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Monster Hunter Edition
What's the toughest enemy you have ever defeated in a tabletop?
>inb4 godslaying

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>paizo game thread
>OP's pic is the dnd 4e tarrasque

4e had pretty good art desu.


Oh thank christ
How do I apply? Just stick around until someone asks? (Apps end shortly) (Apps end in about 2 weeks)
(Apps end in two months)

Someone got the list of active games ready to post?

Generally someone throws up a LFG and starts a recruitment period. You make an application, typically with a character.

Then a couple weeks later the GM chooses from the applicants and boom you have a /pfg/ game.

Also its a good idea to give some afterlove to your Applications, A lot of anons do reviews on apps to try to improve characters.

Just find a solid pitch, maybe throw in something memeable and you're good.

we generally post roll20 lfg listings for recruiting games in thread. i would repost if i wasnt phoneposting, but i am gonna be running one of the listed games in a few weeks, and the other closes apps tomorrow morning!


>What it ISN'T is "I feel uncomfortable with all the straight people I see in tabletop gaming."

Seriously, is that the gist of the article? Because I'm guessing there's more to it than just those two blurbs and whatever the hell that article's title is trying to convey. If the author and that young woman are honestly trying to say there's a problem in tabletop with "toxic masculinity" than... Fuck them. I despise people like that, the sorts who already apparently have their own comfortable gaming groups yet can't stand the thought that other gaming groups - some of which don't ascribe to her particular brand of social views - exist, and she just can't tolerate that. That's a funny word, isn't it? Tolerance. So many people think it means sunshine and rainbows and smashing that evil Mr Trump, but the reality of the word is it's "putting up" with things that make you uncomfortable.

That's it, that's the secret of the word and the definition it feels like so many of these people just can't deal with. Tolerance is not only a two-way street (one many people who preach it don't want to walk), it's also not a synonym for acceptance. Tolerating something does not mean liking something, it means you can just "grin and bear it." If this woman is seriously bitching about gaming groups having male power fantasies or ogling busty women or some other display of "toxic masculinity" than I think she should just TOLERATE it.

reminder to user to not be afraid of campaign traits!

Thank you a ton

Killer, I'll whip together an application tonight.

if you can manage it, you have about 14 hours to make an app for Essentia. if nothing else its good practice for apps in general!

Last minute apps are sadness, though.

only if they are bad
or never happen, thats sadder

>two months
The fuck am I looking at

The talk about construct armor swords from last thread reminded me about an older idea I had for a "this isn't even my final form" enemy type but is also doable in higher level gestalt.

It'd be a monk/wizard who wears tiers of construct armors. The outermost layer being a cheaper metal construct, with the constructs gaining in value and defensive capability as you destroy the individual layers.

A one-shot. With a two-month app period.
A ruse by any other name.

Does an elf or half elf magus fit in a mercenary company? Why?

An obvious bamboozle by a known self-shilling shitposter.

Because new spells cost money.

Anyone know a feat for getting additional uses of a spell-like ability? Specifically for a Hellspawn Tiefling.

Which hurts because I've got a backstory that's really giving me the tickles.

It does. For any reason anyone would be a mercenacy.

The Signature Moves trait doesn't actually require the item you choose to be wieldable in either hand, it just gives a benefit for doing so.
I SHOULD be able to choose masterwork half-plate with it, then, yes?

Should work.

>doesn't require wieldable
"while wielding this item in one or both hand"
user, you need a reading comprehension class

Would vampires be the ultimate Medici bankers?

tfw you're a bard in a party with a paladin, a monk and an inquisitor, and the 5th player is a witch

tfw all you have to do is exist and occasionally cast a buff spell

feels good man

While wielding, you get the benefit.
It doesn't require the item to strictly be something that MUST be held in your hand.
Ergo, a set of armor should reasonably work.

Dragons are already the bankers in Golarion, specifically the Bronze ones.

I could care less about Golarion. I dont use the setting.

Concerning Starfinder and playing IRL, anyone make/kitbash any Vesk minis yet?

I figured I'd just stick some kind of lizardman head on some 40k bits, but all I've seen look too feral for my liking. Any ideas outside of 3d printing my own?

Actually, they've never shilled any of their characters in /pfg/ or /ppg/ at all. No one even knows their name on this site.


Is there a non exotic monk weapon with reach?
When a feature says add 1/2 your level is implied you get a +1 at the bare minimum when an identical feature in another class has that clause?

>When a feature says add 1/2 your level is implied you get a +1 at the bare minimum when an identical feature in another class has that clause?

Something about us living in an age where the "progressives" need to be told to be more open-minded is rubbing me the wrong way. That said, could you actually LINK the article? As I said before, I can't form a good opinion on what "Queering up DnD" even means unless I know how it's being used. I don't want to call an elephant an ostrich because I've only felt the tail.

That said, self-congratulatory behavior is highly indicative of virtue-signaling and appealing to your own little subculture, which is what it sounds like that article was meant for.

No, because paizo.
No, because paizo, and I bet the one without the +1 minimum is a martial.

It really doesn't

A question of personal preference.

>glorifying subpar charop as stimulating roleplaying
That's the only part that upset me, desu

This, 90% of the article is just masturbating over how good it feels to be included and having other people who think like yourself.

Well,it's a virtue-signalling site, so that isn't really a surprise. Their rules for posting state that 'oppoessors cannot tell the oppressed they're wrong about anything'', word for word. I'm expecting Sashette to be banned.

>a cute elven ranger appears
>suddenly Ties of Blood is not the hottest trait anymore

In fairness, it's a pretty rad feeling.


Of course, but as a straight white male I'm just kind of rolling my eyes at the constant use of cutsey-poo words and the feeling that the author is babying the audience by reminding us again and again how "awesome" this person is and how "amazing" a moment can be.

I guess the article's just not for me, which is why I'm not going to judge it - especially since the article doesn't actually bash my people (because let's be fair here, the tribes have formed and some are gunning for others) which so many others tend to do. They do they, and I do me.

I just wanted Justice for All...why do people have to subvert my Goodly desires, user?

Holy shit, this is literally "muh thought crime" levels of cancer. Are these people just so horribly allergic to the idea of criticism?

Someone, glue these screencaps together, along with the link to the sight, and the "cannot tell them they're wrong" quote from the rules. This shit needs to be saved for posteririty

>They do they, and I do me.

Why doesn't DHB post homebrew anymore? I feel like the last thing he did was the slavic races like 3-4 months ago.

I miss DHB...he actually worked in stuff

See, the problem is that while Sashette's post was actually quite thought-out and informative, it wasn't actually relevant to the article. The author was only saying how the demographics of gaming have changed and it's fantastic to see other people that think like you and have the opportunity to display that openly. From the way Sashette is wording her post you'd think the article is belittling straight people and encouraging others to do the same, which simply isn't the case.

Furthermore, and this is perhaps a bit more important - these people are self-contained in their own little groups. If you actually read the article and some of the more wordy responses to it, they casually mention how the rest of their group tends to be queer too, or contain heavy queer undertones and/or characters. Complaining about these sorts of groups "stifling straight characters/discussions" is like going to a gay bar and complaining about the lack of women interested in letting you buy them a drink.

I mean, subpar charop has its place. Not on the level of "Heavy Crossbow ranger", mind, but it has its place. Maybe someone decides that he'd rather pick up the longsword instead of a greatsword. Or there's a guy who decides that he wants a regular dog animal companion instead of the big cat/dinosaur, or even the "superior" wolf.

>tfw bisexual polyamorous white male
>tfw no one gives a shit about my sexuality despite the fact I do fit into LGBT

The reason for this is LGBT is run by straight women, gay men, and transgender folk. The L and B are essentially forgotten, especially for caucasians.

Honestly the idea that because someone is of a certain sex or sexuality they have to play that sexuality is fucking disgusting. The entire point of the game is to play a character. If you're so fucking narrow minded that you can't play something that isn't exactly like you then you need to leave the god damn hobby.

>Maybe someone decides that he'd rather pick up the longsword instead of a greatsword. Or there's a guy who decides that he wants a regular dog animal companion instead of the big cat/dinosaur, or even the "superior" wolf.

>tfw I do this all the time when applying to campaigns both on Roll20 and here.

I think that makes you a butch queer wymyn.

I suppose to an extent that's permissible. Though there's usually a compromise choice that won't destroy your friends but satisfies your fluff too.

The gayest character I've played so far is about a Kinsey 2. I need to get seriously gay soon, somehow, even if it's just for a shorter game.

>Are these people just so horribly allergic to the idea of criticism?
To feminists, I'd say women in general but it's not entirely true disagreement is hatred, criticism is harassment. Shit A.Sharkeesian went and told the UN that she gets 'sent hate every day' in the form of 'you're wrong' and 'you suck'.

They hate the very idea of being wrong, that's why their entire fucking movement is so disengaged with facts. That's why feminist 'researchers' come into something with an idea and when their data doesn't support it, they 'interpret' the data to make it conform.

That's pretty much the name of the game when it comes to flavor options. It does suck when you have to abandon something with cool flavor because it's just too shitty, though. Like being a Poisoner or using heavy armor

I know your pain. Have you had others try to tell you what your preferences are as a bisexual? I run into it all the fucking time.

It also propagates that the world cater to their needs since most of the time, they want to feel that their PC is accepted...even in places they wouldn't be.

It's also the same thing that made Pillars of Eternity get rid of that homosexual joke.

Not only is it ran by those people, it's advertised primarily to straight people who want to have the good, happy feelings. Labeling your product as supporting LGBT rights is simply the modern equivalent to labeling your product "Green" in the 2000s or "Made in America" before that. It's just another way to make a dollar and feel good doing it.

It's understandable why people do it that way, of course. Combined, LGBT only makes up about 3-5% of the population, that's not at all a viable market to focus solely on when you're a national business.

>The entire point of the game is to play a character. If you're so fucking narrow minded that you can't play something that isn't exactly like you then you need to leave the god damn hobby.

It gets better, later on in the article she mentions her first character was a moody teenage Tiefling warlock that sold her soul to Satan because, and I quote from the article, "Fuck you mom and dad."

LGBT actually really hate gay men. Because gay = faggot minus ally.

>They 'interpret' the data to make it conform.

Isn't that just called "Intersectionality?" In other words, "I can't find a correlation here, but if I stretch the meaning enough I can show why men not wanting to date me is directly responsible for AIDS."

Pillars of Eternity had a homosexual joke?

>mfw FtM Transsexuals are ostracized by the Community because they're "transitioning the WRONG way."

>Have you had others try to tell you what your preferences are as a bisexual?
My bisexuality has come up all of once in my work place and it was during talking about our company's participation in PRIDE. More than anything people were surprised because I have a girlfriend, which is confusing of a position in and of itself. I told them being in a relationship doesn't change your sexuality, but it doesn't much matter. I was asked what my type was then had people get semi-offended when I wasn't attracted to our gay coworker.

They love them here, but that's probably because in san francisco gay men are plentiful.

>and I quote from the article, "Fuck you mom and dad."
I'm not gonna believe it unless I read it, even then it was probably a joke. No one has that little self awareness.

Honestly sexuality shouldn't come up that often in most games.

They're like the Tremere, choosing to become horrible parasitic demons of the night

In normal games, no, but in /pgg/a games? Shit gets wild.

>I'm not gonna believe it unless I read it, even then it was probably a joke. No one has that little self awareness.

>My awesome girlfriend Molly was the DM, it was my first campaign ever, and she came up with this Breakfast Club idea where we all met through detention. I played Jericho Rose, a tiefling warlock who sold her soul to the devil to piss off her parents—we also had a half-orc jock, a Drow druid who saw herself as a Disney princess, an emo elf ranger, a dwarven wizard nerd, and a Tracy Flick-style lawful good halfling rogue to keep us all in line (and very specifically piss off my character). Playing as a teenage character is really fun, especially when it’s your first campaign, because you can just lean into the impulsive stupid decisions that teens and also new D&D players make without thinking the consequences through. In fact that was my character’s entire thing: Molly made me actually have to deal with the consequences of both being a tiefling in the world and having sold my soul to a demon patron as a teen, which meant I was at odds with the rest of my crew a lot of the time, and all those teen emotions just came pouring out. I think we were all playing some aspect of our actual teen selves so it got…intense

That's another thing. It's fucking ludicrous. I thought the kind of 'all men must die' folks only existed in the relative anonymity of the internet before I met a few in real life. These people are so fucking bathed in hatred it's sickening. I don't know what hurt them but it's sad to see folks become hateful of a full half of our species.

It does have its place, but by no means does that make it virtuous in and of itself, and believing that doing so for the sake of having a sub-par choice is somehow superior and makes you a better roleplayers is bullshit Stormwind fallacy, and that mindset should be insulted when possible

At the same time though the comment itself was just as well thought out, wasn't insulting or "oppressive" in anyway, and while it did argue against one point the article had, it still pointed out the values in several of the points made. It was a genuine and honest critique about a topic that was touched upon in the article, and rather either ignoring it or addressing the article in an equally polite way, instead the whole post was removed without a word and the poster threatened.

Add in the fact of the "policy" the website has against any form of critique or commentary by those with differing viewpoints, and you have now removed the entire purpose of having a comment section to begin with. It speaks of ignorance born from an inability to accept fault within oneself, and a rabid desire to violently prove oneself to be beyond reproach, much in the same way Paizo Messageboards moderation operates but on an even worse level.

Any community, tribe, people, or otherwise that believes itself to be beyond reproach is doomed to suffer nothing but regression and self-destruction, as they violently attempt to silence the inalienable right of man to have the freedom of thought and expression. Such peoples who attempt to rather than accept or address criticism, but to instead destroy and deny it are ultimately harmful to the soul and spirit of man, and such irrational behaivior only speaks to the impurity, irrationality, and corrupt nature of said militantly defensive group, who would have no reason to be so virulent and toxic in their authoritarian monitoring had they actually been a rational and just community.

Someone post the RotJR chronicle of games, and preferably include thr DMs

You know what my friends wanted to play as teens? A big dumb orc with his dumpy human wife, a literally wooly mammoth, not a sapient one, just a wooly mammoth, a dog person to be fair she turned out to be a furry, and a gladiator because he thought gladiators were cool. Some people seem like they twist themselves into a knot so early.

Obviously being subpar on purpose doesn't make you "better than the guy who goes full op", but somehow it always feels like the topic never has a middle ground.

Strike first. Never give your enemy free reign to plot your death.

Classical Trans joke of a man that falls in love with it and kill hinself after learning the truth.

It does have a middle ground: the begrudging tolerance of people who play classes below Tier 1 by choice

You guys need to stop being so new, blame White Wolf for this kinda intersectional feminist shit.

It was submitted by one of the backers. It was a poem-thing.

Here lies Firedorn, a hero in bed.
He once was alive, but now he’s dead.
The last woman he bedded, turned out a man.
And crying in shame, off a cliff he ran.

>I was asked what my type was then had people get semi-offended when I wasn't attracted to our gay coworker.

I get that a lot, too. The "why don't you find x-person attractive". I've had it be pretty civil before but some people don't get that just because you are bisexual doesn't mean you don't have preferences for what you like.

>I told them being in a relationship doesn't change your sexuality
I don't see what part of that is hard to get. Do people think we aren't going to be happy in a relationship with a single person or something? Just because I like both doesn't mean I can't commit to one.

Fuck those people, too. If you aren't transitioning in the way their precious agenda demands you too, they've missed the whole fucking point of being supportive.

See, but the victim there is the man who is A) broken enough to consider suicide at all, and B) broken enough to deny his own feelings out of some deranged bigotry. That's a damn tragedy.

Not a newfag in the least, but I don't genuinely remember much of any feminist bullshit from white wolf, that said I never really heard anything about white wolf at all because they were basically dead by the time I was coming out of high school.

Hatred just breeds more hatred. Honestly the way I have dealt with these people in real life is avoidance. I know they are entrenched in their beliefs and so won't change for anything I say, so instead I just remove them from my company as much as I can. I wish them the best and I hope they manage to get some perspective, but I'm not gonna be the one to give it to them.

One of the worst things is I consider myself a 'men's rights activist' because that's the only label for it. However that term is demonized. I only interact with that community by targeting the increasing suicide rate in men it climbs every year. I remember the last time I brought it up to one of these people I was given so much hate for it even when I was trying to explain that I have gone through the same depressive cycles, clinical depression, suicidal thoughts, and the like and so I empathize with who I see as socially disenfranchised. A friend of mine I used to play D&D with killed himself. I told a person like this that and they just didn't care about that or my own reasoning of why I cared. It was just fucking strange. I don't know.

>My awesome girlfriend Molly

I'm just kind of peeved how the author feels the need to add "awesome" when describing anyone in the article, as though their actions wouldn't be enough to let us form an opinion on how virtuous or vile they may be.

Pitiable, but inevitable. These groups will whither and die as they have since people first began to form groups, or they will be forced to open their eyes and minds to the "toxic" opinions they have sought so long to sequester themselves from. Saccharine and "sweet" is a word that comes up often when discussing these groups, as they often use flowery, over-positive language to coo and cuddle their members. Sugary words, but as you and I both know you can't live on sugar. It rots your tongue, it rots your mind, and it will leave you starved and angry for reasons you can't quite explain.

What they call toxic are just opinions they can't bear to challenge, either because they actually lack the intelligence to challenge them or they're scared of what might happen if they do. These people are irrelevant to gaming because you and I will never actually encounter one - they have their groups and their messageboards and their articles, and they stick to themselves. While it's a shame to see these groups hurt themselves as they do, it's really not our responsibility to waste an effort on "helping" them.

Isn't White Wolf also dead? And if it isn't dead, it's such a ragged shadow of what it used to be that it should serve as a warning to other companies for what happens when you try to appeal too much to a market that doesn't exist.

Which part of "while wielding in one or both hands" do you not get?
And no, you don't "wield" an armor. English doesn't bend that way so even the RAW-legal wield doesn't work.
You can maybe argue the gauntlets though.

>Hatred just breeds more hatred. Honestly the way I have dealt with these people in real life is avoidance. I know they are entrenched in their beliefs and so won't change for anything I say, so instead I just remove them from my company as much as I can. I wish them the best and I hope they manage to get some perspective, but I'm not gonna be the one to give it to them.

This, fucking this. If someone's being an asshole and you've tried to fix them (and failed), than just cut them out of your life. Either they'll wise up to their ways and change for the better, or they'll continue on their path and find their own little corner to scream in. As the article itself says, life's too short to try and fix something that doesn't want to be fixed.

The best thing you can think or feel about these people isn't hating them, it's not thinking about them at all.

What feats are good choices on a Hussar Warlord with the Spirited Charge trinity and Golden Lion Style? Elephant in the Room applies, so Power Attack is already free.

>when you try to appeal too much to a market that doesn't exist.
White Wolf couldn't transition out of the angsty goth 90's/early 00's, they tried following the Emo/Scene but unironically "didn't get it".

The Onyx Path V20 stuff isn't bad at all, I think.

>that pic

Has PLD gone too far?

Honestly, it hasn't gone far enough. I hear one of them is still virginal.

Run while you still can.

Considering Catmere didnt even lewd the death titans? I'd say no

But playing tier 1 classes as actual tier 1's is unfun cancer

Bi user, here. I just wanted to let the other two know I get that shit too.
>tfw being in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex apparently makes you not lgbt anymore. I got told I was "a lying traitor" and kicked from an LGBT club on campus
>I've had people try to set me up with someone who's not my type just because they want a gay couple in their lives
The worst though
>Having people say they wouldn't trust me not to cheat on them because I'm bi

On another, more /pgg/ related, topic: is it cheesy to play a good Dhampir rogue undead hunter?

>I told a person like this that and they just didn't care about that or my own reasoning of why I cared. It was just fucking strange. I don't know.

Coming into a discussion as a "normie" with one of those people and accidentally [triggering] their ideology is one of the strangest experiences you will ever have. There's just so much hate and rage and self-congratulatory smugness that comes from them you honestly wonder if you ran into a crazy person that was just doing a good job at hiding their power level.

These people are so used to getting immediate reactions of support or condemnation that I don't think they have a response to sheer fucking confusion and vague disgust at their statements, which if you take a step back and look at them are the most bizarre goddamn things you've ever seen.