I`ve been meaning to ask this about 40k for a long time, Veeky Forums. This is about the recent 112 years or so time-skip they did. My question is: why so long?
Let`s imagine GW are not pulling shit out of their asses and actually had some reason to do it. What reason could it be? Was the Indomitus Crusade and all that tearing Empire apart bullshit too boring to them and they wanted to just skip it or something? If they plan to (and they cearly do) elaborate on this particular period of history, then why the fuck did they spoil so much with such a gigantic time-skip? I am at a loss, guys. I am not the most knowledgable person on 40k and worldbuilding, but to me this seems like stupidest shit ever. Please tell me there was/is a reason to do it.
I`ve been meaning to ask this about 40k for a long time, Veeky Forums...
Well, apparently time is no longer totally linear on a wide scale so it doesn't really matter how long it was anyway.
But mainly it's a feeble attempt to justify anyone being able to field shit like a hover predator or the Primaris already have their own dreadnought.
>My question is: why so long?
I would have said to justify Primaris Marines being in dreadnoughts. But then GW's facebook shoveled us that "time is no longer linear" shit.
40k, even with the plot moved forward, is a setting, not a story. Starting the new normal enmedia res allows you to play around in the outcome of a narrative they crafted rather than having it contradicted by developing lore etc
That tank would be so much better with fewer weapon systems... theres literally no way you could put all those on the tank in the first place...
And transport to boot??? Was this made by a 12yr old...
No, it was made FOR a 12 year old.
This isn't a new issue.
Repulsor has like 20 weapons. Leman Russ could be concivable if it had a bigger hull.
if i ever get one of these things i'm removing at least half the guns. it'll be more plasticard than kit.
No, it wouldn't. The Leman Russ is total nonsense.
A twin linked lascannon in the hull, a lascannon in the turret with a coaxial heavy stubber. A pintle weapon.
Compare to a Predator Annihilator: Twin linked lascannon, two lascannon sponsors, pintle storm bolter.
What is the big difference? The pintle weapon is a rotor cannon instead of a storm bolter? And it is a chunkier vehicle.
The biggest difference is the little missiles. But these are just a new take on the frag assault launchers that were introduced on the Land Raider Crusader (speaking of tanks with too many guns!) all the way back in, what, 3rd edition?
The Repulsor is a fairly mediocre looking model in my opinion, but don't try to pretend this is some drastic break with the design of Imperial tanks in 40k. Way too many guns are the norm and have been since the very beginning.
My main problem with the floating tank is the minigun on the pintle. It doesn't look anything like normal space marine rotary autocannons and is kind of jarring design wise.
112 years isn't really long in 40K. Pretty much all named characters cam live longer naturally or artificially. Yet it is enough time to change things, settle in the Primaris/Elder Smurf, fix(?) some loose ends and stabilize the clusterfuck of the Warp Rift into a lot of minor clusterfucks. Seems a good interval for edition changes, like a decade in fantasy settings. I guess it is 112 just so it wouldn't be a weird round number like 100.
Me, I get really peeved about how the Milky Way can still be galaxy-shaped when it lost its core with the supermassive black hole. People complain about time, I don't even need to ask Distance where the Warp touched, anyone can see the Gape.
Gotta evolve or die
Now that Kirby is gone there's a chance GW might be back
>"time is no longer linear"
Can i have that in context please
I think it's cool the Tau expanded greatly. Can't wait to see theier new lore and what they were doing.
>Fan: theres a plot hole in your fiction.
>GW: "its fine" *winger waggling* "see!"
112 years isn't that much time in terms of plot progression.
I mean, something like 750 years passed between the Gothic War and the 13th Black Crusade.
They timeskipped so:
A.) You can have the Imperium actually organized/led by Guilliman instead of being a new man on the scene
B.) time for Chaos to react
C.) Time for new Primaris chapters/tech to be mass produced (main reason)
Who says the core mass is lost, the warp is invading realspace, not subsuming it. Would be funny to see supermassive daemon warfare.
are there any named chadmarines in the books yet? or do they not care about giving them unique characters?
Oh GW...
>A twin linked lascannon in the hull, a lascannon in the turret with a coaxial heavy stubber. A pintle weapon.
I don't think you actually play the game. I think this because even if you made one bullshit mistake in this I would doubt you, and you made MANY.
What did he get wrong?
t. Not a wh-fag.
>too many guns
Spotted the heretic.
Is anyone else really liking that imperial eagle decal? Weirdly enough that motif was what kind of sold me on the kit. That and the triple lascannon transport haha
They had a timeskip to explain it, but an intern decides to kill a mosquito with a nuke anyway.
To be fair, the Imperium being shit at keeping the date isn't exactly a new thing. Warp travel always messed with the date ships emerged.
If you've seen any of the aircraft I honestly don't know why you'd think they'd make the tanks realistic.
The facebook post was mistaken. It didn't mean no longer linear, it meant that one planet may have experience 100 years and another only 10.
Less "No longer linear" and more "Relative timeframes got even more fucked than normal".
Are those brake lights on the back underneath the engines?
Yeah, but not to the extent of GW declaring that they're just not even going to bother with timelines. Dark Imperium saying that the Invictus Crusade took 112 years does seems trivial and irrelevant since linear time is no longer a thing and I wonder why Haley bothered mentioning it.
There is a battlecannon in the turret. There is an optional pintle mounted heavy stubber (large machine gun, but not that large) or stormbolter. On the hull there is a casement mounted heavy bolter (bigger machine gun) that can be upgraded to a lascannon. There are are optional sponson heavy bolters that can also be upgraded to lascannons. They are not twin-linked as twin-linked doesn't exist anymore, and they weren't because they were on different fire arcs.
The reason is because they needed a way to have the Primaris models that have two service studs not just all be upgraded marinelets. Only way for the new Primaris boys to be that old is timeskip.
The Warp fucking around with time isn't new. That Ork wars once went back in time to before he entered the warp and killed his past self to get two of his favorite gun. Everyone, even the orks were confused by this.
>All this faggorty
You wot mate?
It's almost as though you don't know there's more than one kind of Leman Russ battle tank! Shame shame user!
The Bradley might as well have been made by a 12 year old too
Honestly, this isn't GW doing away with timelines. This is one dumb fuck they put in charge of their social media not being able to actually construct a sentence that conveys what they want it to convey.
And us freaking out unnecessarily, of course.
Show me one with a hull mounted twin-linked lascannon.
So every Tau character should be dead.
There is only one Leman Russ Battle Tank.
Because Its the name 'Battle Tank' is a designation for the one with the Battle cannon.
The other Leman Russ variants have different names, as designates their different turret weapon loadout.
As stated, no Russ variant has a twin linked lascannon in the hull, turrets however can be fitted with dual lascannon in the rare Leman Russ Annihilator forgeworld variant, but not singly.
The only variant with a coaxial weapon is the Leman Russ Conquerer.
Done sperging now.
One of the best stories in 40k lore.
"rear lascannon batterys"
Don't play or read tau stuff, but don't they have cold sleep tech?
>behold azagorg the supermassive.
>collapses into a star as soon as he makes it the real space
Presumably so they've got room to shove prequels in.
They literally said primaris have been fighting for awhile now and any severly wounded would become dreads. Who says dreads need thousand year old vets?
Which would bannish the deamon back to the warp, removing the star.
That would be a fun thing to see
>Be captain of a tiny imperial escort
>Be fighting deamons
>Suddenly fuckhuge deamon pops up on the port side
>It's a deamon!
>It's a star!
>It's fucking nothing!
While not as bad as just deleating the fluff for Warhammer Fantasy, it kinda makes me feel that the fluff dont matter anymore.
Maybe the Emperor wakes up one day and all of this was just a bad dream.
How is AoS doing today anyway? Is it dead or what?
>autocannon, heavy bolter, hunter-killer, with variant that upgrades the hunter-kill into a dual-missil launcher, transport capacity: 6 astra militarum infantry
The Bradley doesn't seem that silly.
Doesn't this mean that the vast majority of the human characters are dead? Are we getting a completely new roster of IG special characters?
> no way you could put all those guns on a tank!!!1!
Holy shit how retarded are you. Look at modern tanks. Then remember that this is the future. Also a space fantasy setting.
In fact, don't do either. Just kys
Sells better than Fantasy ever did in the last 15 years.
While the minigun could be brought more in-line with other assault-cannons, it's the banks of missiles strapped everywhere they can be that makes it look far too cluttered.
Far from dead. I got a feeling that GHB2 is going to get a lot of people back into it from 8th, as they wait for everything to get updates. Right now it's not fun to play souped up Codex Space marines with an index list.
I work in GW, you will only hear this once and in this very post. Treasure it.
- Magnus once thrown in the webway comes to understand what the Emperor was trying to do. Will eventually lead to Magnus doublecrossing Tzeentch and sitting on the Iron Throne as a replacement for the Emperor to allow for the Emperor to rise from the Golden Throne in GW storyline of 2019.
- Malcador is revealed to still exist in the Warp after fusing with energies there, as a benevolent force. His essence and support will be what finally gives the new Eldar God substantial power over the Big four.
- Slaanesh is to be phased out with Eldar god of Death's Immaterium arrival. He will enter realspace as an insanely powerful being, but will be permanently unable to access his previous power. Slaaneshi uniys are totally being fused with Dark Elves. Jaghatai Khan will return for Dark Elf - Scar storylines 2020.
- Leman Russ is only to return when Tyranids begin changing course towards Fenris.
- Lion's resurrection happens via Guilliman's discovery of his existence. Watchers are revealed to have been a benevolent xenos race that the Emperor allowed to live when he discovered that their had the inability to affect or be affected by the Immaterium. Cypher returns the sword to Lion, and Luther is allowed to finally be free.
- Necrons, with all their factions, will get involved in Cadian storyline.
- It will be revealed that Old Ones were not a benevolent precursor civilization. They are just as flawed as Necrons and C'Tan.
A lot of stuff is planned, but the summary of it is; storylines which are getting sales traction are being boosted by fluff.
You're welcome.
Exactly my reaction.
That's... no.
Except for the Ethereals.
Why are primaris dreads a problem but legion dreads are not? The great crusade lasted for like 200 years and there were a lot of dreads, dread characters and even trends emerging related to dreads (like SW disliking the contemptor, etc.) So clearly those people had been using dreads for some time.
Only really popular in the US.
>- It will be revealed that Old Ones were not a benevolent precursor civilization. They are just as flawed as Necrons and C'Tan.
What sort of a "revelation" is that? Wasn't that pretty much given?
Don't forget about farsight
WHFB was over 50 of GW's sales every year before 2007.
Completely dead in Europe, minimal playerbase in the US (under Malifaux)
Of course not, time travel is an accepted practice.
have you seen the stormraven?
>I work in GW
why do i feel absolutely zero hype or tension looking at this map? theres a fucking massive warpstorm diving the imperium and yet gw completely failed to sell the idea to me
im not feelin it
lad, it's a Mark IV with a turret on top
>Only really popular in the US.
>minimal playerbase in the US (under Malifaux)
Who is right?
Is there suppose to be tension? I didn't feel tension with the Eye of Terror campaign. I didn't feel tension with the Storm of Chaos campaign. I don't feel tension with the Horus Heresy.
It's just a setting. Instead of a big warp storm and a lot if smaller ones, we got a bunch cutting through the galaxy.
it's not a primaris dreadnought though, it uses the same sarcophagus as old dreads
>it's not a primaris dreadnought though
>Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
>not a primaris dreadnought
>I got a feeling that GHB2 is going to get a lot of people back into it from 8th
Why? Before anyone starts, I'm not denying that AoS has found its audience, but I can't see many old WHFB players being interested. The gameplay is totally different, as is the setting, the tone of the art, everything. The games have nothing in common bar a number of reused models and altered names.
That's the third thread in which you have poster this shit, mate.
I didn't flew the first time, it won't fly now.