already so I doubt it contributed much to this spike in sales.
FLG would disagree with you on that. They have continued to see a spike in sales of AoS products (lulled only recently with 40k being the new hotness) and continued increase in AoS tournament events and attendance.
The recent ICV2 report also showed AoS in the top 5 games for retailers this last year.
It still pales in comparison to 40k sales and attendance, but if AoS is indeed a failure, they would have stopped supporting it, not release more armies and another core rulebook for it next month.
But if AoS is a failure FOR YOU, then that's a whole different argument I cannot disprove. But for the company I really don't see it as a failure.
People do the same thing with DnD
Happy for GW. I like their products, I buy the ones I enjoy, and have fun with it. It's all that matters to me.
>Employing 187 people, the design studio in Nottingham creates all the IP and the miniatures, artwork, games and publications that we sell. In 2016/17 we invested £8.0 million in the studio (including software costs) with a further £2.3 million spent on tooling for new plastic miniatures. We are committed to a similar level of investment every year.
>We are proud to manufacture our product in Nottingham. It's where we started and where we intend to stay. We are currently working on a significant project, with a leading UK software supplier, to upgrade our core IT systems that interface with our manufacturing equipment and systems.
>All of our product is initially distributed from our warehouse facility in Nottingham. This facility supplies our two hubs in Memphis, Tennessee and Sydney, Australia and either directly to our trade accounts and retail stores or via a third party carrier. Our project to upgrade the IT infrastructure and software for the warehouse that supports our mail order store based in Nottingham will be delivered in the Autumn of 2017.
That sounds good for GW. Hopefully we can get better service with the new software. Also, the design studio is fucking huge. I would have never imagine it was employing 187 people.
>As a direct result of our significant sales and profit growth, we rewarded all of our staff with a £1,750 discretionary payment in addition to a £250 profit share payment each (total cost £3.4 million). We also honoured our commitment to pay 20% of any sales increase to our retail store managers (total cost £1.8 million) who achieved growth whilst maintaining costs broadly in-line with last year — an impressive achievement, well done to you all!
I heard about that a few months back from a GW employee. Glad to see them try to treat their employees well.
That design studio sounds bloated as fuck to me. Tell me how many writers they employ?
Oh and fuck the Space Wolves. People should be ripping off GW's IP without a moment's hesitation. They are literally a company built on nothing original. The sooner they admit this the sooner we can all start moving forward.
Hell if I know.
From the sound of it, it regroup every single person that works on the "design" so art work, writing, designers, the sort.
Thats right we are talking to you Space Wolves. Go fuck yourselves you fucking talstless pieces of dogshit. I hope every tiny shitty game company steals your shit for decades and endless decades until their marketshare brings you down.
> This meme again.
That report means nothing.
It was a loose set of questions asked to a few retailers in North America. That was it.
It's quite simple really, we have seen no huge growth since AoS was released, then a month after the new edition of 40K is released they see profits double. I think it's safe to say what caused this.
>Evidence doesn't suit my narrow view of what I perceive is shit. Therefore it is not evidence at all.
He specifically stated why the evidence was not sufficient to reach that conclusion, because according to him the evidence was weak due to small sample size and imprecise collection methods. Do you actually have a counterpoint?
I wouldn't trust a conclusion based on data consisting of
>a loose set of questions asked to a few retailers in North America.
either, so is he wrong about that being the case somehow?
>AoS in the top 5 games for retailers this last year.
how does that mean anything? Fantasy was top 5 when it was deemed not profitable enough, being under top 5 in miniature wargames means making little profit, if AoS were below top 5 GW would have nuked it years ago.
Oh, so all those times when the ICV2 was used to prove GW's eventual downfall with the meteoric rise of Xwing, and how AoS never showed on it are different than the one time AoS shows up on it. Now it's an unreliable source. I love Veeky Forums's hypocrisy.
But that's a moot point, because again, like I originally posted here , there are other sources claiming AoS is a success, like FLG and ever increasing turnouts to events, and GW continuously supporting the game. So even if you completely discount the ICV2 survey result, there is still more showing things are not as bad for AoS as you claim it is.
Frankly this is the same argument we have been having since day 1, and it's not going to change. We will cover the same points, use the same counterpoints, and nothing will get done. Yet AoS persists. You guys can claim what you want, but I really have better things to do than argue with children.
I hope this latest success works as an incentive for them to bring back more specialist games
They do say Bloodbowl is the first of many Specialist Games. They have several planned.
>8th edition sucks
the memes about 8th edition suck, but aside from that there's mostly positive reactions to it
>12 month growth of their stock has bee 255,81%
>from 400£ to 1300 and climbing
I fucking knew I should've invested back then. Based Rountree.
just played a game of 8th. I had a ton of fun even though I lost.
that never happened in 7th.
listening to salty whfb grognards bitch about how bad aos and 8th are gives me perverse sexual pleasure.
The only people who really think 8th sucks are the WAAC portion of newfags who just joined in 7th, spent all their money on OP armies and invested all that time in learning a convoluted bloated garbage ruleset, and now feel ripped off that GW balanced and streamlined all that and made those bad investments worthless.
It's quite telling that all the really old players I talk to who have been around since 2nd edition or Rogue Trader (such as myself) honestly believe this is the best edition of the game in its entire history.
>bought when it was at 700
Damn it. I wish I'd bought sooner and a lot more.