ITT We make a Alien Federation faction who isnt the Tau

this is a Thread made for fun/write fag exorcises Please do not take anything here seriously.

Basic outline
>After the horrus heresy the Cabal retreted to the Halo Stars/Borders of the Imperium to make a Coalition with the Numerous alien refuges And Empires that suffered the Hammer of the Imperium

>The Faction as a whole resides in the Halo Stars. there are some systems in the Greater Imperium who still have foot holds like the Tau, But there usually Under Fire by the Imperium

>There Not a Unified organization, they only really unite if the Imperium starts barging into the Halo Stars to fuck shit up.

>Exodite Eldar are "United" With them

>And there are small human empires scattered here and there who are also part of the Coalition

Other urls found in this thread:

>Its rumored that some of the Species are decedents of the Old Ones themselves. not in the since of "we evolved from them", but that they where made as a Servitor Race much like the Krork and Eldar.

>However these races are few and far between. the Bulk of the client races are "young"(in the since of they where around during the Horrus Heresy) in the Galaxy

a lot of the Xeno Empires are lifted straight up from the early editions/forgotten/throw away ideas GW had in the past. some of the concepts they had where too good to throw away

>The Cosmic Coalition™ in the last Century have suffered numerous Tyranid raids from Hive Fleets entering the galaxy.
>some of the reports are muddied, but numerous reports with in the Halo Stars claim that a Unknown Species Zoats where the first race to make contact with the Tyranids, Not the Planet Tyran what the Majority of the Imperium believe

>its theroized that one of The Human Empires with in the Cosmic Coalition are Reminents/Decendents of the Interex. however, this could be Misinformation, as for manye of the Advance Technologys the Out Humans have could very well be Reversed Engineered or Imported Xeno Tech

Interex + Tau + Survivors of Vulkans Great Crusade "hey Vulkan burn that Human/Elder planet because they're too indebted to the Eldar to join muh Imperium." it's the only viable option here.

We've now a faction that want's to happy funtime space federation but the Grimdark won't let them.

>Despite many of the Client Races being considered "allies", this dosn't stop the occasional infighting or full blown wars

>one case was a single species waged a Holy War was waged against its neighbored for tampering with to much Old One Tech/Artifacts of religious significance

Lets say Numerous factors played into the creation of the Cosmic Coatliton and leave it at that.

>a small hand full of Survivors of Vulkans Great Crusade also make there homes in the Coalition, however its unknown if the survivors in question are of the Humans refugees or Eldar do to features of both races being imprinted on them

>some of the coalition has resorted to terroist tactics
>most notably are the Rak'gol

>This has led to the more extreeme species of the coalition capturing humans and eldar and focing them to mate
>They have found that it is impossible for half-breeds to exist
>This has caused doubt about the origins of these strange creatures to harden, but none of these races wish to expose these creatures because of the extreem extents of the experiments

>One of the most bizzare of the Coalition Clients are the Fimir

>Its unknown when they exactly joined the Coalition, but they claim to be the original race that Chaos Blessed.
>This confuses most of the Other Client Races as they lack any proper ships or technology used by the Fimir
>Many of the Greater Client/Councel Races theorize that they Use the Webway to travel from planet to planet, while others belive they use Sorcerous Magiks to Travel like that one space Crocodile species that I forget the name of.

Noncence, The Cosmic Council would never sloop to such a petty tactic. such actions are perfermed by the "lesser" client races, acting outside the Control of the Council

there totally funding the Rak'Gol

One Species, The Rosiculans, Claim to have been around since Humanity where still simple Cave Dwellers. This is argued throughout the Council and Client races for its legitimacy, but there the only species to have any solid understanding for how humans work and opperate in social structures

>There also one of the few Races who Manufacture weaponry for the Coalition as a whole. giving them a important seat in the Council

theres alot of Races who have little to no information on them so go wild with write faggotry

>Due to the abundence of species in the Coalition, any organization or listings is nearly Impossible to neatly keep together, leading to Numerous races claiming to be apart of the Coalition.

They not only supply Rak'gol, but onl Xeno supremacist use them to take out political opponents
They're is a secret plot to use Rak'gol and other races to destroy the human empires and the humam sympathisers to make the coaltion xeno only

These fake coalition memebers usually further the goal of at least one politician in the coalition


>Council/Client races dont really like to attack the Major Human Empires directly, so they usually hire the Rak'gol to raid in the Hearts of the Empires.
>but when asked up front the Major Council Races say "oh, sepretice humans are a great addition to our collective, welcome any and all to come and join us"
>this leads humans in the Halo Stars to be in a weird position that they have more Free Will than the Human in Tau space, but are also at a greater risk of dying of

*dying off

>One of the "Fake" Client races are a rat like race of entities who live in the webway
>this is completly a farce, they only raid all the other unorganized races seeking refuge for slaves.
>Several of the Council Members try to deal with this threat whenever they can, but bat a blind eye for whenever Human Empires call for help.
>in secrecy however, The Council Fund the Skaven like they do the Rak'Gol.




One client speacies, the "Membrains" titled by Humans, are a Isolationist species of large brain like Xeno lifeforms who make the Bulk of the Walkers and Titan unites for the Coalition.

its unknown what there society, infact there more or less aliens even to the Coalition. however the Empire as a whole usually leave this race alone for Being benificial to the Coalition as a whole.

There literally just martians from WoTW

The secret orgin of the membrains is that their the Xeno natives of old mars before they got kicked off by the humans

How there great war machines are operated are Completely arcane to The Techpriests of Mars.

some theorize that there Operated by a Psychic link, seeing as there species has low level psychic abilities. others belive that they Lobotomize themselves at birth and replace the part of the brain with a Plug that conects them to the massive machine body.

some speculate that they just controll them like cars. its a mystery.

[spoilers]The the First People of Mars who eventually became the Mechanicus are the ones who kicked them off.

They also have a long baring grudge against Nurgle and the Skaven for obvious reasons. and will send War Pods to deal with such threats

Membrains usually aid lesser clients/The Coalitian as a whole by aiding there Walkers to combat cells who dont have localized Walkers and act like the equivalent to imperial Senticals.

But when they take matters into there own hand, they can call upon Massive Hordes of Machine's that rival the might of Titan Legions
>video related. a regiment of the Death Korps defending a Plannet against a Membrain Forces

>Another client race are known as the Aviators
>Not much are known about this bird like species out side of two facts
>A, there all flightless
>and B, they rely on air and space craft to traverse there home world.
>there also one of the few client races who have a Home World in the Halo Stars.

>one of the more obscure Races are Psiclop's
>in essence there a Blind race of primitive Psychers.

>they cant really see out of there singular eye as much as they can see the psychic essence of something.

>if something really glowey catches there eyes they will seek out that thing in an attempt to eat it. or kill it because it gave them a headach

>also, despite them being primitive brutes who barley understand Fire Arms, they make great Psychers,

>The Stryxis species are the Rogue Traders/Merhcants of the Coalition.
>they act differently with there fellow Xeno than with humans but there still not well liked by there allies in fear of theft


>Many of the Client races will often use the help of Deldar.
>this if frowned upon by the Council Races, and if your planet ends up getting raided than the Council wont send in a clean up crew to fix the mess

>Many Sensei reside within the Coalition
>its unknowen to the Council if these are Humans or Human-like Xenos like the eldar
>But for whatever reason the Sensai are adiment about protecting the Humans within Coalition Space. and will publicly call out Council Members if word ever get out about there mis treatment of Humans
>The council fucking hate them

> The coalition is roughly divided in four sections.

> The North-west section of the halo stars is infested with chaos-supporting xenos. It's distrusted the most.

> The north-east is waging hit and run attacks on the Imperium, and is allied with several Orks.

> The south-east section is fending off the T'au, Necron and Nids more than anything else due to expansion.

> The south-west is the most heavily human populated, and is similarly at war with the Imperium while being more like the old human empires from DAoT.

>each "Arm"/slice/Quadrant/whatever the territorys are called are ran by Council Races. who go around the galaxy finding lesser races to become clients

>A Client Race can become a Council Race if picked by the Cabal. this is rarley done and only 3 races have been promoted since the end of the Horus Heresy.

They'd fit perfectly in halo, the Forerunners are Old Ones.






sorry for the bad grammar, I have fuck pore grammar


>One of the Council Races are a anchient race of Lizard people who call themselves "The Slaan"

>they dont do much. they occasionally make trips into the imperium to collect artifacts that there gods made thousands of years ago.
>they have a Servitor race of similar Lizard men who have similar biology structures as the do, But physiology wise they couldnt be any less different

>they live in massive Dyson Sphears, and travel around in O'Neill Cylinders. im lifting that one guys Space Lizard Men for this

>What was once thought to be the Remnants of the Men of Iron, the Mechanoids are a Sub Coalition of sentient machines who rebeled against there masters and have a Micro Empire within the Coalition

>There is no "set" Mechanoid
>there are Mechanoid "sub races", Or Models that came from other Xeno Races.
>like the Coalition itself Mechanoids are a clusterfuck of a organization and cant be neatly organized
>Mechanoids are also a Council Race



some one else write/idea fag now

>The Mechanoid council Member is also more or less a expy of The Friend Computer from Paranoia

I like the idea of a populous insect-like race that is individually weak but collectively determined. Kind of like an infestation of galactic bedbugs, but perhaps less malicious. They scrap technology of nearby minor and rarely major alien civilizations and try to utilize it to limited effect, and they just don't die. Individual members may be cynical and far from inspired zealots, but they manage to survive the worst conditions imaginable through sheer grit and aggressive apathy.

"Orks invade? Is okay, *clicking sounds*, we just move to basement and install deadbolts! The greenies make better neighbors than tyranids"

Have a name for them?

Kri-Teks? does that work?

>One of the newest discoverd races are the Hadulax, inhabitants of several ocean worlds.

>They are actually colonial organisms, their bodies are giant shells that double as submarine and battleships.

>They are minor psykers, but their collective power allows them to communicate with each colony across systems.

>They regulary arrive to inhabited worlds, claim the oceans as their due and "acquire" every structure and sapient being in them.

>Totally not reapers guys

>nts of several ocean worlds.
>>They are actually colonial organisms, their bodies are giant shells that double as submarine and battleships.
>>They are minor psykers, but their collective power allows them to communicate with each colony across systems.
>>They regulary arrive to inhabited worlds, claim the oceans as their due and "acquire" every structure and sapient being in them.
>>Totally not reapers guys

The amoeba are a friendly race of diplomats and traders seeking to unite the universe who know where you live and will wreck your shit

can some one think of some generic fluff for a uplifted medieval aliums?


How does this federation works? The imperium bench-press you to give tithes, and in exchange sends the guard if the horrors of the galaxy get the munchies, offers interstellar message systems, allows safe-ish trade and ideological unity to every planet.

What makes this coalition members say "I belong here"? What are the benefits, the allegiances, where's the money? And how does it works anyway, do they have a market? A common ground?

There are exactly three layers to the Coalition

First are the Cabal, who are kinda Mysterious elder races who probabley Decedents of The Old Ones like the Slaan. and are probally still trying to do there will.

Then there are Council races, who are Basically the Administratum/Adeptus Terra. they run everything. exept instead of very specific organizations there entire races who run everything. and every once and a while a Cabal member while come by and tellthem to do x thing.

Then theres the Clients. who are allowed to run there own empires independently if they pay tithes.

There also mostly united by there hate for the Imperium. sorta like how Imperium is united against there hatred for the Xeno


anyone wanna post stuff?

Kinda hard to do, many of the species are too alien, having an imperial perspective would not be very useful beyond military descriptions, and most humans wouldn't be able or willing to move on those worlds.

We have species, a half-baked system and a vague history, but no characteres to write about or even a plot.

well yea thats kinda the Point. 40k IS lacking in weird races. (or at least active ones) just think of something and then dump it.

nigger there's a half breed space marine in one of the old books.

Hello. I haven't read through the thread, but I have one suggestion if you're creating a fan-faction for 40k.

Every faction has some mcguffin that lets them have FTL, and in many cases it's one of the core features that defines the way of life of the faction. One of the core features of the 40k universe is that what ammounts to one of the only ways to go FTL is sentient and evil, and impossible to navigate without a mcguffin. Every faction needs one, and so should this one, whatever it is.

Imperials have astronomicon

Chaos worshipers make friends with and pray to the warp denizens and hope against hope that it works (and for them it often does)

Mekboys can build much more advanced warp-drives than other factions, because the old-ones literally hardwired their technology into their heads, but they have no idea how it actually works. When the Kroot ate Orks, this McGuffin spread to them as well.

Orks that don't have access to a sufficiently awesome bigmek can use looted warp drives and rely on WAAAAGH energy and WAAAGH plot-shield to protect/guide them to habitable planets where there's a fight.

The tau use warp-skimmers that don't go nearly deep enough in the warp to be logistically sound in most of the universe, but were lucky enough to rise in a cluster of stars that are REALLY close together... lucky them.l

The Eldar have the webway

Newcrons also have the webway

Oldcrons had non-warp-based FTL that they weren't sharing with anybody... their ships literally just went that fast.

Nids.... IDK, I heard something about space Narwhals.... I have my own headcanon about the shadow-in-the-warp that I personally think is cooler, but I think the current official stance is.... Space Narwhals

What is the FTL mcguffin of THIS faction?

in more detail

>Each Empire is ran by a Council Member that represents that mini federation

>each empire is basically ran like how the Tau Empire is. one big race and a bunch of smaller ones, exept the smaller ones still have there own cultures and customs
>Each Council Member's runs.. well... a Council and keep the other Empires in check

>The Cabal itself basically the Fay Enchantress of Breatonia. just insted of a Singular person of vague origin its a Group of alien Mystics of vague origin.

>The Council cannot uplift other speacies into Council status. only the Cabal can for esotaric reasons.

>In the 11 thousand years of the Coalitions existence only 3 Races have been uplifted to Council status. [one of them where the Sensei, not humans entirely, just the subspecies]

It varies from species to species and empire to empire.

Like the Membrains use good old fashion generation ships to get around. While the Fimir use Magic/Sorcery system to system.

basically depend on the species

I guess some species could run businesses around "safe" Faster than light travel for the races who have non.

hell, some nomad species might hire mercenarys to aid them around traveling the Webway

Well, the thing IS, one of the main REASONS that Xenos species other than official-factions don't fight back as effectively or form federations more often is BECAUSE of a lack of safe FTL options. While MUCH of the imperium is the opposite of what the Emperor intended, the mega-advantage that the Astronomicon gives them (and the UBER-advantage that the human webway would have given them) is very much by design.

If anything, a shared means of safe FTL would be a STRONG justification for a federation occurring and/or staying together despite differing ideologies.
>Look, we don't really like each other, but we need to stick together, because we need each other to stay logistically viable in comparison to everything that wants to tear us apart.

ESPECIALLY if you're considering having this empire/federation exist in the Halo stars, where distance between stars is much greater, safe-FTL is even MORE important.

> The Endless Expanse of Sualx

>Ruled by a machine-sun the Sualx is a xeno-empire existing in the Halo Region of the Segmentum Tempestus. They have spread around 2000 ly. Incapable of Warp travel, the true danger of the Sualx is the mastery of portals and time-travel. Thanks to this the Sualx have an endless amount of troops. Their species varies from shrimp-like monstrosities to gasous creatures capable transforming themselves into any from. Ordo Chronos is highly involved with them, they even erased a timeline in which the Sualx conquered Bakka.

Ok than. We should probably do a revamp the territory for the coalition then.

>the coalition is just spread throughout the Galaxy, but Cabal (think Slaan) and VERY important Council members live in the Halo stars. While client and lesser council races still live within and on Imperial borders

The territory's that astablished is still relevant

Idea. Since there are dozens, maybe hundreds of races, all banding together to create a unified front, what if instead of normal warp tech, they use a sorta gravetic based warp system. The more mass and the mor eships you cluster around each other, the faster and more effective this becomes. Of course, only council or Cabal member races have the technology to make a lead ship that can do this, so all the other races basically have their ships cluster around the main ship, and using their collective gavity and mass, push through space while avoiding the warp entirely.

This puts even more control into the council or Cabal's hands, while also making it so that any time the imperium tries to go in, they get ducking bummed rushed by a fuck ton of ships and races that appear way to fucking fast.

And it can be slowed by celestial bodies, so the reason they don't go out of the Halo region is because the stars are more densely pact beyond it, and slows them down or even prevents their advance.

It's effective where they live specifically because of the vast distance between stars and celestial bodies.

How does that sound?

I still like the idea of specific races having weird ways of travel but that's a good explanation for how the majority of the Coalition travel

>they get ducking bummed rushed by a fuck ton of ships and races that appear way to fucking fast.

I just pictures the Armada scene from ME3 but with imperial church ships instead of Reapers

I don't know, as a matter of fact I'm still not sure what theme are we going with besides "lots of aliens, under the cabal, banding together sometimes".

The FTL should reflect that theme, these are different empires that sometimes are at war with each other, only united in hate and self-defense.

An idea occurs. Each race has its own FTL, or perhaps they don't. It doesn't really matters, because when the council calls (or when the cabal suggests), giant (even by 40k standards) ring-ships appear in the selected systems to hyper-jump the ships and amass the fleet, in a place of their chosing, for battle.

Think of a halo ring that behaves like a mass relay, but can also move on its own. Maybe it can be called a host-ship or something?

Lol, refreshed while I was brainstorming and saw this which I really like, but I'll also post my suggestion as well

Gobo&Hobbs Inc
Cabal ships were surprised when ships of distinctive ramshackle greenskin design exited the warp, and rather than rushing the nearest target, hailed for parlay.

After a few misunderstandings, and with NUMEROUS armed guards, a delegation were allowed to board.

>They have not revealed much about themselves, but from what Cabal races can decipher, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE was conducting illegal genetic engineering experiments on Orks.
>The occasional in-joke between members of this offshoot imply that they killed their creators, but they aren't sharing.
>This resulted in a smaller, weaker, but more long-sighted variety of greenskin.
>They do not appear to have a specific name for their race, but all of those encountered work for a single economic organization called Gobo&Hobbs
>While lacking most of the advantages of Ork-Kind, they do "register" as "ork" to other greenskins instincts, and so if they sufficiently beat/bully an Ork, it will acknowledge its "boss."
>For the most part, this isn't very useful.... until they started enslaving Mekboys.
>Due in equal part to them technically being greenskins, and clearly enslaving other races, they have not been granted any official "status" within the federation. However, they have built a significant economic powerbase offering safe warp-travel to member-races using ships constructed by enslaved Mekboys.

"Now, my boy, everybody wants to be the boss, but it takes a special something to climb the ladder. The key to success in this business is to be brutal, cunning, and most importantly... patient."

Yeah, the cabal having the only truley effective and comparable FTL system to the imperium seems best. The cabal run everything because they're the only ones who can keep them united and able to defend each other, and they need each other because every gun they have is one more pointed at their enemy.

Maybe the Host ships are a mix of super battle station and super battle ship, basically being super advanced and deadly. Allowing the disparity of power between he cabal and the minor races of the federation to be apparent

Also in none crisis times, I could see the host ships acting like mass relays, allowing into stellar movement between systems along more convenient highways kinda

Having Smart Boyz around creates a whole new thing for Orks though, and kinda takes agency away from the federation no?

I'm not against it, but it sorta weakens the Federation as a independent power

Third party coming in

Hey could probably be like HobGoblins from Warhammer fantasy. Genetically engineered by some not Chaos Squats to be the best servitior race.

Just don't state that there directly linked to Orks. Just that there from the same batch/ooze.

Hell, you could also make them some sorta missing link between Orks, Gretchen/Snotlings, and Krork.

Well, when I originally envisioned them, I imagined that while they WERE capable of enslaving the occasional ork here and there, they do NOT constantly get bigger, and therefore aren't capable of maintaining control over a group that they don't actively outnumber at all times, because they're not "the biggest." This makes maintaining a true ork army basically impossible, which is why they decided to focus on just enslaving mekboys. Even then, a given team will eventually have to put their pet Mekboy down and kidnap a new one whenever it gets too big for its britches (both figuratively and literally)

>Hey could probably be like HobGoblins from Warhammer fantasy. Genetically engineered by some not Chaos Squats to be the best servitior race.
That's very much what I was trying to imply

Oh, ok than, I was trying to make a compromise for, ignore what I said then.

We should also look at the Races with no information on them for influence. Like I largely want this to be a faction of
>your dudes, the species,
But I don't want this to be 100% homrbrewed

Anyone remember that one race the Black Templars came across a species who worshiped "The Emperor"? We could probably do something neat with them.

An image of sorts, from the concept of the Host ship.

Sorry for the art, maybe a true drawer can do something with this?

Why not jump-carrier ships, like in Battletech?

Again, let's just say there's honoreds of different possibilities for FTL travel


We have this race, and they seem to be related to the Orks, but there isn't anything concrete besides them being able to interact with the psionic field Orks create.

>Imperial Inquisition Record Epsilon theta Primaris

>Xenos Orkoidus inferiallis

>Known by the Orkoid population as "Smart Boyz" or "Clever Nobs", these beings seem to have a connection with the Orks. Commonly believe to either be a rare strain of Ork or some divergent species originating in their earliest days, these Creatures are smaller and less robust then the standard Ork. No autopsy has taken place as of yet, due to the difficulty of even finding a member of the Xenos species, so there has been no way to confirm if they are indeed related to the Orks.

What is known however is they seem to possess either the natural ability or technology that allows them to interact and partially manipulate the pseudo psychic field generated by Orks. Reports say they have occasionally arrived in Ork held system that were self contained due to inter warfare, and then as soon as they left a massive waaagh forms and goes out to attack near by space. Such a unification is impossible without an outside source.

Further substantiating this theory, but also confusing Imperial scientist, is their appearance over already formed waaaghs, and then the sudden dispersion or self destruction of the waaagh. From what little information has been gathered, these Xenos are a unknown force within Ork held space and beyond that tends to interfere with local Ork populations.

>Their recent activity within the halo sector, and dealings with the xenos federation, is troublesome at the very least, a catastrophe at its worse.

Basically a race of manipulators that do their own thing, but mess with Ork waaaghs because they somehow can interact with the energy, as well a slight possibly be orkoid in nature.

Well, I was thinking for the Cabal. Each race could still have their own FTL methods, but Cabal Jump-Carriers could move entire fleets through the warp quickly and relatively safely.

There'd only be a few of them, and not used very often, but that would allow the Coalition to act together somewhat cohesively.

Also allows them to actually be a unified power and gives more clout to the Cabal

Ok that works.

fuck now I want space Forest and Night Goblins.[/spoilers]

infact, fuck it. In going to write maiden/death world and deep space goblins tomorrow when I wake up

Speaking of which we should probably add a bit to Exodite Eldar which is one of those things that just sorta exist and NEED more exposure in the fluff

Aren't they just, space Amish?I like the idea that these guys are tocthe Orks like the elder are to humanity. Similar but smarter and less direct

user, you need to learn to go with the times, all the remaining irony and fun from the older books has gone by now.

Now we have gritty grim darkness and people who take the setting about magical space demons, nazi cyborg battlemonks, cokney orks in space and genetic super cockroaches serious.

yeah, but I always got the feeling that they where supposed to be the equilavents to Wood Elves.

I Really hope that there tossed in with the Ynnari

The Ywho?


>"You see my dear 'inquisitor'" the waifish green thing chuckled at the word "it iwas a wrong question to ask whether we ARE Orks. Many sciences may be lost to you, but I'd think you still had the basics of classification. What are the two traits that define the... family.... within which you seek to classify me. A boring man might say something as mundane as fungal reproduction, to which the answer would undoubtably be 'no we are not orks.' I however would identify the defining traits our racial ouvre as something much more primal: brutality and cunning. Now, to the baseline Ork, and perhaps to the baseline unthinking Hyu-Mon you've so carefully cultivated with your induces evolutionary pressure AGAINST your organization's namesake: 'inquisition,' we would not fit the bill. However, I ask you, does one need to do something so crass as throwing a punch or firing 'dakka' to be brutal, and does one need to LITERALLY plant a dagger in a back of one's enemies to be cunning? Now while my cousins might never understand this, I'll give one of your order the benefit of the doubt: I may not be the biggest man in this room, but I AM, unequivocally, the boss.

so developing this

>Psiclop's are have the navigator gene allowing them to tap into the Astronomican.
>its unknown if there Abhumans or not, but due to this feature there highly sought over for Warp Travel.

Additional thought:

Cabal Jumpships (but not carriers) act as a mail and news service of sorts. They offload any new information the system they're in doesn't have and picks up and new information. They also carry communications and messages to be dropped off further down their route.

On rare occasions, the Jumpships will take passengers, but the rationale behind who gets accepted is seemingly random, and the portions of the ship the passengers are allowed in are empty of anyone save themselves.

Just breezed over this, and it seems a bit scattered in terms of fluff. Does this conglomerate field unified armies with troops, tanks and war engines drawn from across the client races? Or does each race fight alone?

What is this faction's win button? Every race or empire in 40k has a win condition, so what would the win condition be for the Coalition?

is there a capital world or seat of the Coalition Senate? What is it like?

How does the Coalition see Chaos/The orks/The Necrons/other hostile foes?

Since they are opposite the tau geographically, have they heard of them? How do they view the new upstarts and their attempts to replicate them?

>more often then not Psiclopes live on isolated planets in small tribes
>again, its not known how they get from planet to planet, but thats not relevant

>Coalition Traders/Pilots/ship crews often hunt these giants and enslave them for safer warp travel

>while this Paradoxical race of Primitive Psychers, it isnt unheard of them starting to learn how to enslavers

I imagine them sorta like Greek city states that have their own armies and desires, but band together around the big boys when shit gets real and unify to make sure they don't get stomped.