>The campaign takes place during the Second Punic War
The campaign takes place during the Second Punic War
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>Players tell GM to knock it off with his oh-so-awesome GMPC Hannibal
Fuck it. I'm in. What's your address, and should I bring snacks?
>player suggests that Hannibal intends to circumnavigate Massalia and march his armies over the Alps
Rua Serra do japi 190, paranapanema, campinas, são Paulo, Brazil.
Bring chips and your brand of liquor, if you're drinking.
>monkey see monkey do
The epitome of irony
>GM keeps fudging dice in favor of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus and always has to say his whole name
How would you run the crossing of the alps?
Strictly historical? Are we allowed to deviate history?
Mestre, posso jogar como um Blanka grego pelado?
>Roman infantry beats Carthaginian infantry
>Roman infantry pushes *through* the Carthaginian line
>(((Somehow))) this ends up being one of the biggest defeats in Roman history
I'm telling you, Trebia was an inside job!
>setting says the Polish won
>not what that means or the fallout
>only that They Have At Last Won
So you mean at long last, Poland can into space?
You don't seem to understand the measure of their Won, user.
They. Have. WON.
It was a pretty good war, as far as war's went, except for all the dying
Not and half-polish, so understand how important their Won is
but Won what?
Against the Nazis and the Soviets?
Against the Swedes?
Against the Prussian King, the Austrian König und Kaiser, and the Russian Tsar?
It all.
You've won,
It All.
So basically setting is official Polish (((alternative))) history?
History? What's history?
There is only Poland.
Oh, you...
>the PCs are stuck in Italy, with counter-marching to deny Hanibal an opportunity to take any city.
Had Hannibal managed to have his army meet up with his brother's he might have been able to win.
I fought in the Punic War, it wasn't very humerus when I lost an arm.
How do you pronounce punic? Is it pew-nick or pun-ick?
Punick probably, that's how its pronounced in Spanish a latin Language.
Pew-nick like punitive.
Shill elsewhere, Lloyd.
>mfw my double consular army is utterly exterminated in a battle they'll be talking about for 2500 years
English isn't a latin or romance language though, so is the correct english pronunciation (at least it's not poo-nick like a German would say it in english)
Hey guys, can I play?
>GM expects his players to learn a bunch of useless info about history before they can play his pretend games
That info isn't useless, it makes all your future pretend games more satisfying.
>It's a Veeky Forums pretends to know anything about history episode
The second punic war and it's stragems are still studied by armies.
The Romans spoke latin and named the wars?
>The Romans spoke latin and named the wars?
In latin
Not in english
And latin pronunciation is different from english pronunciation
Example: latin always pronounces C as K, in english it depends on the case
Therefore it's wrong to assume you pronounce the translated the same as the original
I mean, you don't pronounce beer like the German Bier or the French bière