Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Repulsor Edition

Old Thread: >Warhammer maker Games Workshop declares a victory as profits double

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>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

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>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Abaddon's work)

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Repostan in new bread.

doubtful, dark eldar weren't the focus of any big campaign books in 7th. as for khorne (daemonkind) there was a campaign book with kharn on the cover. i believe that book came out before chaos legions or angels of death

My local Flgs is doing the fate of konor thing this week. Any decent builds for Iron Hands?

Dreadnoughts and Rhinos.

Here is a good guide line ref!

Best chapter tactics for Carcharodons? I like their hit and run methods in the lore, so I was thinking either Ultras or White Scars.

For the greater good!

I always get IH and IW mixed up, doesn't help both are pretty irrelevant.
Anyways, uh you got your 6+++ and... You don't have much to build around do you? Do you even have a named character?

Cool thanks for the input man! Trying to suss out some cool ideas for ye olde kitchen hammer.

how do I avoid getting tabled on turn 2 or 3?

White scars are pretty trash unless you run them as heavy assault marines themed.

Even then, their warlord traits/relics and so on are trash.

I'd go Raven Guard or Ultramarines.

I'm thinking of picking up 40k again after 10 years.

Should I start a Black Templar army because they look cool?

Raven guard is the best option and their parent chapter. But until the FW rules come out I'd say pick whatever you think feels right to you with your sharks till then.

Anybody got any more death guard leaks?
>already seen plagueburst crawler
>already seen tiny pic of mortarion
>already seen terminator from the teaser

>local friendly local game shop

What army are you fighting and what army are you playing?

wow those are cringy

stop bringing nothing but flyers

Sure why not?

Their rules are kinda hit and miss and require you to be quite boxed in to your playstyle, namely melee heavy marines.

Hell yeah! Welcome back user to help ya along I think that their rules for 8th have leaked. Chapter benifit is re-rolling failed charges and then their stratagem is some witch cancellation stuff. Have fun!

>that feel when your fav recaster goes offline.


Semi related, why is there an acronym for both LGS and FLGS?
Is there a high rate of unfriendly stores?

Depends a lot on what you play and play against


the one the neophyte is talking to looks like space marine bobby hill.

Anyone have a timeframe for this shit?

crawler and termies most importantly.

D-did the feel turn you into a buxom Asian user?


play black templar and spam reivers all day.

I run a lot of ranged terminators and Relic Contemptor Dreadnoughts. The whole army's pretty short ranged, so Raven Guard tactics aren't as useful and I've got Tyberos for re-rolls on the Terminators if I pick Ultras. I think I might go Ultras and see how they go.

2nd this notion!

thank you

It's not really a business where you need to be friendly unless you have a lot of competition.

I don't think that has anything to do with the acronym though, I think it's just personal preference.

Is it a good time to get back into 40k? Different user here.

>decide to build some shit to distract myself from pain in my leg
>6 hours for one little vehicle
>now pissed off as well as in pain
well that was a fucking mistake lads

Never better

>not being a boxom asian woman.
>not having sugar daddies out the anus
>not having all the sex and money you could ever want
>not using all that money to buy, paint,and play Tyranids.

Raven guard tactics help you not get riddled with holes on the advance to murder the other guys dudes.

stop leaving yourself open at deployment, take advantage of 8th, stop thinking in 7th, always take anti tank, play to objectives. this is some stuff i gotta remind myself of often

It makes you Asian?


I would say so I haven't seen so many people active in the hobby in years! And they are actively trying to maintain system balance and what not. End of the day a couple codexes in that will be shot to hell BUT you'll have lots of people to bitch about it with!

How much do you really like chad marines?

I fucking hate them.

I just teleport half the army in and the Contemptors move 9". I'm pretty much directly in their face by turn 1, making the ranged defense pretty useless. The rest of the force is made up of tacticals in Razorbacks, and vehicles don't benefit from CT.

Are the Damocles novels in any of the megas?


I got tabled regularly in every edition I've ever played up until this one and I've been so afraid it is going to happen again that I haven't played 8th yet

I don't own a single flier

I feel like repainting the army of about 50 old rogue trader beakies and 15 or so terminators just to use against primaris armies

I love the sculpts but until today i was skeptical of their usefulness on the tabletop. but after a game with an almost all primaris force today i was quite satisfied with their performance.

They planning on releasing modular multi part plastic Chads or what. I want to make some stalker bolt rifles to relive the fun of Space Marine. Y U NO BAKWARDZ COMPATIBLE??!?

>forced to play melee heavy marines

I don't understand. Is there another way to play space marines?

Are they really good against psykers now?

Which army do you play?

I fucking hate you.
And so does your spouse/significant other

Space Marines aren't actually spectacular at melee. Bolters in rapid-fire range often do far more damage, especially when combined with special weaponry.

See, you say that like it's a negative. If you are the type of person to pick Black Templars that would be a positive

you mean CAD models?

Get fucked chad, beakie old school marines coming through.

CAD Marines?

in 3rd it was space marines
in 4th it was space marines
in 5th chaos marines
in 7th I tried both CSM and DA

probably the best win rate I ever had was against the original necrons that phased out

Here are some black Templar warlord traits!

so far leaks seem to be that we will be getting 10 man chad boxes with wargear options like auto bolt rifles, stalker bolt rifles, and underbarrel grenade launchers.

god damn that art is absolute shit

A choppa boy is 4 times killier than a marine in combat

How do we fix this?

I'm sorry user, I think you're just bad at the game

I can't remember, does Perturabo have the obliterator virus?

inb4 he has the shitty fleshmetal weapon rules

did you know that you sculpt in zbrush? only difference is that your fuckups are reversible and you have more texture stamps. why do grognards hate CAD?

Still not enough dakka.

Are there crimson fist warlord traits in the new codex?

It always seemed fucking weird that humanities finest only have 1 attack in close combat base.

Choppa boyz should be a bit more expensive, but them being more dangerous than marines in CC isn't a problem in itself.

Upping Boyz to 8 PPM would be fine imo

I didn't realize it was 7th edition at first

What is your unit composition? Transports are essential, and so is utilizing terrain that completely blocks line of sight. Never put stuff out in the open unless you're using it to direct damage from your more valuable units.

>firing on your enemies from afar and never engaging in glorious melee combat

What would you even use these as? The only melee weapon that sword could be is an Honour Blade. Ethereal?

>Upping Boyz to 8 PPM would be fine
FUUUUCK no it wouldnt

Boyz are overpriced as fuck as it is

play smurfs and you can do both

Aren't Primaris marines humanities finest now though? They've got 2 attacks each.

> t bald fat manlet neckbeard
Have you ever even known the touch of a woman? That you didn't pay cash up front?

Maybe I'm just coming from a scrub Aeldari point of view, where all my units are boring and expensive

Feels bad that I skipped 5th through 7th ed, I think I missed Eldar's day in the sun.

That sounds interesting. I'll have to check out a local store to see what the crowd is like.

> humanities' finest?
Yes. Yes Chads are.

>Not basing your female Tau models off this design

I mean, if you can't have a female Tau with highcuts and floofy hair, why have one at all?

>Got my two Weirdnob Warbands in today
>Literally same day

Can Duncan get any more based?

Usually it's because CAD makes it too easy for bad modelers to drown a model in details, which usually looks like shit in 40k's scale.

Primaris don't really have that problem though besides some of the character models.

In 3rd and 4th I didn't see the value too much of transports and tended to use a lot of long range firepower instead. I didn't have a lot of models then and I would have to add stupid upgrades to reach the 2250 point level the groups usually played at.

in 5th something awful would always happen to my rhinos, stuff would get pinned, or it would explode and a ton of saves would get failed, or things would get shot up after disembarking and wouldn't have critical mass to do anything in the assault.

In 7th my rhinos usually got popped in the alpha strike and my deep strikes would usually not show up until turn 4, if they showed up at all. The games I played had almost no terrain but I didn't want to be a poor sport about it.

I played in a semi-casual local tournament once and got last out of 50 people, even behind a person who dropped out halfway through the tournament.

Do people think the new reivers can have a shoulder pad on each arm?

is it hard to magnetize lychguard? I feel like theres 4 kits worth of stuff in that box

correction: manlets only get 1A


yeah that would be a massive bitch

No, he is a Daemon Prince of (almost certainly) Chaos Undivided.

Chaos Undivided Daemon Princes are now canon after Traitor Legions, where it explicitly mentions Lorgar is a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided.

Since Pert is a Daemon Prince, has never had any alignment to a specific Chaos power (aside from one Nurgle virus he used ONCE), and Undivided Daemon Primarchs are a thing again, it's logical to assume he is also Undivided.

Because I can.



>hating meme spewing stormweenies makes you antifa

If bad things keep happening across multiple games and editions, it's probably not luck, you probably just need to git gud


You're in luck with 8e then. Vehicles can't be popped with a random shot anymore, Rhinos are T7 10W and have 3+ saves. They're 70pts roughly, and are worth every bit of their points. If you have them, I'd run Razorbacks because they have Rhino stats but have a heavy weapon on top. Twin Assault Cannon is probably the best all-rounder weapon. Marines are the toughest they've ever been, thanks to cover giving a +1 to to saves.
Lastly, why don't you just make up some of your own terrain? Your opponents are taking advantage of the open field, just grab some styrofoam and start carving. Whack it on a cork base and drybrush that mother. Run a bunch of lascannons on dreadnoughts and razorbacks, and finally wring some enjoyment out of the game man. You deserve it.

Who was it?

In the lore, are there chaos controlled planets with cities and people going to work?