EDH/Commander General /edhg/

Challenge edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Any pet cards you feel the need to try to make work?

Other urls found in this thread:


stop making them so early
this is autistic
it's a fucking online image board in a thread about a fucking card game
your infatuation with hating or not hating a discord is pathetic

Haha, OP, you seemed to have forgotten the Discord info. Here it is:

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

Don't beat yourself up about it though. Just try to be less forgetful next time.

But how can he make sure that no one links Discord in the OP if he doesn't start a thread 150 posts early?

I feel like any of that could be turned back on you. Like, if it's pathetic to care about something like that, why is it that you care so much?

>150 posts early

You're not familiar with the post limit on Veeky Forums, are you?

one post in one thread is a lot less caring than the 10+ threads this has been happening
kys nigger

The point is we're wasting space in every thread by not waiting until the thread is autosaged and dipping down to the lower pages.

What spells pair hilariously with this?
Bonus points if it's also strong.

>Any pet cards you feel the need to try to make work?
I really want to make a Rebel deck, but it would most certainly be shit unless I fill it to the brim with goodstuff and goodstuff only

Threadly Reminder

hahahahaha. Good thing this is the internet.

Of course. He just got here from Gaia after all.

>one post in one thread

You and I both know it's been more than that.

>wasting space in every thread

Does the space cost anything?

it makes conversations end prematurely
carrying over conversations is bad manners

Chaos Warp
Cruel Ultimatum

It cuts off discussions from the previous thread.

No lands
No artifacts
No enchantment
No walkers
Beasts only
Final destination

What's this about? Razaketh is mad strong, but not in the command zone really. He's one of the best reanimation targets though.

>Giving a shit once the old one has hit bump limit

>Any pet cards you feel the need to try to make work?

Worms of the Earth needs a home.

>What's this about?
read the picture

Rune-Scarred Demon is better

Look at this faggot. Look and laugh. He wanted to shill his discord so hard he's mad about 3 (three) posts early for the OP and immediately posted his server within the first two replies.

Can you just fuck off? Post your bullshit mid thread, where it belongs and stop caring about your fucking MSN for fags. Keep it up OP, you're doing God's work.

Hey, I'm trying something new: A dedicated Commander Duel Decks thread where we create and then face Thematic Commander decks off against each other. This time it's Martials vs. Casters

Wizards: Warriors:

>discord link
the hero we needed
not the hero we deserved

I can read it, but why is he such a retard? Why is he so insistent on its strength?

the world may never know

The world may never know.

instead of full -1/-1 synergy with Scorpion god, would stax/control work?
was looking at Mogis's general shell on EDHREC and found that paired with his ability to draw and wither big beaters, might work very well


No, because if you wanted to build stax and control in Rakdos colors, you're basically gimping yourself if you don't build Mogis.

mogis would be in the 99, so would vial smasher and kaervek

Why would Mogis be in the 99 instead of the 1? What benefit do you get out of putting Scorp at the helm over Mogis if you're not building around the -1/-1 counter draw engine?

Awakened Part The Waterveil

this user was just sperging out really hard that so many people disagreed with him and that was his ultimatum post.

looking forward to my $100

Holy fuck, that's close to disgusting

What's the general opinion on edh mill-decks? Are they hated off the table?

They're laughed off the table.

not really hated just not very strong. people tend to focus on them during games because its a free win

You go ahead and play as much mill as you like little buddy. No really, I insist. Live your dreams.

Most EDH players will range from "not caring" to "actively benefiting" from being milled.

The only mill worth a damn is combo-mill and you can't even always rely on combo mill because of the Eldrazi Titans. Unless it's exile based, it's shit.

Is Voice of Resurgence a must have for every deck that runs G/W? What about a Marath deck would it be good in it? I'm not seeing it on EDHrec but wouldn't it make more tokens with all the cards that double tokens in Marath decks?

It maybe good in a 20 life 1v1 format but it's pretty shitty in edh tbqh

>must have
No. Selvala, Explorer Returned doesn't really care about it, Saffi Eriksdottir doesn't give a shit, Dragonlord Dromoka works against it. It's a bit better in Rhys, Trostani, or Emmara, but still not necessary.

Voice is good if you can recur it or copy the tokens. If you want it to protect your spells, it's a worse Grand Abolisher.

Definitely not a must have but I'm also not sure it's especially shitty in edh compared to 20 life, because in edh there are fewer bolts and fatal pushes going around to be spent on 2 mana dorks, so people will tend to save their removal for must-answer threats and let you have some tokens

I have it in my Ghave deck, many many tokens

So Marath?

Sure there's less spot removal but there's a lot more board wipes and 2 other opponents that can potentially cast said board wipes


Iroas sucks, right?
Because he's the one god I've actually found in a package, and I'm pretty tempted now that I'm back into magic to make a deck around him
I know that Boros is most likely the weakest color combination in this format, but how much I'm additionally gimping myself by playing him as my general instead of other creatures?

I'd imagine Ghave more. Black makes it very easy to recur.

It only cascade if it's cast, not if it's copied.

You're still returning all permanents to everyone's hands.

He's pretty good if you want to just play aggro. Aurelia is probably a better commander him in the 99, but you can still effectively run Ironas.

Including your own. Great job.

Yeah but doesn't that include your own?

depends on what you want to play. If you are really into an aggro strategy and it won't get 100% blown out by your play group's meta You can give it a whirl and then change to another commander with the same basic shell if it doesn't work out

Basically make the type of deck you want to and build to suit it, if you're not actually into Iroas just find another card, there are way too many potential commanders to lock yourself into one half heartedly just because you pulled him


Hilarity (might) ensue.

I'm also not the person who posted that originally, although it's not hard to see how you could use that to your advantage (i.e. with a creature on the stack below it you can use to run away with the game.)

I want to build this guy over here. What are some blue cards that care about the graveyard/being in the graveyard?

>he doesn't put shroud on all his permanents before doing this

Treasure Cruise.

Dig Through Time.

Temporal Trespass.

That's all you need my dude.

Haha, OP, you seemed to have forgotten the Discord info. Here it is:

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

Don't beat yourself up about it though. Just try to be less forgetful next time.

Sure but unlike everyone else you know it's comming so you can protect things. Or, at the very least, whatever cascade gives you will be a leg up.

Link's expired.

go suck each other dicks on your namefag forum

OP -- doing God's work.

here, made a new link especially 4 u

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

That link never expires ;^)

Hey, does anyone know why TCG player is such a piece of shit sometimes?

I've been having a consistent problem the past few times I've been buying from them. When I start building a cart I filter for Direct only products/sellers and add only those items that qualify for Direct shipping, but when I go to check out it's moved a bunch of the sellers into their own package, each with their own shipping so I end up with 10-15 dollar shipping on a $25 order. Obviously this is a no-go. The cart optimizer doesn't work either, it crashes and fails to complete or simply returns back that the Direct products I selected are invalid for some reason.

This happen to anyone else? It's happened to me the last few times I've ordered from them and I'm about ready to call it quits and stop purchasing from them.

In a similar vein, any other good places to buy cards from online?

pic related is one of his best friends, makes your creatures unblockable

The point of having him in your command zone is so your creatures can always attack safely and with moderate evasion. Cards that reward connecting with the oppoent are what you're gonna want: Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, the Mirrodin Swords, Stigma Lasher are things to keep in mind. Powerful or cumulative "on attack" triggers are also worth considering since the fragile bodies that these abilities are attached to won't have to worry about dying to combat damage.

Truly bad players will hate it because you're taking away their shiny toys. Anything from 75%ish to cEDH will curbstomp you. The middle ground can work if you're very smart about it.

if I exile something like Lingering Souls (that only casts for one color but has another for an alternate cost) to Chrome Mox, can Chrome Mox tap for white and black?

>samefag-shilling his discord so hard he names the picture 'I wuw u'

I think you discordfags should have your own /edh/ general on r9k

>because you're taking away their shiny toys
you have to be a level of bad so low to believe that I can't imagine how those people managed to count to 100

He is more of a 99 card, but he is good.

>Chrome Mox
white only. Lingering souls is a white card.

Thanks for the link.

color identity in EDH terms and actual color in official terms are very different. Unless otherwise stated cards only count as the colors used in their mana costs

Reason for this is because TCGPlayer's own warehouse does not have the quantity/condition of the cards you are choosing from the direct-seller. It then kicks it out of direct and drops it to the seller. Splitting up your package, flagging it as not free shipping, and generally being a scrub.

Converted* mana cost

I think I'm gonna make the OP for the next couple weeks and you can go make a separate thread like you did last time and ree about how no one posts in it :^)

What? No. Converted mana cost is a number, it has nothing to do with Chrome Mox. You're thinking about Casting Cost which is an old term for Mana Cost which is "the mana payment required to cast a spell or activate an ability".

watch out guys, we got a real desperado here, he'll show us. he'll make all the OPs from now on and make us ree

I'll take a minute to answer this before class starts, poor fag here. Basically they have to guarantee the condition of each card, so some more obscure cards they might not have on hand in certain conditions, especially cheaper damaged cards. So basically you'll add them to cart and either pay an extra dollar for no reason. It's easiest to put everything you need in the cart, then afterwards filter out what they do and don't have and then try and checkout. Half of the time for a larger order (especially including format staples) you'll get a stock out. Just replace it with a different edition.

Hope this helps. Got my shit tier lovisa coldeyes brew for about 30$ with this method.

Keep an eye on the OP.

Then where is a good place to buy foil basics in medium quantity?
Trying to get foil basics for some of my decks and I need more than ~5 of a given type to fill them out. Can I place an order and just wait for more to get sent to the warehouse?

is there a list of group hug cards for every color?

Kicked Rite of Replication targeting a Precursor Golem.

I want more time. Just more time.

Also, what is your favorite card to clone?

consecrated sphinx
and then activate mindslaver

marit lage

Don't have for all colours but I hope this helps.

aren't those more in the category of group hate?

that's not what a warm, embracing hug looks like

Wait a minute. This isn't group hug, it's anal sex.

Could Mogis work if you play stuff like Jokulhaups?

>Group hug
That's more akin to shoving a cactus up your ass

Because scorpy has awesome synergy with most wither cards from shadowmoor/eventide like pic related and kulrath knight so you will have alot of draw

Anything good I'm missing out on here/bad I've left in?