Is this ok?
Is this ok?
Just give the kid heroin. It's cheaper and less addictive.
No they'll just end up bitter and depressed when this dying hobby finally gives up the ghost.
looks like they might be using a single water cup for all the paint and that's a fucking travesty
Isn't 8th doing really well?
So young, and already doomed to life of plastic crack.
How many cups do you use?
No, lest he end up wasting his allowance on something shit like Age of Sigmar
>dying hobby
i mean he's painting a chaos space marine i think so this is definitely accurate if not 'okay'.
I at least separate the metallics and the flat colors, sometimes darks and lights if I'm feeling it
two's recommended
one for metallic paints, one for the rest
you can add a third just for white paint if you want to get obsessive
Yes. I fucking loved the models when I was a kid. Had I the tools to engage w/ 40k when I was younger I can't but feel it would have been a much happier childhood.
Yes. Kids these days can be pretty cool, it's just all of us have memories of dealing with That Kid in the LGS. Besides, I was 12 when I got into MTG, it'd be hypocritical of me to discount my own behavior and not someone else's.
Of course, Veeky Forums always assumes the worst from everyone, even themselves, so don't expect much from this thread.
Besides that... I WISH I got into miniatures young enough that I could pop my first boner to minifig tits... I'd consider that a something to be beyond proud of.
No. I explicitly don't play at GW stores because they are all daycares.
Absolutely not. Never paint towards yourself.
You all started when you were kids, you fucking retarded crybabies.
I rather play with a kid like that that with any of you, Waac faggot.
At least I may enjoy a game.
>playing Nurgle
>no three points of contact for stable hold
>blackshirt teaching kid how to give blowjobs/handjobs in background
>entire wall of Tau garbage with everything else pushed to the corners, and the "everything else" is CSM shit at that
>all those tau on the back
>they are playing spice muhreen
>implying people should be playing tau
Space marines and necrons are casual tier difficulty for hobbying.
There's no way that kid painted that, that's better than most grogs
>tfw ghost ark
This fills me with cringe I did not anticipate.
Yes. Ignore the faggot.
Yeah it's alright
>letting children become beta incels
Not really
36 year old life long tabletop wargamer, here
and yes I am very ok with this. Good to see it for sure!
Why the hell wouldn't it be? The fuck is your problem man?
Turns out when you actually start giving people what they ask for. You make more money! Whod da thunk it.
33 Here, fully approve, indeed I fully intend to pack my kids off to GW first chance I get
Hobby aside, if I can get shot of the little... angels... for a couple of hours on a Saturday, I'll buy more than a few packs of Primarisisis Super Marines
So more space marines you mean? Why do you complain about space marine releases all the time then?
1 for every 2 girls
Targeting kids that age has always been GW's business model. That's not really too big of an issue. McDonalds have been doing it for half a century or more.
The only down side is that they grow up accepting 40K as the "Standard" for complexity and structure in a game, and the more you deviate from the formula, the worse they think it is. It's not a thing they grow up and expand upon or move on from... it becomes their default.
That's why most minis wargames are so damned samey and rules light. Everyone wants games to be faster, with more, bigger models. Detail just slows things down. More than half an hour and I'm playing angry birds on my phone.
You're looking at it wrong
Playing with toy soldiers is a kids hobby
We're just big man-children
Based Rountree would like a word with you.
People who spout "you should use one cup for non-metallics and one cup for metallics" are dumb. Here is why:
If you only have one cup for non-metallics, and only one cup for metallics, you're not really cleaning your brush, you're just rinsing it in dirty water. It will never be as clean as if you rinsed it in TWO cups. One cup to get most of the paint off, then another cup for good measure.
>but this means I'll need like four cups!
That's why you just use one cup for all paints, even metallics, then have a second cup to clean them all off 110%. I have yet to find metal flakes in my second "clean cup" or non-metallic paints.
If you still insist on segregating metallics and non-metallics, then use 3 cups. One for metallics, one for non-metallics, then a shared one for that extra clean. Since you were so convinced that you only needed one cup for metallics, it should be fine to share the third cup according to the "one cup for metallics, one cup for non-metallics" logic.
Isn't the real problem the retaining issue of older customers who have more disposable income? Because remember anyone who plays 40k that becomes a parent will have an actually informed opinion of whether their kids should pick up the hobby and if the parents aren't engaged then theres a high risk they might actually say "no".
And since little kids don't have $ you can't actually really expect them to buy your shit.
>and if the parents aren't engaged then theres a high risk they might actually say "no".
Are you a parent and is this how you think?
Just because I quit the hobbies I had as a child won't mean I'll forbid my children to have them. I guess only the millennials would actually say something like "No Timmy you can't play that game, it's shit".
>tfw used to be a regular at my local GW
>saw the window displays once and fell in love
>started at the Sunday classes, several kids around my age, probably a bit young but we all grew into the hobby together
>three or four full-time staff who were harsh but fair with learning how to paint and the rules and all that, would actually take the piss out of people, like when a kid turned up with a Necron army in car spray gold
>eventually graduated to coming in regularly on a Saturday with the older teens, though Thursday gaming nights were the reserve of "Veterans" so you had to kind of be invited along and be mature
>camaraderie, coach trips to Games Day, tournament and bitz box raid days, all that kind of thing
>walk past these days and it's only open for about 6 hours a day, 5 days a week
>literally dead
>barely any painted miniatures in the one display cabinet left, literally a sprue and clippers and open paint pots to show what the hobby is on one shelf, so inspiring
>just some bored kid who literally doesn't give a shit about the game himself stood at the till, no idea what the fuck the only two pepople in are smashing around on the Realm of Battle table
>didn't know what Fimir were, thought it was non-GW, tried to sell me Silver Tower when popping in for a paint pot
I suspect I'm suffering from rose-tinted glasses but I feel bad for kids now, there's not really anywhere you see them playing 1000 point games with their 1 HQ, 2 Troops and a tank or whatever. The only place you could walk into for a game now would be the local club, but it's mostly adults playing "who can buy the biggest kit" in Horus Heresy or 40k, and since it's not a high street shop you'd have to find out about it for yourself.
>like when a kid turned up with a Necron army in car spray gold
Goldcrons sound kinda great. I mean, I assume the spray means they weren't detailed but gold-blue/gold-green is cool color scheme for robot mummies.
40K is actually a great game for kids
When my kid is old enough I'm going to try and trick him into playing something simple like "Five men in Normandy", but lets be honest, he'll prefer 40K
The rules make perfect sense to a kid, you roll more dice, you're better. Also the designs are what 80s heavy metal fans and 12 year olds think are cool.
You need to go by your local GW on Saturday/Sunday mornings, its a creche
That's the thing, I do walk past and instead of there being a dozen yappy 12 year olds, there's nobody. Sad.
The LotR SBG being in its prime when I was going probably helped too. I never saw the appeal as a 40kid, I regret this because there's some lovely miniatures in there and it was pretty cheap before they halved the sprues in each box, something like 24 for £12.
>Not taking your young children to GW to learn how to paint while they're at their most impressionable and turning them into better painters than yourself so you can force them to complete your entire army in a home sweat shop
LOTR got me into gaming, which led me into 40k. I have an absolute shitload of unpainted stuff from when I was a kid, that I'm waiting to unbox after I move. Can't wait to see what's in there.
Oboy, i would love to have a job where i can teach young boys how to work with the tip of the brush.
Yeah now, but we're talking in like 20 years or so when it's onto 14th ed or something and he's bitching about how the Savitar Cluesau Dreadnaught is fucking broken powercreep and in his day there they had Power Points, not this Vanity Allowance/Thunder Ratio bullcrap and the game is in the worst state it's ever been and surely the buyout to Bandai-Namco was the greatest misstep they ever made.
I wonder why GW hasn't been bought out by Matel or somebody?
Looking at the investor portfolio, nobody with a soul has sufficient shares to stop a buyout, Kirby himself has less than 7% and his humanity is questionable.
Can the board stop such deals, or have they just never been seriously offered?
Maybe GW has unattractive overheads or publically hidden debts or something.
I get the feeling it's too specialist a product for massive companies like Mattel. I mean you could make a ton of merchandise for 40k, Space Marine action figures etc, but at the end of the day the actual game requires too much effort for the average toy store crowd. There's probably a lot of money to be made but I can't see the boardroom of major corporations sitting around and deciding that a miniature wargaming franchise is the way to go.
I've made long posts about it before but basically, for the big shareholders, which is a couple of faceless investment funds and Tom Kirby, GW is just a steady gravy train.
When Kirby was CEO or that weird bit where he was CEO-Chairman, he made something like £1m on a dividend every time they called one, so of course he made sure they did it twice a year, where other companies of similar size might be more cautious; especially when for a few years most of their revenue gains were because they were selling off assets like shops, and not from genuine growth.
There's no impetus to sell.
Wtf? That's a good friend of mine from high school who works at GW. He's a nice guy. Doesn't hard sell and tells me how to get the most bang for my buck and avoid GW chicanery.
Fucking. Imbecile. The knife's going to slip and slice his fingers.
I like the argument user, even if I find it weird to think of GW as a reliable return
I suppose it is what 40 odd years old, 20 something of which its been bringing in good money. If we're not careful, it'll end up as part of a pensions portfolio
>Veeky Forums is one person
I want to have kids so I can bankrupt myself buying shit to paint together with him.
Anybody up to help?
What would be wrong in that pic anyway ? Everyone started this hobby when they were kids.
I've heard a few staffers complain their job is 60% daycare and 40% unreasonable sales quotas
That's what they deserve for all those years of Jewish tricks
Hi there Uncle Atom
When GW had "fanatics" they were all vets keen on the whole process of bulding an army. These "beards" were known to speak enthusiastically - and at length - about how great "the community" was. Kicking them to the kerb during The Great Kirbying lost GW all of their most ardent recruiters at a stroke. This new part-time, one-man shoppe paradigm seems purpose built to kill recruitment altogether, so I'm at a loss to explain their amazing (self-proclaimed) economic recovery, as corporate management seems to be making exactly the same ratio of dumblucky decisions as their predecessors. Good on them, if it's true, though. Maybe there's still hope ...
>White children enjoying an innocent hobby
It's more than ok, it should be encouraged full force
Hasbro owns WotC. For a business man in a suit that has never played these games I doubt DnD, Magic or Warhammer would seem vastly different to him. If they can see a potential in making money off of 'nerd culture' they will.
The hobby is pretty much dead for me. I know a lot of people like 8th but I feel like it has lost all of the complexity. I enjoyed playing tournaments, I enjoyed list building.
This new form has killed my inspiration and I'm selling off all of my armies.
The loss of fantasy hurt and 8th is just boring.
I guess I am just too old now. I miss 4th and 5th Ed. I played 3 games every Saturday plus did painting. Now I only go into gw maybe once every 4 months
I feel you brother, I miss 3rd/4th myself, playing a few games in a day and all that. I drifted off in 5th and 6th/7th seemed like an impenetrable mess of Codex Supplements, Formations, Allies and whatever other £30 hardback shit GW wanted to sell.
Yea I never got into formations, I kept building armies off the 1hq and 2 troops method. It just seems like it has changed too much.
There are more important things in life. Like wondering if you can run a 'private session' with the Slaaneshi Army in the back room with the 'clearly transsexual' store clerk, and bring your kids to enjoy the fun to boot.
That's like, my masterful fucking dream, In character shemale daemonette roleplay in the back of a games workshop, blowing my load in the paints.
I play Star Wars Armada with kids every chance I get. It's way more fun. They love talking about lore and since I know a lot of it they look at me like I'm a damn wizard or something. Plus, the games are way more fun because they get so excited at a good move or roll, even if it isn't theirs. Compared to their screeching video gaming counterparts, they're a vast improvement to their generation. I have a feeling this coming generation will strike a nice balance between gaming and social lives.
Fuck, don't get out much do you now mate.
I wasn't implying anything untoward.
Everyone needs to learn the hard way once.
It's for the best.
>be a kid
>get dumped at GW while parents went into city
>staff did a big 2nd Ed "everyone brings a unit, put it down, fight something on opposite side of the table"
>put down a unit of genestealers
>some kid on the other side singles me out and starts shooting them
>run towards them and engage them in melee, one genestealer makes it
>kid says "you better watch out, my guy has a chainsword"
>lone genestealers murders his whole squad
>genestealer dies immediatly afterwards to a random shot
>shoplift a zoanthrope cause no one is paying attention and the store is packed
Thats my best memory of playing in a GW as a kid.
> that many bracelets on a man's wrist
Gay as fuck
>it has lost all of the complexity
Consider it a reset of sorts.
I'm sure complexity has already begun accruing. By 11th edition in 2025, it will be more complex than its ever been.
Exactly this.
Considering the behaviour in the 40k general, they've hit their target market dead on.
>someone confusing rules bloat with complexity again.
C'mon user, you're better than that.
Jokes aside, and I don't want to get too nasty, I think a lot of nuGW's relative success is because they have pinned down what their most avid consumers want. Which unfortunately to the rest of us looks a lot like Space Marines in Fantasy and nuSpace Marines, rather than something particularly aiming to compete with the rest of the wargaming market.
They've re-aimed squarely at the people who don't mind that the £20 index they bought last month will be getting replaced with a £30 codex next month, it's got all those cool new units in it from the £90 "board game" which is actually an army box with some counters thrown in. Sweet!
Half my FNM is dominated by WAAC low-teens.
It's depressing seeing so many adults want to kick them out because they keep getting beaten by a smarmy 10 year old.
>I feel like it has lost all of the complexity
>I'm sure complexity has already begun accruing.
The 'complexity' before 8th was bullshit. I have been playing since 3rd or 4th as a dumb kid, loved the models and painting more than the game. Whent to college and took a long break. Near the end of college I looked back into the hobby, it was 6th edition and was may more complex in a bad way. Had to page flip all the time for the stats, weapons, esoteric rules.
7th came out and I just ditched on the hobby for the 2nd time. Even more complex and esoteric. Just wanna roll dice.
8th is out. Streamlined yet is feels like 40k still. Able to make an army without counting a diving chart. Set up fast, play good and speedy games. Able to recall rules off the top of my head now. Feels good.
Game will get complicated again. Hopefully this time it will be in a easy to look up way with addons/module styles instead of esoteric bullshit.
>Happy the complexity is gone. It was bull. We now have a good base to build from instead of slapping on more shit to the shit tower.
>I fully intend to pack my kids off to GW first chance I get
>how to double the cost of raising a child; a guide by user
I admire your dedication to your kids, user, but worry for your wallet
Eh I was 9 when I started playing 40k with 3rd edition Ultramarines.
I'm now heading to my friendly LGS on payday to buy some chads so the addictions been fucking strong.
>there with a friend
>both seem engaged, from what little we can see
>looks like the starter box, so maybe this is their first time, but they're learning
>one is focused on the employee teaching him painting
Fuck it, sure. I bring my girl in with me to help me paint and she loves it, I'd love if she had another kid to go up against. They could make their own army list from their parents/my own units and have a fun head to head game or even them and their parent vs my girl and me, sounds like a really great time actually.
A lot can go wrong, but I'd like to see more people who aren't inherently cynical little bitches in this hobby.
>wait for the game to get really intense
>discretely start pocketing paint and cool units
I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me
children with furry t-shirts? absolutely not!
my guess is that most toy companies want to stay away from a universe with massive death tolls, where the "good guys" are basically space Nazis, 2 of the "bad guy" factions are basically a 24/7 gang rape and the current core audience's collective autism could actually be detected from outside of our own solar system.
so everything will be just as it is today. i think they will be fine.
you're try to tell me this Anonymous dude is actually several different people?
No, it's just you and me.
Noo datz no ork, datz a humie grot.
Ah, cool cool