/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General

"Paranoiattack" Edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Why did FFG lose the 40k RPG License?
Because they were bought by Asmodee and that caused some sort of licensing conflict.

>Will GW make their own 40k RPGs now?
Probably not. But if they do it will likely be worse than you could possibly imagine.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.0.0) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.2.15) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.13) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Prev: In your last game, what sessions did you put the most work into? What were they about? Do you think it worked out, and your players liked it?

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Did a GSC ambush during a down time session. No one was armed. It was basically Metal Gear Solid for a good long while. Ended with the players seizing the armory, staging a defense long enough to get contact with a nearby loyal IG unit, then having artillery called on their position. They were fine, the cultists were either dead or gone, and they managed to attract a little attention from a nearby Inquisition detachment.

Session ended with them in a ship heading up to see an Inquisitor about the experience.

Does anyone have any suggestions for modifying the Rite of Fleshmoulding to be less horrifically broken while still being cool and fun?

Anyone have a folder/zip full of the Vassal40k tokens for Imperial Guard/Chaos?

all that I've heard from people when I asked about similar was that one could... theorhetically extract those onesself. I don't actually know how to do that, however. Try going into the files for the vmod?

I came up with a pretty goddamn convoluted conspiracy, involving corrupted Famulous, the Cognitae, scheming Navigator houses, the Machenko Dynasty, the murder of Arch Cardinal Ignato, and a pair of very unlucky star-crossed lovers. I gave my players notecards with the names of every NPC on them, and I was very proud of how they managed to keep track of everything. The best part? It's only the main villain's opening gambit...
That sounds beautiful, user. Did you do lots of stealth rolls? Would you give little situational bonuses based on what they were doing (+10 for blessed Cardboard Box), or just resolve it mostly narrative with a few opposed rolls here and there? I've always wanted to do more stealth oriented missions, but I tend to just give my players one or two opposed rolls and then let them narrate what happens.

Did a few stealth rolls in the beginning to establish a baseline of sneakiness then ran opposed tests when they got close to an enemy or did something that violated basic stealth procedures. They wound up doing a little A New Hope bit where they fired an unsuppressed rifle, killed a cultist, and answered his vox when someone asked why there was gunfire in a GSC-owned area.

Completely new to 40k, can someone give me pros/cons of Dark Heresy and Deathwatch? Are they the same system with different content or are they different games?

Same basic system, d100 roll under, but scale and playstyle are wildly different. DH is investigative, secretive, and kinda high-casualty, DW is shooty. Very shooty, with lots of chances for heroism, and exploring how Marines of vastly different chapters interact. Also, Marines are harder to kill, so its arguably more forgiving, though most enemies are scaled up to match, or put into Hordes for that lovely Death of 1000 Cuts action.

Same basic d100 roll under but play entirely differently

DH +:
* Investigation & Intrigue
* Doesn't require any prior knowledge. In fact, it's better when players don't know OOC what they're facing
* Low power level
* Designed against players being murderhobos

DH -:
* Does not give you much to work with if your players ARE murderhobos
* Players frequently either undervalue or ignore subtlety's importance
* Low power level means insta-gibs depending on what threat the PCs face

DW +:
* High power

DW -:
* Not really designed with social or other non-combat RP in mind. Especially since you can't even get such skills at char gen
* High power means you have to track a lot of modifiers and combat can drag on forever

DH seems completely more in line with what I want. Thanks guys. Quick question, if I'm taking critical wounds and I take a level 1 wound to my left leg, and then another level 2 wound to the same area, is that upgraded to a level 3 wound instead of level 2? Do I suffer the penalties of the 1 and 3 or just the 3?

DH campaign idea: players are loyal servants who each die i. Their own prologue. They are restored to 'life' in the warp by the Emperor and sent to do His work in the underworld. Dealing with daemons, endlessly ressurectinf until they have accomplished what He needs of them, stuck in a near sissphyian hell but holding on until because the Emperor himself needs you to do something for him

user, are you drunk posting?

Albert Camus' ghost has a hard-on right now.

Planning an Only War game with my group. Plot is 101st Airborne WW2 IN SPESS!

Aside from being a drop regiment id have my players pick everything except their regiment type.

The Nazis would be replsced by the Severus Dominate, itd be in the TTS verse so its less grimdark for some newbie players but still lethal. Their first engagement would be Not!Operation Overlord.

Any tips on running this?

Sabaton as background music, specifically Screaming Eagles

So to specify;

I've never run a 40k RPG before, have dmed before.

Thinking of let my players choose different planets to give them more options since their regiment is in fact a drop regiment.

Will be using some of the Veeky Forums homebrew along with Felinids (found a DH2nd ed homebrew for that how do i put it from DH2E to OW?)

Anything i should let my players know? 2/4 of them know about 40k lore.

You would have -3 wounds total, and would be suffering the penalties of a level 1 critical wound to the leg and a level 3 critical wound to the leg. Damage is worked out one attack at a time, but it is cumulative, so a series of light wounds will eventually result in catastrophic damage.

Thanks for the explanation user

I just realized i didnt link those two together. FML.

Same user:

Don't have them have different planets.

Too much hassle?


Good to know. Any other bits of sage advice for a first time Only War DM?

I need to know how bad of an idea this would be:

> Every PC starts unaligned, and no CSMs
> Every PC is subject to a Compact that'll tie the entire group together and (hopefully) provide direction
> Part of said compact is that if anyone becomes aligned to a particular Chaos God, they get booted, killed, etc. I.e., everyone has to stay unaligned best they can
> The main "story" is the party running around disrupting other daemons' plans

Could it work?


Heretics aligned to Malal?

Maybe. Like GW, I neither confirm nor deny this statement.

If a PC dies, so be it. It is the IG and death is when not if. They can easily get back into the game via taking over their comrade and changing the name on their character sheet.

Sounds awesome. Make it TTS verse and you got a campaign of the beer and pretzels variety

>> Every PC starts unaligned, and no CSMs
>> Every PC is subject to a Compact that'll tie the entire group together and (hopefully) provide direction
This much seems to be pretty standard.

> Part of said compact is that if anyone becomes aligned to a particular Chaos God, they get booted, killed, etc. I.e., everyone has to stay unaligned best they can
> The main "story" is the party running around disrupting other daemons' plans
It's a bit odd, but not really.

I haven't watched TTS so I can't really say if I what I have in mind would fit. I was also sorta hoping for a bit more serious of a game than beer & pretzels, but I'd be okay with it so long as the players weren't Chaotic Stupid, to borrow a D&D alignment.

I was also maybe thinking of banning some of the Tome archetypes, but didn't know if that would be going too far. I'd hate to pidgeonhole my players into a role they don't want.

Quick rules question:

In Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, what are the rules for using a pistol with the Spray Quality (e.g. hand flamer) in melee? Do they have to make the agility test as per ranged, or can they parry, or do I still have to roll bs to hit now?

As normal except they can parry instead of dodging.

So I don't need to roll anything, but they get the option of parrying as well as dodging? ah k. Thanks

>I was also maybe thinking of banning some of the Tome archetypes
If you're using basic archetypes, don't use advanced archetypes.

If you're using advanced archetypes, don't use basic archetypes.

Are there even enough unaligned advanced archetypes for user's idea?

There's 2, give or take, so probably not. Could still fiat Unaligned onto other AAs.

How do you award experience in a Dark Heresy game?
The books says that xp should be awarded on a session-based manner with bonus for "good roleplaying", I think it's a shitty approach.
How about 100xp for thwarting small heretical conducts, 400xp for bigger threats to the imperium, and 800xp for stopping major Xeno or Chaotic incursions?
I'm also thinking about giving small xp bundles for class-focused tasks, such as converting/straightening peasant's faith for priests or enforcing THE LAW for arbitrators.

>How about 100xp for thwarting small heretical conducts, 400xp for bigger threats to the imperium, and 800xp for stopping major Xeno or Chaotic incursions?
That seems extremely slow.

Chance of donor turning into chaos spawn?

All players:
50 XP per session.

Progressing the investigation awards experience.
Minor clues: 50 XP (Learning of subjects ).
On the right track 100 XP (Usually interrogating subjects)
Breakthrough in the case: 150 XP. (Usually one session away from case closed.)
Laughter of Thirsting Gods: Awarded to player(s) who caused laughter beyond the material plane, 50 XP.

Role playing: Any player(s) who acted and played to their character's quirks gains 75 XP.
A player may only gain bonus XP once.
A bonus may only be given to one player by GM's choice or party vote, primarily the latter.

Leader Among Men: Led the party to the completion of the mission and is awarded 100 XP.

Purger of The Unclean: Killed the most enemies or one critical threat and gains 100 XP.

Sage Among Brutes: Furthered the investigation by skill rather than violence and is awarded 100 XP.

The God-Emperor's Finest: Preformed extraordinary this session and is awarded 200 XP.

The Shame of The Imperium of Man: Acolyte who exemplified how far the Imperium has fallen from the Emperor's grace, 50 XP.

There is also another section for learning of lore and gathering intelligence in the Jericho Reach, 50 XP per entry.

Dont forget. Enemy agility roll replaces your ballistic roll and not their reaction roll. So enemy test his agility to not be hit by your flamer and then it still has his reaction to dodge or parry. So it's still two rolls to hit but both of them done by your enemy.

Sometimes there are slow players. My players like to roleplay a lot so there is not much happening in average session.

hmmm...is that better or worse? been doing test rolling with a sob I made up and I can't decide whether she'd roast then or get busy with the chainsword, prolly finish up with the flamer. two shots per bottle is a bit much to waste on melee

Convince me that Dark Heresy 1st ed is better than 2nd ed.

We all agree that Xanthism reflects the true will of the Emperor for humanity's future, right?

Depends on your enemy. Higher agility - lesser chance to hit. Most interesting thing with spray weaponry is in evasion. You simply cant evade if you cant exit spray zone. So it's best to use flamers in narrow places and small rooms. Only problem here is first agility roll "To hit" is unaffected by this rule. So if you face eldar in narrow corridor and fill said corridor with fire eldar will probably pass his agility test and will not be damaged. But if eldar fail his agility roll he will not be able to dodge it since he cant exit attack zone in most cases which is good. In summart flamers are awesome against large groups of enemies with low agility or no chanse to dodge. If your enemy is really agile it's better to feint and slice it.

>enemy test his agility to not be hit by your flamer and then it still has his reaction to dodge or parry
Quote it? I don't run that way.

Check the 2e faq

>Question: When a target fails his Agility test from being fired
upon by a weapon with the Spray quality (page 149), can he still
perform a Dodge action to possibly escape the attack?
>Answer: Yes, assuming he has a Reaction left.
>Dark Heresy FAQ v12 pg 11

Is AllGuardsmenParty still a thing?

Ehh. Forgot to greentext two other lines. But you get the idea I think.

Actually, yes. The iste recently updated to say the new chapter was coming at 6pm on the 28th

Seems counterintuitive and somewhat stupid to make them roll twice.

When you shoot someone there is two rolls but they made for different characters. Spray attack is the same but both rolls are made by the same character. Two rolls is logical but text in the rulebook is vague.

You still have only one Reaction per round. Autohit seems cool until it kills your PC.

So I ran Depths of treachery yesterday. My players convinced Ebongrave to step down or they would provide proofs of his incompetence (after all he didn't see the fact that the Tau brought two Knarlocs and a shitload of gear on the planet) to the high command. Overall, they saved the day by splitting the party early to look for cues and so took the Tau totally by surprise. They even managed to intercept the kroots while they went to capture Captain Blount (the kroot leader nearly killed the techmarine tho). They found out Essiter had tried to kill Ebongrave but didn't act on it, and prevented the battle between the deserters and the ebon cosh by putting themselves behind both

I'll probably have the old dog pulling the last tricks he got and ending up getting a Warrant of Trade/allying with the monodominant inquisitor the team already faced or an ambitious Rogue Trader and being a nuisance.

>Autohit seems cool until it kills your PC.
You'd be surprised. I've been trying to get my group out of the whole "PC deaths are off limits" thing they have.

>50xp for showing up
>50xp for surviving
>100-300xp for solving the case, depends on threat level
>50xp for maintaining cover/keeping things quiet
>50xp for careful coverup
>50-100xp for good roleplay
>500xp for surviving a whole campaign/story arc
>100xp for psyker mishap damage control

They're looking at about 300-500xp per session unless they really fuck up.

xp for maintaining cover/keeping things quiet
xp for careful coverup

Those seem a bit iffy. Going quiet or loud are supposed to be equal options. It's why subtly can be a penalty to rolls (Or a bonus to others at a low value)

Well, that's what Fate points are for. Actually Dead-Dead is pretty hard to happen in Dark Heresy unless you are dying like a bitch every single mission.

Generally go by the book, but have ben know to give occaisional bonuses.
If a player provides an in-character plan that is well reasoned and from a logical premise, then they get a bonus.
If the plan then goes horribly wrong, they get the "Baldrick" bonus as well...

Mate. I'm not trying to reason out their position, I'm just telling it to you. Some people adamantly won't play in a game where their character could die, and some GMs pander to this.

The Emperor was a Xanthite. Prove me wrong, mindless puritans.
Weird. I get wanting your death to be something dramatic, and trusting that a GM won't throw something completely unfair at you, but not wanting PC death to be even a remote possibility just strikes me as odd. How do they feel about horrific injuries? They aren't the types who bitch and moan about temporarily losing equipment are they?

>Some people adamantly won't play in a game where their character could die, and some GMs pander to this.

Truly the world is a big place, and there are alien minds upon it.

As long as his soul and intent are pure, he's right.

We get that, but in that case Warhammer is probably not for them. I mean, the whole universe is out to kill humans, and most of the time you'll play humans that purposefully goes into danger for their beliefs.

What advantage does Parry have over Dodge in melee? Why put the points into it? Dodge just seems more valuable

Parry has talents that expand it, like counter attack, and the most common melee weapons (swords) have a built in bonus to parrying. Also it uses your primary attack stat, so you don't have to pump agility.
But yes, Dodge is generally better if you don't plan on going all-in on evasion.

Welp, I'm throwing this into a .txt file and putting it in the Dark Heresy folder. Just like the Rules Of Not Dying Like and Idiot in the 41st Millenium file, subject to additions when a good one is made.

Hello I'm from Wargames General, a discord server primarily focused on TTRPGs and Wargames. Please feel free to come on in and join the party.


ugh, cheevos

It could work, but unless you are brought back in a different body you're gonna have to deal with the Inquisition and probably the Ecclesiarchy swarming all over you for heresy.
If you can deal with that, maintaining a low profile while being pretty much a Living Saint is gonna be difficult.

Thinking of implementing the Mars Needs Women tg homebrew. In the sense that im gonna put some lf their gear in my "roll for random unrequisitioned mishipment" table.

IG sergeant gets an arc pistol anyone?

Good idea or bad idea?

It can be a fun idea but it will bring all holy hell of the admech down on them if they find out. The admech hoards its stuff.

>command's face when he keeps sending us on suicide missions to be rid of our nonsense, but we keep coming the enemies of mankind's heads.

I think you a word or two there because I can interpret that quite differently.

>command's face when he keeps sending us on suicide missions to be rid of our nonsense, but we keep coming back with the enemies of mankind's heads.

[Spoiler]quiet, you.[/spoiler]

>"Jenkins, you see that ork warboss right there?"
>"yes sir?"
>"I want you to go right up to that mean mother hubbard and jerk him off"
>"Uh... what?"

And thus the regiment falls

Pro tip: highlight + (ctrl+s)

Any tips for actually roleplaying a ratling? I gotta make the squad from people who exchange information to battle brothers with my ratling powers.

Can someone explain to me how the vehicle and creature stats for the glassteed in 2e core are supposed to match up? I'm looking at this can I can't wrap my head around it.

Is there a collection of all player acquirable talents from all books culled for redundancy?

Wanted to see before I started compiling them and porting them over to DH2E. Starting there, then working my way back from Only War and so on.

Im also going to start compiling elite advancement type things from all the extra books and giving them the inquisitor treatment.

People have talked about trying to compile all the books into a single cohesive rulebook, but nobody's ever stepped up.
So I don't think the talents thing has been done.

Well, wish me luck. I might post stuff as I go along over the weeks but I am bound and determined to do it before I run again.

>everyone is a living saint

they have to at least earn that shit user

I tried it but it'd be better as more of a WFRP retroclone thing. The actual games (and the talents in each) use a lot of really varying math that make it hard to line everything up in a logical way. DH2e is a better "does it all" iteration of the rules than reconciling the 1e books and I stopped when 2e started coming out.

I'm thinking of running a short campaign for OW where the players are part of a guard force sent to deal with an ork (or maybe eldar?) invasion on a feral world, and they get shot down far from the front lines and need to rejoin the main force. Maybe I'll have them stumble on some hidden Chaos cult that's planning something nasty, too.
Anyway, what are some good encounters for this sort of campaign?

If you're playing Only War which I gotta assume you are, just be the kind of guy who always has something helpful to say, or when shit is going down elsewhere just consider where you'd be in the ranks and strike up conversation.

"What was boot camp like for you, Private Grimlir?" et cetera. Spark roleplay by being roleplay.

if you are new to a system never let the players direct the game, you need to do so until you have complete mastery of it.

Also letting your players have "freedom' is a meme, railroad them, now don't make it fucking obvious, just give them the illusion of choice you will thank me later, now this is a delicate balance so basically follow pic related and you'll do fine

if you are going to follow operation overlord, just watch band of brothers and use that as your base, have they be dropped in "stealthily" as part of the pre invasion, and when it kicks into high gear have em knock out the "88's" or defense guns. or have them hold key locations and shit, you know what the 101st actually had to do.

Local people, local fauna, orks, local flora, necrons

I usually do (mind you this is because i run pretty lethal shit, and such)

150xp for the session
50xp for minor clues and such, such as gaining a confession, or finding a witness.
100xp for major clues or revalations, earning the trust of a scornful captain, capturing a sect leader alive etc.
150xp resolving the plot, defeating the cult, slaying hte deamon etc. etc.

I tend to just give all xp party wide to keep my players at the same general level, I do award bonus xp for good inititive and such as well as good Rp or actions.

for example a few sessions ago the party just survived the campaign arc and were interviewed by their Lord Inquisitor, he (I) had them vote on who they think is the best amongst them and has the most potential to be an inquisitor, the player that they surprisingly (mind you I had them write their votes down secretively) almost unanimously voted for was given the right to bear the seal. And such I Gave him the option of taking 150XP or a bonus talent of my choice.

then they shouldn't play warhammer games, or stop being a bitch, besides they shouldn't worry about death if they aren't stupid.

Hell I make straight up unfair encounters if my player act like idiots.
>blathering about inquisition over and over in the under hive? word gets around dumbass so yeah you just got ambushed by a shit load of gangers in a perfect kill box.
> not scouting the territory befor initiateing your mission?, looks like the heretik they are chasing led them to a murder whole where they dropped a bunch of combat servitors on you.

>not taking cover? SNIPERS!

>think you can take on the world eater berserker one on one? priceless.

No because you're not brought back to life in the material universe. You're brought back in the warp/kept your consciousness by the blessing of th Emperor. You're stuck in hell fucking shit up for the Emperor fighting Chaos and trying not to get your soul eaten for eternity.

How do I throw human enemies with threatening weapons against my acolytes in dh2e without them being able to murder loot great gear at the very beginning of the campaign? Also what would be good gear for cold traders to have, weapon and armor wise?

Why aren't auto guns (optional one mag of good ammo) threatening?

Give the enemies sufficient numbers that staying loot isn't viable.

It is pretty threatening to be ganged up on in melee even with just swords.

just use molotov cocktails
fire kills everything

not sure how it is in dh2 but in dh1 you need to roll a fucking willpower save to stop drop and roll otherwise you are just screaming until you die

Cheap flamers. Cheap chainswords. Cheap fire bombs. Cheap autopistols and autoguns. Enough to fucking kill everyone without heavy outnumbering. Just two gangers once got 3 burned Fate Points from PCs when one pinned them with his autopistol and then another one used his flamer on them.

I usually run stuff more on the investigative end so I like rewarding subtlety. Obviously if the scenario lends itself to going loud I'll give xp for getting through combat instead but generally I'm gonna be rewarding more xp for keeping things quiet if it's an option.