Warhammer Fantasy General /wfg/

I don't even need to get up to beat you edition.

> Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

> We're looking for these novels for the archive

> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/
Snotling Fling: itunes.apple.com/us/app/warhammer-snotling-fling/id901638145?mt=8

Previous thread:

First for High elf waifus!

Love how he casualy behead a wyvern the way you would grab a drink while sitting in front of your computer.

Second for cute hydra

Also, I am shipping WitchHunterxPrincess

Still trying to come up with negative marks for the Lore of Hedges. Any ideas?

Do you think they'll include Beastmasters? I really like them, and the fact that they have such cool monsters makes me want them around even more.


Reminder that Gav Thorpe is satan.

I don't think so. They wouldn't really serve a purpose.

So what were earlier Warhammer editions like, in terms of setting and lore? Like, what edition defined how most of the modern lore would be like? Was 1st ed WHFB as weird and tonally different in the same way Rogue Trader was for 40k? I hear stuff about how the Genevieve novels are like that.

Could be a type of hero, like the Dwarf Engineers. Buffs your monsters or makes them more controllable.

It doesn't seem too shit right?

+ Lords [305pts] +

Tyrant [305pts]:
Armour of Silvered Steel Fencer's Blades
Talisman of Protection

+ Heroes [163pts] +

Butcher [163pts]: Ironfist, Lore of Death, Wizard Level 2, Dispel Scroll

+ Core [886pts] +

Gnoblars [35pts]: 14x Gnoblars

Ironguts [245pts]: Bellower, Champion, 5x Ironguts, Standard Bearer

Ogres [606pts]: Bellower, Champion, Standard Bearer, 18x Ogres, 18x Ironfists

+ Special [644pts] +

Leadbelchers [129pts]: 3x

Maneaters [193pts]: Champion, 3x Great Weapon, Vanguard
3x Maneaters, 3x Light Armour

Mournfang Cavalry [322pts]: Bellower, Champion, Standard Bearer, 4x Ogre: 4x Great Weapon, 4x Heavy Armour

++ Total: [1998pts] ++

1e literally had no lore. At all.

2e was generic fantasy, with tongue in cheek parody. A good example is the campaign Tragedy Of McDeath, a fantastic Shakespeare MacBeth campaign mocking British politics of the time, Scottish history, and the writer himself.

3e was the first Warhammer lore, and came out in the Rogue Trader era. Some factions like Chaos were mostly the same, some like Orcs was still just D&D generic. There was no limits on lore and the manuals encouraged you to use it as a collection of ideas for your community continuity to grow from rather than a setting for your OCs to live in.

4e added more factions and characters as well as novels. It was pretty high fantasy heroic mixed with mundane reality.

5e added the dark. General rule is if it existed in real life it was grimdark and fairly true to history, if it was fantastic it was amazing or comedic. There was wild expansion in every direction, fuck balance because this is a game to explore rather than compete.

6e is basically Warhammer finished. Everything was modern, and we were working towards international growth and campaigns. The problem is an explosion in 40k as well as GW realizing they had little taste for campaigns where players cause continuity coupled with FUCKINGKIRBY taking over leading GW to think of WFB as a junk property along with all the specialist games.

7e was a drastically scaled back and neutered version of 6e, designed for comp when ironically GW ended their own comp scene as well as all community outreach.

8e retconned the fuck out of the setting heavily to closer match 40k in theme and tone, before End Times made a mangled mess out of trying to turn a HUGE setting into one short story.

Then retarded capeshit Spelljammer AKA Age Of Sigmar.

First edition was very primitive. The Empire didn't even exist at this point, the 'Arabians' worshipped Allah straight up. It was pretty much a D&D wargame with bits looted from other settings GW made models for: Melniboneans, Runequest Broo and Lord of the Rings stuff.
Second edition was much the same but developed as it went on until WFRP first edition came out in 1986 and nailed down a lot of the stuff that's recognisably Warhammer, like the Empire, Skaven etc.
Third Edition came out in 1987 and included a lot of the material WFRP has created, making it pretty much the first serious edition of what we think of as Warhammer. The Realm of Chaos books were for third edition and detailed the Big Four.
Fourth and Fifth editions were mostly interchangeable and introduced retconned Bretonnia and Lizardmen and I suppose the rest is common knowledge.

What's the best way to go about a vampire count army and some terrain based on Castlevania?

Lots of proxies. Look at Reaper Miniatures for a closet look to game designs, GW doesn't fit Castlevania at all other than Ghouls for Fleamen.

You'll want Gargoyles as something resembling the Netflix demons and some good graveyard nasties.

A good mix of scenery. Pegasus Gothic, Reaper graveyard, Raging Heroes Cathedral for the main castle since it'll probably be cheapest to do a big topheavy thing.

For Legion, if you want to do it, roll greenstuff over a ball and press a layer of some Reaper nasties like pic related.

Sadly the only store nearby is a GW so I can only use GW stuff.

Would it be possible to do some conversions or kit bashing to make it look similar to Castlevania?

Uh, buy online?

Few people actually buy their minis in stores. Fuck, GW doesn't even carry most of their own range anymore.

Just a reminder Warhammer is a goofy ass setting


Do we have a name for the genius behind these? I must know

They're by Dave Gallagher actually.
Not his usual style, but the dragons are a giveaway.

I am planning on buying most of my shit from ebay. Though thanks for the Legion idea.

I also got some molds from Hirst Arts so I might try drawing up a blue print for making gothic terrain, the only thing is to get more reference pictures.

Though I suppose I could just grab bits and shit from Reaper and other sites and slap them on my minis.

Those should still be usable in GW stores, right?

Thanks mate. May your dice rolls be favorable.

Which books/edition are these from? And why is that Celestial Wizard working for Bretonnia?

IT depends 100% on the manager.

Those guys range from "Game on, brother" to the official position of "No more than 25% of any model or rider can be non-GW material" to horror stories of "I'll need to drill into the base to verify that it is not a recast".

Although you do have great power to complain and get them fired if you don't sperg out on camera. GW treats managers like Barnes & Noble treat staff. You just need to work the register and repeat memorized advice, not know shit.

Well judging from my GW red shirt, he'd probably be down as long as it wasn't too obvious.

I like how the humor in the setting is something that can be taken seriously, until you think about it for just a second.

One of the battles between the Empire and Bretonnia was over an ugly woman getting insulted - and the man who did the insulting also had mad theories about fishmen and had his horse act as his advisor. The 'rich reward' for the Bretonnian peasant who invented the trebuchet is a single pig, and the copper coin peasant archers get is more than most see in a lifetime. Dwarves have grudes and take oaths over the pettiest of reasons. The greatest Goblin Boss to ever live was one that had gotten so fat he was considered bigger than most other greenskins.

The 25% rule is also supposed to just be for tourneys, but some managers apply it to everything.

Grom was great because he ate a fuckton of Troll meat and lived, giving him size and Troll regeneration on top of brutal cunnin'

5th edition.
In 5th edition, Bretonnia could take Battle Wizards. Damsels just counted as wizards.

What are your favourite Warhammer maps, /wfg/ ?

I've always been fond of the large world map.
>dat indent on what is likely the opposite side of the world from where the Great Maw is


This is a fun one.

> that pic

Literally a joke taken from season 1 of blackadder


>mad theories about fishmen
He was right about those.

>the copper coin peasant archers get is more than most see in a lifetime
If the peasants lived entirely in a barter based economy, it's not impossible that they'd not use currency inside their own hamlets.

>Dwarves have grudes and take oaths over the pettiest of reasons.
I'd argue that's an example of Blue-and-Orange Morality instead of a direct joke.

Seconding this, but it loses points for giving me hope on learning more of the Warhammer setting that I fear GW will never deliver on.

They aren't exactly jokes, but they are humorous once you don't look at them as seriously as you are - but at the same time they can be perfectly legitimate, so they're funny without taking weight away from the setting.

isn't the narrative purpose of the Far East to be unknown and mysterious? This was a position Cathay, Ind and Nippon filled well

the new maps are better anyway

I really enjoyed Tamurkhan. I thought the story was fun and the unpopular route he took east, South then north was a fun spin on the usual chaos invasion.

That boy ain't right.

That's a fan map, right?

Please tell me that's a fan map.

Ignoring the whole shitfest of dropping Warhammer Fantasy for Age of Sigmar, that image is objectively a worse piece of art than:

That is genuinely depressing.

nope, that's official

so is this

That's at least an improvement from They really need to change the format they're using for labeling locations. That white box is fucking jarring.

It's meant to be some sort of eletronic...image...thingy. I'm not smart with that shit, and haven't used it myself, but it's something that will scale with your level of zoom and stuff like that. Like that fancy Black Legion PDF from a while back.

Seriously what the FUCK is the Bad Moon?


What would make a better idea for expanding into a WFB/WFRP campaign?

>1. That Hashut has been travelling the world hunting for isolated dwarf communities to offer his deal to, in a bid to slowly convert all dwarfs to his purpose.

>2. Karak Zorn is still alive and active, but they're fully aware of the origins of their race as an uplifted species and have spent the millennia trying to perfect themselves and have become something alien to modern day dwarfs.

2 is waaay better.

>2 is waaay better.
>That's a flaying.


I don't like either on in particular, but if I had to chose, I'd go with 1 since it would be an interesting twist for a party to come across.

I wouldn't mind devotees of Hashut traveling from dwarf hold to dwarf hold looking to convert their cousins to the One True God.

Evil dwarf mormons, if you will.

>Evil dwarf mormons

>My name is Elder Thrognir
>And I would like to talk to you about the most amazing God.

>My name is Elder Ragna
>He's a God that came to save us a long, long time ago!

Great. Now I'm imagining woodcuts from the Old World's equivalent of Jack Chick.

>'Hashut!' becomes the highest grossing musical, overtaking the previous classic 'Drachenfels' and a surprise resurgence of 'Strange Flower'.

The more I think about it, the less I believe that Hashut is a Chaos God.

Well all he seems to care about is industry. Evil industry, with the occasional blood sacrifice, but industry nonetheless. He doesn't really try to take his Chaos Dwarf servants down a dark path of damnation or anything.

I could believe he was maybe a greater independent demon or something, with all his focus on sacrifices to boost his strength. But full blown god? Christ, he doesn't even have as many worshippers as fucking Ranald.

To be fair, lots of really minor gods only have a few worshipers, and even a few major ones - how many people do you really think worship the Lady, since it's all focused in Bretonnia? Hashut probably benefits by being the only god the Chaos Dwarves worship, so even if there's only a small amount of them it's pretty focused, and very steady.

Of course, this could all easily be explained away if he was worshiped by other forces of Chaos as well, but of course that's not the case. Although I do remember someone pointing out a few threads back that Hashut's symbol was used by...Black Orcs, I think?

Is it weird that I feel this art is way better and fitting than most of the new art?

Not at all. That stuff is classic Warhammer art. It helped shape a generation of gamers on the setting.

post small details you only just noticed

>the goblin with his arms crossed as his wolf starts burying a skeletons bones

What do you fellas think of my KoTbS conversions? Horses need touch ups but the knights are the main meal. Also guest starring bright wizard.

What did you use to convert them, just Empire Knights?

>best wizard btw

I had to butcher a couple of gorgets from the greatswords box to get the mouth guard on the skelehelmet to work, and the skulls themselves were in the knights kit. There is also some demigryph bits in there i think.

They're looking slick, brother. How many are you planning on making? I love the metal finish on the skulls, fuck me - nice and shiny.

Gonna grind through the rest of the box but empire knights are getting harder to come by, so I may have to limit my numbers.

>The wheel on the elf's chariot is being smashed off by a rock and the elf hasn't noticed


There is only the problem that normal dwarfs kill chaos dwarfs on sight and vise versa

What even is Hasut's symbol?

I need artwork, artwork of Imperial Knights.



Is there a larger version of these where most of the detail isn't lost?

While we're posting images does anyone have a bigger/better quality version of the Drachenfels cover?




Just a quick question, are Orcs in fantasy supposed to be the comic relief race like in 40K? Or are they treated more seriously?

Orcs are still goofs, but the real comic relief comes from goblins, ogres, dwarfs, and skaven

Orcs are pretty serious when they are destroying your world, enslaving you and eating your family.

>Hashut? Who's Hashut? We're just here to spread the good word of our Loving Ancestor Hastur.

Usually a burning bull skull, or a weird not!Khorne symbol.

>dat face

Yeah, pretty much. Skaven too. Everyone has a sprinkling of comic relief if you look at it right.

>comic relief

Y'all have a weird sense of humor. I can get finding some of their gimmicks funny, but Orcs are way more comic than Dwarfs. And skaven and gobbos are on top of both of those.

>causes mutations
>grants sorceries
>demands blood sacrifices

Don't kid yourself. He's more Chaos than Khaine, and half the idiots in the fandom (and Gav Thorpe for some fucking reason) think he's Khorne.

To be fair, that's when shit hits the fan with the Orcs, and the same could be said of every race that once it gets to the point where they go all out, they cease to have any lightheartedness to them. For the general part, Orcs are most definitely one of the goofiest races around.

Who the blue fuck gave Genevieve STORMBRINGER?

Don't get me wrong, fucker is definitely Chaos. I just don't buy him as a god. A greater daemon or prince, sure. But not full blown god.

Hard to say. Material does suggest that, in fact, or that he might be a disgraced minor Chaos God from Morrslieb.

Are people still looking for novels? Because I have a majority of the missing ones in the pastebin, but a lot of them are in text files

Sure, load them up. What do you have?

Kirby lead GW since the early 90's at least

I've got most Fantasy novels, probably be easier listing what I don't have. Should I load them up one by one or actually set up something on mega.nz to upload them?

Use the mega.

Some of the stories of the lengths they go for trivial grudges are knee slappers my guy
>get commissioned to make a castle
>build it nice and sturdy like all true dwarfs would
>payday comes
>bird swoops down and steals a penny
>but not against the bird
>"lol it's a penny beardy, calm down"
>lay siege to freshly constructed fortress
>kill. every. last. defender.
>literally tear castle down brick by brick
>Grudge Settled

If this is the story I think it is, the part that makes it high comedy is they 'settled the grudge' about three generations later. Even the majority of the dwarfs weren't part of the original construction crew.

Yes thank you for those details I missed. It has been a while since I read the story.