Pauper MTGO General: Value Combo Edition

So with Firebrand Archer and Supernatural Stamina the summer of value combos is upon us!

Currently working with the following deck:

4 dismal backwater
10 island
8 swamp

4 ponder
4 preordain
2 supernatural stamina
4 undying evil
4 counterspell
4 mana leak
2 vendetta

4 delver of secrets
4 chittering rat
4 mulldrifter
2 gurmag angler

4 dispel
2 vendetta
2 crypt rat
3 stormbound geist
4 duress

The deck is very, very good against control decks and slower aggro like affinity, bombs against burn.

sounds like you need more anti-burn tech in the sideboard
I'm currently working on a rogue-ninja-cipher thing with blue-black control structure
I wish there were more cipher cards

Oh that sounds fun!

What anti-burn would you suggest?

So is there any table scene of this at all?

Yeah, I used to play it on paper a lot. I play no-ban paper pauper with hymn, high tide and merchant scroll though so it may not appeal to you.

I think Hydroblast is a good choice, Hydro and Pryo blasts are really good in pauper.

depends on yr city unfortunately

How do people get away with running 16 lands in Affinity? I always feel like its too little.

I like that art

Most of the cards cost 2, 1 or even 0 mana when enough artifacts are in play. Plus they have a ton of ciclyng and draw to get more lands if they need em.

Cranial playing helps, affinity helps, cheap shit helps. Ponza is extremely good against them so it only works in a world without land disruption.

Tell me people, how competitive are you when it comes to pauper? Do you like to brew jank builds to have a chill time or prefer cut-troath, tier 1, flavor of the month deck?

cranial plating is banned

I actually meant springleaf drum in that sentence, not sure why I put cranial plating.

I brew decks all of the time, but I prefer them to be at least moderately competitive. I like the "race against the clock" feeling of combo-control, where you desperately try to get far enough ahead to be safe to combo off.

just play BUGS N PIGS

Isn't that basically MBC but with worse land?

Is Infect worth a damn or nah?

It is pretty meh. It isn't enough faster than stompy to justify the huge hit in stability and variance. UG Stompy seems like the best version.

Opinions on mono blue delver as babies first pauper deck?

depends what u like playing


What's good about it?


it's really fun.