Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Looted Vehicles Edition

Old Thread: >GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>novels here

>Other megas
mega.nz/#F!9NchGZyZ!-V1LhJALxDp9Tw97WzEQGA (no 8e stuff here)

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Abaddon's work)

gscb has a cute face

What good Assault options exist for codex marines outside of terminators? I'm looking to make a more melee based army, but assault marines don't really seem like enough to carry the day and I don't want the First Company to always be intervening in their shit.

I'm considering scout bikers with chainswords and that new stratagem, but what else?

As a non ork player I just have to say that orkz are the coolest

vanguard vets?


fifth for memes

Still vets; still a unit of first company.

7th for Harkon

raptor veterans with BT tactics

As an IG player I just have to say that IG are the coolest


Are there any infantery size Storm Bolter bits?
Because the tank ones are stupidly big

For Glorious Kekistan!

/pol/ go away


Another example of a gorgeously done terrain. Really jealous of these guys.

Just looks so comfy to play in.

oh right sorry I can't read

guess it'll have to be Rievers then

>being this cringey


Holy shit theres nothing there.

Oh yeah, good call. I'll definitely work them in as my Elites.

That better be a freebottaz
Issac Hempstead wrigjt you mean

Well that's fine then... just wanted you to know those blue guys on Konor called you a noodle armed git.

>GW terrain
At least makes some tyre mounds yourself

>Looted Vehicles Edition
You got it boss!

Reposting from /awg/, a homebrew I worked on while I was sick. Basically, I rewrote the core 40k turn structure to allow for Alternating Activations and Interrupts, so that there's far less downtime between players doing stuff/making decisions.
I wrote this system because I had issues with Bolt Action scaling upward due to its randomized dice-bag activation system, and I feel weird about CP being a MOBA power bar, rather than representing your ability to coordinate your army. Let me know if anything stands out about it or looks problematic.

Some tl;drs.

-A unit may perform up to 2 Actions per turn, and there are only 3 types of Action: Advance, Combat, and Defend.
-A unit may do up to 2 actions when activated.
-No "Overwatch". Rather, a unit may Interrupt, letting it do *one* action.
-You get a fixed number of Command Points per turn. CP let you activate/interrupt with units that already took only one action, to interrupt interrupts, to bring in Reserves, or to Activate consecutive units.
-CP costs are incremental, representing the increased difficulty of maintaining the initiative. Activating a consecutive unit costs 1 CP, a second consecutive unit costs another 2 CP, a third unit another 3 CP, etc. Thus, "retaining the Initiative" for a multi-unit attack is a calculated decision rather than at the mercy of the dice.
-Some armies get discounts to perform certain Actions. For example, Orks have an easier time activating consecutive units if the units beforehand made melee attacks. Waaaagh!

>land raiders finally viable
>cant decide which variant i want to run
just fuck my shit up desu

Maybe. I like this ruin terrain a lot more. They zoom in too much, and I can't get a good shot of the board though.

Keep it coming




I'z fightin' dem blue boyz, you spiky panzees and dem weird kaos boyz, Konor'z gonna be a Waaaghin' good time.

And you'z a grot.

Is there anything they can't loot?

Other looted vechiles

>new lasgun on community site
Odds of new guard kit being significantly taller than the current one?

I mean, its not bad. Im just used to super dense boards

just Battle Tactics on Youtube

they use tons of different terrains

The base concept is somewhat interesting

The actual rules are a steaming pile of shit. I have seen better homebrews written by 10YO D&D players

nothing is unlootable!

Ridiculously low.

>we are basically playing with action figures

Is there a custom datasheet builder for 8e yet?

Have some examples you can share?

Fuck, this one is brilliant

Lots of people like complaining about Tau lore, so lemme ask this. How would you "fix" the Tau in universe? If you were in control, what would you change or alter about the Tau's fluff to make it more to your liking?

>Inb4 "remove them from the game"

>implying TS aren't taller for not squatting
Wew lad

100% but don't worry you'll still be guardlets next to Primaris

Guaranteed, just look at the new AoS models. Regular humans are gonna be at least nearly as tall and broad as a chad marine.

How so?

>behold, the power of orktism

Remove mary sue utopia
Bring on the dark underside of Tau civilization and Ethereals

and then we discovered that the las-pistol belongs to a new range of snap-fit mono-pose inquisition henchmen. In three different poses


Raven Guard - 1000pts
Vanguard Detachment:
Kayvaan Shrike

5x Vanguard Veterans - 2x Storm Shields+Chainsword, Power Axe+Chainsword, Pair of Claws, Thunder Hammer on Sergeant
5x Vanguard Veterans - 2x Storm Shields+Chainsword, Power Axe+Chainsword, Pair of Claws, Thunder Hammer on Sergeant
5x Vanguard Veterans - 2x Storm Shields+Chainsword, Power Sword+Chainsword, Pair of Claws, Thunder Hammer on Sergeant

Spearhead Detachment:
Captain - MC Bolter, Chainsword

5x Devastators - 2x Missile Launchers, 1x Heavy Bolter
5x Devastators - 2x Missile Launchers, 2x Lascannons, Cherub
5x Devastators - All bolters, just as a tax for now

An attempt at a first list. Is the general idea of the list something that could work? How is the equipment looking on the on the Vanguard Veterans, should something be changed around?

At least is not another marine release.

Even when playing with marines it gets boring to see the same models for decades in my opponents armies

Make the tau empire a couple of times bigger so they can actually take some losses in the lore. Currently the loss of a single sept is a gigantic setback for them, so the writers can never, ever have them lose a sept. Expand the empire, and then have their enemies take some bites out of it.

So I played a game against a gent, generally regarded as a bit of a rules-poker who likes to play to win.

I was orks, he was Daemons.
Whilst he was rocking
An exalted chariot of Slaanesh,
Keeper of Secrets
Two twenties of daemonettes
A ten of bloodletters
and two Tens of plaguebearers..

I took two squads of thirty boys, ten nobz, a warboss, a painboy and (upon discovering the number of names in his list), Ghazzy.

I wanted to teach him a lesson for being a characterscumming waacfag.
I ended up thrashing him sideways, literally deleting entire units without a care.

So I guess for my conscience.. whose list was more waacfaggy?

Expand the size of their empire so they can afford to actually lose battles, and restore the "loose coalition of minor aliens" they originally were defined by. More design space that way.

Tau Empire under siege struggling to survive with all threats closing in instead of Tau Empire endlessly expanding into the Imperium while endlessly fighting off Nid hivefleets, chaos incursions and ork Waaaghs!

Humans statistically have more teeth than any other non ork race. Just a tip!

Write a 'diplomatic annexation' or a border world
First they throw off the imperial yoke
Then they welcome the tau
Power becomes plentiful
Power becomes rationed
ID chips which act as ration cards lower sperm quality
A imperial cult preaches purity of the human body and to remove the chips
They are [redacted]
Tau fire warriors are garrisoned to keep the militia strong
The Gue'la are sent to offworld battles
Human population continues to drop massively
Xenophobic riots lead to the eventual death of all humans
A ethereal sips on some fine wine, sad this is the last bottle the world has
I say this as a proud tau fag

Not posting the most famous loot of all

Tau renegades. Like, not Farsight "Shonene Jump" renegades, I mean real, violent, cruel renegades.

Maybe have the 4th sphere return, but its been 1000 years for them and things have changed.

Literally only pic i have available. This is from my first game of 8th. This was one of the least dense table in the shop

Bring back kroot genetics.
Best fluff in the book, says 14yo me.

I don't have any problem with the Tau. I like that they feel like they don't belong in the setting.

But I think I'd like them to have a deeper connection to the other factions somehow. Right now they're just sort of there, being the outsideriest faction in the setting. It'd be nice if instead of not having a strong warp connection they got the same Chaos shenanigans as humans did.

All memes asside I dislike them for one reason and one reason only. Of the three Tau players I know in real life, two of them describe the Tau as the "good guys" and the "moral choice" and give everyone else shit for playing "evil" or "morally questionable" armies. Whatever the hell it is in the fluff that gives those idiots that impression, get rid of that. Throw them off their high horse. Other than that I have no problem with the Tau. I don't even mind the suits, even when it was max Riptide spam. I can deal with cheese, shit happens, it's just fucking irritating to have to deal with moral grandstanding about fucking plastic space men. I have to deal with enough of that shit in real life, I don't want to have to deal with it when I game.

I just finished Betrayer and I feel like buying and painting Khârn just because he's a swell guy

I don't even play chaos

>tau enter civil war over should chaos be eaten by kroot or not
What civil war could tyranjds go into so everyone has a civil war

Most of the septs are not majorly important to Tau fluff and there aren't any real Sept specific models or characters besides the major ones I think they could stand to lose a sept or two.

Neither is even remotely WAACfag

What is a good exercise plan that still affords time for warhams?

I am tired of being a meat planet over the gaming tables and standing for an entire 3000 point game gets difficult. I can thin my paints, but thinning my body is much harder?

Search /hhg/ for Horus heresy general, although it's dead now because 40k is good again
What is the luck of this captcha


Treads how?

How about for starters going from hamburgers twice a day to twice a week? And no soda (yes that includes diet coke)

>I can thin my paints but not thin my body
Just go on small walks, and don't have snacks it's that easy

Just start walking. Seriously. Start around your block, and just keep going further. Its not hard, just be consistent. You can do it, user.

Is there any army niche the Q'orl could occupy that would make them feel like a unique faction in the crunch? Is there anything their units could do that isn't already done by an existing army?

What would you call their "dude group"? You know, regiments/chapters/cadres/cabals/craftworlds/warbands/cults/orders/hive fleets, etc. That kind of thing. Swarm? Colony? Flamboyance?

Where is this from

Literally who?

Fucking burgers...

They could afford to have them lose a Sept or three now, dammit. That's a shitty excuse for never losing when there's like four septs that do anything particularly unique and they have like thirty, especially when they're on the OFFENSE plenty of times.

"Muh small empire" isn't a fucking reason to continuously win when none of it is at stake, and Forge Worlds, Hive Worlds, SM Chapters, the odd Craftworld and generally everyone but Daemons and Dark Eldar lose constantly, even when the enemy has nowhere NEAR the required numbers of troops.

Personally I would transition their "always outwards, rising empire" lore to them actually being strained to breaking point and possibly struggling to keep up morale and manpower to deal with the Nids, the Crons, the Orks and the infrastructure damage from Imperial attacks. You know, generally make their size an actual fucking downside as opposed to a massive sheet of plot armour, and probably have some of their AI and tech run into Chaos corruption.

Can you develop some willpower? Are you serious about losing weight? It's not rocket science, it just takes willpower.

Do this.

Do not eat more than 20 grams of Carbs in one day. Eat chicken, proteins.
After 3 days you will enter ketosis and start burning fat for fuel. You'll feel like shit for a week.
After a week you will feel like you have more energy than ever before and never be hungry.
You will lose 7 lbs a week.

After you get to your ideal weight, bring the carbs back up (complex carbs only) until you stop losing. Then maintain.

Neat concept, rules are a hot mess.

You can do it user just walk in the mornings come home shower and then paint some. Making it a ritual will normalize it and you won't remember not doing it!

I just got it by google image searching for Q'orl. They don't really have much.
The Q'orl Swarmhood. The interstellar empire the Tau wish they could be.

I am impressed by the default space marine codex and I was thinking about making a mercenary/deathwatch type army but I need to know, can I take units like black knights from DA or librarian dreads from BA? As long as they have the one faction keyword and even more so with the adeptus astartes I should be fine right?

The temptation of anyone making an army for the Q'orl will always be to make them the bugs from Starship Troopers. But that would make them redundant with the Tyranids, so we have to avoid that no matter what. I say make their army a mixture of cheap little gribblies on par with grots and conscripts supporting expensive Knight-sized insectoid mech tanks.

Umie teef aint good fer nuffin, even a squig brained git knows that!

I think you'll lose any Chapter Tactics benefit but other than that, there's nout wrong with it. It looks like [ORGANISATION] unique traits and stratagems is the trade-off for sticking to one army.

I just want them to be in defence and not in offence.

'umie teef are fer grots.

For now yeah youre fine but expect Deathwatch to lose mission tactics when you're not fielding an all Deathwatch detachment though even in that case you can just use a separate detachment to bring whatever else you want without sacrificing your main army's rules.


i seriously wonder if people who hate tau lore have read any besides the codexes, most of which seems retconned by now

isnt this basically what happens in Crisis of Faith novel - except the enclave worlds are retaken before any form of population control takes form.

Again, Crisis of Faith shows the ethereals as nothing less than evil, killing tau for thoughtcrimes of their colleagues

>The Q'orl Swarmhood. The interstellar empire the Tau wish they could be.

I googled them. It turns out their only mentions is in the non-canon xenology and Dark Hersey. user, fuck off.

Don't I need troops?

>being this new