This is some pretty good shit. Has anyone else played it? I'm prepping to introduce it to my group.
Final Fantasy RPG
Would it work as a wargame, though?
Not yet. The combat is very tactical, but abstracts space other than basically using MTG rules on Flyers (must be Flying or have Ranged weapons to hit).
That said, apparently they're working on a Final Fantasy Tactics World book to add in ranges and movement speed.
Awesome. Would you happen to know any good sources for not!Final Fantasy minis? Ive been looking around here and there and haven't found any, let alone anything nice looking
Minis? I doubt anything like that would have been made. Though having a tiny little black mage figure would be to die for.
I just use playing pawn pieces though in my games. It's super portable and reusable. My entire DMing kit has been modeled around that, actually.
Go full PlayArts Kai for impact. Alternatively use cards from FFTCG. It has cards of all the basic job classes and a decent amount of monsters
If it was me, I would send a download link, not reupload the pdf :D
Oh hey, you're a fa/tg/uy. Unexpected.
It's between this and FFd6 as my favolrite final fantasy tabletop, though this one ultimately wins, because the creator didn't quit the internet because of neckbeards harrassing her, and therefore THIS one is still supported (this is why we can't have nice things.)
>Oh hey, you're a fa/tg/uy. Unexpected.
The things I do for love...
>the creator didn't quit the internet because of neckbeards harrassing her,
Dust is a very nice and gentle woman, and the amount of harass she sustained is surely something that we shouldn't be joking about. Sometimes it is hard to see things in the light of others, and everyone got cracks in its armor.
Why would people harass her?
She posted nudes online.
And why have you not posted a link?
Are you colorblind
Because that was used as fuel to harass her when she posted ffd6 on Veeky Forums.
Yeah, but I wasn't there for that, and I just like seeing naked women, so cough up.
Why, is she black? I don't mind.
Stupid cunt.
user I'm overcome with the shameful desire to see what a cute girl who can write a FF tabletop looks like undressed.
Our collective history has little to do with it.
What does this offer over games like Returners 3e or SeeD?
Never read them, but this one is basically
>Quirks and Traits
Spend points to gain boons or to avoid bad shit happening to you story wise.
Uses the 4 elements. You spend XP to raise a stats value, which determines the stat's level.
d100. Out of combat, it's just a straight up roll, and you make one roll per related skill point. In combat, it's d100 + Stat Value vs Enemy Stat Value + Difficulty class. Damage is determined statically by your weapon and relevant stat level.
Initiative is 3d10 at start of every round. Round is broken up into phases. Each phase, if your initiative dice shows that value, you can "spend it" to make a move. You can spend 2 to make an interrupt action out of turn.
I've been playing the other Veeky Forums created Final Fantasy RPG for about a month now. uses 2d6 for pretty much everything. I don't know if this one is an earlier or later version, or just a different stream of development, since there are some overlap elements (like destiny points) but pretty much everything else is different.
That's been a real blast.
cool. Super great.
This is literally why we can't have nice things.
Leave my dick out of the niceties, I just want to see some nice/tg/itties.
I have to say, this user raises an excellent point here.
Stop white knighting your friend and show us the tits. We know you have them saved. Just upload them into an album and link us
>I just like seeing naked women
have you tried porn
yeah but knowing the naked woman is into Veeky Forums is even better.
I'm a different user. I didn't even know this was why it stopped updating. I'm currently kind of pissed off that you, as representative of the other neckbeards, couldn't just let their dick look at actual porn and thus ruins this for everyone.
Haven't played OP's system, but me and a few friends are working on a revamp/rebalance of FFd6 since Dust vanished. I plan on incorporating some things she mentioned working on from what I could find, such as separating Destiny Points into Limit Point and Milestone systems and the Aspirations mechanic replacing Goals, but a lot of it will be me working on making it more lore accurate and less "made up some stuff and pretended it was balanced."
Anyone have any experience with the game or general ideas for things to do with it?
Oh, can the moral act, would ya? We're anonymous. There's no need to hide it. If you're a red-blooded male, of course you'd want to see it.
>or general ideas for things to do with it?
If you mean mechanics wise, not in particular, other than maybe revamping the battle system away from abstract and more closer to what the FEAR Japanese systems use for proximity.
Basically you have close, medium, and far ranges on everything. You can compare them by basically drawing an oval. Close means basically melee range, and you have to roll to escape out of an enemy's close range. Medium is where 90% of ranged battle occurs, meaning outside of melee range, but within the combat zone. Far means that it's a long-distance attack that will hit from a completely different (but adjacent) combat zone. I figure that will give a little bit more meaning to combat scenes and make them a tad more important.
As for story ideas, I'm thinking about maybe doing an Isekai story where the players are from our world and just plopped into this fantasy world. Their first quest is going to involve taking out rats in a basement, but they'll Call For Help as an action, and when there are 8 of them together, they'll combine and make the area boss, the Rat King.
Is the PDF not looking right to anyone else? Big sections of it aren't showing anything but white pages for me. And if I try to save it, it won't open at all...
Yeah, I meant mechanics, sorry for clarifying.
I'll keep that in mind for range stuff, as one of the biggest things I plan to overhaul is combat. Although I think I'd do it more similarly to how Dissidia's attack descriptions portray range, with stuff like spears hitting at Medium and most magic being Mid-Long Range; while changing around some of the weapon type and spell descriptions to match appropriately.
I downloaded it just now and it seemed to work for me, but I have a copy already. Anyone else can comment?
I would say maybe put the spears at Close-Med range. The idea behind fear is that you use actual minis to represent placement, but most of the measurements are abstracted. Close is just a little circle of area around each piece that they control. So for a spear to be effective, he'd have to have a larger range of close (as in he can put you in close range while you're still at medium).
Seems I have a problem with it and cannot make it work right here (I'm at a hotel room and away from good internet until tomorrow evening).
Same here, there's 20ish pages missing
I'm not horribly familiar with any systems that use minis, as nobody in my group bothers much with them, so I guess I just had a different thought of how range factors work than what Fear wants to do.
Granted, Close-Med also would probably work well with keeping Spears/Reach weapons balanced with Bows/Ranged weapons being Med/Long.
>I'm not horribly familiar with any systems that use minis, as nobody in my group bothers much with them, so I guess I just had a different thought of how range factors work than what Fear wants to do.
FEAR is a Japanese TRPG studio. That said, their combat is a sort of cross between narrative freeform and grid based. You still have pieces on a board, but you just have general landmarks with little measurements other than the DM spotting it. This way, you can have several battle zones going on that the players can choose to engage in or stay out of while attempting to fight or reach their goals.
If you don't want to work with something like that, I would recommend keeping the spear Close ranged only, but allow it to hit flyers, as flying creatures can only be hit by other flyers and ranged weapons. It would balance it out better I think.
Can someone check if this link is ok?
this works, thank you
That appears to work fine.
My idea was having Spears/Range work by having an ACC penalty cost at Med, but removing/lowering the ACC cost against Flying creatures. I feel like the current -4 penalty for short ranged weapons to hit flyers is more balanced than going "Oh, you're playing Monk? Well eat a dick for not being a Ranger." or "Oh, you want to conserve MP for healing/boss fights? Too bad, here's some Lv1 bats you have to waste a Fire spell on."
Spears/Reach, not Range. I actually kinda like how Range currently functions.
You don't have to put the flying keyword on everything. Just put it on creatures that are known for attacking from a height out of range. Even FFXII that implements this system doesn't give bats the flying status.
What I mean is that Final Fantasy, although admittedly only somewhat recently in it's history, has been known to have verticality be a part of it's combat. Dissidia, XIII, and XV have all had aerial combat be a large part of their gameplay. The FFd6 book itself, in a very small paragraph, even admits that under it's mechanics aerial combat should be treated the same way as ground combat to a large degree.
I like the idea of players who want to have over the top "jumping up and whacking the thing" attacks actually work, but with an ACC penalty. Plus, this wont make the Dragoon's special Jump obsolete, as they still get their pseudo-invincibility period.
Meanwhile "The Garuda is flying, therefor half of my players can do actually nothing because either they don't have magic or can't/didn't equip Ranged weapons" doesn't sound fun outside of maybe a high-lethality campaign. Especially since Mages snowball really hard in this system as is, according to my tests.
>Gee, I don't like the idea of sending flyers at my players like level 1 bats!
>So don't put the flying keyword on bats and make it so only important later battles have it
>You missed the point!
Yeah, okay, I missed the point.
>I like the idea of players who want to have over the top "jumping up and whacking the thing" attacks actually work, but with an ACC penalty.
This is a stupid idea and you should feel stupid for attempting to step closer to pathfinder. Spears and other weapons that can reach flyers have balances and drawbacks too, such as not having as high attack power, or not being able to wield shields. Why would you mitigate that even further with math? Do you hate people doing shit?
>hurr I wanna have short range weapons hit too!
Stupid idea.
>Meanwhile "The Garuda is flying, therefor half of my players can do actually nothing because either they don't have magic or can't/didn't equip Ranged weapons"
So don't be a cunt who runs flyers at your party when you know they don't have an answer for it. But in my opinion, any experienced TRPG player should have learned the lesson the hard way, but you should always have a backup ranged weapon even if you suck horrible shit at it, bar none. Stock up on items if you have to. If they can get torn apart because something is flying, they need to run and regroup, stop sucking shit, and stock up on range.
>or not being able to wield shields
So few classes can use shields in FFd6 anyways that it hardly matters. Despite this, I plan on adding a rule basically saying "Reach, Ranged, and Huge weapons can't be dual wielded or used alongside shields" because the range advantage of the first two and the raw damage output of Huge weapons balances that out.
>Why would you mitigate that even further with math?
Because that's what FFd6 already does? It straight up says "Attacking flying enemies with short range weapons gives a -4 ACC penalty to the attacker." Compounded on the fact that flyers will probably have retardedly high AVD anyways since it kinda makes sense for something that can move through the air to be good at avoiding things, and this gives a sufficient punishment to a stupid player without cucking them entirely.
> any experienced TRPG player
Normally, I agree with that entire paragraph, but anyone who's read through FFd6 will see that it's painfully obvious that it's meant for casuals. If I wanted something aimed at experienced players, I'd start using OP's system; as it seems like it's more designed around technical play in comparison from what I've gathered skimming through it. I think having a system better suited for casuals would make for a nice balance.
>Game is painfully obvious for casual players
>Requires you to do fiddly bits of math instead of hard and fast narrative rules.
Putting that aside for a moment, even if the rules were meant for casual play, casual != stupid by default. Any experienced GM, or even just a person with common sense who knows how to read, would look at Flyers and say "Oh wow, my party doesn't have anything to deal with this. I know, I'll make a minor encounter with a flyer to teach them the lesson, and make the boss fly to see if they learned that lesson well and how to get around it", instead of "Huh, they can't handle flyers...well okay, I'll just throw all of the flyers at them until they die lol".
And I believe mechanical balance shouldn't have to be done with "My players aren't retarded" in mind. Because players can be pretty fucking retarded.
Flyers having an objective disadvantage via weapon type immunity to certain classes means a retarded player might not play that class because "there was this one basic mob that I couldn't do shit about, therefor that class is unplayable garbage."
Flyers giving mechanical disadvantage via stat penalty means retarded player thinks his dice are fucking with him, and still plays a wide variety of classes.
>casual != stupid by default
No it doesn't, I'll give you that, but I still think casual play means you don't have to know what you're doing. I've seen casual players be smart and spam defend and let people who can deal with the thing far more often than opting to run away. However if they thought "hey, maybe this would be good just in case", then they get rewarded for some forethought.
Rewarding players for being smart > Punishing them for being dumb.
>I believe mechanical balance shouldn't have to be done with "My players aren't retarded" in mind
Why? Players who are retarded shouldn't be doing things that require so much thinking in general. If they're too retarded to pick up on a simple lesson like "hurr keep a bow around for general purposes", then they're probably not the ones handling their own character sheet either.
>Flyers having an objective disadvantage via weapon type immunity to certain classes means a retarded player might not play that class because "there was this one basic mob that I couldn't do shit about, therefor that class is unplayable garbage."
Sounds like a fault of a system that was abandoned, and you should probably just move on, honestly.
>but I still think casual play means you don't have to know what you're doing
No, casual play means you don't have to be devoted to spending your time and effort on playing a long-term game. You should still play with people who are interested in playing games that require a bit of thinking and are willing to read rules and play to win. If you're not playing with those types of people, then I suggest buying a Candyland set and just breaking that out and letting them pick up the latest Bethseda game to get their murderhobo out of their system.
>Rewarding players for being smart > Punishing them for being dumb.
For short-term gratification. Learning from a loss is 100x more effective than learning from a win. Instead of encouraging them to be mental midgets, you should use the game to teach them some basic lessons that they can carry with them for life. That's the entire purpose of games to begin with. If they want to sit there and feel rewarded for low-effort, you should just watch a summer blockbuster with them.
Because I want a medium that's easier for new people to get into. Simple mechanics for newfags, but have enough depth for people with experience to have fun experimenting with. If balanced well, I feel that should be the end goal of a good system.
>Sounds like a fault of a system that was abandoned, and you should probably just move on, honestly.
Can't tell if reading comprehension is ass, or if we've been arguing different things this whole time given what part of that paragraph you quoted. However I am fully aware that I really shouldn't be doing any of this to begin with. Doesn't mean I won't, just that I realize I'm being dumb.
> you should use the game to teach them some basic lessons that they can carry with them for life.
As DM I believe it's my job to set up a situation for people to learn that lesson, and allow them to look to and talk with other players to get the lesson. Team play is important. Having a safety net for bad team play is okay, but it should punish players for needing it. If player A uses the safety net and sees player B clean house without it, player A might look to player B for what he did right.
Were P&PRPGs designed for single player, you would be completely correct. However, it rarely is. If I wanted to teach one specific person a life lesson through gameplay, I'd learn how to program and just make vidya instead. That'd at least make me money if I'm lucky.
>Because I want a medium that's easier for new people to get into.
There are hundreds of other, more popular, better suited systems that are balanced for this purpose that aren't indie fan-projects that got abandoned. Might I recommend Microlite d20 and it's 2,000 different flavors?
The rest of your post is basically agreeing with me, so I'm running out of steam, other than this part:
>Were P&PRPGs designed for single player, you would be completely correct.
It has nothing to do with how many people are there or not. A game is meant as a way to experience challenge/conflict within the safety of a lossless situation to learn and/or exercise from it. It doesn't matter how many people are there for that. You can absolutely put in life lessons through a TRPG and many people for years have been doing just that, and for entire groups of people at a time. I don't know where you got that idea that it requires 1 on 1 time, but you should quickly unlearn it.
>I'm running out of steam
Both of us are, and I think it's showing. At least, I think it's showing on my end anyways.
>I don't know where you got that idea that it requires 1 on 1 time
Poor phrasing, mostly. I effectively just meant use party composition to show, rather than tell. Sure, there are some cases where lessons are learned better 1 on 1, but those situations shouldn't come up during a session.
>The rest of your post is basically agreeing with me
Because this is Veeky Forums! Unlike most boards we can actually talk about things, instead of just spurging at each other for an hour! Or so I like to believe.
>Are you colorblind
>Why, is she black? I don't mind.
He means look at the color of the board idiot.
>Clearly would rather have an updated game than titties
>Stop white knighting
Dare you compare his wizardry to KNIGHTHOOD!? For shame.
But in all seriousness, as a socially functioning adult, pictures of titties on the internet are a dime a dozen, but a well written genre-specific TTRPG based on a genre I actually like is worth its weight in gold.
Dude ask for a link, not for an image.
Board color only pertains to images.
>Oh, can the moral act, would ya? We're anonymous. There's no need to hide
Go back to /b/ child. The adults are having a serious conversation about playing children's games based on children's games
>long conversation about game balance philosophy
>moment it's over, thread talks about tits again
Oh, right, I almost forgot this wasn't Veeky Forums
I seem to remember one that was similar to this but more...expanded, I guess. It wasn't FFd6. I had a DM who let me port the summoner job to 4e and it was a lot of fun.
Even Returners got the 5e treatment. That's disappointing.
This isn't even the Returners. A few of them went to make SeeD but Banner wasn't with them. I have no fucking idea who made this one, he claims he was a playtester and member of the Returners but I don't see his name -anywhere- in the acknowledgements from 3e.
>No Dark Knight
>No Dragoon
>Final Fantasy
get out.
The acknowledgements for this version apparently only has Renaud from the Returners.
Doing some digging, it seems that the creator is a minor playtester from the Returners era and this is meant to be a spiritual sequel. So it is basically an offshoot of the other version, like SeeD and ZODIAC.
There is no need to be upset, my son.
>Adept with who chooses shadow-strike feature at lvl 1 is totally a Dark Knight
>Warrior who chooses Jump feature at lvl 1 is totally a Dragoon.
Why not join our discussion about how to deal with the Fly/Ranged issue. I am personally in the camp that thinks that immunity is a bit much, while no mechanical difference is bland, but a heavy penalty to hit is a good middle ground
You're my nigger. Have a Tonberry. I made it muhself.
Category: Abnormal
Family: Tonberry
Location: Underground, Dungeons, Ruins
Size: 1m tall
Intelligence: Primitive
Reaction: Hostile
Frequency: Very Rare
Encounter Size: 1/4
Senses: Day/60 Night/50 Sound/40 Smell/10 Life/50 Magic/0
Type: Notorious
Level: 40
Str-15 Vit-20 Spd-5 Agi-10 Mag-10 Spr-15
HP: 6400
MP: 1350
Armor: 30
M. Armor: 27
ACC: 140
M.ACC: 160
EVA: 55
M.EVA: 65
DEX: 110
MND: 110
Cleaver: CoS 140, EVA to deal 150+2d10, ARM Physical damage to target.
Lamplight: CoS 100 to inflict 80+3d6, M.ARM Magical damage to target Group; CoS 30 to inflict Blind (4), Disable (4), Slow (4), and Armor Down (6), and to remove all Enhance- and Barrier-type Status Conditions save Shield from the target.
Grudge: CoS 140, EVA to inflict 200% 165+2d12 Physical damage to target; CoS 60 to reduce the target to 0 HP, regardless of current HP, ARM/M.ARM values, or the Damage Cap.
-Movement Abilities
-Support Abilities
I: Fatal
I: Mystify
I: Transform
R: Seal
R: Time
Critical Attack
Weak Spot (Wind-elemental, Curse[4])
Exp: 23520
Gil: 7880
That's so....5e. Have everything be under an archetype and choose a subclass that represents specifics.
Look at it from the game's viewpoint. When has verticality ever been a challenge to the player, at least before FFX? Even though things like bats and garudas can fly, the players can usually hit them. Just have them fight close to the ground, and have their wings be one of the first things damaged in a fight so when they should logically retreat they can't.
Did nested subtypes rape your dog?
Even after FFX verticality hasn't been a problem. XIII's cast can jump up to whack Adamantoise in the face, and Noctis can just teleport around like it's nothing.
I'm not sure if the timeline lines up QUITE right, but I would not be surprised if the decision to take disperate classes in one edition and collapse them into a smaller list of classes with differentiating-but-mutually-exclusive feature options was inspired by either 5e or the general game design shift that lead to 5e.
I just wasn't aware, I went on to other things after FFX came out. That's why I added in the clause.
I mean, it's just kind of clinical and dull. It makes a lot of classes feel same-y instead of them feeling unique. I guess I'm just too old to get used to another style of doing things.
Nah, that's fair. After XII the series started going down hill.
>make your own class through choices
Oh. Okay. I guess I can stop being bitter now.
I haven't read this system before and I do not know how anything is handled however:
I have played & worked on tabletop vidya before, I would say that immunity while attacking is too powerful a thing for someone to be able to use over and over in combat.
Guessing that the combat is based off traditional final fantasy, I would say that Jumping would give you an equivalent defense of being in the backrow while making you immune to ground elemental attacks.
Perhaps it could count as having moved into a different zone or space for the purpose of targeting, in that he is no longer counted as being part of the party, so if you have an AOE arrow spam ability you can target either the falling Dragoon or the entire party.
Perhaps there should be an Anticipate Action to dedicate yourself towards for hitting a Dragoon with a melee attack as he lands at some cost. I would assume there would be something like it to simulate counter-attack classes.
Now tell me Simon Pegg, tell me about blue mages
In some of them, maybe, but personally I'll take being able to play literally any concept with at-least one combination of features and secondary-classes, and make it viable, over having 50+ pages of fiddly classes for each class that ever showed up, especially considering that half of them are going to wind up being garbage unless you have a team of playtesters the likes of which no major gaming company has ever had.
For example, yeah the Geomancer, Summoner, and Blue-Mage TECHNICALLY are rolled into one class page, but when you actually PLAY them, they play VERY differently.
>Flying bats can't be hit by the players
Is this RPG really that bad? Holy shit.
Can FF fags not make a decent RPG?
I know you're just baiting, but fuck it. I'm out of beer and have nothing better to do.
handles it by treating 'Flying' as a status-effect. One that can be granted and nullfied as usual by various means. Your common L5 Red Bat would not have this effect, usually, though it would most likely have Auto-Float. The Garuda would most likely be designed with an Auto-Fly ability that gets canceled after it takes some amount of HP in damamge. I'd do 50-60%, myself.
rate my idea:
That is indeed a design flaw, though beyond that, and a few other black marks, it's a pretty solid system... and we're discussing how we would improve it; care to contribute?
There is no mechanical discussion in this thread.
Just a bunch of people bickering at each other with no idea of a cohesive design strategy.
I think Dragoon Jump as-is in FFRPG3e is okay, since it costs an entire turn of wasted time for a single attack. Sure, it removes the Dragoon from the party, but that also means that said Dragoon can't be healed or buffed during that time, either. Kinda screws things up when it happens right as your White Mage is about to pop Protega or Cura. Now next turn you got everyone else tough-as-nails, and one very undefended and un-healed Dragoon.
>I would assume there would be something like it to simulate counter-attack classes
I built a shitload of monsters for that system, back in the day, and I did love giving Counter to guys who would reasonably be able to prepare a counterattack. It is a good way to make Dragoons think twice about Jump spamming, especially if it's a Boss fight. Sure, you can Jump every other round, but he's gonna hit you every time you hit him, and you're probably gonna miss out on those sweet healz.
Honestly, though, you probably have more experience playtesting shit like that than I do. Don't look to me for judgement; I'm far from qualified.
Please see
Though personally I still think the first suggestion is the best suggestion
Here is another possible fix:
The Dragoon is now a 'charge' character, in that he performs an action that then allows him to perform other actions or empowers those actions with more charges. The Dragoon's specific charge also gives him a certain level of defense/party absence that makes him harder to target or harder to hit.
Standard Utility:
Melee Attack: 1dWeapon + STR
Extended Melee Attack: Ignore targets opponent's backrow defense bonus or ignore your own backrow offense penalty.
Sweep: 1dWeapon attack against all opponents. No bonuses may apply.
Dragoon Abilities
Jump: Character gains a point of [Sky] for every turn he spends jumping.
[Sky] can be spent to enhance or perform specific maneuvers.
[Sky] also contributes to the defense of a Dragoon.
At 1 [Sky] the Dragoon halves melee damage & ignores earth elemental damage
At 2 [Sky] the Dragoon ignores all melee & earth elemental damage. May ignore 1 attack per round.
At 3 [Sky] the Dragoon can not be the target of any attacks or abilities, including friendly ones.
If any [Sky] is spent you may not gain another point until you have spent all of your [Sky]
Dive: Remove all [Sky] stored on character; make a normal attack doing 2dWeapon additional damage per point of [sky] spent this way.
Automatically move to Targets location.
Reis's Wind: As a standard action you may spend any amount of stored [Sky], recover 1d10+base HP stat per [Sky] spent.
As a Full Action this benefit spreads to the entire party.
I don't know how this game works but defining distance doesn't need to be in exact increments if it can be generalized into bonuses and penalties of some sort.
huh. it ate all of my formatting. So sad.
Someone link me to Dust's nudes
I really like your fix, though it's almost too long for an optional subsystem.... but I REALLY like it.
Creator here. Let me try to address some of the points made here.
>That's so....5e. Have everything be under an archetype and choose a subclass that represents specifics.
The decision to roll up several classes inside "bigger classes" stemmed from the lack of customization options avaiable to players after lvl 1 in FFRPG 3e. There, once you chose to be a "Dragoon", boom, you had no more control over the acquisition of abilities or tactics to your character - you were locked into your class with your progression set in stone. This was even made worse by the fact that there were no multiclassing.
In FFRPG 3e, if you pick either Dragoon, Swordmaster, Fighter, or Knight, you're picking the samey concept - a guy in heavy armor, with lots of HP, using his weapons to atttack physically. The difference between them is just which exact abilities they get.
What I did in FFRPG 4e was to roll them all into the same chassis - HP, MP, armor and weapon usage - and give the player the option to choose which abilities they want to have.
This is even distinct from 5E's subclasses rule because while 5E follows the linear progression per subclass - once you've chosen to be a Eldricth Knight you're locked into EK abilities (or multiclass) - FFRPG 4e gives the player the option to choose at every ability. Yes, you can be an Adept and build a pure Paladin, a pure Dark Knight or a pure Magic Knight, but you can also mix and match the three sets of abilities and build whatever you want to build.
Lastly, do not forget that each character also have a secondary job in addition to its main job, increasing even more the customization possibilities without having to dabble in a multiclass system that is VERY hard to balance well - especially for a 1-man indie project.
You sir are doing god's work. Is the system perfect.... no (coughalltheflydiscussionabovecough) but it's really good... better than most pro projects out there, and damn-well one of the best 1-person indy-homebrews.
2nd part:
>Flying bats can't be hit by the players
FFRPG 4e uses the "non-flying melee can't hit flying" rule. However, it also gives the players the tools to overcome it. All classes do have ranged weapon options, and/or early ranged attack possibilities (Warrior's Arc and Jump abilities; Monk's Jutsus; and Adept's Blade Magic spring to mind). Also, most - if not all - secondary jobs give actions for the melee character to deal with this situation, either by granting ranged attacks or giving defensive/support abilities to make them relevant in this situation, even if they're not the ones dealing damage.
If the player chose to ignore all these options to have no backup plan, they will be punished for it. However, lets not forget that this game is not meant to be played with only 1 player, but as a group, and maybe throwing a flying enemy or two is a good way to move the spotlight from a character to another, should the GM wish it.
However, I do understand your concern and think it is a valid one. I'll throw an optional rule in the next book (almost done, btw) that swaps the "can't hit" for "increase the difficulty by 30". I personally won't be using it in my games, but any GM that wishes to use it should feel free to do so. In the end, I cannot create the experience at the table - only facilitate it - and the group playing is the one truly responsible to choose how the game goes.
>I have no fucking idea who made this one
I was a _MINOR_ playtester. I'm not from the main crew of the Returners group and have no authority over them (btw, you can still find most of them at espernet IRC). My name is not in the FFRPG 3e book but I can point you to a character of mine back then for example -
FFRPG 4e is a spiritual sequel, and I doubt there will ever be a Returners regroup to create a direct one.
The entire fly discussion is the most nonsensical and directionless thing I have ever seen.
>call yourselves The Returners
>never plan on returning
> !???!?!?!?
>But in all seriousness, as a socially functioning adult, pictures of titties on the internet are a dime a dozen, but a well written genre-specific TTRPG based on a genre I actually like is worth its weight in gold.
Yeah but we got the genre specific RPG anyways, so why not ask for titties too?
I guarantee I've contributed more to this thread as an adult then you have, moral-shitposter-kun
How does this compared to FFd6?
Care to watch a video?
I wish I had been able to get in on Triumph when it was happening. Seemed like good times.
Also, why did you discard the way 3e handled flying in combat? It seemed very simple and intuitive to me, and very Final Fantasy, if that makes any sense.
Since your here, some constructive feedback about the book for you.
1. How many skill points you get in a character is only mentioned once in Character Creation. This is kinda bad, because even though they WILL go through the character creation, you should have each chapter of a book deal with all aspects of its designated topic. If someone is playing, and they forget when or how many skill points they get, the first thing they're going to do is flip to the Skills section and become confused why it's not there.
There are also a few other chapters that do this. Quirks don't list how many Quirks you can pick at start, and traits don't as well.
2. Page 22, the Adept's Shellburst Stab ability lists Difficulty 0. I'm 95% sure that should be a 70.
3. The Reaction action on page 107 is written a little oddly. I didn't really figure it out until I read the example combat a few pages later. I think its the line that says "In response" coming right after you're talking about how they can interrupt actions. It makes it sound like they're about to do something in response to the interrupting action of the reaction.
4. Maybe it was just me, but I had no idea what the hell a Units Digit was, because all my life everyone has referred to them as a Singles Digit. Maybe ask around for that one.
5. While it's clarified on the Destiny Points section, the way the Quirks are written makes it sound like it should be 1 point to get effects automatically, as opposed to spending points to make a challenge easier, or having to spend multiple points to avoid bad things. This may seem like a case of "Just read the book, nigga", but in my experience, people tend to read up until they think they've "got it", so I'm worried they'll look at the quirks, think they have the idea, and then skip the Destiny Points chapter.
Very informative! Thanks!
Participant here. It was late, I was tired as fuck for some reason, and I saw a passive-aggressive remark that might have set me off. Lots of things on on. I'm honestly too embarrassed to scroll up right now.
That whole conversation was about FFd6, which doesn't give very many classes good ranged options. Such as Dark Knight's only real range option requiring self damage; which, while lore accurate, isn't ideal.