Right, Veeky Forums, I thought this might be a fun experiment - WWI Regiment Creation using adapted Chapter Creation rules. Anyone up for it?
WWI Regiment Creation
Well what do we roll senpai?
Seems like it could be cool. What we need to roll?
Right, roll 2d10 to decide for which front was this regiment created!
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d10)
The Mesopotamia front! Filthy, filled with flies and disease and water and curry, how horrifying.
Right, roll 1d100 to figure out who makes up this regiment.
Rolled 68 (1d100)
Oh yeah coulld you stick your tables in a pastebin or something when you're done OP, thanks!
Ottomans, quite appropriate. Roll 1d10 to decide what type of troop makes up our regiment!
The Mesopotamia theatre was the theatre with the highest number of Indian troops in the entire war. The Brits even had vegetarian rations due to Indian troops, since certain religious values made eating meat forbidden.
Will do!
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Well we're fucked
>The Mesopotamia theatre was the theatre with the highest number of Indian troops in the entire war. The Brits even had vegetarian rations due to Indian troops, since certain religious values made eating meat forbidden.
Oh, I actually didn't know that. Neat. That theater is probably the one I know least about, except maybe the Alpine one.
An Ottoman Artillery regiment. Goodness. Roll 1d10 to see how well (or badly) supplied is our plucky band of mostly Turks.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Badly supplied, honestly. It's not awful, but there's definitely a shortage of shells, and don't expect new shoes every week. Roll 1d10 to figure out when was this Regiment first formed!
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Only recently right
1917 - probably as a reaction to the fall of Baghdad. Yup, it's not looking good. Roll 1d10 to see how well staffed are we.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Huh, I have appropriate pictures even
Understrength - and it's not looking good. Our regiment has had at least one noticeable event where we had incredible expectations, though, so that's nice. Roll 1d10 to decide which one is it.
In this regiment there is only one rule: to sport incredible moustaches!
*defied expectations - I don't know how I brainfarted that hard, sorry, everyone.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Would that first 1 have been a different result?
At a key moment in a battle we provided some excellent support for defensive maneuvers that surprised even our enemies! Roll 1d10 to have determine our officer's personality.
We'd be on the verge of routing. Right now we're only understaffed.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
I think that's just a given
Rolled 3 (1d10)
I see we are in quite a shitty situation, but averagely shitty, going by the standard of the War
Oh dear. He's an ass-kisser. Definitely competent enough, but he really only got into that position by kissing ludicrous amounts of ass.
Now what? Is there something else to roll for?
Yes, yes, actually. Roll 1d10 to see what sort of issues are we dealing with in the life in the trenches.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
I bet it'll be sand
It has to be sand
Dysentery! Started out as a pretty bad situation, now it's gone really shitty!
Honestly, that's about it, this was more of an experiment as I'm trying to figure out what more stuff can be added because unfortunately you need multiple tables for this one - trenchlines in Mesopotamia aren't similar to ones in Salonika or Flanders.
Say, we're just regular WWI, right?
Any chance of dieselpunking it up a bit?
That could be interesting, though I do not know how to do so in a relatively interesting way.
Dysentery isn't that out there for this front but as you say you'd want different regional tables for force makeup, problems and variations between the general character of rolling regiments of different nations.
Definitely, the fact that every front had different people and different issues has given birth to one with very few rolls; yet I have nearly 40 tables on me.
Fair enough - it'd probably just be modifications on the troop type table, adding more options (where are the tables btw?), maybe a "how experimental is our gear" 1-10, with one being an staple or out of date and 10 being "they invented it yesterday" type thing.
Because typically on a roll-up thread you start fluffing things - the officer we can do easily, but I don't know much about ottoman artillery, do you?
No. Unfortunately I will have to be gone for a while, folks, I'll be back soon.
I do!
It shot high velocity kebab shells, that while effective against fortifications, buildings and generally hard ground it proved useless in the sandy lands of the Middle East.
How'd it do against shitposters?
Motherfucker I'm going to sleep and your great content better be here when I wake up.
I'll make sure it is, sir!
Restarting this thread; let's go for another regiment! I've expanded many things to fluff out our regiments. Roll 2d10 to figure out in which front our unlucky soldiers will be fighting!
Rolled 6, 8 = 14 (2d10)
Rolling for front
The Eastern Front! Austria-Hungary and Germany versus Russia! Not withstanding the Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, Romanians and Serbs (and just about everyone that fought in the war). Right, let's roll 1d100 to figure out the nationality of our fighters!
Rolled 88 (1d100)
This one's for the Russians! Beyond just human wave tactics, of course. Roll 1d10 for our type of troop!
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Ah, yes, the most important type of troop - the cavalry! Extremely effective on the battlefield, as we all know. Roll 1d10, let's see how well our are troops doing in terms of supplies.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Oh dear. The troops are extremely badly supplied - they're lucky to get food; ammo is pretty much non-existent... Yeah, they're definitely in trouble.
revolution soon
Roll for when was this regiment created! Might've been damn early, might've been at the end, who knows.
>Cavalry meaning they're officers
They're gonna be on the receiving end of the revolution aren't they
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Forgot to mention, roll 1d10.
Hey, it could be far worse. Could be the Czech Legion. "Let's go save the Tsar!" - end up getting the Tsar killed because they're so skilled that the Bolsheviks decide to kill the Tsar.
Could always be pic related
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Y'know what, that be quite nice.
1915, possibly closer to the end of it than to the beginning. Still, it's quite early. Roll 1d10 to see how well staffed these officers (or Cossacks, who knows) are.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Sufficiently staffed, solid enough. It's about what's expected of it, anyway, there don't seem to be many losses.
As for our finest hour in the Great War, roll 1d10.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Oh, this one's nice - fully routed an enemy division once at a pivotal point, causing the battle to swing in favor of the Russians! 1d10 for our officer's personality.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
He's an extremely thick-headed. Once he gets an idea in his mind, he's not changing it at all. 1d10 for his background in the army!
Rolled 6 (1d10)
He's a rather new officer with a penchant for adopting new tactics, prefferably one that works. That's good, the entire regiment probably won't try frontal charges. Roll 1d10 for how magnificient his mustache is!
Rolled 5 (1d10)
This isn't a normal mustache - he's sporting full sideburns, covering the entire face! Now, where are our trenches located? Roll 1d10 for that!
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Where are we looking then?
Marshes! Probably parts of Ukraine, if we're being honest. Horses aren't that effective in swampy ground. 1d10 for a regiment we're particularly friendly with!
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Cavalry on marshes. Sounds like our officer thought we should either dismount or found the one piece of firm ground for miles when we routed the enemy.
A load of engineer! That's useful, especially given pontoon bridges. 1d10 for their officer's personality!
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Sounds like we routed them with our friends help instead.
Another thick-headed bastard. 1d10 for why, exactly, are we friendly with that regiment?
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Presumably for being a pair of thick-heads?
Oh god I can just see this scenario.
"Hey Ivan, you are being of Engineer yes?"
"Yes Sergei, you know this."
"I have great plan. I have cavalry division in marshes. Nobody expect surprise attack on horseback in marshes. Just need your help for engineering."
"Sergei is great plan, lets get started!"
Nah, both regiments are from the same state.
1d10 for trench issues!
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Dysyntery, again! [insert shitty joke here]
Now, for a change - how up to date is our equipment?
I could see it happening in real life, too. Some officers in the Tsar's army didn't fire on all cylinders.
1d10 for that, I keep forgetting to mention it.
Rolled 8 (1d10)
I really should be going to sleep.
It's top of the line that's quite up to date - well, what they can manage to get. How well are we informed of our enemies' actions? 1d10 for that.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
So we have probably eaten our horses due to lack of rations and suitability for marshlands, we have nice, shiny cossack sabers, top of the line lever-action M1895s and Maxim guns, with no ammo, and beautiful cossack uniforms that got promptly stained with marshy mud.
I would guess our only saving grace is that we know exactly what our enemy is doing and so we steal shit from them.
I imagine you could create a funny Hogan's Heroes-esque dynamic whereby we're not so much fighting the enemy as running them around the swamps and stealing their food and alcohol for wild cossack parties, all the while trying to avoid our hard-headed "Colonel Klink"
We had one soldier from an enemy division recently defect to our side, and give us up-to-date information about the Austrian and German plans.
Right, anything that separates us from other regiments physically speaking? 1d10!
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Rolling for division of cossack dwarf people.
Well whatever it is we're doubly good at it.
All the men in the regiment are incredibly good-looking, with chiseled chins, great hair, fine mustaches, beards and goatees... a bunch of really attractive fellows.
Bolshevik trips of truth!
Fuck, I was really loving the "Tsar's Royal Munchkins" idea, but I'll take being aesthetic as fuck.
Now, here's to finalize our regiment - how do we meet our end? 1d10.
And 1d100 for its number, 1d100 for its region.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolling for Blackadder Ending.
Rolled 10 (1d10)