EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"Due to my strongly held convictions, I wish to stress that this OP in no way endorses a belief in Discord"


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable


>What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable
I have Norin chaos that I break out when things have gotten stale and an Edric deck completely focused on bringing about The Great Snake Mistake.

>What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable

It's fun once in a while

Help me find permanents that can tutor for this sorcery in sultai (BGU)

Runescarred Demon and Razaketh come to mind.

Rhys never was the General. I just got him to stick in the 99. It is a Bant deck. Jenara at the helm because she's innocuous and lets me have something to do if I don't draw the right cards.

I'll admit, I deliberately didn't put this guy in because I hated how I can't populate the clues. I probably should though.

If I can get a creature to stick though, I usually don't have problems with cards. It is when they don't let me that is the problem. That's why I'm thinking Rev.

you can also use creature tutors to find stuff like rune-scarred demon or sidisi, undead vizier, then use those to find primal surge

use pattern of rebirth and eldritch evolution etc

Sidisi, Undead Vizier is the first thing that pops to mind.

>eldritch evolution etc
oh right only permanents

well there's also fierce empath, birthing pod, woodland bellower (which you can use to find fierce empath)

assuming your deck is running tons of utility creatures, having lots of creature tutors wouldn't be bad anyway


I have Sidisi and ring of three wishes already, but these suggestions will make the deck more consistent and maybe people will finally save their counterspells

OG Liliana tutors

>playing blue
>doesn't have enough card draw
user, something has gone horribly wrong here.

Who is this guy that makes new threads too early?

I know, I know. I get hellbent on a theme and don't include enough goodstuff.

The list has always been a WIP. I just thought of adding Panharnonicon which would allow me to refill my hand with just an Eternal Witness and one token copy effect in my yard.

>I get hellbent on a theme and don't include enough goodstuff.
I know this feel. It's fucking agony.

some loser who is literally lurking 4chans Veeky Forums board 24 to make a thread and force some shitty meme every day

A better man than people who wait until after it's been 20 minutes since the last thread was archived.

>Thieves' Auction
There's literally no randomness involved.

>What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable
fucking stupid, i want to play magic not watch you jerk off to retarded cards that make the game last way too long with retarded effects

They originally were gonna call the archetype "Thirty minutes of your life you'll never get back" but "Chaos" was more pithy.

>boo fucking hoo, mean red player disrupted my boardstate throw him out of the playgroup mommy

The trick is resolving it with the other two on the field.

The other two are meme cards. Auction is very legit.

I actually rather like Thieves' Auction, but you must admit it does take a while and frequently doesn't actually put the caster in a more advantageous position.

And I got a monored deck. I run Oblivion Stone and Disk to deal with enchantments, not this.

Chaos spells are fine as long as you aren't just spamming copies of Thieve's Auction or Scrambleverse. If you do, I'm probably scooping and going to ask you to play a different deck next game.

>What's your stance on Chaos?

Its fine if their deck is also tuned to use the chaos it causes to win. It's bad if it's just wrecking up the game for memery.

I'm okay with chaos cards if your general interacts with them in some way to make them less symmetrical. If you're making shit random just to be random, then it's stupid.

>frequently doesn't actually put the caster in a more advantageous position.
And then you play Brand with the 1 extra floated mana

Possibility Storm is also really useful as anti-control tech in Gruul.

That's pretty great. Not symmetrical effect. Though after you do it once, your playgroup will probably know to grab their shit instead.

Still, a Blatant Thievery in Red ain't bad. Even if it is two cards.

Anyone having any luck with a Frenzied Fugue? It can grab enchantments and Walkers. And with a Claws of Gix or Magmaw, it can pretend to be removal.

I mean, it's not a terrible Grab the Reins but getting the second go is a little bit of an outside choice so I'd probably take a temp control with a different upside.

>What's your stance on Chaos?
hate it, anyone who plays chaos doesnt get asked back to the group

also you ever notice how every single person who plays chaos is the same? they sit there giggling to themselves like a retard after they make the game take 3 times as long as if they are some epic troll but they dont realize everyone else at the table hates them. they are so delusional they actually think other people enjoy that shit too

I want to build Allies. I know a bunch of cards that care about creature type in all five colors. I know Flicker works well with Allies, but that's only in UW.

What are some cards in BRG that work well with Allies without being about creature type (got all of them already)?

Aren't the only other permanent temp steals only Word of Seizing and Zealous?

Actually worst case scenario you can grab 1/4 of all permanents on the field, getting the first pick for the current best permanent and bypassing any protection, hexproof etc. If you manage to grab Amulet of Vigor, it almost doubles as an extra turn too.

Looks like I need to RTFC. Yeah, that's legit.

Are 10 mana stones (while having 35 lands) out of 16 artifacts too many?

You might want some red cloning and black reanimate to keep your Allies dropping.
Personally I'd make a mardu Allies deck, if not a full blown 5c for fun.

No that's about right.

A bit, imo. Unless your deck benefits from artifact dropping, I'd switch a few of them with other ramp.

Frenzied Fugue can make party Jace party harder.

zada gains advantage off of it. she copies the cantrips while you can storm into more tokens or draw while my opponet is stuck rolling the dice. oh yeah and i can pick which goes of first in case i want to maximize cantrips copies.

Depends on how much creature/land ramp you include, how expensive is your commander and mana curve, etc. If you don't run green or rely on weenies and cheap cantrips, it seems about right.

Right. Because if there are 40 permanents, even if your opponents always pick their own stuff, you still get 10 picks.

Undeniably a strong combination of two cards, but in monored getting both does require some effort.

I might try it, but my monored is Chandra, so...

I play it in Borborygmos bigsorceries.dec. Much easier to get value when most of the time your board is just lands. The Brand is just cherry on top if I manage to draw it.

I'm doing 5 color, but I like an even color split.

I guess a Living Death would almost always end up in my favor. I wonder if any of the red clones are worth.

I've been making my own custom tokens and want to draw some elves. However there isn't a point in making an elf token if I don't play elves.

How do you play a semi competitive knife ear deck? Who should I look at for the commander? I don't think elfball is a good idea personally.

Will post custom tokens if you guys are interested.

you want more other types of ramp. mana rocks are easy to blow up no one is going to look at a rock and think its bad form to do so. you want to have 2-3 different types of ramp in every deck but try to stay away from creature ramp if you can cause those die to board wipes and stuff

If you can make enough mana, Twinflame is really good at pooping clones. It's usually a win on my Kiki-Jiki deck.

I mean in a nongreen deck it's usually hard to manage good, permanent ramp other than rocks.

Freyalise can be pretty powerful for an elf deck. The problem being, most people won't let her stick long enough.

>disgusted with counterspells and how multi-use they are in MTG
> finally decide to build a deck with counterspells for the first time anyway
>use the shittiest, goofiest and jankiest counterspells, stuff like aethersnatch and desertion
>it still feels broken as fuck to counter every board wipe or anything that could threaten me in general
>end up letting stuff pass through because counterspells just feel bad to use

feels bad man

fuck blue

Ezuri, Renegade Leader Elfball is fairly semi-competitive. At least you generally won't come in last.

Rhys the Redeemed is probably the big choice for Elf Tokens

Nath of the Gilt Leaf is likely the strongest commander to make elf tokens

Freyalise is my personal favorite but I play her hard to control/stax, in large part because she is really funny with pic related.

How much fun in 1v1 titania v kalitas?

>fun in 1v1
user, I don't know how to tell you this...

Yeah, I think she serves better as a support strategy honestly. My mind is kind of drifting to OG Selvala because two colors enables more strategies.

Just wait until you discover Patron Wizard and Glen Elendra Archm- whoops

But i have no friends :(

>What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable
its not a winning strategy
so knock yourself out

also threadly reminder pic related

>deep goose
>not tall goose
come on!

>20 min after its been archived
this is superior it keeps conversations from being cut off prematurely
>oh no 20 whole min
yeah thats nothing

>and frequently doesn't actually put the caster in a more advantageous position
Frequently red has the least nontoken permanents, it'll always give you more than you have and steal some sweet ETBs.

Yeah, I'm thinking Twinflame and Flameshadow Conjuring. Most Allies ETB are redundant, but a fair share aren't.

Cool beans. This may end up being the explosive deck I've been trying to build to rival my friends. I just need enough recursion and card draw to not fold to wraths, but it is 5 color, I should be fine.

>not using it in RGOmnath for free 8+ tokens, optional goodstuff from the table and a guaranteed blockerless swing

Need to resleeve a couple of my decks and sleeve my new one. What sleeves do people recommend these days? Leaning towards Dragon shields since they come in packs of 100 and have always been durable.

everyone post their most ridiculous combos. the amount of setup required does not matter. in fact, the more set-up, the better. this combo gives infinite mana as well as the ability to infinitely cast every spell out of their grave repeatedly.

Who cares? At least this thread had an OP and an edition with the previous thread linked, a question AND a title.

We live in desperate times user.

The one with sky swallower, mind slaver and Chaos Egg.

Is UB draw-go control possible to do well in multiplayer EDH?

i'm not familiar. explain?

its actually quite good

dragon shield is the best sleeve on the market right now and you dont waste money because they come in 100 packs

Dragonshield matte are amazing
I prefer the glossy but thats just me
Watch out for the black matte sleeves specifically they are significantly lower quality than other colors/materials


>Blood Moon
>Life and Limb
>Magical Hack naming Forests, swapping it with mountains, targeting life and limb
>March of the Machines
>Enchanted Evening
>Titiana's Boon

I meant mycosynth lattice instead of march of the machines, but you can throw it in there too for extra fun.

Traditional draw-go gets worse the more players you have since you have to get really picky about your counters but if you're willing to amend your plans to account for the fact that you can't stonewall everything, it can work at anything short of cEDH.

Up eclipse is 80 for 8$ meaning 40$ gets you 400 sleeves and dragon sheild would be like 48-52$ for 400 sleeves

Eclipse sleeves are on par if not better than gloss dsheilds

she's not UB, but Rashmi works ridiculously well for draw & go. all your counterspells replace themselves and you get ridiculous value out of stuff like Brainstorm and Ponder. Gitaxian Probe turns into a literal Pot of Greed with Rashmi out

your group will hate you though

What are some silly things I can do with Enchanted Evening?
I need a janky deck and I wanted to make one that drops EE and bane of progress with indestructibility
what other things could I do?

6WUU: Target Creature Ceases to Exist. Forever. Even if it's a commander.

You can shortcut some of that (and the cost, say, if you use a better token generator than vat) but this version is perfectly repeatable

>pot of greed

What does that card do?!

eclipse sleeves are no where near as durable though, after testing with them for a while now i can 100% say dragon shields are better for the long term. also unless your sleeving all your cards in the same color which most people dont do that theory doesnt work because you have 60 sleeve left over after each deck which is wasteful

Ashnod's Altar isn't required, just any sac outlet. I prefer it because I think infinite Combat steps is more fun than just infinite damage

After your first combat, before declaring attackers, sacrifice Saffi targeting Reveillark. Then sacrifice Aurelia and Karmic Guide, and lastly Reveillark. Reveillark comes back thanks to Saffi, then use Reveillark to bring back Karmic Guide and Saffi, and when Karmic Guide comes back user her ability to bring back Aurelia, with you are basically attacking with her for the first time again since she is a "new" creature.

Repeat until opponents are dead or the removal sticks.

Opalesence to destroy all lands, there's a merfolk that steals all enchantments when he does combat damage, one sided board wipes with enchantment removal like calming verse

How does that work exactly?

i feel like i'm missing something. what is the end result of this combo?

aura thief

come on, that's not even that out there. karmic guide/reveillark/ashnods is pretty common as a win condition, and you just tacked on something to it. try harder next time.

>you are basically attacking with her for the first time again since she is a "new" creature.
Is that really the case? I thought about that kind of combo before, but dismissed it, thinking it wouldn't be the case.

it is the case, when a card changes zones it becomes a new object. this is why blink in response to removal keeps the creature.

Soul Sculptor makes the victim not a creature
Liquimetal coating makes it an artifact
Bludgeon Brawl makes noncreature artifacts into equipment.
Mimic Vat makes a token
Magnetic Theft (on an isochron scepter) attaches the victim, who is a noncreature artifact and therefore equipment, to the token
Vodalian Illusionist phases the token out.

When an object phases out, anything attached to that object phases out "Indirectly" and will only phase back in with whatever it was attached to. This happens to the victim as an equipment attached to Illusionist's target

When a token Phases Out, it ceases to exist, so nothing phased out indirectly by a token will ever phase back in. See also: the Victim.

Since magnetic theft doesn't change control I do believe even killing the player who executed the combo doesn't bring back the victim (by exiling said victim). There is no command zone rescue clause from Phased Out. So do it to someone's commander and said commander is gone for the rest of the game.

I love this jank

That was my plan. Judicious use of counters and removal until I can like Storm out with Tendrils or something

That's pretty cool, I thought phasing out would be considered zone changes, but that was changed.

Aetherflux is a much better storm wincon in edh. How do you feel about ad nauseum?

Is Rat Tribal fun? Looks like it can get pretty out of hand.
Any spicy tech or must adds?

He's right about Aetherflux (though no reason you can't still use Tendrils and Mind's Desire) but as a warning, Ad Naus decks tend to be one-trick ponies that get old to play real fast because of their fairly harsh deckbuilding restrictions.

It depends on what Rat you're intending to abuse: Relentless is boring as shit. Pack Rat is a little more engaging because discard synergy. Marrow-gnawer is fun as hell for Stax but ultimately is just a worse Krenko in a lot of ways.

>What's your stance on Chaos? Play it, Love it, Hate it? Are there any conditions that make it more or less acceptable?
I know this is just a game but I like to approach it with mature attitude. A player that enters a game to "troll" does not strike me as aligning with my groups temperament. Lolsorandum types are welcome at our table but they never come back for a second round.

>Marrow-gnawer is fun as hell for Stax but ultimately is just a worse Krenko in a lot of ways

i haven't built marrow-gnawer, but simply being in monoblack instead of monored seems like it would make it better than krenko.

krenko is only good if left unchecked. 1 spot removal on krenko is enough to basically ruin its entire gameplan. meanwhile marrow-gnawer will have monoblack goodstuff to fall back on, like the wealth of mana doublers, board resets and Big Black Mana spells

It's the only one I've thought of by myself that isn't actually just a "nonbo". It's not original, but it's the best I can do