I need some neat powers for monster inspiration. Biological, magical, metaphorical, it's all welcome.
I need some neat powers for monster inspiration. Biological, magical, metaphorical, it's all welcome
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Inspired by glass snakes (en.wikipedia.org
What about that lizard that shoots blood out of its eyes?
A lizard capable of running on water.
An underwater crab or clawed shrimp creature capable of creating a powerful stunning shockwave with it's claw.
Canada goose but fire-breathing?
Those first two are real animals
The last is literally just a Dragon
Rape louse.
The monster can turn itself inside out, and back again in a second flat! It doesn't have any real effect, but it's a neat party trick.
Lyrebird (en.wikipedia.org
A giant Roc-like monster that imitates the voice of a young woman crying out for help to lure people in before it attacks.
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That's actually kinda hot.
I thought that was the point?
I could definitely see some kind of armored giant enemy crab with shockwaves as an unexplored venue tho.
>on topic
ouroboros dog - a mysterious canine-like creature that successfully caught its tail. 6 claw attacks, immune to targeted attacks.
A giant beetle, prized for its golden shell. The beetle has adapted the ability to transmute its shell from gold to other less desirable substances when in distress, so hunters must take care to fell the bug before it can react to danger.
A giant almost mountain-sized monster with a legendary strong regeneration. There's one allegedly buried beneath the neighboring city state, you know, the one with 8 foot tall soldiers with bulging muscle that stops sword blows dead in their swing. It's too bad they're such freaks, they would make great soldiers for King's army.
Large, spindly, almost humanoid creatures with bat-like heads with the ability to photosynthesize due to their hunched backs having different skin cells than the rest of their body.
A turtle that's part plant. It requires decent amounts of sunlight and a whole lot of water every day or else it wilts.
Sea cucumbers can vomit out their organs to frighten an attacking predator. In the words of some internet video I watched, "Imagine you're getting mugged, so you turn around, drop your pants and then shit out your lungs."
And if you want to eat lunch, you just have to shit your stomach at it and digest it outside your body.
>Shady Slims (needs a better name)
Bipedal and plain-looking monsters that manipulate shadows to make themselves look larger and more ferocious than they actually are. Are not predators to humanoids or most animals, but they will always attempt to drive out anyone in their territory. Live in dark places.
>Explorer Mimic
A non-hostile mimic that tries to befriend adventurers in dungeons and help them out. They aren't 100% altruistic, though, as they expect some sort of souvenir to take to remind them of their accomplishment. The mimics are usually spawned outside of dungeons where they go and spelunk. They're relatively intelligent and sociable for unlinguistic creatures, but they are gluttonous and naive.
I'm gonna need citations. Not that I think user is lying, I just want to know more.
I think those are sea stars.
F%ck&ng echinoderms, they be weird.
WIPNoname I've been working on
>Feeds on paranoia
>Literally shadows people
>Reads immediate thoughts, to know when the "victim" is going to turn around
>follows their blindspot
>Makes subtle noises to make the vic suspicious and paranoid they're being followed
>Departs when the victim lies down for a rest
Shadow like incorporeal form except when feeding. When feeding thin hairlike tendrils on the back of the neck. Barely visible and will hide in actual shadows.
Thinking of calling it something like "hair on the back of your neck" but that's a bit long. Wanted it to have a sort of old folktale vibe from it.
I feel sorry for terrestrial axolotl.
>15 year lifespan cut down to 2 post-metamorphosis
>freedom of movement in water taken away and reduced to sluggish crawling
>All your hair falls out and your eyes bulge out of your skull
>Go from having 3 methods of breathing to only 2!
>Can't access fish and water insects as a food source. Have to dig for insects in the mud
Bulba. Bulbasaur.
The last one is truly terrifying, Geese are such assholes in the first place
A relatively weak, grublike monster which emits a psychic field in a twelve meter radius. When a weak-willed creature enters the field, it is compelled to feed itself to the monster. Even when removed from the psychic radius, the victim still feels the desire to be eaten. Luckily, the desire weakens with time and distance from the abominable creature.
>I'm gonna need citations. Not that I think user is lying, I just want to know more.
Unfortunately it's really hard to find citations or more information about this, the only stuff I can find it from an old Animal Planet show called "The Most Extreme". I would doubt the veracity, except the show actually has video of it happening. So yeah.
It's possible the show misnames the species or something, and that's why it's so impossible to find more information.
A reptile with an organ similar to the electric current sensor that sharks posses.
however, it is so strong that this creature is able to read your movements if you dont shield your mind
>Slug King
Giant carnivorous slug, known to eat anything from cattle and farmers to faeries and other Slug Kings. When killed, their remains usually turn into more slugs unless properly dealt with (fire, salt, etc.). These slugs can be normal slugs or even more Slug Kings. High regenerative capacities and acid spitting attack, besides being very gooey.
>Temple Guardians
Race of magical tigers raised to protect temples from invaders. They are white or blue with black stripes. Every twelve years or so they grow another tail. Their entire body grows as well, however they never grow too large to protect the temple they were raised to guard. Can attack with a bite, claws, tails or even fire-breathing.
The skin of this monster is used to make trick purses an pouches that turn inside out, ejecting its contents to facilitate stealing.
Mutated ratfolk who have been fused together in a way resembling a rat king. Multi headed and multi limbed allowing it to make huge flurries of attacks, but being susceptible to losing those heads and losing attacks on its turns.
Well I used this myself in few campaigns - a race of lizard women, that are all identical in looks
Based on few species that use asexual reproduction, due to the fact all there male's died out (Though process of Parthenogenesis)
I like the concept of tribals that can create a tribe out of one individual, this is why I made so they were found even in most hostile of places - as after all, all they needed was to get one creature there
Would slay with my friends/10