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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Nice digits.
Double faggot.
triple faggot.
yes homo. ;-)
Pleas stahp, you'r scaring the children!
It was mentioned in Awakening 2e that the Watchtowers have a bias towards certain individuals.
Can one determine a 'soon to be' Mage's Path based on their character / personality ?
Everybody and their grandmother in awakened society has a theory or fool proof technique to determine when someone will awaken. Bollocks.
While it's true a certain type of person awakens more often compared to a layman awakenings themselves are effectively random.
Generally speaking, you can probably reasonably guess. An Obrimos will usually be convinced of some pattern or order in the universe; a Thyrsus will typically become withdrawn from human contact; a Mastigos will get deeper into their personal psychoses and/or depravities, etc.
It's a mystery of the setting. there no conclusive evidence. but you can see a few commonalities. but thats more from HEY I can DO THIS. rather than a personality A B block
Just to clarify, I am saying that you can probably guess the Path of someone who has omens of "This dude might Awaken" circling around their head.
Someone in the last thread raised the point of what the Pentacle average Wisdom might be.
Well, I took a quick look into Boston Unveiled (probably the most representative assortment of an entire Consilium available to us right now) and pulled the average.
I got the following numbers for Wisdom/Mages:
8: 3
7: 18
6: 11
5: 11
4: 4
3: 1
2: 1
Which gives us an average Wisdom of 5.96. Higher than expected. What was also unexpected is that there was little correlation between high Gnosis and low Wisdom (but note that the Gnosis of NPCs in Boston Unveiled is generally pretty low and probably not up-to-date with 2e fluff anymore, especially Masters who in 2e would have to have at least Gnosis 5)
What was said in previous posts. Also, SoS will apparently have an entire chapter dealing with Awakening. Check Dave's preview.
>A game that penalizes you for doing mage things has supremacy over anything
Pure shit game design. user you can't shoot that fireball because lol paradox
From Dave's preview, you can apparenty see and interact with the Mage's Awakening if you are on the correct Path, so at least during the process of Awakening you already know.
Silly user, Signs of Sorcery is vaporware.
That doesn't happen in Awakening 2e. Now it's only doing it in front of a Sleeper like a moron or spending Reach you don't have. And even if you did Paradox, you can still pull off the spell.
So is the Book of Secrets shit?
Does anyone have a link to a pirated copy?
Including "bad mages" adds the following:
7: 1
6: 3
5: 2
4: 1
3: 1
2: 2
(Average Wisdom here 4.6)
This totals to an average Wisdom of: 5.7
The "bad mages" are just too few (at least those named in the book) to meaningfully impact the average.
Would DaveB count as a Namefag?
How dare you even suggest that
A typical Wisdom range of 7-4 is fairly normal. Mages are self-indulgent, obsessive wankers, but their existence is dependent on discretion. It behooves them to be careful and not just fling spells around willy-nilly.
It is possible to be a truly right bastard and still have decent or even high Wisdom.
Well, by that point, they're already in the process, yeah.
It must be kind of heartbreaking to be a Mage who is witnessing another's Awakening like that; to see the Supernal so raw, unfiltered, and beautiful, and know it won't last.
Mode median still looks like 5,6
With the lens of 2ed. I can see a lot of good guy mages falling down to 4,5. Simple because the weight of wisdom has a different focus. Wisdom is now how much and why do you use magic.
I can see a lot of nice guys throwing out spells in good faith, but because they're being sloppy it keeps dinging them. Using magic unnecessarily. Like mending a sleeper's leg in a non threatening situation.
The sleeper is fine and help is not far off. the mending is unnecessary but still a morally good act.
I thought in 2e wisdom wasn't the same as a morality stat? Like you could be a really reckless low wisdom mage but not necessarily a bad person e.g. Dresden or harry potter.
Remember, Dave uses Harry Dresden as an example of a well-meaning, but definitely low-Wisdom mage.
>Harry Dresden
He's emotional. He fire bombed a mansion after falling into a huge trap. defiantly reactionary. He's gotten better but he keeps finding himself in bad deals. Fucking fae
A huge obvious trap. Dresden is kind of an idiot at times. If it wasn't for his raw talent he'd of been dead by like the third book.
Wouldn't Dresden be a Libertine? Even though he fights a lot, his philosophies are more Free Council. He believes in magic coming from humanity, he clashes with the more traditional wizard society he's barely a part of, etc.
I asked for the Book of Secrets, so you can circle that one as well.
You don't really want it. The whole section on trinary computers made me cry inside its so stupid. If Brucato knew what a computer was he would have just retconned trinary into portable quantum computers, not some shit tier 5 bit system.
I know it's shit, I just want to read it so I can properly tell people not to read it.
nah. not really. He believes magic comes from within. Libertines believe in the same but take it a step further and saying human culture can produce magic. He's an Arrow. He's constantly looking for causes to fight for. Or he's constantly finding myself in conflict. He's a product of a baptism of fire.
He's the mythical prodigal knight protecting his lands from the threats from his own world.
Attaching Libertine to anti tradition is not the end all be all of their beliefs.
Plus his curse wipes out tech so yeah RIP your computers
That's a concept that's been with the game from the beginning.
And Trinaries ARE quantum computers.
>So is the Book of Secrets shit?
>Does anyone have a link to a pirated copy?
No, but it should be in the pastebin.
None, he shouldn't be a mage as he isn't obsessive. He doesn't look around for trouble but trouble knocks on his door and gets solved whether the problem wants it or not.
However i have been told that playing that way is wrong and people who dont go looking for shit dont awaken.
were just binary +1. That was the end all be all of the concept. A whole extra stat to check. with merely two stat locked computing its fucking amazing idea. So much more computing possibility.
quantum stat checks is trying to touch and check the position of a random electron paths. This is a higher level concept. It's all scifi theory
>Or he's constantly finding myself in conflict.
Harry is that you?
No they aren't. That's how bad book of secrets is. They made 'trinary' a slang term for a 5 state operational system. Quantum computers are their own separate thing addressed in the book. Even though, trinary as described in older texts, is literally modern day quantum computers. It really just speaks volumes of the tech illiteracy possessed by Brcucato and/or his unpaid writers that worked for no money.
>However i have been told that playing that way is wrong and people who dont go looking for shit dont awaken.
Whoever told you that is stupid as the books go to great pains to explain Awakenings as being a mysterious phenomenon with no guarantees. Mages go looking for shit AFTER they Awaken because they're literally super aware of supernatural shit to the point that they can't block it out and because pursuing Mysteries is the way to power. However a Mage who just wants to ignore all of that is a valid character, and could even be an interesting one because events will undoubtedly conspire to drag him in anyway.
Fucking shit0 I was checking Paranet and got distracted0 was going to keep a low profile9 but i flicked a spellchecking cantrip9 but now it-s all screwed up0 i hate copmuters
But Dave said it. It must be true! If you are not obsessive and Awaken you must be a Banisher!
>If you are not obsessive and Awaken you must be a Banisher!
That is a lie! Banishers do not exist in my reality!
I can get that idea. The supernatural is like a buzzing sound, you're constantly try to ignore. Denying your want to rip out the fuse box to figure out which signal will deliver pizza to the house. and you keep falling into mysteries because all your friends are diving head first, or are weird other things.
>Whoever told you that is stupid
>Someone said DaveB is stupid.
I love you user.
To be fair, he did drink plenty of his own kool-aid, but I think that is the lot of the ascended fanboy.
Has anyone created an alternate background for mummies or systems? I like mummy but the current system kind of shits on mummies for having their own agency.
I think that is simple enough. Just remove the Judges and say that their cycle of death is simple part of their nature. No boss deities necessary.
Of course then you also leave very little for the mummy to do, so you have to find something to pluck that hole with.
I've never played mummy how intrusive are the judges in an average game?
So the TV show Midnight, Texas wasn't bad. All you cross-splat fuckers should go watch it.
All I would like to say is that /wodg/ threads are always 100% terrible.
Let me explain.
I go into them with such high hopes for quality discussion of a tabletop game that I love to death, and all you people ruin it with your shitposting and pointless infighting. Why do you play the game if you hate it so much?
I want you all to take a minute to reflect on your discussions here. On your deathbed, all alone with your thoughts, is this all you want to be remembered for? Shitposting on a Zimbabwean Underground Crocheting Forum? Or do you want to aspire to something greater?
quick, someone fill that field in the bingo
If I can be remembered for shitposting that actually sounds pretty good, I'll take it.
technically its complaining about thread as well. Maybe we need to move something around on the bingo board?
>is this all you want to be remembered for?
>remembered for?
>Anonymous image board
at least I know you personally are retarded, even if I'll never know your name.
What splats can directly fight mages, mummies and demons?
surely werewolves and sin eaters?
Complaining about the thread is saying this thread is worse than usual, not talking about /wodg/ as a whole. But they probably shouldn't be in the same line.
the Plain
I don't know user, even if this was all I was doing with my life (it's not), shitposting is pretty benign in the grand scheme of things. Wow, I'm arguing with strangers on the internet and we're all calling each other names. How awful.
RIP Poster No.54543699
He truly was a retard. But them digits though.
What's the Plain?
The most powerful splat in the game.
>The Plain in their natural habitat
What book are they from? How do they work? Why have I never heard of them?
>What book are they from?
Hurt Locker
> How do they work?
>Why have I never heard of them?
Because David Hill is a communist and no one cares about anything he does.
>What book are they from?
Hurt locker
>How do they work?
They get magic peacemaking powers from the blog of a ex Amish man
>Why have I never heard of them?
For awhile after Hurt Locker came out, they got super memed on. But as the hype from Hurt Lockers release faded, so did the Plain.
Just looked it up, holy fucking shit who wrote that?
Its another disaster of shit tier poor mechanics, just like 1000 Years of Night.
David A Hill Jr. Weeaboo commie, former writer for OPP, now twitter shitposter and part-time writer.
A lot of what Dave says is just jokes and banter on the Mage forums, so only an idiot would take it seriously. Unfortunately....
I really feel sad for the guy every time he tries to say something funny and then someone comes back waving it around like it was religious text, like the fanatic waving around Brian's sandal in the Life of Brian.
How much homosexuality/trans propaganda was in it?
Gonna try this one last time.
If any Anons could please give some feedback on this NPC, I'd be very thankful!
pretty intrusive If you do shit they don't like it's possible to drop several sekhem fast. If you donlt have a goal you In character have no control of you have issues.
Personally, when I heard about mummy i thought it was about a bunch god kings who went into the afterlife only to get jipped and realized they had to do more to end up in a better position in the afterlife. I was not expecting be the biggest bitch in the game.
And Filamena Young.
There's a gay couple (who are fallen angels), but otherwise not much so far. The most badass person on the show is, from all appearances so far, a human female hunter.
>Network Television
What ever happened to Ethan Skemp? He used to be pretty much all about Werewolf, but he seems to have disappeared.
Though, to be honest... the product isn't really missing him it seems... Werewolf the Forsaken 2e is the best Werewolf yet.
I haven't read The Pack yet though - how is that?
Sorry I meant to say, In character, mummies who want to remain on earth have no agency. They have to do what they were summoned for. It's kind of just a big blotch on an otherwise great line.
Oh that fucking figures. They'd make the symbols of divine purity faggots, and of course the most badass person on the show is a woman. It's always a woman, because ciswhitemales always have to be shown up. Typical mainstream crap.
I found the Tumblrite
They better have fallen for being gay.
And how exactly do you figure that, /pol/tard?
Yeah, it's as bad as you think. Just the same stock garbage you'd expect from any big network. The same Hollywood agenda propaganda, wrapped in a palatable theme for our demographic. With no real quality twists. It'll last maybe a couple seasons.
>(who are fallen angels)
Try reading, it might help you
Actually, the black vampire is pretty badass too. HE's played by the guy who played the trainer on Spartacus.
I'm not him, nor is he necessarily from /pol/ for speaking such blatant truths.
Urban fantasy has become PC/SJW trash
Oh look, we have a volunteer censor here. How brave of you. So brave.
>I don't like what you have to say
>You must be from /pol/
How to spot a Tumblr fag
Flawless and without fail
>muh skeletons
I'm not censoring shit you subnormal, just calling people out for being idiots.
I bet they have, but of course, the twist is, they're really good kind guys, (and homosexuals not in any way ever to be looked upon as sinful!!!!) and god is a JERK, because God is always a bad guy or just plain asshole/jerk/intolerant bastard. Because isn't that the stock way of portraying Christianity on television now? Especially on supernatural shows? (White Wolf certainly isn't free of sin on this, is it?)
Well they need a badass black guy for the baddest ass white girl to hook up with. Mainstream Television to a "T"
>just calling people out for being idiots.
Oh please, do elaborate. How are we being idiots, you cunt swine?
Why is this the first question you ask user?