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Do you own any real, physical Pathfinder books? Which ones?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)
Do you own any real, physical Pathfinder books? Which ones?
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I own a harrow dick
How often do you use it, huh?
Frequently, my players love it
Not a goddamn one.
How do i build a skald, /pgg/ ?
That fox looks like she gives very good hugs!
Do you think your character is a good hugger, pfg? Are they willing to display open acts of intimacy or even love? Tell us about the last utterly romantic thing your character(s) have done!
Get a reach weapon and stab people while singing. Rage Powers depending on the party, but Beast Totem line is usually a winner.
That fox looks like she's wearing an outfit out of Second Life.
Srround yourself with a party of Barbarians and/or Bloodragers. Berzerkergang everything
She's not a big hugger, though she's not opposed to it. It's just not something she's super used to doing, so it's not her go-to for displaying affection with people she's not dating.
She's pretty good at hugs. She's kinda small, so she usually gets enveloped.
Rangers pretty good.
How are DHB's brews? I want a new martial.
Where is DHB? Haven't seen him in weeks.
Busy with work, I'd imagine.
I'm kinda new to pathfinder. Does taking Beast Totem as rage power basically means that Inspired Rage loses its main drawback?
Also I'm thinking going Human for a change. Any good feat for a lvl5 skald?
Don't listen to this man. All you need is CHA out the ass, Spirit Totem and DFT:Starknife. Make sure to use Unchained rage or the Wyrmsinger archetype. Oh, and always go Fated Champion on every skald ever. You're literally a chump if you don't.
And speaking of homebrewing, while the release of FUCKING BLOOD OF THE SEA was a nice little goldmine of stuff, it didn't give us what I really wanted: playable Deep Merfolk. So I'm working on that for a bit.
Apparently the guy works like 60+ hour weeks.
What is her go-to for displaying affection?
Have you comforted an awoo today?
I made a thing, rebrew of Cacaelia because I'm a scyllafag and I didn't like Paizo's version.
Pls be gentle.
Why is he vibrating
She jokes and teases. She'll offer her own food - which is a big deal because she has a custom drawback that demands she eat 3 times as much as a creature of her size. A nickname usually means she likes you.
It's a bit of a massive meme build, but getting yourself a flight-capable Mauler familiar through Eldritch Heritage and then grabbing Undersized Mount is absoutely hilarious.
In all seriousness though, grabbing a familiar can be very useful for a skald, especially if you go Spirit Totem since it effectively grants you an extra spiritball attack.
Maybe he's excited?
I'm a dumb and found a mistake. Also reordered the two versions. The top one is now the Advanced version, the bottom one is Monstrous.
Which one are you looking at in particular?
What you say makes a lot of sense for me so far (even though it makes me do a lot of research) but
> Fated Champion on every skald
I can see it replaces well-versed nicely which is great, but isn't losing versatility on spell kenning and losing dirge of doom kind of a big deal?
Also, total newbie question but I can't get a simple answer out of d20pfsrd... when/how can I choose a DFT? I see there is a simple prerequisite but I don't understand when you can pick this thing up. Is it like a feat?
Im trying to avoid memeing too hard since I don't know our DM too well yet. I also kinda dislike familiars. Thanks for your ideas though!
Jesus Christ
Sounds like a real sweetheart, what are the other PCs like? Any earn a nickname?
DFT is a feat. You qualify generally by worshiping the god, but if the god isn't in play (custom settings etc) or your GM is feeling generous, you generally just need the alignment for it.
Spell versatility is not a thing you lose. You're a skald, you don't use your spells for blasting anyway - the fact that you gain divination stuff at lower slots is actually a straight upgrade.
Dirge of doom is shit-tier, and too late to matter much anyway.
Also, have this conversion of B5's Deep Merfolk to a playable race. Very beta and unpimped so far, but tell me your thoughts.
Definitely nervous. He's on alert. He does a little lip-licking thing near the end. I assume he's at the vet given his anxiety and the calm of the people around him.
Maybe he's on a boat taking off or something?
hi rory
Pretty good all things considered. Fighter is now King Martial Utility, Cavalier is Martial Bard, though I don't know much about the Gunslinger
Yeah, actually. The Undine earned a nickname. He's a wiseass, but he's funny. They often tease the fighter together. She doesn't like his penchant for lying, but he's promised not to lie about what's important. His last name is Sandius, which became Sandypants, which is now just Pants. Or Undiepants when she's drinking.
The fighter has a simple farmgirl vibe, and they connected via their mutual love of smashing shit. She's quiet, but nice. She's Turtle. Slow and quiet, but an incredibly solid defense.
The monk is nice. A bit of an astronaut, he's trying to teach her how to meditate. She's really bad at it. He's lanky, so she calls him Noodle.
>Now playable stats for Adaros
>Now we have 2 options for playing a sharkgirl, both of the Mer and Leg variety
>You can now play a shark girl
What a time to be alive!
Alright thanks a bunch! I don't really understand the synergy with starknife and spirit totem but i'll look into it more. Wish there was a less convoluted way to make the class less MAD...
Are Sahuagin Barbarians now the new meta?
Gunslinger is Engineer.
Pls feed me (you)s
DFT:Starknife makes your attack and damage scale off CHA.
Spirit Totem gives you extra melee attacks (one per party member with your rage) that scale off CHA for attack and damage.
It's a very easy force multiplier.
o i wasnt looking at the right "spirit totem", my bad
thanks for your patience
So, we now how Fish people and stuff.
So, Bug races when?
Fighter desu
Not until bunnyrace a realz.
Anyone got a link, it's not in the trove
Including their absolutely massive rear ends?
Because Viera girlie ass is top notch.
Fool! Bugs are superior to buns!
I don't recall Viera booty being that big.
>FFXIV Viera
Fucking never.
It's on pfsrd, I believe.
I'd recommend you check out sankakucomplex
People *love* bun butte
I'm pretty sure Alluria Publishing had a bug race that start out as caterpillar people but can metamorphosize with a feat.
Scorpiongirls > Bunnygirls.
Well? What are ya waiting for?
I just looked that up and got a lot of in-game model shit and some futa bunnies.
Not quite my cup of tea!
A reply.
>tfw you run out of concepts
That doesn't sound right
The Viera tag on sankaku chan gave you that?
Tall dusky/chocolate girlies that like high-heels, stockings and negligee, while also having plump butts, cute tails and adorable ears. Skilled in magic, sorcery and almost anything dex related. +dex, floating bonus between wis or cha, -str/con?
Viera's are great.
Its mostly from their naturally pointed feet, it makes their butts stick out.
The day I learn how to smile again.
The day you run out of concepts is the day you should stop trying to join new campaigns.
I think I've seen this video. Was this those crush vids where they made doggos watch how the asian girls killed the doggo before them?
God, I hope not.
Want my advice? Just play some vidya, try to find any 1 concept or "thing" you find cool, base a character off of that thing, organically look for and add new idea and concepts as you come across them, gradually flesh out the character as you do, and bam your done
That's the fucking stuff
-Con isn't an option though, with how healthy those lovely ladies are.
-Con is totally applicable though because Viera are extremely sensitive to fluctuations of Mist which can range from making them feel sick, making them feel weak, or driving them into terrible rages.
Having a great ass =/= having great Con.
Thanks, user.
We've been over this user.
A spectacular ass is indicative of having great health, and being a very suitable breeding partner, both of which are attributed to Con.
It sorta makes sense, but that almost strikes me as having a weakness to X type of save(s) rather than a Con penalty
But that'd just make them variant elves, wouldn't it? Then again, they pretty much just are elves...
PM your crush /pfg/!
Or I will.
Do male elves look like this?
I suppose they could use some differentiation between elves. I guess giving them their choice between two statlines could work. the +dex, floating int/cha, and -con being the more 'woodsy' viera, where +str/dex, -int represent the less mist attuned viera (more prone to going berserk though)
The ass is sculpted, user. A quality booty comes from working out, which is Strength and a little Charisma.
>cha is a physical stat
look at this user and laugh
It's all str/dex and con.
You don't have the guts, you lily-livered bamboozler! Who would you even PM?
>6 days till Iron gods closes
>GM has not reappeared
I think it should be struck from the list
(You) if you are who I think you are.
Same for Carnal Crown. They seem to have the same DM.
>both are sockpuppet accounts with 0 hours played
>almost identical app template, only slightly changed word order in a few places
>disappeared at nearly the same time
>very similar account names
>both are an AP with some lewdness added
>very similar chargen
Its from a crush vid.
They tied that pupper up with a short leash while some asian girl poked it to death with her clear heels.
fuck they stole my idea
>mexico barbarossapla
the fuck
no words can properly express my hatred
>Do you think your character is a good hugger, pfg?
No, the best huggers would be WereShiba Inu's
Physical appearance can be representative of str, dex, con and a *very* tiny bit of cha (I prefer to keep cha as more of a 'mental' stat).
Viera are frequently depicted as little more than lithe and tall, being quite graceful especially when moving. They are susceptible to the magical flows of mist which has a number of adverse effects on them (under extreme circumstances they have been known to enter berserker-like rages snapping manacles and striking armored humes dead with unarmed attacks). Generally no mention is made of their strength and they tend to avoid jobs that leverage strength in favor of ones that favor accuracy and spell use (fencer, archers, assassins, snipers, red magi, white magi).
Extrapolating from their FFTA jobs, Viera are seldom known for their robust constitutions (ranging from d- to b rankings in HP with one E rank hp), but they are very quick to act (generally c to a rank speed, one S rank, slowest job being WHM), their defenses are usually somewhat low (ties into a lower con score) but their magic defenses are totally acceptable. Their magical aptitude is generally pretty good, but they have no traditional "trained" casters like blackmage; it's elementalists, whm's, redmages and summoners.
There, I just PM'd. Let's see if my guess was right.
Here we go, my conceptual level 5 gestalt build "Know it All":
Class: Disciple of the Pike & Order of the Hero Cavalier 5 || Mindchemist Alchemist 2 & Inquisitor 3 VMC Bard
Race: Elven Pitborn Tiefling
>Knowledge skills (when not identifying monsters)
5 (ranks) + 3 (class skill) + 4 (int) + 4 (minds chemist) + 4 (deific obedience irori) + 2 (bardic knowledge) + 2 (breadth of experience) = +24
>Knowledge skills (when identifying monsters)
5 (ranks) + 3 (class skill) + 4 (int) + 3 (mind chemist) + 4 (deific obedience irori) + 2 (bardic knowledge) + 2 (breadth of experience) + 4 (monster lore) + 2 (inquisitor FCB) + 2 (order of the hero) + 2 (disciple of the pike) = +34
>situational bonuses
Know the Enemy (spell, adds +10 to identifying monsters)
Illumination Inquisition (power, adds +1 to knowledge)
Cognatogen (power, adds +4 to knowledge because mindschemist)
Tears to Wine (spell, adds +2 to all int skills)
>Total possible bonus at level 5 w/ resources spent
+51 to identifying monsters
+31 to other knowledge checks
No longer will there ever be the issue of "does anyone have knowledge history" or "we don't know what kind of creature that is" truly the future is bright.
Is a Weredragon Half-Dragon Dragonborn who is also a Sorcerer with a Draconic Bloodline too much Dragon?
Have you ever run away from a headpat before?
Do headpats actually happen in games or is it a meme?
They'll be core in Starfinder. I do hope they give us different designs on them, so Beetles and Crickets and even Spider inspired Shirren are possible
>and vmc
Do any games actually allow all that together?
Most games that allow gestalt allow the others. I've never seen a game that allows gestalt that banned multiclassing/VMC.
They're a meme, I've never given a headpat and never seen a headpat given. If I'm going to reward a woman for a job well done, I'm going to hecking tell her, not pat her like a doggo.
>I'm going to hecking tell her, not pat her like a doggo.
No Shibe-San! Remember the mantras!
So +dex/+cha/-con?
But what if she IS a doggo?