He is clearly a Jewish allegory. I mean i cant be the only one who sees this can I?
He is clearly a Jewish allegory. I mean i cant be the only one who sees this can I?
You've been on /pol/ too long.
Think about it. It makes perfect sense.
Sweet Malibu Coconut,
He's the Lion of Zion!
Explain how.
You clearly arent ready to be Loyalistpilled
>It's X
>Provide your reasoning.
>You aren't ready for it.
Then what is the right amount of time on /pol/.
wafflehouse handjob from the frycook
Two and a half months of lurking did it for me.
are the Beasts of Caliban the goyim?
And what are gobbos/gretchen supposed to be then?
OP's trolling aside, there actually is a decent case for this.
>All DA have Jewish/Hebrew names
>Judaism is the first monotheistic religion, DA are the first legion
>In medieval times Jews were not considered trustworthy, and their religion and motives foreign
>40k is based on the middle ages
>DA are likewise considered untrustworthy by most Imperial citizens, with motives and an organizational structure which make perfect sense to them but not to anyone else.
DA are likely at least somewhat inspired by Judaism, especially medieval European perceptions of it.
>Imperial citizens
I actually should've said Imperial military organizations. Also, forgot to mention the fact that the Jews lost their homeland by the middle ages, and the same can be said of the Dark Angels.
Homosexual allegory actually, but hey, who am I to argue with those trips.
Holy shit I didn't even notice
Emperor damned Dark Angel gay space jews are releasing chemicals in the air, that turn the squibs GAY!
Guys this thread has emperorpilled me. First legion worst legion
0 time
>jews kill muslims (chaos)
>lion joins space muslims (chaos)
Not seeing it
>space muslims
pick one
Living in a arid enviroment does not make you a muslim you moron
There is more of a Catholic slant to them than a Jewish one I think.
>Luther is who breaks up the legion, leading many astray
>General crusader and monk aesthetic
>Nearly as Spanish inquisitorial as the inquisition
>Named after a poem about a Catholic man hiding a dark secret
but then again there are just a load of general Christian references with them as well, what with the freeblades that have sworn an oath to the dark angels being called the "Three witnesses" - so it's a bit of a wash. I mean it's not like there aren't biblical references throughout the entire 40k fluff.
The real Lionel Johnson only converted to Catholicsm late in his life, much lime Lion El'Jonson only sided with the Emperor when it became clear the Heresy failed.
Maybe in earlier canon, but now it's clear that Lion wasn't in it for the Emperor or Horus, but for the Imperium Secundus it's not as certain.
Also forgot about this, DA have their own blood related ritual.
So Lion is a Jew, so that means Russ was right?
Wtf i love Russ now. Glad he blew Lion the fuck out
They have angel's names you fucking Mongoloid.
They're the Dark ANGELS.
/Pol/tards should be put down for how retarded they are.
Though it has been toned back in resent fluff, the tallarns in "desert raiders" give off a strong Muslim vibe. For example, one tribe doest use pictures of the emperor, believing in the idea of the emperor instead of an idol (similar to how Muslims don't like having pictures of mohomad.
Uh... are you retarded? While some are named after Jewish prophets, Solomen, Ezykiel, Saul etc etc literally every Dork Angel is named after a fallen angel or Jew
His post has nothing to do with politics. Newfags need to be burned at a stake before their cancer spreads further.
Not Jews; Hebrews. DAs definitely have aspects of the Twelve-Tribes and Kingdom eras of Hebrew history. What they don't have is anything relating to post-Diaspora Judaism.
Why did you post a gif of leman russ?
They're Space Freemasons. How do you fucks not understand this?
Speaking of which, I'm about a third of the way done painting my DA successor chapter, the Judges. Can't wait to have them wreck my buddy's Deldar in retaliation for desecrating and pillaging their fortress monastery, the Holy of Holies, during a raid.
Wrong. That would be the Sons of Horus and their gay little warrior lodge
>implying you can talk about anything jewish on Veeky Forums without it turning into a pol-shitfest-extravaganza
That's not how this website works user.
Dark Angels and their knightly pretensions, secrecy, stupid clothes, Hebrew names, and circles of initiation have always been a reference to Freemasons. The warrior lodges of the HH are a device to introduce corruption into the Legions, are not exclusive to the Sons of Horus, and do not define the Sons of Horus in the way that the DA are defined by the above listed things. It's not a perfect parallel, but enough to be obvious.
Sacred boa of West and Eastern Samoa!
Don't you mean analogy?
These are some good points.
>only named character is called Al'rahem
Yup, no Muslim or Arabic references here.
>doesn't say anything negative about Jews or Judaism
>says that the negative stereotypes are a result of European medieval perceptions of Jews
>does not indicate that I agree with these stereotypes in any way
I can't really imagine GW being clever or creative to come up with this. These are the same people who named the primarch of the Iron Hands Iron Hand.
>Also, forgot to mention the fact that the Jews lost their homeland by the middle ages, and the same can be said of the Dark Angels.
How cooler would Jews if Israel got blown up in a climactic battle between Solomon and Queen of Sheba or something.