How would you make a princess the BBEG?

How would you make a princess the BBEG?

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She's head over heels for one of the party members, but knows that the only way her parents will sanction a marriage is if they preform an act of sufficient valor for the kingdom

This, but she wants to kidnap the party member and ravish her as the horrible masked BBEG.

Nah. Less funny that way

Azula is the best girl

How is that evil tho?

She has to do very bad things in order for the party to perform actions of sufficient valor in order to show that they are worthy of the princess.

Manipulative and power hungry is a good start

Azula did nothing wrong though

I want to fuck Azula

Shes adopted a strange forigen god and is using her popularity with the lower classes to spread it.

Make her incredibly spoiled, decadent, corrupt and mercurial.

The Princess is a self-righteous, megalomaniacal, autocrat with a controlling personality.

She believes fully in the superiority of her people and her kingdom above all, and considers no cost too great and no amount of "savage" and "barbarian" lives to be spent too much if it ensure the survival and prosperity of the Kingdom.

She constantly amasses ancient and dangerous forerunner secrets, technology, and magic while at the same time educates her people in those sciences but for the purpose of war. Constructing automated armies and using the very same weapons that once brought ruin to the world.

If allowed to continue she would methodically exterminate all others and ensure her people and her own dominion over the entire world through her armies and knowledge, unless she manages to craft a superweapon to do it much faster.


>princess wants a colony but daddy won't let her
>the princess sets up a joint stock company pooling resources for a humanitarian mission to [region with untapped resources] to set up a free state
>the free state imports nothing but ammunition and manacles

Like princess Sara in 8bit D&D

Someone post How I became yours

What scum! Obviously what is needed is a strong willed warrior princess who will use force and willpower to assimilate the bastard barbarians into a proper army. Someone who shuns the 'technology' and magic that caused the ancients to become filthy hedonists and brought ruination to the world. A true force of a civilization, in a benighted age of degeneracy.

The real question is WHEN the party should find out


I want to fuck that negress

She wants to be king and won't let anything get in her way.

Bullshit. Obviously what we need is a level headed princess what knows how to bring some real law and order to the wild wilderness. Someone with a steady aim, who'll keep the bandits and savages in line, and won't back down from a fight. Set up some honest industry and business, build settlements and mines, and spread capitalism and democracy to all.


It's a King Leopold joke senpai.

Make her a scheming, manipulative, ruthless, power-hungry bitch who will stop at nothing to become ruler of the kingdom. For extra fun have her bargain with an ancient evil to receive demonic powers.

You've literally posted the answer in the image.

King Leopold
"Belgian" colony

How uneducated are you to never heard about it? Literally makes all colonial atrocities commited in Africa look like a fucking joke, despite being a SINGLE country and for less than 20 years.

I disagree

It also has a hilarous ending, since after the laundry was aired, the belgians did a complete 180 and basically started giving the natives money for nothing, so a lot of them want the belgians back now

She can really stretch things with her hand magic.

>obscure royalty from a small, young nation on a different continent does... something? on a yet another continent
>"How have you never heard of this?"
Because this is Veeky, and not Veeky But I'll google it, it sounds like the type of geopolitical historical trainwreck that interests me.

To answer OP's question - you make a BBEG (ugh) and then make her daddy the king. Princesses can be of basically any age and disposition, any race, and hell if we're assuming magic then the princess could be any gender too, why the hell not.

Who? That's not even close to lewdest.

how would she even reach the garter knife belts whilst wearing her usual robes

Considering what kind of shit was going in Kongo/Zaire/Kongo again when Belgians packed and left, I don't blame them. Because that shit almost managed to out-do Leo

>I am proud to be American and uneducated
Let me guess - you also never heard about "Heart of Darkness", because you dropped from school at age of 12?
Or about general fucking news from 20th century, because you are too fucking young for that, too.

Also, I'm Brazilian, you stupid cunt.

I think she kneels


So many posts, not one about Princess Hilda?

Withhold headpats.

This is a blue board you demented fuck, I'm gonna go throw up

>How do you make a royal heir to the throne evil?
This isn't rocket science, mate.

No one cares, spic.

To create a monster, you must be a monster.

She's noble. She's regal, she believes the party and even falls in love with a member of the party. However, her father is planning some huge political cue involving mulitple assassinations. Upon defeating her father she inevitable follows in her father's footsteps.

Not him, but do you even know what that word means? Because I think you don't.

I can't be assed to distinguish the hordes of trash south of the Rio Grande.

You mean white people on vacation? Or the people who get all the drugs for the rich white people?

Chill dude, no reason to get snippy just because your abuela got deported.

Pretty simple: kuroinu.... IN REVERSE

There is ignorance. Then there is stupidity. And then there are Americans.

Do you consider taco to be your favourite Italian dish, too?

Replaced by a succubus years ago
Possessed by a succubus years ago
Is mentally Ill and has only remained pleasing to public eye via strict discipline, is infact completely off the deep end with sadistic tennacies, plans to usurp the crown to do horrible shit to sate her own self-imprisonment.
Is one of those nasty evil children mentioned in Heroes of Horror in 3.5
Is a Thrall of Graz'zt or Malcanthet
Is a Disciple of Levistus, Mephistopheles, Asmodeus, Glasya or that nasty fuck and his daughter
Is actually raised as a female and is batshit insane
Family is controlled by Alienist cult, headed by her thought to be dead grandfather who is now horrible product of the far realm city is Yharnam for D&D.
Is the reincarnation of a vile Hag of some variance
Is a vampire
Started a war just so she could marry this guy she liked
Is effectively a Sister of battle whilst being lord governor at the same time, entire planets stylized as a working moastery/military organization. Effectively a super zealous pyromaniac death nun country.
Is a Ritual sadist hedonist pedophile who eats children and fucks newborn babies with sharp objects, was molested by her degenerating undead father and is infact dying of a degenerative soul-eating affliction because of this.
Is a Drow
Is a giant hive-mind space bug mother
Is that batshit insane idea done in Forgotten Fealms where some dipshit split an elf into her alignment selves that were two different elf races Drow and sun elf, that then later fused toghether as one and sucked so much fucking cock every issue of the official forgotten realms and D&D comic line, later this new character was in that is Khelben blackstaff's right hand woman in his organization, except this time, the batshit insane wizard did it with all fucking alignment spectrums for this divided elf-thing and when he fused them togther he made fucking !notSlaanesh in physical form.
Is just an evil prince under the effects of Zagig's gender shift

We have to use spic for you people since you're so irrelevant that we don't have a go to slur

You guys are all wrong, Katara is objectively best girl

Tofh would like to argue.

Although I haven't seen Korra, and don't consider it cannon

no one cares, spic

stop being a faggot and watch it, its good

It's not good. I watched the first season and quit, they killed off the suspense of the villain by having a "plot twist", that he was a bender the whole time.

Such a wasted idea is a sign of bad writers.

I only hope it got better

Second season destroyed the series for me, don't watch it

wow you guys are faggots

the villains of third season are the only reason to watch it

I just saw wasted potential, as well as a crappy protagonist that had no redeeming qualities.

The villain was the only character that I thought was cool, and they ruined the tension of it by making him a bender.

Then I read that they did a LGTB tie in thing and was very greatful I stoped when I did.

I also heard that they slandered the main characters of the actual series, and was even more disappointed

You don't get it. I'm aware there's probably some term for you guys, I just don' You're so irrelevant you don't even merit your own insult.

Yeah, third reason was the best part. The new bending styles was what I was expecting when I started watching.

Imagine this, season one ends with Korra never learning patience. She gets her bending taken from her by Amon.

Then season two starts, and man, things are going down. The avatar has no bending and Amon has a very loyal following. She has to leave the city, and travel to all of the holy cities of each kind of bending in order to try and get her bending back.

Season 3 she finds a dragon turtle, and through its training learns patience and gets her bending back through inner peace.

Season 4 is her gathering friends, and attempting to take down the cult leaders. Ends with a fight between Amon bull crap karate, and Korra's dragon turtle style.

End credits.

Asami before they decided to pander?



Ty Lee is okay I guess, kinda too slutty








After the wedding of course. They kill her cat's-paw and think the BBEG is taken care of. Then said party member claims his reward, everyone is happy, and the morning after he happens to stumble on some letters hidden in her quarters that reveal that she was in communication with who they thought was the BBEG. Proceed from there.
















Ayn Rand, done.








