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Oh hey thats my shit, well I was going to wait until I finished the rest of the update but since it is the op I guess I will post the fourth page to it early
Huh, I don't think the last page was around when I first did this one. Let's see here, from the top, basically I'm sanguinius:
by the emperor
>Winged limbs
trademark angel wings
Did sanguinius have this? I don't know, but it sounds useful
>Ichor blood
especially in conjunction with this
>Preserved visage
>accepted member
I'm part of the imperium, wings or no
>Hunter's Prey
Damned agents of chaos
A fine squire and potential future sister of battle
>Watchers in the dark
I suspect gene stealers
>onwards and upwards
I must reunite with my father, the emperor
>no bonuses
in the grim darkness of the XXth millenium, there is only war
how is harem not romance
Post the planeswalker CYOA
These are genuinely the only good cyoas -
>Royal Guardian
>Knight Bros
>Urban Unease
>Game of Thrones CYOA
>Derelict Station
>Traveller's Tale
Genuinely, all others are shit, especially if they rely heavily on or only use anime girls, or words like tsundere or whatever.
I'll also allow 'An Adventure in a New World'
I hate everything else.
Timestop Chill zone & Hestia? Hero Academy? Monster Hunter? Altering History?
Good thing no one gives a shit about your opinion.
I try my best user, sorry you haven't liked any of my stuff.
No, nope, no. I'm picky and can't really get into anything that isn't real, highquality, world building, with decent images to show the author's intent. Less cartoony the better.
Altering History just didn't sit well with me for some reason. Couldn't get into but the guy really put a lot of effort into it, so, props to him and all those who dig it.
Stop giving him (You)s. Shit taste shouldn't be rewarded.
Wasn't there someone that was going to create a monster pet CYOA or something?
The memory autist in the /trash/ thread is a lot nicer than the one here. You should take notes !
I just like my cyoas to look and feel more like this.
Is "miscellaneous body" the little girl option?
And less like this.
But I'm not any authority so you do you homie.
Yeah you did. You made any progress yet?
I saw a CYOA, either here or on rebbit maybe a year ago, and was trying to find it again because it's driving me nuts. It's one where you're drawn into a fantasy world where you have a bunch of "siblings" who are convinced you're their little sister. Anyone happen to know this one and have it saved?
Needs moar substance (totally not trying to say i want more mutations...), but a very good cyoa never the less.
Why have so many OPs lately not bothered to put a link in the old thread showing that a new one is up?
You should work on making more since only you, o lord, have good taste.
None other may approach your divinity. Only you, o lord, may create more works of heaven. We need you, o lord! Save us from poor taste and anime!
Because you haven't been doing it.
Haven't seen this one in a while
It would be handy for these long and lengthy in words cyoas to be .pdfs to easily facilitate copy/pasting when you're building.
Got the Cylorian companions by any chance?
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
another quality post
How exactly do the glass coins work for the different tiers?
Does T5 spells cost 5, or what? How do I buy the spells exactly?
Each spell costs one coin, but you have to get the spell preceding it first. For T5 spells, you have to have the T4 spell as well as whichever T3 spell corresponds to it. A spell's requirements are listed on its entry.
Spend a coin to unlock a school and spend a coin for each spell/etch you want to learn from it.
“Peregrine” Aarnyx
>Armor Etches
Soul Warding
>Weapons and Etches
Bow-Staff (Explosive Blows, Soul Ripper, Weapons of Light)
Mace (Explosive Blows, Weapons of Light, Wind Weapon)
Shield Catalyst
>Flame Magic
Flame Unlock
Cloud of Smoke
>Undead Magic
Undead Unlock
Soul Seeker
Soul Guardians
Flash Decay
>Divine Magic
Divine Unlock
Light Ray
Light Ward
Mending Sparks
Light Chains
Heaven’s Fury
>Wind Magic
Wind Unlock
Air Burst
Wind Slash
Storm Ruler
Eye of the Storm
Adelphi Paladins
Robyn Zhao (+1 Magical, +1 Physical)
Gordan Bruis (+1 Magical)
Kivi Valtonen (+1 Magical)
Haude Gourcuff
Eve Laveux (+1 Physical)
Marxiv Shaf
Runic Expedition (Horse Mounts)
Denial (Tyrant Mounts)
Liberation (Behemoth Mounts)
Defiant (Mana Glass Coins)
Aarnyx’s family originates from the so-called Dawn Bearing stroc clans which traditionally inhabited Ziona’s southwestern coast. His capacity for wind arcana was discovered very early in life, and he was quickly put on the path of the warrior. However, his training was not yet complete when the Detritus began to overrun the area and his family fled to Elysian territory. His parents and peers all expected him to continue under the tutelage of local stroc masters, but Aarnyx decided to take up with the battlemages instead. It seems that this decision was motivated by a desire for change, because the young fighter immediately took up the practice of divine magic and even began to delve into the soul-related aspects of the undead school. His burgeoning ties with the Holy Order were seen as particularly unsettling because even though they promote the worship of all Ziona’s blessed divinities, it is hard to deny that the organization is markedly human in composition.
In terms of combat, Aarnyx has taken up the Hunter’s mark in order to best render his duty to the land. Though he retains the heavy armor and flanged mace of his early training, his primary form of offense now consists of a bow and arrows which have been further enchanted to channel his battle magic. He is highly mobile, deadly at range, decently versatile, and very long-wearing for a stroc. Most recently, he has been drafted into Marxiv Shaf’s expeditionary party as a ranged fighter.
Here is my build of the Faceless Men from ASOIAF :
>Location : Official Temple
in Braavos
>Recruitment : Educated as a Killer
>Major Skills : Master of Poisons / Disguise / Observation - Deduction
>Minor Skills : Anatomical Knowledges / Patience / Living Sword / Seducer / Tracking
>Contact : Come by Yourself
>Price : Royal Treasure
>Uniform : Common Clothes
>Rival Organization : The Butchers of Port-Jouvence
>It's one where you're drawn into a fantasy world where you have a bunch of "siblings" who are convinced you're their little sister.
Did you perhaps mean Royal Revival, where you in fact _are_ their little sister (who died, was reincarnated in this world, and grew up to be you)?
If so, see Beri's Google Drive for the download.
That'd require for them to be built as PDFs from the start.
And here is a build of Eversor assassins :
>Location : Secret Base
>Recruitment : A combination of Educated as a Killer and Blood Magic
>Major Skills: Deadly Dancer / Berserker / Living Sword
>Minor Skills : Supreme Agility / Tracking / Pain Tolerance / Anatomical Knowledges / Observation - Deduction
>Contact : The Ritual Call
>Price : No One Knows
>Uniform : Heavy Leather Armor + Masked
>Rival Organization : From the Abyss
I like for them to look like a middle ground between both
New version.
Changes: sacrifice, undying/perfect form, bound, shield, shifting, float, far sight, shapeshift, invisible, transform and planeshift.
>I Dream of Jeannie
That was originally who I thought you were. I only guessed Doll-user because she posted that "yuri mobster" image just before you released the cyoa
Both your cyoas are insanely good, even if I'm not smart enough to get all the implications and hidden stuff.
Are you sure that Doll-user is the one who made the image?
>arcane bolt (1)
>steel skin, perfect form, haste (7)
>dominate, counterspell (15)
Time to gather more powers. Let's get a Stand in Jojo. Fetch myself some chakra in naruto. Learn nen in HxH. Entrap a demon in kuroshitsuji. Should I risk entering the Uminekoverse to become a full fledged Witch? Maybe I'll just call it a day already and retire in a new victorian setting as a rich, foreign noble.
Honestly, I'm familiar with a ton of works but when pressed thinking up places to harvest powers is STILL really, fucking hard.
>immediately recognize the source material from the chem list
fucking SS13
So what should we call you? DreamOfGenie user? You know that's gonna get shortend to DoG user....
>Using this to grab easy power from other dimensions will go poorly.
Enjoy your short-lived adventures.
>Further power must be earned
Looks like a pretty long adventure to me user.
Still doesn't work. You can't use planeshift to hop around collecting power.
Not him but doesn't Genie user sound better than that?
crappy update. typical of an author to keep fucking with their cyoa till they ruin it. keep going another update should do it.
Yeah i do like GenieAnon better, just think people will start thinking beri changed his name due to all the genie galleries he's done, which is well over 25 of them.
>easy powers
None of the things I mentioned are free or easy to acquire. ;)
e nobody else is posting any CYOAs right now, why don't I post one I haven't seen in a while?
>read this for the first time
Is tok actually underage? This is a level of retardation that the language barrier really can't account for.
Pretty sure yeah. Who else would have done it? She posted a WiP of some doll cyoa and she clearly knows what she's doing with graphics
The guy who made the comfy spaceship CYOA comes to mind.
Green warrior build. Death to the DAPL!
After 1 Level Up:
Eldritch Blast
i read that as catnipification
now i want a catgirl cyoa
Yuri Mobster? You mean this?
I'm not Doll unfortunately. If that Doll cyoa was the one I'm thinking of.. :'( I don't know If I'll be finishing that. 0 motivation, burnt myself out too quick on cyoas.
>burnt myself out too quick on cyoas
Maybe you push yourself too much?
Two questions about this CYOA.
1. How this sacrifice works? Which years counts? The remaining ones or those already lived by the victim of this sacrifice? So which reverses more time, to sacrifice an old person or a young one?
2. Is that perfect form also always on/active like the steel skin/boost strength/haste?
Maybe, alot of it may be because I'm too much of a perfectionist when creating CYOAs and with the writing. I've always had problems with motivation too, I suppose it's lucky I managed to get anything out at all.
I've managed to pay my dues to the general for all the great CYOAs I consumed, time to enjoy an early retirement I suppose.
1. It's years they potentially have yet to live, so younger people provide more.
2. Perfect form is always on.
Well that's a shame. if in one of these days you think in coming back to business, take it easy this time ok?
Fresh OC here.
As you can tell I do NOT suffer from perfectionism. But as lazy as this is I am genuinely interested in your answers.
Now you know why wipposting is an asshole move.
I will create life, and then an afterlife of endless void of perfect and eternal thought for those who suit my needs when they die, to live forever until they discover, some how, a way to end my life and grant me freedom from this world I find myself in and unable to escape from.
For what could any being, conscious of eternal existence, want - but an end.
>I've managed to pay my dues to the general for all the great CYOAs I consumed, time to enjoy an early retirement I suppose.
Correct. Retiring is fine. Feel good you're not a worthless leech.
Replica of earth at this time but I have omnipotence and no one seems to think it's weird.
>I will create life
what kind? the sexy kind?
alright but what do you do with your omnipotence?
>cyoa text wip is 57k words long
>still have one large section to go
It doesn't matter, only that they be intelligent.
At this point it must be more like a sourcebook than a CYOA.
Does it have game mechanics?
Do whatever I want. Fun stuff, lewd stuff. Make all women hot, get a tropical paradise, that shit.
It kind of does, actually. There aren't really many stats but you probably could run some sort of game based on it.
A series of universes. Seed them to grow up normally, and let them go. Allow for reincarnation, with the only escape from it to be to ascend above it and become gods themselves.
After that, probably a bitchin 10/10 pair of waifus.
First i will create my waifu, then i will make some sort of high fantasy world full to the brim with magic, And then i will make some people because a empty world is kinda lonely.