Can somebody very shortly summarize to me what was this guy thinking about the state of imperium after he woke from sleep and found out about imperiums situation?
Can somebody very shortly summarize to me what was this guy thinking about the state of imperium after he woke from...
How the fuck did it get this bad
Who cares, fluff dont matter anymore and is subject to change.
>not blue enough
>they don't like my eldar waifu
>my feet hurt
>I'll just make new friends
>should have left me asleep
>I bet none of these people have even fucked an eldar
It's your own fault.
>oh god this is awful
>good job staying alive through this, I'm pleasantly surprised.
>why are you all yelling "praise the Emperor"
>he's not a god
>why are the guys in funny hats looking at me like they have just seen an Ork diplomat
>what are they giving me
>hey, isn't it that silly little pamphlet Lorgar wrote?
>shit, fetch an apothecary, one of them just had a stroke
>better change the topic
>Horus was right.
>Tech Heresy? What the fuck is tech heresy?
>Why's everyone talking about heresy so much?
>Why's everyone calling dad a god?
>Why are the space marines following the Codex so SLAVISHLY?
>Why won't anyone tell me things
>I asked the Inquisitors to let me into their library and they said no...
>My back hurts
>That eldar chick is hot
>I have to pretend that dad was a god even after people heard me say he wasn't
>I met dad and holy shit he let himself go
>Actually I'm going to stop calling him dad because he doesn't seem very paternal anymore
>Maybe we should blow it all up and start over from scratch. The whole Imperium.
>I'm gonna find other guys who like reading books instead of burning them and maybe plot remaking the Imperium?
>I wish Cawl would stop asking me to make him ruler of fucking mars
>I wish Cawl would stop using traitor DNA in the primaris after asking for permission and me saying no
>I'm gonna write a new codex
Ah, how perfect. The Imperium is now ready for the harrowing. Hydra Dominatus
>Fulgrim you bastard! My neck
>wait... where i am i?
>why there is a xeno, a giant centipede and a Sanguinus chick cosplayer here
>right... that Cawl guy, forgot about him
>So i was dead for 10k years
>this place sucks
>why everyone act like morons and call the emperor, God-Emperor?
>ok let's go back to Terra
>WFT Magnus is a chicken
>WFT what you guys did to Terra
>WFT father... you're a fucking, heartless bastard
>ok, father isn't human, but can't call that thing a god
>alright, back to the old job it seems
>why those morons can't even tell me which fucking year it is
>the legislation is a clusterfuck
>can't sleep
>Pfff... right, i'm gonna pen a codex for the civilians in case i die so they can't fuck much things again
>wonderful... Mortarion is alive too
>no, i'm not a son of god
>no, he's not god
>ok, i give up, call him god if you want
>yes, yes, he loves us all, every single one of us
>why they kept using those creepy freak flying baby things?
>at least they stop chanting when i change my clothes
>no Cawl, you can't use traitor geneseed
>no Cawl, i'm not create a civil war just because you want to be the FG
>why that fucking centipede is using AI as mail?
>the fucking centipede will ignore my orders
>yes, you can have your religious triumph
>seriously, what's the deal with those freaky flying babies?
>the only thing more impressive than how shitty the imperium has become is how tight this Eldar snatch is
>I better legalize this shit
Is it true he made the Custodes go back on active duty? How are the Space Marine chapters reacting to Custodes being back on the frontlines?
Isn't there LITERALLY a picture with his words on it?
yep, found it, quick google search.
I don't suppose they give much shit. A few thousand Custodes that can be spared from securing the palace isn't gonna force any chapter out of their job or anything.
After 10,000 fucking years of scratching their balls they may as well do something for a change.
Astartes just jealous because Battle-Bananas are cooler than they are.
They have the primaris actively cucking them. A squad of custodes here and there is nothing compared to that.
>where is Theil?
>I miss Thiel
>my feet hurt
>I wish i was back on crusade with Thiel
Well, I'm pretty sure the state of the Imperium actually gave Guilliman depression, so I think that says volumes.
Is Thiel unquestionably the best Smurf?
Uriel Ventris is the best smurf
Though Theil was the best at the time he was alive, with Renatus Ventris in 2nd, Marius Gage in 3rd and Nicodemus in 4th
Sicarus is a wanker, Agemann is forgettable, Calgar is a grumpy mary sue, Tigirus is quite good but veers too much towards mary sue land.
Wait, are the custodes currently trotting around still the same ones from the Horus Heresy that the Emperor made himself? Is Valdor still with them? How the fuck is the Imperium in the ignorant state that it's in (both with the whole "worship the Emperor as a god" thing and the general mass superstition and the way the heresy is a poorly-understood myth at this point) if there's about a thousand dudes chilling on Terra who were around during the Heresy and all knew the Emperor personally?
They're not the same dudes. It's unclear but there actually seems to be some attrition among the Custodes from beating down any daemons who slip through the warp gate underneath the Imperial Palace. Or maybe they just don't live that long anyway.
Because they stay in the palace and dont talk to people.
Also if people wont listen to Guilliman why would they listen to a banana man?
Their job isn't to pontificate or inform, it's to protect the Emperor. Shit that happens around it is not really their business. They didn't even really do much when it came to Goge Vandire, save for getting the future founder of the SoB into the Golden Throne so she could have a private chat with skull-dad.
The Imperium does what it will do because of the whims of the High Lords and power plays by everyone else. The Custodes keep the Emperor alive by playing neutral and presenting a very intimidating and deadly front to anyone who would try and fuck with them. That way they ensure the Emperor stays alive by focusing on that one task to the exclusion of everything else, rather than getting their hands in everything which would cause pushback.
>"Wha happen"
Uriel is boring.
Thiel is GOAT.
Valdor didn't age in the centuries between before the start of the Unification Wars and the start of the Great Crusade, much less then 200-300 years before it turned in the Horus Heresy after that.
Tech Heresy probably existed back in 30k.
Yeah, but still, 10000 years...
Do we even know if Valdor survives the Horus Heresy?
Pure headcanon/speculation, but I think in the new fluff he's probably going to be the one Horus kills that makes Emps snap and mindmelt him, given the Custodes seem to be the only thing he truly gives a shit about at this point.
I don't think it'd be Valdor, it should be one bad-ass loyal regular Human soldier or a random Custode. Valdor is too cool to be ended that way. Persoanl head canon or at least theory to me is that he's so ashamed of the Emperor's entombing into the Golden Throne and the injuries Horus dealt him that he went on a personal journey of atonement similar to Dorn until he died in battle against the traitor forces.
There's surely several Custodians who were alive during the Unification Wars even if they were whittled down to maybe a thousand during the whole War in the Webway. Since they haven't really seen active combat since Horus lost there should be at least a few hundred dudes who fought techno-barbarians and maybe a thousand who were there when the Emperor sat down on the throne one last time.
As for the second question, they don't give a shit. They protect the Emperor and lay down his will but only follow direct orders from him. They regard the space marines as a failed project and the Imperium as ultimately disposable.
>They regard the Space Marines as a failed project.
Emperor had Maclador, he gave a shit about him
Perhaps he gave a shit about Horus, i think he probably did, if not the rest.
Well we know its hammered over and over on us before the Heresy and even during it that of all his sons, Horus was the most favored and special to him even over Dorn, Guilliman, and Hawk-Boy.
Emperor gave a shit about Horus the same way an average person gave a shit about their car. A favorite car, sure. But when it starts belching sulfuric fire and demanding you to resolve its daddy issues, it's also time to blow up that car.
Does someone happen to have the Yvraine edit?
this should go
>we are not slaaneshi
for extra flavour
>where the fuck is inquisitor obi-wan sherlock clouseau???
>broken by 3
the best thing about 40k is that everything is canon and nothing is. The fluff is presented as snippets in time from some elses perspective.
Why did the Indomitis crusade achieve nothing? Why did we time skip over century? Why has the Return of Papa smurf changed nothing? Is anything planned to happen in the next 6 months?
We are getting AoS alliances.
Imperium, eldar, tau, necrons, all on one side and nids, chaos, orks, and I'm probably forgetting some on the other.
eighth post best post
I thought that was the way with the rest of them, but that Horus was different, considering he spent so much time with him and fought with him all the time.
He gave him a book on astronomy and showed him different star signs, he gave him his own signet ring from 30,000 years ago, he spent lots of personal time with him and seems to have genuinely cared, he resisted killing him until he saw what he did to the guardsman, even after he had attacked terra and killed sanguinius.
that's what I'm talking about!
>Why did we time skip over century?
This is something I've been meaning to ask about - if we've just had a 100 year time skip are all the imperial guard characters and the like now dead of old age or otherwise unfit to be battlefield bound?
I haven't really been following the 8th ed fluff, but something like that seems like a pretty big shakeup to all the non-ageless factions.
>all the non-ageless factions
which is literally only the IG?
The imperium has anti-aging drugs for important people
Tech Heresy is the end result of chaos corruption.
The only forbidden technology in the 30K era was true AI.
No? They have rejuvants or whatever that technology is called that massively SLOWS down the effect of aging for regular people. You mostly see Inquisitors and select members of like really really fucking rich or noble families being able to afford so someone whose 280 will look like they are merely in their late 40s or early 50s.
Don't Tau have a pretty short lifespan as well?
Well Farside is immortal and the one chick was on ice for a long ass time so they can pull that shit again
who cares. Riptides are nerfed, you wont see Tau players anymore.
>Tech Heresy? What the fuck is tech heresy?
This is the guy who labelled Lorgar as a heretic for not being a fedora atheist.
If anyone can be on board with the everything is heresy meme, its him.
>he spent lots of personal time with him and seems to have genuinely cared, he resisted killing him until he saw what he did to the guardsman, even after he had attacked terra and killed sanguinius.
Anyone wanna bet money that it will be retconned so the Emperor will get to look like even more of an unreasonable douche?
Actually, Custodes are 100% Immortal save by death in battle.
The primarchs fought in the great crusade and united humanity
The state of the imperium right now is like if the great crusade was 75 percent completed.
Why wasnt Custodes addapted to for wide scale military operation?
Because it was far too costly. In the time it took to make a single Custodian you could have 20 Space Marines, who were about 60% as effective. That's more than enough for the Emperor's purposes.
Either the secrets were too good to let out or even on the massive scale of the imperium it wasnt efficient.
Guys... I like the Ultramarines. After reading into their lore after dismissing them as faggot Mary-Sues even as far back as third edition and going for the more GRIMDARK shit, I've realised that I like the Ultramarines and their attitude towards things. Gulliman isn't even a giant piece of shit and actually cares about shit.
No reason why not to. Ultramarine ultra-hatred is a decade old meme at this point.
I'm making my own successor Chapter SM of Ultra stock. Ultras aren't that bad sans Ultra-wank, they're just fairly pragmatic marines.
>why the fuck is everyone praying
>whats up with these weird baby robots floating around
>who is this Calgar guy fucking everything up
>my throat hurts
>i wish Russ were here
"This is not ideal."
Post more Custodes stuff.
"Theoretical: The Imperium has stagnated, the science of my father's secular truth has been perverted into that which He most abhorred above all else. Faith. Superstition. Zealotry. This is not what my Father wanted."
Now someone come up with a Guilliman practical.
Just read the book. Thats his internal diologue the whole book.
Go away Lorgar.
Im a staunch Russfag i will have you know sir, and at the end of the book its hinted heavily that Guilliman has come to view the Emperor as a God.
What book?
Dark Imperium, the one that's about Guilliman, and ends with Guilliman on the precipice of worshiping the Big E even though he's decidedly not a fan of the higher echelons of the Ecclesiarchy.
Thats not a Theoretical user. That is the Practical.
Will read.
im laffin
>Custodian Dreadnought that's been alive since the Unification Wars
How many levels of Bjorn teir grumpy would he constantly be at?
They cut the passage off. Guilliman immediately regrets thinking that.
Yeah after he BTFOs a hilariously over the top Nurgle greater demon after it BTFO some sisters, gray knights and marines he starts to believe after the Emperors Sword causes it great pain and death and only he and a humble Priest escape the mass carnage.
>Waking up was a mistake
Well i mean the custodes were always so haughty and aloof and hold themselves above everyone. Bjorn just gets grumpy because he is a bro who just wants to have a normal conversation but cant get two words out because everyone to orgasms in religious fervor.
>A smug super condescending Custodes Dreadnought who can go hours upon hours talking about his past glories and his times with The Emperor himself constantly berating and mocking the accomplishments of whoever he's speaking too.
Custodes confirmed to be of British descent.
Question, did the emperor talk to him or not?
Some things I've read say that we don't know, he leaves the golden throne and says "I've heard all I need" or something like that.
I've also heard people claiming the emperor says he never cared for the primarchs, but I can't find a source for that.
Yeah. But like the Emperor's prior M41 portrayal in Inqusition Wars, the Emperor is quite insane and unlikely to still have the capacity for love.
Or, if you like the HH series, never did love the Primarchs.
It's irrelevant in the end, since old and new fluff seems to have brought about the same M41 Emperor.
Bobby G is /ourguy/
I dont believe the Emperor never cared for the Primarchs. He called them his sons from the get go, and only speaks negatively of the traitors. Calling them by their number, as "it" or referring to them as creatures. The onky case you can make is what he says to that Magos after finding Angron but you can just as easily dismiss that as ADBs shit writing.
True. Immediately afterwards he reminds himself that he's standing in the presence of people who are actually living, and finding the strength to stand even after ten millennia of this bullshit. He might have seen a brighter future during the Great Crusade, but the grim darkness of the far future is all these people have ever known.
These fucking religious nutjob weirdos still manage to find the will to live in this bullshit. How can he, a fucking Primarch, be despairing when these people still resist? He was brought back to be a symbol for them, the least he can do is chin up and get to work.
He basically saw the Emperor for what the Emperor is, scarcely even human anymore, but so much more than he had once been. Almost a true warp god, to be sure. He's lost a great deal, if not all, his humanity, and at least has lost the concept of subtlety; he reveals unwittingly that the consider the Primarchs as merely creations to further his own aims for mankind, and the whole Father and Sons thing was just a façade he put on for their benefit. The Emperor never truly thought of the Primarchs as his Sons, just as a means to an end.
He isng insane. Hes been diabetic since 804 B.C. and the Custode that gave him his insulin died on the Vengeful Spirit. Thats why Horus was able to hurt him and why he hasnt revived himself.