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Best way to counter Mages?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Try reasoning with them.
>Best way to counter Mages?
Hire another Mage to help you.
>Best way to counter Mages?
>Timori Supremacy
Be one.
This question is asking for trouble.
Why even post if this is what you're going to reply with?
Because it's true?
So is the fact that the sky is blue. But if I just posted that here, everyone would wonder why I bothered.
> But if I just posted that here, everyone would wonder why I bothered.
Maybe because somebody asked an obvious question like "What color is the sky?".
I'm sorry, but it's the one of the only ways, unless your a extremely uber powerful entity.
That doesn't make any sense.
Sup, /wodg/. I'm running Apocalypse and I've got my players running around looking for a missing teenage kinfolk who got into hillbilly heroin. He's soon going to be on a train bound for project Aeneid with other members of the lost and the damned and the PCs are going to be getting on that train to free them... possibly with the help of a kinfolk who used to fly helicopters into Cambodia back in 'nam. Assuming that they're successful and aren't surprise wiped by the pentex first team and the dancer waiting therein, what's my follow up?
They're in Seattle and the under city is full of fomori who hate light (most of old town Seattle sank a full story because it was built on mud and sawdust... seriously) and I was planning on making them fight their way back to the sept during a "surprise blackout" when all of the nastiness that lurks below comes bubbling up.
Any other ideas for a follow on story?
have them all fuck each other, i'm sure they're all furries anyway, if they're playing werewolf
Lazy bait is lazy.
no u
I posted the best way to beat a Mage because somebody asked.
Low-quality bait.
ur mom is low quality
Anyone wanna get this party started? I just wanna run some murderdoge anger management simulator and then there's this guy who isn't even trying.
Anybody got recommendations for a Forsaken game soundtrack?
Preferably ambient tracks and stuff without lyrics
What ever happened to Ethan Skemp? He used to be pretty much all about Werewolf, but he seems to have disappeared.
Could introduce a pack of tougher-than-nails Bone Gnawers that are keeping the topside streets of Seattle clean with whatever it takes, even if they aren't part of the local sept politics. Give them a bit of hope that maybe there's enough badass in the Garou nation that everything might not be so doomed. Have the gnawers ask the pack to retrieve something from a "high class" place and force the pack out of their element by making them pull of a heist and steal an artifact from a fancy gallery/museum opening.
Like, "there are highly trained mortal guards, very hard-to-tamper cameras, the artifact is in smack middle of an open space and there are a lot of people around during the day, double security during the night." No vampires, no mystical forces, just an aspiring artist that found some cool painted-and-feathered seashell from behind a garbage bin and incorporated it into his art without knowing it was a Garou fetish.
Are there any mage 2e releases aside from the corebook yet?
Anything by Hecq when they're in the shadow/astral.
>Are there any mage 2e releases aside from the corebook yet?
Only the eras in Dark Eras and Dark Eras Companion.
Damn. Oh well, thanks. I can work with that.
Signs of Sorcery, the first Mage 2e supplement, is in development, and has been for about a year without comment from DaveB.
Which type of Mage would fit for John Constantine?
Obrimos alternatively, consider Sin-eater instead.
>best way to counter mages
I stand by my theory that if you manage to poison a mage with datura stramonium extract, they're pretty much done for
the mode of delivery might be tricky but once in the system, it's good night forever in a matter of minutes and the delirant effects would be strong enough to keep even a life master to purge the poison from his body
unreliable, sure, but what isn't againsy mages ?
Isnt thyrsus allready gobble every datura plant they can find for thatsweet sweet extatic mysteries?
I'm a former VtM storyteller who got fed up and decided to change a bit : Sell me your favorite oWoD game
Don't know about that, but I doubt they'd consume it otherwise than as a lightly infused tea
I was talking about a concentrated extract of the active elements of the plant, potentially thousands of times more potent than the natural plant
Well, what did you like about VtM and what made you quit?
That will help us find a good alternative.
I did not quit VtM and I certainly do not hate it but I need to change of air every once in a while
Don't lie to us. You obviously ran afoul of a fat goth chick.
Demon: the Fallen
Just read the first fiction with Gaviel and the televangelist. Then you will know if you will like it or not.
Okay FINE, I'm tired of vampire's edgyness so I need to run something else for awhile
Mage! Etherites are the best thing in wod.
Don't play Ascension. It's hot, nonsensical garbage.
It's not that nonsensical.
Does that mean you have to choose between having fun and maintaining relationships with your family ?
Sounds more like Werewolf to me
Please, don't hurt my family! I'll try to play your game, Brucatto, i swear!
It actually sounds closer to real life.
Judging by the infamous M20 opening fiction. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with what Mr. Brucatto deems "fun for the family"
now *that* is too real
what's so family unfriendly about it ?
care to sum it up ?
don't forget the delicious food guys
sounds like family fun to me
So what could a Mage apostate who'd never actually had contact with another Mage concievably pick up on their own? I mean, summoning would pick up a lot of slack - that's if they knew how it worked.
Ascension or Awakening?
The books are somewhat unclear about how intuitive magic and Attainments are.
The fact that there are mentor-student relationships would imply that at least a good part of it requires training.
On the other hand, Banishers suffer few innate drawbacks besides lack of Rote Skills and Rotes...
Awakening. Ascension I know.
Most of the starting dots in an Arcana are just based off instinct. Banishers just sorta figure shit out after then Awaken.
They might be able to figure out some basic Ruling Arcana shenanigans just by experimenting with raw Imago building, but beyond that, not much of anything, I would say. You need a teacher to learn common Arcana. High Speech comes for free if you're in an Order. They might be able to get a Path tool by feeling a symbolic resonance with it, but you would need to be a part of an Order to get Order tools, naturally.
However, there is a merit you can take up to three dots when making Apostate characters where you can get your Daimon to act as a mentor for you. Iirc you have to meditate for about four hours to get into contact with him, and they give you the scoop ("You've got magic, not superpowers. You're Awakened, my dude.) and can teach you magic and even rotes. Functions the same as a mentor, basically, except all they can do is teach you when you enter your Oneiros.
Don't Banishers steal magic from Mages they kill?
Not really.
Banishers are just mages that want to kill other mages. A fairly reasonable disposition, if you ask me
>You need a teacher to learn common Arcana.
You need a teacher to learn common Arcana above 4 dots.
Really? That just makes no sense. How do you learn them if no one teaches them to you? I can understand Ruling Arcana not requiring a mentor because it's practically the stuff your Path realm is made of.
>there is a merit you can take up to three dots when making Apostate characters where you can get your Daimon to act as a mentor for you
I must have missed that. Where is this information from?
I don't recall. I just remember reading it in one of the supplement books a while ago.
Just another example of how mage is mary-sue bullshit
Same way you pick them up during character creation, sort of. Vague, supernally charged intuition becomes Gnosis and the tower jams you full of hot, sticky knowledge. Learning it without a teacher is just you exercising your awakened will in the direction you think an arcanum is, until you figure something out, making a note in your little book and continuing until the abyss eats your soul or you spend the experience and learn the dot.
Learning Common Arcana is also a bitch on account of the mana cost. Especially if you don't know the tricks to get it back.
That doesn't count. That's just garbage to indulge RichT and keep what writers he has left from jumping ship.
In light of this new information I somehow missed or misunderstood, I think I'll just make it so that you can learn up to 2 dots on your own, but require a teacher to learn Disciple Practices and above, because that's when you start being able to do more overt things and I think it adds more importance to get mentors and makes it more rewarding to actually take the merit.
They protect the real world from the madness of the mages twisted "perfect" supernal world, that's so wonderful that it's pretty much reality kryptonite.
For a legacy based around keeping your magic quiet, would an atypical primary 1st dot attainment of 'always reduce paradox as though using a magical tool, stacks with normal tools' come off as doable?
In 2e there is no more Paradox for just doing 'vulgar' magic. Now it's just for doing it in front of Sleepers. If you kept your magic quiet, you would basically never incur Paradox unless you decide to Reach a lot. There's also already a Legacy like that in the Mage Noir book, with its members literally being called quiet mages.
But to answer your question, yes.
Ascension. Ignore M20, get revised edition. It's half the length and actually is a complete game the metaphor may not be to your taste, however. Classic oMage has the players enmeshed in occult conspiracies while dodging the fucking Men in Black. If you do go this route, the only reason that you should look at M20 is as a list of hacks. Specifically paradox and the building of paradigm.
As in Vampire where you must enforce the morality system if nothing else, you must enforce paradox.
Apocalypse: you can run a more heroic game but you are doomed, tragic heroes fighting to restore order to an animistic world before it collapses in upon itself and you are running out of time. Combat heavy so house rule to a quicker system. Also, if you run political games, werewolf can be as cut throat as Vampire because their equivalent of mono Macy is always an option. Ignore faggots who meme for imaginary 4chinz points, no one New what a furry was when the game was released.
For W:tA, which do people prefer: rage as a spendable resource or rage as a progressive track a la the BNS LARP edition?
Care to give a small explanation of how the LARP does it exactly?
You start at 1 rage. Under certain conditions such as taking damage for the first time or at the start of turn, you gain another rage, capping off at 10. As you gain rage, you gain increased regeneration, damage or rage rounds. However, at Rage 8, 9 and 10, you enter frenzy, losing more and more control as you go up. There are ways to remove or reduce your rage through gifts or specific actions.
Well, with the whole tagline of "When will YOU rage" having it be a resource to spend makes more sense since it is a player decision.
Wow the Contracts system is...radically different from 1e. Was this Common/Royal divide in the Hill playtest?
Rose taking over sure was a welcome change.
I suppose it's far more orderly than 1e. Five basic categories, a minor and a major version of both, a special affinity clause for a splat.
They're already there. The Bloodhound gang. Though in this instance, they're affiliated with the local Glasswalkers in the urban sept. Setting wise, there are several small septs in the area, none above rank three. There are are:
>The player's sept (mixed tribe but Get and Shadow Lords are heavily represented)
>The local GW/BG sept in Seattle proper.
>A black Fury sept in the Olympic forest.
>A Wendigo sept near the Canadian border
>A Red Talon sept in the cascades
And none of these factions are talking to anyone else and it's the players' job to heal the divide and get them working together because, even if they're atomized and indulging in high school drama bullshit with each other, that's still a lot of batou even if the largest sept sits on a rank 3 Caern.
In Hill's version contracts had dots, but were not related to one another. It did have the seeming-specific effects.
Flipping through the converted legacies PDF, all I can think about for the perfected adepts is Arnold Schwarzenegger posing really hard at a pack of charging werewolves until they explode.
Actually, you could so easily do a character like that just flexing everywhere he goes. Get a posing pouch made into a dedicated magical tool. Toss in some mind so people don't realise you're wearing nothing but a posing pouch everywhere you go. God.
>muscle wizard
>TFW GoF Theurge
Arthurian Britain has won :^). Prepare for more Mages
>Camelot Supremacy
>Inb4 Changeling and Hunter
Thank god. I almost thought Epic of Gilgamesh was going to take it. They've already put up yet another poll though. Necropolis of Hawara, Greco-Persian wars, and Mississippi Steamboat era.
I'll level with you, I don't know the first thing about any of those and I have no clue what splats would be in each one. Well, Mummy will be in Egypt, probably, but beyond that, no clue.
>Merlin Supremacy
>Canon Supernal Symbol of Smug Bastards
It's confirmed Changeling and Mage.
where is it confirmed?
>Epic of Gilgamesh
desu I had no idea about any poll (Very new to any kind of WoD) but this would have been the tits, you can all go fuck yourselves.
It would be Beast. It would all go tits up.