Hi, Hewfag here, Ive never touched warhammer in anyway but it seems interesting so i was wondering if any of you all could give me a run down on how to build an army for 40k because i find all the books confusing
in 8th edition a list consists of one or more detachments.
The most basic detachment consists of at a minimum 1 HQ and 2 troops.
All units in your army must share at least one keyword. Units within the same detachment should have the same faction keyword.
If you are buying models for the first time check out one of the following sets
>Dark Imperium
>Dark Vengeance
>any of the "Start Collecting!" sets
>any of the "Armored Assault" sets
I get the feeling that if you don't like reading rulebooks that it's not really the game for you.
Like going into an MMO, while saying "but I don't really like grinding".
Unless they changed shit, all you need is the core rulebook and a single codex.
You buy the one codex for the army that you like and that has all the rules for your army.
The main rulebook has all the basic rules of the game.
Its not that i dont like reading rule books its just im confused by the books
ive played similiar games (in my opinion) and i read the rule books but its just confusing to me
8th edition shuffled things slightly
right now the 8th ed codexes mostly are not out yet, so there are indexes which contain the rules for several factions each.
You need the core rules plus the index (or indices) for the factions your are playing.
Codex: Space Marines is out, so if you want to play Space Marines get that instead. Index: Imperium 1 will still have some legacy units of space marines not covered by the codex, but if you don't plan on using those legacy units then you don't need the index.
You can always use a codex from a previous edition though. Back when i played i used a codex from several editions back with no problems
Don't tell newbies this, it's not very nice
Not anymore. 8th was basically a hard reboot, not in any way backwards compatible rules-wise. You can't use rulebooks from 7th in it whatsoever.
Is that for any good reason or is it just Goims Jewshop thirsting for shekels?
Yeah, they rewrote the entire game system from the ground up and it's a thousand times less bloated and tedious now.
How good are you at painting models? And what factions are you interested in? Also are you willing to be less competitively viable in exchange for other things?
What is it like playing Dark Eldar now?
Is it a good time to get into 40k again?
Chaos seems interesting (blood for the blood god meme)
And im not competitive so sure
Dark eldar is actually quite powerful this time around.
>Hi, Hewfag here
Lurk fucking more before you go cudposting like you know what anybody's saying.
I start browing 4 chan like a week ago and ive never posted on this board before so
Wait longer before posting, then you won't be called a newfag. Also, if you want to ask a 40k related question, ask it in the 40kg thread. Though, I really don't see that stopping us from getting 10 different 40k threads at a time.
>Lurk fucking more
What don't you understand?
>Chaos seems interesting (blood for the blood god meme)
maybe consider killing yourself instead
>blood for the blood god meme
I am triggered to truly Khornate levels
planning on it I just want to do a warhammer Army before i do