how attached is your character to his/her family?
How attached is your character to his/her family?
>eyes on the inside
My character is kinda like Tywin Lannister in a way, most of her plans are for the betterment of her family name she loves her younger sister and niece even though her sister annoys her so much she wants to shove said sisters head into a blender
So sorta
Wants to impress his father, who is more concerned on the family status, through his adventuring. Will get his opinion on a multitude of matters if possible and generally seems to follow his directives.
Cares for his mother, yet lacks the same respect he'd give his father. She's nice, but he isn't going to go for her when he needs advice.
hi electranon
Tywin couldn't give less shit abous his family. He only cares about how others view his house, and how much power it wields. His treatment of all three of his actual children is monstrous.
My wizard is a conjoined twin.
Point, its not a great example, she cares about how much power, influence and what image they have like Tywin and wields what influence they have like a hammer in a nail store. difference is she cares about the people in the family.
>and wields what influence they have like a hammer in a nail store
So, not at all? Because it would be fucking stupid to hammer all the nails in a nails shop. What good would that do? You buy nails in a nails shop to use the nails where required.
Grant us eyes, grant us eyes!
Lost his mother shortly after birth. Was taught the crafts of the dwarves and received combat training from his father until he turned 50. Left his home in the mountain to find his purpose. Has not returned home in 20 years. Admired his father for his strength and firm teachings.
When they say he's got his mother's eyes and his father's hands, they're not being figurative.
Obessively. He's estranged though.
All of them are dead, killed off by shitty GMs for dramatic effect.
had this happen one to many times so now I only play orphans
at least that way their parents get to die of bandit ambushes and illness instead of being staked alive and shit like that
Parents are dead, no siblings, he's dealing with it pretty well seeing that he just wants to live the adventurers life and had a pretty good upbringing on a farm.
DM has a habit of spinning twists with parents being antagonists and he got pretty frustrated when he grilled me for backstory in a scene through a character and my character responded with "Yeah, they're gone"
He uses his dead sister's skeletal hand possessed by her spirit as his familiar and best friend.
He also hates his ex-wife to the point of a chainer demon's mind games failing because he was foolish enough to attempt to charm him with an image of her.
She hasn't seen her mom since she was a child but still misses her, she hates and fears her father and she was pretty close to her grandmother but hasn't seen her in year and sort of misses her too.
The character is a tiefling, mom's a human that was a slave that escaped from the half-fiend father. Grandma's a succubus who was estranged from her son but doted on her granddaughter. There was a violent falling out between her father and grandmother end she ran away during the shit storm.
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>how attached is your character to his/her family?
Not very. born to arguably-wealthy merchants, but appropriated by the church at 6 because she had an unusually high spell resistance. Raised to hunt down wizards and sorcerers and the like. She's got a sister and a younger brother she hasn't seen.
If you're going to take it literally then there isn't a such thing as a nail store. That being said, it's a simile dingus.
he got them a nice house close to what passes for an education system in the setting for his three younger sisters to learn at. he cares for his entire family deeply and would be upset and angry if someone hurt them.
He loves parents and older sister, but an older male relative has been making him do things he doesn't understand, and now he can't go back to normal.
No. The British turned them and all the other Cossacks over to the Soviets after WWII because Churchill was a treacherous cocksucker and they were all massacred. He escaped by chance, and now works for the CIA slitting Commie throats.
But he hasn't forgotten that his new nation deliberately got his family tortured to death, and has been keeping tabs on the men he feels are responsible so that he can kill them later. One of them is in the party.
It's gon' be gud. He's like a far less dead Alec Trevelyan.
She's pretty close to her family, not problems on that front, except maybe feeling some guilt leavng them behind to do her own thing. If there's some drama it would be from running away from her monastery, teachers and friends to fulfill her percieved destiny. Recently had to fight a fellow student, win or go back, he insulted her so it made it easier to beat him senseless and send him home with his escort.
Churchill was a fag-enabler who murdered millions of people for the banks. He will scream and plead for eternity in pitch-black hellfire, feeling his flesh crisp and crackle on his body before being restored to burn again. He will plead to no avail. Inshallah, this is justice in the truest sense of the word. No man, ever, in the entire history of the world, has done more evil than he did.
My current character is an extraplanar "thing" that would fit right in in Bloodborne posessing some FOOLISH WARLOCK's empty body after they tried to fuck with things that shouldn't be fucked with.
So tl:dr it's a needlessly complicated evasion of . Though the host body could potentially have living relatives, which could lead to fun rp.
He is very close to his family.
He writes home at least once a month to talk about his adventures.
He just heard that his older brother just had his first son. Truly warms his heart.
My character's goal is to earn enough money while adventuring that he can buy a noble title, so he can own land and have give his family a good life for generations to come.
She murdered one brother, crippled another he got better burnt all her younger sisters possesions in an failed attempt to kill her, said good bye to her older sister who she was quite close to and finally incited a rebellion in hopes of having her mother killed.
If her mother, the Matron was to forgive her, she'd come running back home in a heartbeat. The surface world just isn't the place for a Drow.