Was Dungeons and Dragons cool in the year 2000?
Was Dungeons and Dragons cool in the year 2000?
To say she smells like fish and has crabs is a understatement.
I get that she's not a human, and would have different standards, but it's hard to imagine someone ever using a crab shell like that as anything but a joke
So THAT is how you use these damn shells!
How is she even keeping them in place?
a combination of small cords and it wrapping around her body with the shells on the "necklace" part of it acting as some sort of anchor. I think a single cut to any part of it would undo the whole thing
She's a Nymph, guys. I think making her outfit easily removable is part of the point.
Her nipples are actually suckers like squid has on its limbs. As for the bottom one it's just lodged firmly in place.
I'm not saying it's a flaw. Just taking notes on the nature of how elaborate it is despite basically being shit she found on the beach and some twine
Meh, I like the one in the 3rd Edition Monster Manual better. Little too lewd for Veeky Forums tho.
"She draws the line at ogres and trolls".
Well, I'm sure they don't.
Nymphs are incredibly hard to rape, user. You basically have to be a god or demigod to even have a chance.
Cold Iron helps the process rather well.
Challenge accepted.
I played Dungeons and Dragons in the year 2000 and I thought it was cool.
They're part of her body.
Just like how dryads wear costumes of leaves, which are actually their body; this nymph/nereid's body is made out of the sea itself, including shellfish that are used as clothing.
Would she feel if you touched them?
Well yeah, why do you think she's got cowries as decoration?
>not fistula.webm
Can't it be both?
Troll-Nymph-Ogre spitroast is another option.
Throw in a minotaur and we have an airtight.
>I'm not just a fantasy girl
>is a girl from a fantasy universe
My head hurts.
Under-appreciated post.
Shadowrun was way cooler.
Seriously, this
>Finish an intense 4 hour game portion of gunfights and close calls with black ICE & summoned spirits
>Invite the rest of the party to my safehouse to chug synthahol
>What follows next is 6 real (and fun) hours of us rp'ing downtime
Only in a rules heavy game does this shit ever happen to me.
>classic blunder
Not at all. It was a nadir for the RPG industry.
>why retreat into fantasy when life is good
I kinda allways seen shadowrun as the indecisive mans game. Pick a team dammit.
When i saw the thumb i thought that was a shemale..
Everything was cool in the year 2000
To me it looked more like one of those living costume things.
Nerds weren't mainstream until at least 2004, so no, it wasn't cool.
>but height has never been an issue
>has never been seen with one of the smaller races
will they ever learn?
She doesn't want to seem uncouth by drooling over halflings and gnomes.
Cool enough to get a movie.
It's pretty funny, imagining the androgynous blobs who work at BioWare now blowing a gasket over that advert.
>4 hour of gunfights
>implying plural and not just a single gunfight
I really fucking hate Shadowrun's rule bloat fetishism.
"Yeah my idea of fun is referencing a horrendously edited and written book to see if I died a couple of hours into this one combat session. Don't forget muh subsystems that all are wholly separate from each other and half of them broken."
I genuinely pity GMs that run Shadowrun.
Why is she using a crab as her codpiece?
>Don't forget muh subsystems that all are wholly separate from each other and half of them broken.
4e did a lot to unify those.
Cyberware = Adept Powers
Technomancers = Mages
Sprites = Spirits
Augmented Reality = Astral Perception
Virtual Reality = Astral Projection
They each have their own little twists on how they work, but they each work in roughly equivalent ways to each other.
Great file name. A little obscure painting, though.
What should I run to specifically showcase Shadowrun without too much pain for players who like the setting?
Food Fight is basically the one thing everyone agrees on
No, but I played the SHIT out of Neverwinter Nights. I had to give it up a few years ago because of my schedule, but I was on PW's well into 2014-15
Though there are others. 3e has a book called First Run which has Food Fight and a couple others, at least one of which is heavily magic-themed. Nobody seems to have any opinions on those, though.
>Was Dungeons and Dragons cool in the year 2000?
Yes. The 3rd edition big revival thing led to an influx of new players, since most of the young'uns were focused mostly on WoD, so there was nothing appealing to them in the outdated fantasy genre.
No, but that was about to change.
D&D was the Sick Man of RPGs for about ten years. TSR had been a big scary corporation that couldn't seem to do anything right. People bitched about it as the Old Way of playing. As opposed to WoD and other alternative games, which were at the height of their popularity.
By this point, looking down your nose at D&D was becoming cliche. A whole generation of gamers hadn't even played it. WoD was long past its prime, and increasingly embodied all the things they said they hated about D&D. Older gamers were beginning to feel nostalgic. And 3.0 was about to change everything.
But that was all around the corner. In 2000, no D&D was not cool.
>without too much pain
Literally impossible unless everyone plays something dead simple like Street Sams. (and even then there are pitfalls like not taking wired reflexes)
Shadowrun is a horrendously bad system in terms of time investment required to do the simplest things. Even at it's core it has issues but they're supplemented by braindead freelancers/designers who think it's important to explain mechanics as obtusely as possible and waste several paragraphs of space on rules on how to tread water and heavily intersperse the fluff between the mechanics. (making it basically impossible to use as a reference)
Shadowrun really needs an axe job to the face, followed by the remaining 1/5th that survives being compiled in a hypertext SRD.
Pincers keep it held on tight to her pubes.
>By this point, looking down your nose at D&D was becoming cliche
The more things change, the more they stay the same, huh?
It's still pretty popular now among the standard playerbase.
The other nymphs probably consider her a bit of a prude for wearing anything at all.