Do you drink while you game Veeky Forums? I get a bottle or two of pic related for really important sessions and sip on it all night. I'm pretty sure it's the closest thing we have IRL to stereotypical dwarven stout.
Do you drink while you game Veeky Forums...
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No. And I don't like my player's doing it either. One of them brings his alcoholic dad and he got pretty hammered once or twice and it was pretty annoying. I can't imagine it improving any of my player's ability to game or enjoy the game. We have enough problems focusing as is.
user, Dragons don't have breasts...
There's a sweet-spot to drinking while gaming. Drink too much, and you can't focus. It's a shitty time for everyone. Drink too little, and you don't have as good of a time. Drink juuuussssst enough, and you both play better and have a better time. I've found that to be roughly 2-3 drinks over an average 6 hour session for me. Not enough to impair me at all, but just enough to get that savant-buzz going.
I drink my homebrew while I run my homebrew.
Get on my level.
>Do you drink while you game
I drink tea, because I'm not a fucking idiot that tries to play tabletop games while drunk.
So you have no self control and moderation is a foreign concept to you?
Pentagram is nice on occasion as well.
>having 2-3 drinks over the course of 6-8 hours is "drunk"
So I guess you've never had alcohol before.
Not with that attitude
The bottle says it's a lager but the beer itself looks an awful lot like a stout.
If its a s'more they probably use chocolate or roasted malts. That shit will darken a beer up in a hurry. It may be a hybrid or even outside of style guidelines, with the brewery giving the lagering process name priority since its so special and cool.
It's good. You should try it.
We used to have a couple of beers at a sessions.
Then girls started playing and saying shit like
>the DM shouldn't drink
So we stopped having beers.
I GM better when I've had a few!
This man knows his shit. My group's best and worst games involved the two alcoholics in the group straddling the line. Although there isn't a magic number, when players hit that sweet spot of inhibition and focus, everyone stays talking about how much fun it was for years.
I don't like alcohol or even feeling buzzed myself, but my friends will have a beer or two during a session. They're adults who moderate their drinking and have fun.
Depends on the game, but coffee/energy drinks if d&d that game combat is awful.
Man has it, there's a sweet spot
No, because nobody at my table can fucking hold their booze. There is no "had a beer, now I'm loosened up and relaxed" phase; it goes straight from "stone cold sober" to "sooooo fukkin wasted, man" to blackout drunk in about half an hour.
I got no problem with people boozing, but I run a dry table.
autism juice
What the hell are you guys drinking?
And that isn't actually milk.
From his description of his friends? Probably Zima. Because that's all they can convince their friends' older brother to buy them.
Beers? Sure. Somebody starts mixing Old-Fashioneds, though, and we're going to have a problem.
I started gaming with a rule, and I stick to it:
You can drink as long as you know the rules and can follow the game.
It's hard enough getting someone to learn the rules while they're sober. I don't want to have to walk them through every turn or teach them from scratch all over again the next session because they were sucking back whiskey.
That said, a fast-learning drunk is better than an sober person with no attention span, but the case is usually that the drunk isn't going to retain nearly as much as a sober player.
this is a pretty solid example of a BBA imerial stout. runs at around 11% abv, with the triple mashed being closer to 20%. recent special release was a s'mores version.
they also make a bourbon that is aged in the spent barrels from making dragon's milk, which is made by aging in spent bourbon barrels. as one of the owners told me after explaining the process, the circle of life.
hell, i drink almost every single time i hang out with my friends.
Basically this.
There is, at least for me and my players, a point when you get enough alcohol to switch off the anxieties, depression and other inhibiting shit that has ruined your social life and you become normal. Possibly even slightly better an normal.
Just so long as you don't have enough to start impairing ability to think or speak clearly.
One big mouthful of cheap whisky at the start of the session gets me in that place for about 5 - 6 hours with a gradual return to normality happening in the last hour at which point a top up of half a mouthful or possibly just a big sip is needed to maintain it for another couple of hours.
There's a brewery about 5 minutes walk from my house.
And it just so happens that they supply the place we usually play at.
I supply 2 6-packs for about 5 to 6 people. Mainly military guys so we all drink during social stuff. the big thing is that you don't wantto get super drunk, just sip to mantain a buzz.
Obviously yes. Alcohol is an important part of my country culture.
Furthermore we often get hours like 21.30-03.00.
So you have two option: mix 1l of coke, 1l of cofee and 1 line of coke OR get drunk enough to forget your body needs sleep.
It has always worked well.
Absolutely this.
I've got social anxiety and when I played with 2 new IRL players I really wanted to make a good impression on (two potentially great new friends. Turned out I was right about that btw), I used to start out by quickly drinking two drinks and nursing a third for the rest of the evening. (I'm fat, though.)
For the first 10 sessions, it was practically necessary. I've gotten much more comfortable with them now, though, so I've stopped because I'm trying to lose weight.
But actually, I still DM better if I have about 2 drinks.
Get caffeine pills instead of drinking the sugar water. Cola has very little actual caffeine in it.
I'm not gonna comment on the cocaine, other than I don't have any experience with it but it's supposedly absurdly addictive, so good luck with that habit.
There's no supposedly about it. It is extremely addictive. I used to work with someone who used to deal it.
Yeah, pic related is the shit my dude.
We're quite a roleplay heavy group so drinking definitely helps.
It took a couple of sessions for me to find the sweet spot but 2 preliminary pints at the pub followed by 3 cans spread over the evening gets me to the level where I can both concentrate on playing the game and roleplay with no awkwardness.
The coke line bit was a joke.
I rarely drink caffeine so cola always seemed to have quite an effect on me.
We don't have caffeine pill here, pocketcoffee at max. And we got mokas everywhere so no need.
Might be a pmroblem if your player can't hold their lickor, sure. Never had any kind of similar shit with my group, but once again we're used to strong beers here (belgian and french ones).
one of this, and some beers to the dinner we have b4 games
A couple of beers per session. Not enough to get drunk. Just enough for a social evening.
Nothing wrong with a little light social drinking.
Among adults this shouldn't be an issue, you should know how to pace yourself like a respectable human being.
We usually drink wine. One of my players grabs two or three bottles from a local cave on his way from work and we down them over the course of the session.
Yesterday we had a Bandol rosé and a Rasteau red.
I've had many occasions when i've drink playing Rps, however, there's usually a catch. The best example of this is when i was playing Shadowrun. My character was asked to face off in a drinking contest with another PC. Instead of just doing it in game, we took into real life, we got vodka out. I won the drink off, but i got pretty smashed, both in game and out of game.
A better example is when my friend was playing a paladin in D&D. He found out that his gods were fake, so he started drinking in game. So i offered him alcohol in game and out of game. It resulted in our level 2 party being entered into an arena to fight off an owl bear. He RPed his drunk character so well whilst tipsy.
I used to drink a lot, 5-6 liters of beer for an evening session, and up to 12-15 liters of beer for a whole gaming night.
Currently I drink much less - 2-3 liters of beer or 1-2 bottles of wine, just to be slightly relaxed and feel good.
Or I drink tea or even simple water, and just snort some amphetamine, which is much better for gaming than booze.
>up to 12-15 liters
That's a poisonous amount of water, and you are saying you drank that in one sitting?
Your bladder must be working fast
Yes. My uni gaming club even has a signature drink. I have ran games while wankered on them, they tend to run the gamut from brilliant to shit.
No, because I have to drive home at the end of it.
You are all massive faggots about beer.
Enjoy your Blatz and being BTFO user...
I'm guessing they're American nerds not from the Midwest, aka basically Muslim in their ability to handle booze
I guess some people find that drinking "dwarven" beer adds to the immersion, don't be a fag user
4 pints at the pub followed by a bong hit gets me in the place I need to be.
But they have other milking organs.
I feel pity for your DM, folding to a baseless comment like that.
There are people who drink for the taste and idiots who drink to get drunk.
>tfw drugs don't let me drink
>tfw family history of alcoholism
>tfw legitimately interested in the making and properties of wines, beers, and spirits
>tfw my Irish heart screams for the sweet, sweet release of death from this fresh hell
Good root beer, and Dr. Pepper, when I'm not drinking water, I guess.
>tfw drugs don't let me drink
Are you on antidepressants?
That, and anti-anxiety medication.
Oh. I definitely feel you, then.
I have to use those kind of shit too and I really miss me some booze. Specially curacao.
On the brighter side, the meds made me tone down the fapping by a LOT.
I can drink a fuckton (fucking shitty slav genetics) so we have three beer/cider limit to loosen up...
fapping is the best thing ever, why is that a good thing?
>turned down the fapping by a lot
It's not that difficult to drink that much in more than 12 hours, especially while being significantly larger than average man.
But I've seen small girls drink about 8 liters of beer in one sitting.
But it's Russia, so nothing really surprising in it.
Fapping only once every 2 weeks makes the orgasm much better. Also it makes it impossible for me to act like an obsessed addict, fapping twice a day or more.
I do both, it's great
You know what also makes orgasms feel better? Weed. God damn some days I'd rather wank high than fuck sober
Never happened for me for some reason, i have completely opposite reaction to most. Weed kills my boners and being drunk makes me horny as shit and makes me fuck like jack hammer for hours to the point its sometimes unbearable.
>tfw painting minis after smoking+lean
My dudes staff looks like shit holy fuuuuck
But your post reminded me I should jerk off
>drunk makes me horny as shit and makes me fuck like jack hammer for hours to the point its sometimes unbearable
I suffer the same problem, if problem it is. I always assumed it was something to do with the desensitization you get whilst drunk.
It either soda, hard cider, stout, red wine or fancy long drinks like pina colada. In moderation.
Drinking never handicaps my perfomance as a player, and I really don't like to DM sober. Noone likes a stressed out master, thats for sure.
And than there is hookah. i tend to smoke a lot at the table too.
pic related
>I need alcohol to act normal
The only thing booze does is remove your own ability to tell what normal human behavior looks like. The "sweet spot", if there even is one, is so little that it doesn't affect the way you act and no one could otherwise tell you were drinking. I hate having drunks at my table who think they just need to get the right amount of tipsy and it will be fine. It's not. You're just acting like a retard but only the other drunk people can't tell.
>tfw new holland's og location is within walking distance of where I live
weird feel seeing it on Veeky Forums desu
It helps to not be teenagers.
I do coke and DM. You get a good 6 hours then I'm just a fried mess.
[Spoiler] I'm never fully prepared [/spoiler]
Not really.
Without the alcohol I'm a nervous wreck afflicted with a lot of self doubt, anxiety around other human beings and a gloomy disposition. People don't like me or being near me and I totally understand because I wouldn't like interacting with me.
A few beers later and It's all sunshine and smiles. I'm no longer nervous around other people, I have no difficulty in speaking to other people, my mood lightens noticeable and people comment that they actually had a good time and that I was pleasant to be around. Even the ones who were stone cold sober.
I have had mixed success. I would say that when I DM and drink, it is only 3 or so and I can handle it. Last winter, I Got so drunk off of whiskey at a game that I blacked out halfway through the session and likely ruined people's times. Never really drank at a game since then.
I thought that said Surly S'More like the southpar episode.
Next time I do a fantasy game I may get some Gruits or Riterguts Gose (I don't really like most other goses) Sadly even my local specialty shop doesn't like ordering Gruits, apparently they never really sold well, which is unfortunate, I'm not a huge fan of Hops and Ciders are TOO easy to drink.