Duel Deck: Martial

Build a Martial Tribal Commander using OP as your general, in order to compete with the Wizard Tribal found made Here: 70 cards and then I assemble the decklist.

Well, this is a obvious choice.

Also helpful.

Chief of the Edge/Scale seem like obvious additions.

I think we may need to focus on findjng some 'mundane' spells and Enchantments though. Just because we're martial doesnt mean we can't get stuff like Fling.

True enough, I'm just a fan of tribal enhancers.

Good point. We're going Thematic over Efficient/Power, but some balance against wizardry bullshit will be necessary.

Singing sounds mundane to me

You got it boss

Fuck wizards.

And literacy.

War's Toll, Martial Coup

Some fairly obvious inclusions.


>Zombie with a burning spear

Too magical. The rest are pretty good though


Sure, triple red is tough in a three color deck, but it kinda needs to be in here.


Could use a bit more non-red



White is kinda difficult to include in a martial theme, since most of their stuff focuses more on the rigid organized type of combat.

>Rigid organized combat

That's full martial right there. At most, we've locked ourself out of some cards due to the relative lack of White Warriors, but there should still be a lot of options.


What is our answer to Wizardry bullshit?



I don't know if protection would work for non-targetted effects like that.

Dash Hopes could work, if you interpret it as someone just saying something mean. Otherwise, my vote goes to pic related, or other roguish cards thatll less us pick through his hand or library and put a stop to the more annoying effects.

Hit harder?

tactical retreat for another charge?

That's a very good answer. I found a last resort.


On a side note, we need more thematic equipment for our guys to wear into battle

Good plan

As much as I love it we're not in green

While it isn't too honorable, we could also probably use a few good old fashioned bludgeonings, stabbings, and general murder from afar.

We need some card draw


Found a fitting one

Wizards are including Doubling Season, so warriors should run pic, and include more tokens.

This seems good with some token generation in the same turn


What are we including in the way of mana ramp and special lands. Command Tower will automatically be included.

Im not sure WBR gets much ramp. We'd be better served with utility lands and general dual lands I feel.

Some land ideas:
>Abandoned Outpost, Arena, Barbarian Ring, Battlefield Forge, Boros Garrison, Cathedral of War, Ghitu Encampment, Grand Colluseum, Nomad Outpost, Slayer's Stronghold.


Surprised you're not adding any orcs

>>TFW working on a hyper-budget version of this deck already.

I think this deck is pretty equal-opportunity to all sorts of warriors