New lasgun/IG

Prepare your white pants Veeky Forums, I've already creamed mine.

There's a new lasgun coming, one way or another, pray it's some IG stuff.

Definitely a las-something. With an interesting powerpack placement, too.

Does anyone recognize this as similar to an old model? Is it a redesign or brand new?

Looks a bit like a retarded M16 to me. I am exited. For the love of all that is holy give us something awesome.

Necromunda lasgun maybe?

It's a bit different but also a bit like poc related so who knows? I'd love plastic IG like that in any case, and GW has shown a distinctive taste for references to old stuff recently, when they're not outright just taking old stuff and making it just more modern, so there's hope. We tend to know pretty quickly what it really is anyway, like a month after a rumour engine maximum.

Old-school Guard confirmed, they'll probably get a codex later this year as these hints dont go longer than 3 months before being revealed.

Powerpack seems really close to the barrel, so laspistol maybe?

Ah, the MULTILAS BEAMSTORMER, a deadly weapon used by PRIMARIS FINALISERS IN GOTO-PATTERN TERMINATOR ARMOUR. It can take out an Eldar's kidneys from an impressive range!

christ, gw writing is so shit that this sounds better.

That's either a trigger or a wire on the end, it's probably a pistol though by the look of the size of it




It'll be a Primaris Lasncannon.

probably another primaris weapon.

Plus the trigger guard is right behind it.

If it's a pistol, then presumably we're getting new Guard characters. Maybe plastic Creed? He always had 2 hotshot pistols.

I just hope it's not some bullshit model like an inquisitor or that kind of non-UG model.

Plastic inquisition stuff would be nice too. Though plastic guard would sell better and be easily converted into =][= models anyways.


Actually, notice how Inquisition acolytes are getting kinda standardized as 'flak armor dudes with stormbolters', which really never existed prior? Sounds suspiciously like a kit.

Also, didn't old school imperial army basically look like Elysians? Or rather, Elysians looked like them.

This is, of course, assuming that Eldar even have kidneys.


Totally different, the ammo is on the stock.

>plastic squats before plastic sisters
I want to live in that timeline.

I don't.

looks kinda puny if the iron sights is the indication of the weapon size.

Most definitely it's guard.
Marine lasers are all big ol cannons which gets power fed through backpack tubes

The enlongated barrel leads me to believe its an officer's weapon.

Some dead cultist's lasgun that is debris on some Primaris's base.


All cultists models have been depicted as using auto-weapons not lasguns.

>"looks deadly"

Definitely not chadmarines, no confirmation for guard but still a relief

They're British.

Its the chadguard

Fuck, we need SMALLER guard models, with proper proportions to be truescale, not bigger ones.
It's probably a named character update, all guard ones are ancient. Could be a sergeant pistol either though. Cadians with DKOK proportions are a must.

>primaris guardsmen
>MkXX flak armour
>Cawl pattern lasrifle

It's probably just a handheld lascannon for numarines


>not a single woman in sight

just as God intended

God I hate how they combined the weapon into his fists, why couldn't of it been under slung like Everything else.

Under slung on what? The fists?

Looks like the barrel is short.
So it's probably a pistol or a carbine.
My hopes are for a new non-Cadian infantry box.

I would gladly drop a fair share of bucks if it was Steel Legion or something similar looking like

>Under slung on what? The fists?

No, his dick.

Same. If IG gets a decent looking infantry kit I'll consider playing them. I don't want to fork out for FW/metal stuff, and I'm not into the GI Joe Cadians at all.
Here's hoping it's Steel Legion with actually human proportions.

Me too, that's why I posted it.

It does look a little like Space Wolf lascannons...


>Steel legion
>not sporting underfolder lasguns based on the MP40

not in a thousand years. The Armageddon Steel Legion is based on the Wehrmacht and so it shall remain. Hopefully.
Please, GW, don't.

Looks fucking retarded. Probably just a character weapon because if it's for IG, we're fucked.

It's remarkably shitty.

I am a faggot who will always maintain that the Steel Legion is based on a mix of all WW2 forces, particularly Brits and Germans. In the meh game, they had British accents, and most of them are recruited from hive gangs, which doesn't sound that strongly German.

Though frankly the main reason I argue this is because so many people consider them little more than discount Kriegers these days, and I want them to be distinct from the Deaf Corpse.

do aeldari even have kidneys

I miss my Steel Legion army now. The one I started during the 3rd war for Armageddon canpaign, with the kit bashed Black Prince Leman Russ conversions and Bren Carrier chimeras. Those were good times.

Sorry about that, user. I hope you still have them at least. I ended up taking the weaker rout and using Catachan guardsmen and some kitbashing to get Ork Hunters. It's really not the same.

No worries, just a sudden stab of nostalgia. I still own them technically even though I haven't actually laid eyes on that army in 9ish years and last I knew they were boxed up in my uncles barn in eastern Washington. One of these days soon ill have to make the drive down and bring them back. Maybe even start playing again now that I've kind of have the time more or less.
>Pic related, a Black Prince tank and the picture I used as a reference for the conversion work.

>"Brother-Sergeant! They said you was underslung!"
>"And they was right!"


This is modern GW, if it was an inquisitor it would be overwrought with excess detail and patterns and shit that makes it into a big visual mess.

True. Let us have hope then!

A better question is why it even has fists when he can't use them for anything other than powerscratching his powerdick because the guns get in the way.

Mold line is too small for laspistol. Im gonna guess its some kind of lasrifle for Terran Guard or something. That or 35mm Primus Guardsmen who wear stilts.

It's always seemed almost like an intentional joke that the "Steel Legion" are clearly inspired by the Afrika Korps while the "Death Korps of Krieg" are clearly inspired by the French army circa WW1.

Steel legion are WW2.
DKK are WW1.
Both combine elements from both sides.

that face is amazing, what model is it from?

It's either Praetorians or Mordians.

Mordians definitely don't have that gun design.

Who knows, maybe it'll be a brand new regiment.

I can say with complete certainty that it will be neither of those (or any existing historical-based regiment).

Some inside info or just deduction?


I'm inclined to agree that they'll be something new because they need the regiment to be maximally copyrightable. Regiments based on historical designs are not that in the slightest.

>new regiment

you niggas is thinking too small time. We're gonna see the new Robouty Gullyman model for the Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum - one of the few things he DIDN'T design before he was snakeraped. Remember the IG has always been an adhoc solution to a lack of legions, an outgrowth of the Imperial Army Auxillia that existed during the Crusade - in essence, there was only PDF pre heresy.

True, the Copyrights is something to be considered.

Anyone else think it could be Ultramar Auxilia?


Huh. That never occurred to me, but it would make a lot of sense, thematically. GW could even play up the thing of the Cadian models being the standard for the north-western half of the galaxy and the Ultra-guard being the standard for the south-east.

The latter. Consider the following.

1) Nobody can deny GW is full on paranoid about IP protection and trying to make everything ocdonotsteal as possible now.
2) The Perry bros were the history buffs who sculpted those and they're no longer doing stuff for GW.
3) GW has been getting most of their inspiration for recent releases from old RT/2e era stuff.

From this I would bet that if this is a new guard release that it will be a new regiment that contains some design refs to stuff like and maybe these guys.

>Human bomb

Now that's just barbaric.

Sounds good to me!
I'm all up for trenchcoats and gazmasks guards.

With Cadia kind of exploded, it'd make sense that other recruiting worlds might become more favored, as you can't recruit from a planet that's been reduced to an asteroid field and subsequently consumed by the Eye of Terror.

Of course, there's apparently hundreds of "Nova Cadia"s out there, planets that have been settled by retired Cadian regiments and have taken up their old homeworld's namesake, or so fluff says, but that's probably a fig leaf for people wanting fluff justification for their Cadians.

That and the fact that we know that several cadian regiments (now called orphans of the storm) weren't on Cadia.

The best fan foction I've seen about Cadia is how the remaining guardsmen are still fighting in the Eye of Terror, dying and being revived every time, just like that Ork Tuska on a khornate world in eternal battle.
Because that's what the guard does, they die standing.

On the one hand that is indeed a very 'warp fuckery' thing to happen, on the other hand this guard wank is almost getting as bad as the Space Marine or Chaos wank

In fact, is there a single fucking faction not full of obnoxious wank aside from the Orks? I suppose there are the eldar who are in universe cunts but are explicitly the universes punching bag, the Tyranids who are supposed to be wank but are basically the jobbers to end all job, and the Necrons who are too busy being the only sane things in creation to wank too much

And come to think of it, the Sisters of Battle and Inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus fail/job all the time. So really it's just the Space Marines, Chaos factions, and the Imperial Guard


I'd love to be proven wrong, but "plastic greatcoat guard" is the longest standing complete bunk rumour, that has somehow managed to persistently be a thing since... before the plastic cadians came out in the early '00s.

A more realistic guess is some kind of character or fringe/specialist release, rather than an entirely new guard infantry line. Shit I'd sooner expect it being a plastic necromunda-style hive ganger box to go with Shadow War than a proper guard release.

Sooo the heroes, the main bad guys (at least in the new fluff, now that chaos is certified biggest threat) and thr trusty sidekicks? Sounds fairly logical to me.

I have to admit, I chuckled.

Needs a:
>Real or Fake?
>93% of people get this wrong!
... format to it.


I don't think the "default" guard will have coats like that either, but there are other elements of the design that could be incorporated into hypothetical new guard.

>implying Roboute isn't a hero

>t. matthew ward

>One set of flamestorm gauntlets features retracted barrels, as in close combat fists speak louder than flames
Anyone got a pic of that model?

You're probably right on that it won't be some new guard regiment they're pushing as mainline, especially when they still have a bunch of ideas. Could take advantage of the Genestealer stuff being set on Armageddon to have an Armageddon Steel revival, or they could push with Catachans again, or some other regiment that's fallen by the wayside in terms of fluff.

What would Primaris Guardsmen even look like?

They could just get some old artwork, as they're fond of doing, and cleaning up the design for a model to fit with the new miniature lines.

But if they're releasing a finished guardsmen box, I'm probably caving and getting a few to play with for Inq28. Some astra dudes should by all rights make excellent conversion fodder, given how GSC minis, Scions, and Skitarii are now staples for conversion fodder.

Probably vaguely normal humans instead of obese 4 foot tall gamers.


Every time I see any posted, I'm still blown away by how absolutely garbage all the AoS shit is.

Orruks and any of the non-Stormcast reptile models look pretty cool.

I like the Kharadrons, I like them a lot actually. To each their own I guess.

That's not likely since the codex has been leaked already and no primaris unit other than the repressor tank has a las weapon option of any kind.

So most likely it's a guard or generically imperial unit or character.


I'd sooner believe that it was a solar, or just straight up Imperial Auxillia. Guilliman seems like the kind of guy who would order regiments to combine on a large scale.

Obviously we would still have our classic regiments, but a portion of all recruits would be allocated to this new mega-regiment.