MTG Modern General

MTG Modern General

old thread
>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>what's your favorite shitbrew?

>Current Modern Metagame


Thread question: what's your all-time favorite card flavorwise?

Other urls found in this thread:

>what are you playing?
Affinity, because I forgot my Burn deck in my brother's car at GP Toronto
>what are you hating?
Grixis Death's Shadow
>what's your favorite shitbrew?
Abzan Reanimator

Eldrazi tron

Splashing black into 8whack for a Night's Whisper, Pain's Reward and Read the Bones draw engine?

Recently played against a As Foretold Balance deck that can kill all lands on turn 3, if you're into that.
There's some lists online, but the one I played against ran 4 Gideon of the Trial and Remand to stall the game. Packs a pretty decent punch if you don't know what you're up against.

A spin on Merfolk. I feel that Merfolk is primed to be really good in our area since it has turned into midrangey mardu, tron decks, and cheap burn alternatives

I really don't understand why you went and took a good deck and then made it bad.

>adding a bunch of durdly card draw to the most balls out aggro deck in Modern
n, very n

So I can compete on your level.



I keep running out of gas when my opponent reaches around 5-7 life and then It's all up to if I topdeck burn spells.
I need a way to draw more gas.

Tormenting thoughts/cathartic reunion?

And three mana black spells you think is the way to fix it?
The deck already needs a ton of things to go right in hand. What you're suggesting contributes nothing to the strength of the deck which is perfect opening hands and blazing fast lethal.

Gifts Storm with quickens to combo of insta speed on my opponents turn.


No, it's not worth because you need 1 more mana, meaning that you are effectively comboing off 1 turn later.

I like quicken in the storm mirror but in a regular game I'm not really a fan.

why don't you play Hearthstone?


It's bad until you consider you really don't need the lands past two or three mana. Once you hit three you just pay a red to get 6 more damage in your hand.

It's a completely different less fun game where you have to rely on rng and grinding to build whereas you can go on a website and order all the cards you want for a determined price

Relinking this in case someone else has some thoughts on it. Gunn try and fit in some Sorins, the 4 drop one that makes vampires.

bad rng vs good rng

is there a discord server for this general at all? if so someone should post an invite here

Kill yourself

r*deposters please leave

the fuck is discord?

The new cancer chat service that is sweeping Veeky Forums.

Why aren't non-creatures allowed to have cards with just flavor text?

Creatures can have card text, flavor text, or both.

Non-creatures can only have card text, or both. They can't just have flavor.

Is there some conspiracy by WotC to show blatant favoritism to creatures?

nice digits.

so basically people are just skyping instead of posting on Veeky Forums? why the fuck would you link that? might as well link reddit or mtgsalvation

wait... wut?

Fracturing discussion into more communities does nothing unless the chat medium adds something to discussion. And it doesn't add anything.

It's just easier if we sit here and flame each other through text because then at least we can quote each other for our bullshit.

To be fair, we do have the full art non-creatures like damnation, cryptic, negate, etc. that don't explain what the spell does. So I'm sure if wizards wanted to, they could print something like lightning bolt with just flavour text.

this isn't pre-lorwyn WotC, guys. They aren't going to print shit like pic related again. It's a damn shame

I think they were a bad idea. People are going to play these against new players and it's just going to piss them off when there is no text.

Sure, there's a reasonable expectation that people memorize some cards, but it's not reasonable to expect people to expect to have to just take everything your opponent tells you not because of malicious intent, but because people are dogshit at explaining things. Not to mention there are people out there who would just roll their eyes when people ask what a card does or if not them then some other asshole in the room.

I'm against this fucking hug box the game has become, but I don't approve of giving dipshits in this game the opportunity to act all smug with their textless cards.

I agree they probably weren't the best idea, but I want them if only so I can have an entire burn deck of textless promos

So you want a vanilla noncreature spell? Without any text and all flavor text?

>Textless Boros Charm
>people get even saltier when you use the indestructible mode
I don't even own any Textless cards and i want this.

Is there even a playable card in the new set? I've been trying out Nimble Obstructionist, but it just isn't good

I've done it with Cryptic Command. It's stupid and you shouldn't be allowed to do it. It should be considered in extremely poor taste to play textless Cryptic Command outside a GP or higher rated event.

After I repeatedly cast Cryptic against a person I realized what a shitty situation it must be to have that card cast against you especially when it's textless. I put the promo away and got some regular ones - of course, this was during a time when Cryptic was cheap. Nowadays with the price of shit if I had to buy fresh Cryptics I would not do it and make people deal with it.

Even if it just force spiked the ability when it entered it'd be so much better. It's like they want to print something at Clique's powerlevel but can't do it without going overboard and printing Gurmag Angler and Siege Rhino stupid powerlevel shit.

The annoying thing about the Cryptic one is I'm pretty sure that the order of the resolving text can actually be relevant so resorting to oracle text happens way more than any other card.

On the one hand, everyone literally has Oracle text in their pockets or you can ask a judge for Oracle text. So it shouldn't be that big of an issue. On the other hand, I've been the guy who didn't remember Cryptic could tap creatures and got a little angry about it.

Just because you can reference Gatherer doesn't mean you should create situations where it is almost necessary to and waste everyone's time doing it.

There are better ways to teach new players to call for judges. And wasting a judge's time is a habit I want to stab people for - it's like they can't fucking think for themselves or they use the judge as an excuse to do no thinking.

There's this faggot in my community and he ALWAYS without fail calls a judge the moment the judge starts the event; and he fucking sucks at the game and refuses to learn and calls the judge for trivial bullshit like forgetting to give someone priority before declaring attackers. Angle shooting for shit like warnings and stuff at low rated events and perpetuating the idea that the judge is there to babysit everyone.

Dude, I was just saying I see both sides. Textless cards are both cool, and annoying.

> And wasting a judge's time is a habit I want to stab people for
Asking for Oracle text is not wasting a judge's time. A judge is there to oversee an event, and that is one of their job duties. 99% of judges would rather you ask them if you have any question concerning rules than you play like you know everything. Asking a judge for a sandwich is wasting their time; asking them for Oracle text on a textless Cryptic Command is not.

Sorry, I get it.

>discord is cancer

nice try sperglord, its only cancer for those who can't talk to other human beings

Having a discord for a general encourages tripfaggotry and drama. Only reddit-tier attention whores would actually want something like that for a thread like this.

but isn't thgat what were doing right now?

>trying to make new friends who are like-minded and have similar interests and having a convenient place to talk to them is for reddit-tier attentionwhores

nice meme

>wanting to become friends with the subhumans who browse this site
lol no thanks




Is there only one BW manland? the 2/3 lifelinker?

you could use dread statuary

Would sooner use Blinkmoth

Spawning Pool, Forbidding Watchtower, and Mutavault also exist.

I've been away from Modern quite a while, but it seems like Eldrazi Tron had a (small) drop in popularity, the last weeks. Any reason for this drop?

I did, until i bought into mtgo. Hearthstone is a fun game, bit I prefer magic

basically it didn't keep placing in paper or higher level online tournaments, so peopled started playing something else.

i played this in atarka red. 100% gas.

mono white d&t
lingering souls until my shop gets a pair of orzhov pontiffs for me to buy

uw taxes with sky hussar. i WILL make this work.
sky hussar and thraben inspector: more gas than the hindenberg.

Thinking of switching from legacy to modern, is it true that dredge is dead or simply neutered with grave troll ban?

The rumors of dredges demise were greatly exaggerated. But srsly its pretty viable but since people pack graveyard hate for GDS you're at a small disadvantage

That's more than a small disadvantage though

Kinda want to make a shitty tron deck with the new bolas. I figure I'll need oath of nissa, sylvan scrying, and the usual tron artifacts and lands. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

>Favorite land

look up tron superfriends, they t1 oath of nissa then start loading up on planeswalkers

Oh shit, thanks user

>uw taxes with sky hussar. i WILL make this work.
>sky hussar and thraben inspector: more gas than the hindenberg
Sky Hussar is fun, I've been thinking of running one in the Bant Martyr-Proc list I'm working on.

It's still really good, especially if your meta isn't prepared for it. If you have the money or the cards I'd have a second deck laying around once your meta has adjusted to dredge.

Should I wait till after the recent bans or start building affinity now?

Affinity will always be a deck in some capacity. It's like dredge, in that it waxes and wanes with the amount of sideboard hate people pack. Go for it.

Lit. I'm hoping to jump between affinity and dredge depending on the meta changes.

Maybe one or two of these.

Affinity will always be around and none of its important cards will get a reprint or banning anytime soon so it's never a bad time to buy.
You better get the right ravager art though.

predictions for b&r: thoughtseize is banned


predictions for the b&r: nothing banned or shadow/something from Etron banned.

god I wish the tron lands would get banned
fucking fast mana bullshit needs to be aborted

Why doesn't grixis DS run temur battle rage, claim//fame, or apostle's blessing?

Tron wasn't nearly as bullshit before the Nudrazi and Ugin were printed. They got some new toys so we should get something new to fuck with them to discourage retarded coinflip magic.

>inb4 crumbling dust

t. Abzan player

because it isn't a combo deck.

claim/fame would be OK if you can find room for it.

DS used to back when it was Suicide Zoo with Probe, Become Immense, Swiftspear. Now it cares less about early kills and more about disruption

How to nerf eldrazi and maybe even shadow

Each player chooses a basic land type. Nonbasic lands are the chosen type.

Ignore the syntax error shit

Edit: thanks for the gold

well we either need better hate printed (unlikely) or we need a ban

>shitting on blood moon
Fuck off.

Note that wastes isn't a basic land type. Also, this really shouldn't be printed. What Modern needs is decent /interactive/ things to deal with lands, not more Stony/RIP/Blood Moon style slam and win mega-hosers

I see, so making a more agressive DS shadow in grixis would actually be worse than whats used now?

They can choose Swamp and use their forest to cast Abrupt Decay.

It is kinda shitawful though, you are correct there, but basically make an enchantment that makes lands tap for a single colored mana and not (((3)))

Probably, you end up with a lot of moving pieces that do nothing on their own. Plus your upside of killing people quicker probably isn't better than just playing Burn

>basically make an enchantment that makes lands tap for a single colored mana and not (((3)))
Why not literally have an enchantment that does that instead then?

you know what isn't on the reserved list?


Was there ever a more disappointing creature than this one? It got an awesome visual design, yet for all its hype it goes down like a chump in both crunch *and* fluff.

Decided to build a Jund deck and was just looking at lists for it - has traditional Jund died off in favour of Death's Shadow?
I was about to pick up 3 Lilianas and a playset of Bobs when I noticed that, and I'm wondering about it as it seems like Bobs aren't run anymore, and Lili is a 2 of in a lot of Death's Shadow decks.

Don't go Oath of Nissa, keep your Ancient Stirrings
Just remove whatever, add Nicol Bolas and That's what I did, it works great
You can't tutor Bolas but you can tutor Cataracts

If you guys really wanted to see Tron ban, then just start ramming it into any deck. Almost every deck could make room for at least a trinity

Hey /tg
If I wanna make a sultai zombie tribal deck, should I go aggrocontrol/midrange, or dredge maximum fuckery?

What do you think, user? If what you want is an actual competitive deck, than fuck tribal. Just take dredge, season for flavour and meta and have at it. Seems like a stupid question, because it answers itself