"Calling it a curbstomp is very generously suggesting it was a fight to begin with" edition.
Question of the thread: Who is the best living planeswalker and why is it Nicol Bolas?
"Calling it a curbstomp is very generously suggesting it was a fight to begin with" edition.
Question of the thread: Who is the best living planeswalker and why is it Nicol Bolas?
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I wish i had a gif of Bolas just casually bouncing gideon off a wall with his tail as he talked the maddest shit to the rest of the Gatewatch.
Am I the only one who thinks someone needs to shop a hoop and a basketball into that picture?
We need this.
Nicol Bolas is my favorite Bond villain.
Also WR Gideon confirmed.
>Also WR Gideon confirmed.
Why? Ping-pong balls are WR?
I like how everything Bolas did in the story is stuff a UBR deck can do.
He cast Redirect on Jace and Nissa.
Kill 'spells' on on Nissas elementals.
Breaking Chandras Burn just by playing mid.
And bouncing the invulnerable little shit until it's player rage quits.
No but Basket Balls come in both White and Red.
>hoop and Gideon
Loving how low he thinks of the Gatewatch. It's like he's the audience surrogate, but wielding actual power.
Even better!
Read it listening to Quad City DJ's.
>"Everything here exists or perishes at my whim. Including you, Gatewatch."
aw yisssssssssssss
The Gatewatch sure got dunked on.
>when the gateswatch fuck around and need to get dunked on
Who's this Raven Man from Liliana's part of story? I never follow these stories before.
Mysterious spoopy ghost man who follows her around and advises/relentlessly trolls her
Common bet was that it was actually Bolas, which seems not to be the case now
Don't forget what he did to Liliana.
Yeah i know it's not what the keyword do, but still, he intimidated the shit out of Liliana until she ran away without doing anything.
>When you're having the time of your life
Why are the best stories the one when the Gatewatch get fucked or is not even there?
Coz W/R suck
You're not wrong
But, in a way, Gideon lasted longer than the other members of the League
>my nigga Ral Zarek is gonna be back
Hell to the yeah fampire.
If Bolas and Tezzeret are in the Legion of Bolas, are we getting a BR walker to finish the subordinate cycle?
Daretti in standard?
Because Gatewatch is Magic's attempt at creating superheroes, when everyone knows that Magic is best at creating settings and supervillains.
If you read till the end you'll know that everything is Bolas acting. He could probably incinerates each and every one of them right from the start.
Nicky B is /ourguy/
I know that
Gideon lasted longer because playing with a ball was more interesting to Bolas than fighting the reminding members
Enemy color Gatewatch would be cool.
WR Gideon, Rage tempered by Justice and Compassion
BW Liliana who finally admits she's not a completely uncaring bitch
RU Chandra who seeks to expand her knowledge beyond "throw fire at it"
GB Nissa who seeks a greater understanding of life by also studying death
Hell, you could even tie the change into the story of the planes they end up on.
Gideon ends up on a Roman plane, fighting as a gladiator.
Liliana ends up back on Dominaria and finally confronts her past instead of acting like a huge bitch to run away from it
It's too bad the Jeskai aren't still around, because that would be perfect for Chandra. Maybe she studies with Narset, and that's also how Narset gains Red and becomes a Jeskai Walker?
I'd come up with a UG Jace, but we already know he'll never be anything other than Mono-Blue.
>BW Liliana who finally admits she's not a completely uncaring bitch
Could be a cool callback to the fact she WAS originally a healer. A life & death theme rather than just death could be a cool change for a bit.
Isn't Ixalan Castaway Jace going to be UG?
Roman plane is theros so fuck that place
>I'd come up with a UG Jace, but we already know he'll never be anything other than Mono-Blue.
From what we know, Jace could become:
>UG, depending on what happens on Ixalan
>UB, depending on his relationship with Vraska on Ixalan and his relationship with Liliana in the future
>UW, depending on what happens when we inevitably go back to Ravnica and Bryn
But, yea, there's more chance that he stays blue
Fuck WotC
>Chandra's eyes as she realized, seemingly for the first time, just how large Nicol Bolas was.
Seriously who writes this shit, it reads like erotic fan fiction.
can Nahiri join if Bolas promises her vengeance against Ugin?
He looked Liliana in the face and said "I have game on board. Do you have any answers?" and she scooped.
I don't think Nahiri is able to trust anyone anymore. Even less another Dragon
Bolas doing dragon things and kicking the shit out of the Gatewatch is amazing and all that, but his Eternal army is absolute dogshit.
I mean come on, Neheb was supposed to be the greatest champion around, yet his Eternal version got punked by an irrelevant character. How are the Eternals supposed to invade other planes if they're that bad?
MaRo has said that they'd rather do a whole new Japanese flavored plane rather than go back to Kamigawa, so I don't see why a Roman plane is out of the question even when Theros exists, which is far more Greek anyways.
I don't think Nahiri is worthy of trust, she basically ruined a whole plane because senpai didn't notice her. She's the biggest threat to the multiverse because you can't ever truly account for her.
Based on the leaked sheet, it looks monoblue to me.
Theros is Greek.
Wizards specifically said they think there's enough stuff they can mine from The Roman Empire to serve as it's own plane.
It's our man, Ken Troop. I'm not surprised honestly.
>Nicol Bolas looked down at the planeswalkers and smiled. "And then there were three. I didn't want to annoy your dear departed necromancer, but between us, I admit I know a fair bit of necromancy. Do you have an opening in your Gatewatch? Is there some type of application process?"
I imagine he said this with the biggest shit eating grin in the multiverse.
Maro has said that a Roman plane is likely showcase senators backstabbing each other and gladiatorial battles rather than the mythology.
I only followed the stories regularly since Amonkhet because I hoped for some actual worldbuilding, but until this point, was it ever implied Ral Zarek works for Bolas?
What are the odds of Bolas and Niv-Mizzet teaming up? Good old-fashioned draconic manipulation fuckery could ensue.
The biggest question is if he'll go full Schmee or Tarzan on us.
>Two dragons
>Both with huge ego
>Teaming up
Not to mention
>One of them is a literal depowered god, seeking to restore his power
>the other is a smug lizard
Unlikely. Although Niv getting the spark and becoming a wrench in Blas' plans would be kinda hilarious.
Niv is way below bolas standard.
Jace Boy
zero. Have you seen the ego on those fucks it'd be two head chefs in one food pantry
The most powerful blows Bolas dealt in that story were definitely the thing he said
Though their is a chance that Niv is number 1 knows about Ral working for Bolas
Isn't Niv oblivious of planeswalking and the multiverse?
>Niv is number 1
[muffled trumpet solo in the distance]
Ral Zarek thinks Niv-Mizzet does, however Niv-Mizzet did exist at the same time as Azor I, who was not native to Ravnica. Together they forged the Guildpact, along with the other paruns.
So one of the following is true:
>Niv-Mizzet is actually aware of the Multiverse and planeswalkers yet for some reason, does not act on this knowledge.
>Azor I never disclosed his alien nature or the existence of the Multiverse to the other paruns.
>Azor I's non-native status has been quietly retconned.
>multiverse destroying dragon villain
>a schmuck on a random plane leading a bunch of crazy goblins
can't compare
Literally one of my favourite parts of the lore
>gee wiz massa I don't know nothing about no planeswalkers
What exactly would Niv-Mizzet be able to do with the knowledge of the Multiverse and Planeswalkers, besides maybe court Planeswalkers to come to Ravnica and share their knowledge from different planes, which at the same time would invite Planeswalkers who would gladly fuck up Ravnica and whatever planes Niv-Mizzet has?
So... perfect for WR Gideon then, going all Spartacus?
Niv is aware of beings that leave Ravnica entirely and then come back, but doesn't understand their nature
Ral speculates with Jace in one of the stories that if not for his sabotage, Niv would have captured a walker and extracted all knowledge from them
>whatever planes Niv-Mizzet has
Should read "whatever plans Niv-Mizzet has". I don't think Niv-Mizzet is making a tiny plane within Ravnica, though I suppose that would be another thing that he could do if he did have the knowledge of the Multiverse.
>Niv is aware of beings that leave Ravnica entirely and then come back, but doesn't understand their nature
To be fair, Newwalkers doesn't either
> What are the odds of Bolas and Niv-Mizzet teaming up?
If memory serves Bolas briefly met Malfegor, a bigshot dragon on Grixis, just before the conflux. The gist of their encounter was Malfegor shouting OI U FUKIN WOT M8 I'LL SLAP YOUR SHIT I SWEAR ON ME MUM!
I doubt Niv would be any more reasonable. More articulate, certainly, but not more reasonable.
Ral thinks he'd try to steal their spark.
>Niv-Mizzet steal's Jace's Spark
>Forcing Jace to stay on Ravnica and do his job
>While the Gatewatch is vastly improved by having a several millennium old dragon on their side
I fail to see the problem.
> While the Gatewatch is vastly improved by having a several millennium old dragon on their side
I don't think Niv-Mizzet would be down with the whole gatewatch thing. He'd probably spend the next thousand years trolling his way across the multiverse out of sheer joy from discovering that there are way more people to mess with than he thought.
Has Ravnica not already a mini-plane, the Agyrem?
If Niv-Mizzet gets a spark he'll start investigating different worlds and won't give a fuck about bolas
I could see him and Ugin debating about the nature of the universe and what the fuck are the eldrazi
Someone please go through the Bolas art and just put a basketball in his off hand
each of these would be so good
>Common bet was that it was Bolas
Fuck you no it's not. Mishra, Yawgmoth, Ix and like four other people were in front of that.
Yo hold up, on it
It's going to be Leshrac
He totally should succeed at this at some point, by the way. I kind of hate Phyrexia and Yawgmoth now, you see, and I'd love for Phyrexian fans to get salty.
How he fastens the buckles of his armor pieces with those fat fingers?
i never liked the gatewatch, so seeing them get trounced was not too bad
but super invincible bolas is starting to irk me, but i really just want someone to kick bolas ass, and get the final word on him one day
look to Ajani and their confrontation at the Maelstrom or Umezawa
>Bolas challenges the Gatewatch to a Space Jame
Pretty sure telekinesis is the least of his abilities.
Just the idea of Niv-Mizzet "joining" the Gatewatch and giggling like an idiot at the sheer joy of being a Planeswalker makes me smile.
He makes Tezzeret do it.
pls help I am not good w computer
Fact is Bolas does badly against people that are sure of their place in the universe, his main advantage is his mind magic and the fact he's a dragon, so when people don't have insecurities to take advantage of he never does as well. Also he should stay away from nexus' of mana, as he's only ever been defeated near them.
Here it is, working on an alternate version
Yer bretty good
you are doing the god-pharaoh's work anons
>implying Nicky B isn't Malfy's dad
>implying he didn't give Malfy's demon mom his thick Elder Dragon Dick
>Nic Bolas
>73' Power Forward
>Left hand dominant
>excellent midrange shooting
>incredible baskbetball IQ
Made by someone on Leddit.
Dont forget Lim Dul the necromancer. It was gonna make this post because I forgot. I dont remember anybody speculating it was Bolas.
>3-127,168,654 lifetime in free throws
Please. It's obviously Urza.
>Implying it isn't Gix
> Genuinely happy Niv-Mizzet running around the multiverse, nerding out over all the new things he's discovering for the first time and reveling in the fact that he can discover things for the first time again after centuries of boredom
Fuck, now I really want to see that.
Like fucking clockwork. Never seen Dim Lul mentioned as a possible candidate before though.
Got distracted, but finished. Thread theme:
I love that magic threads on this board can't go forty posts without unironically generating an idea for a planeswalker + motivation that is infinitely better than any of the gatewatch incarnations or boring Elsewhere Human-walkers we've gotten for years
> The forms are immaterial and do not exist on this plane. Much like your game.
> Fuck you, Bolas.