Losing interest in playing

Ever lost your interest in playing? What did you do after that? Did you quit, waited it out or did you actively do something to get back into it?

When the 8th edition of 40k hit, I just lost any interest in the hobby. Not because of any dislike for the new edition, I just "can't be bothered".

Just find a new hobby. It's actually kind of nice to rotate them every once in a while and go through a back log. If you want to come back later, fine, but forcing yourself to enjoy a game doesn't really make sense to me

I quit. If it feels like a chore and I spend money on it, it's a bad use of my time and attention.

Yeah. My interest in hobbies fluctuates a fair bit. I put it down to depression and wait for it to come back.

If it's just one hobby/game and you still like others, might be worthwhile trying to identify if there's been a change- could be a change in the game that you don't necessarily hate, but you just enjoy less. Could be a change in the playgroup/community, could be a change in you.

>Be me
>Be into roleplaying for years
>Spend years having fun on shitty internet forums doing freeform and crappy homebrew systems
>Decide I want to try RPing in real life instead of pathetic play-by-post internet forum shit
>Learn Pathfinder
>Basically can't do fucking ANYTHING without a million rules telling you you can't
>Learn DnD 5e because people tell me it's better
>Same thing happens
>Can't go back to play-by-post stuff now though, because the complete lack of rules lead me to realize how retarded and fanfictiony that shit is now
>Tried a couple of rules-lite systems like Apocalypse World, but nobody ever plays those games and they're not really satisfying on EITHER level (freedom vs structure)
>Just visit Veeky Forums a couple of times a week hoping for something to bring the spark back back or some new game to do something revolutionary that makes it actually satisfying to play.

Every time I have to play DnD

Makes your own user
You've read through a few rule books
You know what you didn't like
Fix it

I'll run you a fun game, user. Discord is Vigne#6193.

>plays danda
>raped in the ass
Well yeah, play literally anything else, particularly something involving a setting or setting type you like


Did you just home in on the part of the post that would let you happily bash your greasy fingers on your keyboard, or did you read the rest of it where he says he did actually just that?

It was a rhetorical question. uninstall your browser.

>danda and its players are notoriously rule bound and all about number crunching and video game mentality as opposed to roleplaying
>freeform scum goes to the opposite end of the spectrum and discovers both are shit for different reasons
What's your problem, not enough players at adventurer's league this week?

>Can't read other people's posts
>Can't even remember what's said on your own post

Truly, your life must be hell.

Form an argument or shut the fuck up

Not an argument. Which is fine because we are sharing anecdotal experiences not trying to win a fucking debate medal.

You literally haven't said anything
What exactly is wrong with my posts

You first.

Nothing said in your prior post has much of anything to do with the conversation at hand. You state that D&D's players are notoriously rulebound and focused on number crunching. True, false, whatever. Doesn't matter. It is tangentially related at best to the claim made (That you ignored the rest of the post to focus on one, specific line so you could jack off your D&D hate boner). It, sadly, has the most to do with the topic compared to the rest of your post.

The second line is nothing more than an observation, not a claim. I am legitimately baffled by its presence here, because it brings nothing to the table and only states what's already on it. It has nothing to do with your first post, nothing to do with my post, it's just kind of there.

And the third post is a pointless ad hominem that really provides nothing to the conversation, and has no factual basis, sort of like this one: You faggot.

I change systems. Groups too if my roomate's group isn't willing to try something new.

Take a look at GURPS. It's classless, so you can make a character to do whatever, and most of the rules are optional.

Bear in mind it has no setting of its own, it's a toolkit but still may be what you're looking for.

I always was curious how come there is no 40k homebrew general, as 40kg gets very crowded up rather fast. Posting rewrites to /awg/ always feels a bit dirty, just because I like seeing folks discuss other games like DZC or BoB.

I really like homebrew, or the "thought experiment" aspect of it.

Hit a bit of a wall with my current group, though it's not me. My DM makes encounters boring as hell and we've been running in circles over the past two months for this one quest that refuses progress at all.

I played only couple games of 40K per year in 7th. Now after 8ed release IƤve played more games in a month than in whole year during 7th.

...So wait for a new edition?

Or sell your army and change system. Interest is high so now is good tilme to sell 40K.