D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
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D&D 5th Ed. General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative:
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Nigga what are you doing
Yet another questionless thread.
THREAD QUESTION: what is something memorable you've done with a miscellaneous magic item, or something like a trident of fish command?
Hi friends. I am currently playing a ranged Fighter and I was thinking of taking the Sharpshooter archetype. Does that sound like a good idea?
From last thread
Idiot proof this idea for me
I'm running death house, but I'm replacing the Shambling Mound with a beholder zombie
Same CR, but I want to tweak the story so that Lorgoth (i.e the Mound) is actually Walter Durst, and this monstrosity is what happened to the stillborn baby at the hand of the cult.
Does it work, or having my level 2 party fighting the Shambling abortion monster a little heavy handed?
I'm worried about crossing a line with the female players, but I really think baby fuckery will be important to later screw with the Bonegrinder hags
Yes it is.
All I needed to know. Thank you user.
It's your only attack Roll, which means it's the only thing you do in combat.
Either you pick something that lets you do something else, or you pick something that lets you do what you do the best
No it doesn't. Battlemaster is the better archetype even when using ranged weapons.
>Idiot proof this idea for me
The only way to idiot-proof something in D&D is to never let it see play
I don't like it. Heavy handed, unnecessary and risky.
CoH is already pretty grim and the book underlines that it's necessary to keep it a bit light at time in order for the players not to suffocate and just end up saying "eh, shit's fucked anyway".
It also doesnt make much sense from a Bestiary point of view, or you'd have to make the story contrived to make it work... and it would take away from the "barovians are fucked up" theme that the House is about.
Are you talking about the feat instead?
How so?
Are there any guides besides the one in the DMG for creating bespoke monsters? Things that lay out the steps more clearly I have an idea, but I feel like a retarded manbaby because I can't get simple maths to work.
>sound effects only
>only 1 vote
more clearly?* Sorry, phoneposter.
The battlemaster has a ton more flexibility, while still being able to keep up with the damage somewhat. The problem with many of the fighter archetypes is that they are boring to play after a while, because all you do is attack and that is literally it. With battlemaster, you have all sorts of options to do, many include extra damage as well. Even Arcane archer has more things to do, even if it is a kind of crappy archetype as well.
Funny you should mention the trident of fish command. Our barbarian once used it to control giant squids in the final epic battle. Really turned the tide of the fight.
>bespoke monsters
>Really turned the tide
Yeah I just looked at the maneuvers and the variety is very enticing. However, I don't mind playing rather simple with this current character. I'm running with a bard/druid/rogue and I'm the main damage in my group so I don't mind spending my days shooting niggas. Will definitely consider Battlemaster for another character in the future though.
Go back to Mexico
Go back to Ireland
Made to order. Custom monsters. No, reskinning won't work in this case as far as I'm aware.
Because maneuvers are fun and better than Sharpshooter's shit.
Sharpshooter, at 3, lets you ignore some cover and gain 2+(Lvl/2) damage. That's 4 at level 4, 5 at 6, 6 at 8, and so on. This is useable THREE TIMES per short rest and requires your bonus action. You must declare this in advance and can potentially miss your attacks that round, whiffing them all. It also doesn't double on a crit, whereas a maneuver's damage would. It is, however, superior damage if you do something like Action Surge and land every shot.
A Battlemaster can apply 1d8 damage to FOUR attacks at the same level as the Sharpshooter, while imposing other effects (such as causing Frightened, knockback, or Prone which is not what you want to do as an archer but OK). They can also pick up defensive maneuvers to save their bacon when something closes to range, or the all-powerful Commander's Strike if you have a Rogue. This also doesn't use your bonus action, and you choose to spend maneuvers AFTER you confirm a hit.
You can also pick up the Sharpshooter feat if you want to ignore cover, which your enemies will never use to begin with.
>Custom monsters
So homebrew? Why not just say that then?
What are you trying to make?
I really want to be a heavy or even moderately armored knight that can leap really high into the air and other such acrobatic feats.
I like the ki jump stuff from monk so what can I multiclass to achieve my dream? Would paladin work at all? That's what I think I would prefer. Obviously not worried about optimizing for dpr, just want to have fun.
Your jump distance is determined by your Strength score, not Dex, and heavy armor gives no RAW penalty to jumping, so you're already there. Have a decent Dex and Acrobatics proficiency and you should be good to go under any not-shit DM.
If you want to jump even higher, you could take the Magic Initiate feat to get the Jump spell once per day.
Jump is a 1st level wizard spell that you might want to look at...
Honestly, it sounds like Battle Master would work better if I were a melee character and more involved in the thick of things. I'm not knocking your idea or disagreeing with you but I am still leaning toward SS although BM seems like more reliable damage? Hmm.
I was going to choose the feat primarily for the -5atk/+10dmg thing.
keep in mind, even with magic and items, your jump distance has a hard cap equal to your movement speed. High jumping will be, at best your max move -10.
Pretty much this, and its 10th level ability is pretty trash too, you can just take the fighting type close quarters shooter if you are using UA.
I'm a level 5 cleric. What's the best way to impress guillable peasants? So far, my most devilish idea is killing a guy and comtinuously casting Gentle Repose on him to extend the revive timer. I'll place him in a coffin on the main square, so people will look at him and see - yep, still dead.
After winter passes, I will cast revify, and he'll wake from his grave like he was taking a nap the whole time.
If you play a Sharpshooter archetype and take the Sharpshooter feat, you're already invalidating one perk of the archetype. All you're left with is unreliable damage.
Battlemaster remains incredible at range. While you lose the power of Trip Attack (you can still use it and help out your melee guys, but it hurts you if you stay on that target), you make Menacing Attack way better. Menacing applies Frightened, and a Frightened creature cannot willingly move closer to you. It doesn't have to run away, but it can't step forward. This isn't tremendously helpful as a melee character, because you're already on the guy, and he can still make attacks on you (albeit at disadvantage). If the creature has yet to close on any party member, it literally can't, as long as they're not on the opposite side of it compared to you. And if they have? Maneuvering Attack to move your party member out of its reach. You can keep applying Menacing Attack and basically force an enemy to stand there or run away while the rest of your party beats the shit out of it from just out of reach, not having to worry about a thing. Even if it has ranged attacks, they're at disadvantage.
You can also use Precision Attack to help your Sharpshooter -5/+10 attacks land, potentially negating the penalty entirely or even granting a bonus above your normal AB.
I understand it takes a higher level spell to revive the long dead, but is that really any more impressive than just reviving him from the get go from a peasant perspective?
I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like with Gentle Repose you'd need Raise Dead, Revivify wouldn't work.
Alright alright you guys are convincing me (I did notice the redundancy of choosing both SS archetype/feat).
So right off the bat, I should pick up Menacing, Trip, and maybe Precision (or maybe Precision later on)? Anything else vital? I will look through the maneuvers in the meantime. Thanks for such detailed responses, and all the help.
>The spell also effectively extends the time limit on raising the target from the dead, since days spent under the influence of this spell don’t count against the time limit of spells such as raise dead.
Well, what about minutes spent under it?
Yeah, a really good healer can "revive" a person too, and how can you be really sure that guy really died?
It's a whole different business when the corpse was obviously not breathing and moving for months.
>banking on none of these peasants taking the two copper pieces off your corpse's eyes for longer than ONE MINUTE
>spending an entire year to enact this plan, ensuring you never lapse for ONE MINUTE
>being a dick and murdering a man
Nigger, why don't you just cure the peasants' diseases and magically heal their injuries? Un-break legs and arms, give sight to the blind, banish leprosy, save the town dog or child who ate some bad berries, magically stitch up grievous wounds, all that shit. They will love you and you won't even have to have been a dick about it.
I'm DMing for the first time tonight, any tips? I'm probably going to do the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure.
So, our party has a pair of oversized super storm giant gauntlets that allow you to temporarily gain 29 STR and deal lightning damage with your punches, at the cost of not being able to equip other weapons. It was a custom magic item that tied into this one guy's backstory and a quest hook and all that. The player of the character using these gauntlets drops out of the game due to scheduling conflicts, and so I end up with them. Out of the people left in the party, nobody fights unarmed so no one else wants to equip them. I just keep them in my inventory.
A while later, we're chasing a vampire who tries to turn into a bat and fly away, so I drink a potion of flying, chase after him, and trap him inside the gauntlets. I drag him back to where our cleric is drawing a magic circle, where we trap the vampire and interrogate him.
>probably going to do the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure.
here's your tip, find a better module. That one has too many problems for a new dm to tackle.
Isn't it kind of strange to just dig up a corpse one day and revive it though? Particularly if were were around right when they died
Wait I just realized, isn't menacing attack just better than goading attack? Even if you're at range and someone else in the party is in melee with them so they are at disadvantage on all attacks, frightened does the same and also limits movement. Same save, both add damage, both on a hit.
No tip, but good luck and have fun!
Disarming Attack is a fantastic catch-all. Make sure your melee party members know to kick the creature's weapon away when their turn comes around.
If you have a Rogue, take Commander's Strike, especially in place of Trip. This lets them Sneak Attack again, since it takes place on your turn, not theirs.
Don't take Trip unless you have a melee-heavy party, particularly one where GWM is present. Advantage on their -5/+10 will be great.
Distracting Strike can replicate giving Advantage to your meleers without making the creature harder for you to hit, but it only works on the next attack.
Goading Attack is useful on a ranged character. It's actually a weaker Menacing Blow (same save and all), but could be useful if you wanted the creature to continue closing on the party.
If you can trick or get approval from your DM, Rally gives you a means of reviving downed allies at range. It's temporary HP, but still.
>they get up
I would assume that you're not resurrecting an average chump with higher level resurrections. You're bringing back heroes, important figures, and other notable folk.
There's not going to be a lot of people who are capable of doing that, and it's unlikely they are going around to resurrect Olaf the Bull Milker.
After all, we all know why Olaf died in the first place. The title was posthumous.
You can't be revived with temp HP
Any ideas, then?
literally any other module, most recommend lost mines for beginners.
Lost mines of phandelver
Lost Mines and Curse of Strahd are generally viewed to be the best modules, as far as I've seen. I would say run Lost Mines.
>If you can trick or get approval from your DM
Lost mines of Phandelver. Once you feel confident, move unto Curse of Strahd
I've run Lost Mines and its fantastic, also running SKT now and its pretty good too.
I have been reading a lot about the farm realm for a while now, I think I've read everything about it in the FR wiki. So now i am planning to play in the next campaign a human from the farm realm who came to the material plane in his spaceship (stolen from mindflayers) but lost it in a crash and now his goal is to remake it so he can go back to his plane.
What do you guys think? He is a matt mercer gunslinger refluffed with laser weapons.
Trip isn't too great unless you have several other melee martials in the party. Commander's Strike is a must if you have a rogue but I guess you don't in which case precision and menacing are the best ones and then trip, disarm or distracting strike are alright I think.
>farm realm
Why have you got a dark souls 2 character in the op
>Farm Realm meme again
>stolen by mindflayers
>rebuilding your spaceship
>laser weapons
No. You can't be a normal-ass dude from the plane of sanity-rending horror.
You have shit taste then. SKT is almost as bad as Tyranny
So are Martials and Wizards actually balanced in 5e? Serious answers only please. I want to know before I try to learn the system.
Fuck off, the only part that is even remotely bad is ch.3
no, but they are a hell of a lot closer than they were in 3.X
In terms of respective power? More than in any other edition
Is the Farm Realm like Wales, or is it Tatooine? What's the role of Toshe station and power converters?
Sweet. Thanks dood. I'll grab Disarming, Commander's, and Menacing for now.
I do. My group is a bard/druid/me/rouge. Thanks again y'all.
Nope. But it is not nearly as disgusting as in PF or 3.X. Also until lvl 11 is okay.
I put a Devourer there for sharts and gargles.
He's talking spaceships and lasers, of course it's Tatooine.
No, but casters can't really replace martials like they could before. A guy with a sword isn't useless.
Not OP, but why not?
I almost thought you weren't trolling but then you said you were using a Matt Mercer homebrew.
Martials and wizards are on par in combat. Martials are better at taking out single target, wizards at controlling battlefield.
Out of combat, wizards reign supreme, unsurprisingly.
Battle Master Fighter here. What are good artisan tool suggestions?
Cook's Utensils so you can have some kind of use outside of combat
I took cartographer tools.
If you have some permanent-ish place of residence, brew it up
>mason's tools
>convince the DM your knowledge of stonework means you know what part of the building to hit to collapse it. build a golem
>carpenter's tools
>the above, but for wooden structures. also, make sweet siege weapons and barricades
>chef's tools
>cook and eat the shit you kill
>smith's tools
>repair your party's equipment, make weird new weapons like a bladed shield, boots with knives in 'em, or the collapsible 10 foot pole
Also, wizards are generally better, if you can take long rests often. Recommended amount of encounters between rests being 6, that can put strain on spell slots.
>start a new homebrew campaign
>friend wants to introduce his friend to the game
>player wants to play a gender fluid wizard from a far realm
>at a table with largely conservative people who hold fairly traditional views of gender/sexuality
what do? is it possible to handle this without the table exploding? or is this something not worth worrying about?
just make it a running gag, like elves
>No. Play something normal
If you have a WIZARD from the FAR REALM in your party, their gender is the last thing you need to worry about the fluidity of.
Honestly, a character being from the Far Realm and being straight is a bigger red flag. If you don't want to touch this shit, just tell them no Far Realm characters. It doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with but that's the point of the Far Realm
>Things americunts have to worry about
It's so nice to live in a conservative christia country untouched by western """values""".
If your players are big enough manbabies that something that triggers them in a game of pretend invades their safe space and causes a problem, you might want to be concerned about that first.
>conservative christia country
>untouched by western """values""".
The only way for this to make sense is for you to be Orthodox, because Protestantism and Catholicism are both Western inventions
Are you typing this while your sister is being raped by muslims, or
literally all your players are shit
wizard player is shit for not considering player/party cohesiveness, rest of party are shit if they can't handle opposing views in a game of pretend.
>Untouched by Western values
>Implying he doesn't rape his sister himself
Cast three effects of Thaumaturgy to cause harmless tremors, turn your eyes fully black, and boom with a thundrous voice that YOUR SINS HAVE WROUGHT THE RECKONING OF YOUR GODSSSS
>implying he has a sister
Probably some Pole who's fled their shithole of a country after Mama and Papa sold their only daughter into sexual slavery to pay the bills. Now they're living in Britain as a migrant worker themselves, complaining about "THOSE FUCKING PAKIS" while being exactly the sort of trash they decry.
even acolytes (from the monster manual) can use thaumaturgy so i doubt it would impress anyone. probably just yell at you to keep the racket down.
Do peasants have much experience with acolytes?
>Projecting this hard
>Acolytes are junior members of a clergy, usually answerable to a priest. They perform a variety of functions in a temple and are granted minor spellcasting power by their deities.
if there's a temple nearby then sure.