EDH/Commander General /edhg/

FUN edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
What's the most fun commander deck you've played or had?

Other urls found in this thread:


>thread question
Most fun I have had lately with is Ayli cleric tribal, although it might not be the most interesting deck I have. I have fun with my Ghave combo as well, but as for the most "fun" deck I have, is probably Hanna, although it's anti-fun for my opponents. It runs few jank interactions, such as Enchanted Evening, Aura Thief and Auratog, which also combos nicely with Stasis and somewhat with other such things like pic related.

time 2 blog

decide on my next deck. my current decks get a bit too many complaints for being too rude with the turn 2 terastodons and turn 3 infect kills, so this deck has got to be a little more controlly

brion stoutarm fling.dck
>be mostly irrelevant until i draw serra avatar, at which point i'll hold the table hostage
>also win with gift of immortality on something like yosei or molten primordial
>use a bit of reanimation and stuff like culling dais to fix card advantage problems
>definitely the spiciest deck of the 3 since i'm forced to run stuff like pic related
>gets fucked over by a single board wipe half the time and become useless, as is tradition with boros

ephara/lavinia/brago UW value blink
>just blink stuff for value
>evade removal with blink
>wonky if i build ephara
>draws too much hate if i build brago
>kinda expensive because blue autists love blink

rashmi "everything at instant speed"
>34 lands
>36 instants
>everything fucking cantrips lmao
>great at doing what it's supposed to do, which is to annoy everyone on turns
>probably will draw hate in the "i actually hate you as a person" way, but on the other hand my group loves to spam shit like cyclonic rift and extra turns and i'd love to copy/steal/counter a few of those effects
>somehow the cheapest deck out of the 3 despite being UG and me owning none of the cards

oh actually by the way i'd prefer to build jeskai blink instead but sadly wotc hates jeskai and refuses to print non-narset commanders for it so i can't really do that

Haha, OP, you seemed to have forgotten the Discord info. Here it is:

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

Don't beat yourself up about it though. Just try to be less forgetful next time.

Mono-Green hate cards, gimme your best ones

Currently brainstorming what is hopefully a pretty tasty brew

>Thread Question:
Angry Omnath, hands down. Even the rest of the table had fun dying to the elementals.

Who is this guy that keeps making threads too early?

OP is worried if he didn't make it early someone was going to put a Discord link in so he paniced.

Spoilers for C17 when?

I'm new to the board, isn't the bump limit around 300?

You already know the answer.

No i don't, otherwise i wouldn't have asked

310 to be precisely. You should wait until we hit that, since the thread doesn't automatically die after hitting that mark.

Well, you should. Considering it gets answered virtually every thread.
It's 2 weeks prior to launch. And launch this year happens at the 27th of august.

Shit still 2 weeks until we get to see some new stuff

Ground Seal
Hall of Gemstone
Natural Balance
City of Solitude

Typhoon will absolutely fuck up a mono-blue player in the late game

Add Carpet of Flowers and Seedtime to the blue hate.

>not building Bruse and Ludevic for MANLY SCIENCE

>What's the most fun commander deck you've played or had?

Riku spellslinger, infinite ramp, infinite card draw, infinite megumin,jpg

>after work I got completely sloshed, most of the night is a blur
>woke up and found a card bag with a sticky note on top that said "Don't be mad, you got some good shit"
>start looking through the cards, there's a Neheb, a reverberate, and a flamebreak, clearly I'm supposed to build monored Neheb
>there's also a Puppet's Verdict in there, and I start wondering why I left myself a note not to be mad, seems like I just bought some cool janky cards for a monored deck
>and a motherfucking Phyrexian Obliterator is the last card in the package
Well, shit. I guess I have that now. Are there any fun things I can do with it? Neheb seems straightforward, but the obliterator seems both really cool and hilariously impractical. Do I just stick it in my mono black deck and hope I get to cast it one day?

Make sure you didn't trade away a dual or some shit for that Obliterator

You just scared the shit out of me. Thank fuck there's a debit transaction for what looks like the appropriate amount, I've had similar shit happen in the past.

>For sure, that FTV Jace is worth a handful of commander staples, it's only going down in price ammirite?

I wanted Obliterator for monoblack just for Nykthos. The price scared me off.

So, you can do that.

So I decided to finally grab duals. I would prefer to buy a set of 10 at once just for convenience, but those are rare and seem to be overpriced. Should I wait for a full set or slowly buy them separately?

Buy them in person from somewhere reputable. If you're dropping that much cash on cardboard, you don't want to get boned by the chinaman

Buy a full se from the chinaman for 20$.

>What's the most fun commander deck you've played or had?
yidris, my play group fears it

>buying RS cards

just get some chinese proxies, you can get a play set of all of them for like 20-30 bucks. spending 300 dollars on a single piece of cardboard is fuckign retarded

My store is trying to do an EDH league again. The last league didn't even fire, but ended up causing my group to buy mana crypts and power creep their decks.

I normally would just skip this, but my friends keep telling me to build a strong deck. And hey, a second copy of Commander's Arsenal would be fun.

What I want to do is Mogis Enchantment Stax. I genuinely want it to be as creature and artifact lite as possible, letting me run Obliterate and Jokulhaups. I hate MLD, but my group just shrugged when someone cast Enchanted Evening + Cleansing Meditation, so clearly it is fair game.

My concern is it will still end up trash. My last try ended up being pretty bad, but this was before I decided to run MLD or stuff like Tainted Aether.

My playgroup is Gitrog, Niv-Mizzet (no curiosity, just storm and mindmoil) and the last guy has a lot of decks (usually a variant of enchantress).

I'm bad at cEDH, but what advice do y'all have? Do rituals make sense? Can I get alway with only running a few mana rocks in RB (using wayfarers and shit for additional ramp)? Am I gonna Stax it up and get combo'd out?

competitive edh is fucking stupid

I know. Should I just skip it? I'll be honest, winning after months and months of losing does sound kind of nice.

But I know my friends are gonna want to play league games so I either find another playgroup, get steamrolled even more or try. It really isn't my style, but I don't know how much longer I can fight the momentum.

Hello tg family

Recently started playing edh, built my first deck from the base of one of the commander decks (growing... Something... Or maybe nature... Something) idk it's green, commander is Freyalise, I enjoy it but want to make it a more solid elf mono green ramp deck.

What are some affordable recommendations to make it a bit more consistent, does anyone play mono green?

id skip it but thats just me cause it sounds awful. if you think youd enjoy it then go for it. it not like you cant play normal EDH on non league days

Last time, the league counted literally every EDH game played in store and reported to the store. Obviously, whoever played most games won the league, but that's what the store wanted, so.

So, there likely won't be "non-league days".

holy shit that sounds horrid, id ski it just for that and thell the store that format is fucking stupid

That sounds retarded.

Protean Hulk is still off the ban list for now, right?

Yup. My friend got a set of all the commander precons out of it, but it did kill my fun for a few weeks.

I guess it might work different this time since it is more competitive. Last time, you would use a precon and you could only add a few cards in each week or something.

Anyway, no advice for Mogis stacks? How about advice on getting this stupid deck to work? This list isn't up to date, but it is close enough for critique.


The concept is clearly retarded, but when it works, it is a lot of fun.

Find another playgroup or go more competitive. Sticking with your casual deck in a cEDH playgroup is only suffering.

I am upgrading my Meren deck and I need more cards that bring shit back from the graveyard to the battlefield. Aside from Meren and reanimate what other stuff should I include?

Since you have Meren, you would honestly be better served putting your reanimator somewhere else. The major problem with Meren is that everyone builds it the same: combo self Mill into wincons. Build it like a regular deck, and use Meren to facilitate value/grind things out, and you'll fair much better.

That being said, I recommend Animate Dead, Victimize, the black primordial, dread return and diabolical servitude. Phyrexian delver isn't too bad either.

>Phyrexian Obliterator cost more than original Avacyn now
It still only sees play in casual right?

I've been picking up some from TCGplayer's direct service. They're usually in pretty good condition too even for MP.

How do you get a bag of cards overnight? Or did you black out for 3 days while TCG Player shipped you cards?

Yup. That and price memory is driving it.

Yup. No changes to the RC banlist. Retards.

For upgrading the precon you'll want to get some green draw.
>Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Shamanic Revelation, Rishkar's Expertise, Harmonize
Also grab a Nevinyrral's Disk to cover the mass removal that green lacks.

if your playing greatest-soldier-in-the-world big boss, you are likely playing elf tribal with a few fatties. upgrade with better elves until you see fit. buffing elves and playing enchantments that allow draw for chunky creatures is a good idea since you are gonna find you run out quick and need to refill hand.

most people in edh play two colors but mono is doable. if you wish to upgrade to two colors rhys is best for getting alot of elve tokens and white. ezuri to turn mana dorks into beatsticks and have blue shenanigans.

Anyone made a deck with this dude? If so, what kind?

It will never not bug me that he's WUB when he talks about Mountain, Plains, and Waves so clearly should be WUR.

Dakkon is for jank. The point of him is to play commander-independent Esper Goodstuff with something that looks pretty in the command zone. If you go heavily controlling and can manipulate an empty board maybe he comes out as a 'finisher' but he has no evasion so even with the psuedo doublestrike of Commander Damage he'll be outclassed by a LOT of other options in that regard.

Esper is terrible at land ramp so you need all artifact support, maybe some clones to get your own Oracle of Mul Daya if you can. Power-matters cards, I control only one critter matters cards too.

Caged Sun should be an auto include. It costs a couple dollars but is well worth it. If you've got some money then get a Gauntlet of Power too, though it is closer to $10. All mono color decks should run these and they're the rare benefits of being mono colored.

They made Legends out of a bunch of their old DnD characters. He was probably Esper because the player felt like he was an Esper kind of character in his backstory.

Go all old-bordered cards and embrace aesthetics over power.

Thanks, i'll try to make a midrange deck with him

sounds cool, i'll brew something up but i don't know too much about the old good cards

I get that, I still don't have to like it.

I want to optimize (ie put in maybe 150 dollars or so) my dredge deck, any suggestions? Combo/aggro to blow up Lord with Jarad, Subway Spokesman ( dread return the Lord)


You should switch out mulch for satyr wayfinder

>Spending 300 is retarded
By that logic isn't spending 30 also retarded?
Probably worse even, since you can't sell chinamen, and duals are only going to go up.

Doomed necromancer/hells caretaker

>paying money for cardboard is stupid
>instead pay money for fake versions of the cardboard, way smarter my man

yea it is if it's 20$ vs 2000$ you stupid nigger
neck yourself kike


>Imprint a Heroic Intervention onto Isochron
>Paradox Engine is out
>spam Wraths and MLD

This rules

>Gets called out for spending money on fake cards instead of taking a sharpie to a basic
>Goes full autismo and can't fathom the idea that he is the retard

If you don't see a difference, between a few $ vs few thousand $ you are a delusional retard. Most people are ok with spending money, just not that money.

So I was thinking of building either Landfall Saskia or Enchantment matter Saskia, but can't decide which one.
So, /edhg/, give me your opinions.

Or maybe people can spend money on collectibles for a hobby they enjoy? How is it any different than somebody buying an expensive comic book or an antique? If you're fine with using fakes that's one thing, but others like that actually have the real thing.

Retreat to Coralheim is one of the best landfall cards in the game, and you can't use it in Saskia. Go Enchantress Saskia.

Landfall because it is more aggressive. Enchantment Saskia sounds pretty strange to me and there is tension between enchantments and wanting to deal combat damage. Landfall cards like Steppe Lynx and Plated Geopede are really good at dealing damage that Saskia can double and Ob Nixilis + big green ramp spells is a non-combat finisher.

Not that user, and I completely agree that if $100 is a big deal for you then you really shouldn't be okay with spending hundreds on a card game. But plenty of people who play magic are manchildren with limited expenses and overpaid jobs. It's easy to throw down money for hobbies that stave off looming depression and loneliness.

If you don't see the difference between a few cents worth of printer paper and a few thousand cents to the chinamen you are a delusional retard.

People that don't want to spend money will just print their own and put it into a sleeve on top of a basic or sharpie one. People that do want to spend money will buy the real thing and sell it for more when they are done with it.

You have chosen the least economical option and you are calling everyone else stupid.

it's not
spending money on comic and art is autistic
have fun with something that just sits there
cool waste of 3000$
bet you feel good showing that to all of your no friends

Speaking of Enchantress, who would you say is the ideal commander for Enchantress in EDH? I was thinking maybe Karametra, but maybe something in Bant would be more useful.

Hasted Avenger of Zendikar is pretty fun too

Yeah, but I don't have a printer and want a good looking one? Fuck off, I can afford 1.50 for a proxy. Oh no, I'd waste a dollar, that's terrible.

I like Sigarda 1.0 a bit more since she can be go voltron with a bunch of auras.

American education, everyone

what is the actual outputs of owning original art or comic books besides stroking your ego?
everything you could get from them besides that can be fucking googled
what a stupid purchase

>What's the most fun commander deck you've played or had?
My morph list, built to be a slow piece of trash that won't shit all over precons or little Billy's beast tribal deck.
Sidar lets the morphs sneak through, Kraum is literally just for the colors. Every game is hilarious because I'm constantly having to keep track of which morphs/manifests do what, and nobody can predict for sure what my capabilities are because of all the hidden information. It's like my battlefield is an extension of my hand.

I never liked proxying.
It's for people who want the most value cards in the game but don't want to put in the effort to getting those cards. It makes me feel like they have no respect for the social setting and can only feel good when they've won by any means.
People who proxy at kitchen tables are the worst.

hurrrrr i have no argument u-ur stupidddd

>want a good looking one?

Then you don't want proxies. They aren't indistinguishable from the real thing, they look worse. If you want something nice to look at then why aren't you shelling out?

Also I'm laughing at the idea that you are too poor to own a printer but are spending your money buying worthless pieces of cardboard from China. It has given me an interesting view inside the mind of a poorfag. It is no wonder you cannot better yourself.

You don't take into an account

>autistic playgroups that won't allow you to proxy
>people that want their decks to look consistant, instead of having sheets of paper stuck out

It's a completely justifiable expense, if you want those cards for playing the game, and aren't planning to sell anything.

I'd like to avoid the voltron route, but it feels like the end goal of every enchantress deck I've seen ends up being voltron. I like Zur, for example, but I don't want to take the deck in a voltron direction. The problem is that with his ability to tutor up any enchantment 3 CMC or lower, it's hard not to because there are so many good Auras for that low. And as much as I like Zur, he lacks Green.

I was thinking some Aura Voltron shenanigans, mostly because i wanted to use my Sram somewhere.
I'll try building Landfall again, the problem last time is that it felt like i put to much eggs in the same basket.

>If you don't want to spend a few thousand dollars for the real thing, you have no respect for me. GET OUT OF MY PLAYGROUP. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Then you don't want proxies. They aren't indistinguishable from the real thing, they look worse.
Not him, but proxies are getting better every day. Some of the newer ones are nearly indistinguishable from the real deal and are usually only outed by incredibly close scrutiny or a feel test, which doesn't work if it's sleeved.

>too poor to own a printer

Yeah, right. I don't need a printer, why should I buy one exclusively for that?

Some cards are expensive only because they're so old. It's not just the OP bullshit cards that people might want to proxy. Something like Nether Void, which isn't all that powerful on its own, is stupidly expensive because of its single printing. EDH is about playing with niche bullshit and cards from throughout Magic's history, and yet so many are expensive due to short supply, buyouts, and inflation that it'd be hard to justify spending so much for a card that has no other use. If a card is only good in one deck or deck type, how much would you be willing to spend?

>autistic playgroups that won't allow you to proxy

If they don't want you to proxy, why are you doing it? What do you gain out of lying to your friends to win a children's card game? Do you stack your deck too? Draw extra cards when no one is looking?

You are just making your argument look worse.

>people that want their decks to look consistant

Then why use proxies? They definitely don't look consistent with the rest of the deck.

Wanting something that looks very close to the real thing instead of a 1:1 replica that passes all the tests is good enough for most of us. It looks like a magic card without a magnifying glass.

Have fun walking to a bus stop, because you bought a set of duals instead of a car.


Sometimes you do have to play in an LGS.

>What do you gain out of lying to your friends to win a children's card game?
Maybe that's not why he wants to proxy a card to begin with? That's an awfully big assumption you're making.

>They definitely don't look consistent with the rest of the deck.
But they do. Sleeves tend to cloud up the face of the card a little anyway, and you're really exaggerating how off-mark chinaman proxies are.

>Thread Question
Hands down the most fun deck I own is Borborygmos Enraged, there is just something satisfying about ramping hard into him and throwing lands at people until they die. It's really refreshing to pull out a cheap deck I made out of my junk cards and play against a table of people, whether I win or lose I always enjoy myself.

I got ahold of some that were made last year. They passed light and bend tests, funnily enough, but the colors looked off and they didn't feel like magic cards. That's what I am basing this shit off of. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they have made colors match (but it could be inconsistent, I doubt they have much quality control in a fake cardboard chinamen factory).